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I'd be lying if I said I didn't, soldier.

Those Wolves are actually a bit bigger than a GoT Dire wolf by the way. Isn't evolution a bitch sometimes, Soldiers?

Or maybe... did evolution even create these beasts? :ph34r:

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Soldiers, I've yet another message from stratos, this time it's directed specifically to Exlink.


"Really Exlink? Really? Hm... a pack of large bipedal wolves has descended upon my company's march and my acting CO is about to have his throat torn out... I think I'll ASK him what he wants me to do about this situation."

End Quote, soldiers. note the heavy sarcasm denoting that he's abut to order me to use a Precision Murphy's Law Strike

And to make this clear: everyone of you has a Moss Wolf heading towards you.

EDIT: Precision ML-Strike has been made.

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It really isn't harsh typh.....it is common sense. Because your Officer is getting his throat torn out, not like he has time to be ordering you do anything, let alone does it seem smart to ask a question in the middle of a fight....just attack, I am pretty sure that is the only order you will be getting when the enemy is already upon you.

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And it gets worse.

Exlink, Zero has three broken ribs now because of that stupid decision. I will stop the punishment at that. this is the only warning you'll get from me.

As for the rest of you, you now have a hostage situation, soldiers... but perhaps some type of peace can be worked out... the Moss Wolves have stopped attacking you and are paying more attention to what the Alpha Male's doing.

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Woah, things escalated quickly. I'll update the situation when Big first got attacked and proceed to the present point right after. Though... Peace with wolfs whose first obective was to eat us? How would we communicate with those things?

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You don't. The leader has simply seen unacceptable losses. He thought you all were just fodder, but now he knows that even if the pack manage to kill you, he probably won;t have much of a pack to lead anymore. the projected casualties are too great to ignore.

not even animals will throw away their lives for nothing. let em go without further fighting, and he'll release Zero when his children are safely away.

and as I said before. I have very low tolerance for stupidity.

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It really isn't harsh typh.....it is common sense. Because your Officer is getting his throat torn out, not like he has time to be ordering you do anything, let alone does it seem smart to ask a question in the middle of a fight....just attack, I am pretty sure that is the only order you will be getting when the enemy is already upon you.

Wait she was getting attacked, I thought she was one of the people who wasn't getting attacked. >_<

BTW I said that to help team work but nope! Welp GG.

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Wait she was getting attacked, I thought she was one of the people who wasn't getting attacked. >_<

BTW I said that to help team work but nope! Welp GG.

Team work is meant to be something that occurs automatically when shit hits the fan. if you have to try to verbally prompt everyone to watch everyone elses back during an ambush, then what you have is not team work. it's just a recipe for disaster.

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Team work is meant to be something that occurs automatically when shit hits the fan. if you have to try to verbally prompt everyone to watch everyone elses back during an ambush, then what you have is not team work.

True, true, I guess that was stupid of me. -sigh- -_-'

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You leaving, Soldier? well...alright then. RL take priority afterall. Good luck and godspeed with the exam.

Or rather, I could simply control your PC until you can come back. how does that proposition sound?

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Wait she was getting attacked, I thought she was one of the people who wasn't getting attacked. >_<

BTW I said that to help team work but nope! Welp GG.

Garen's a dude... ;)

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Yes, Commander, well, at least the Alpha does. He is aware of the locations of every single Member of Chimera 1 and every still living member of his pack. Hence how he is able to keep up his end of the bargain.

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*Disappointed sigh* That was going so well too, Soldiers...

From a sarcastic mr.Stratos, Ahem:

"Hold on, team, I think they're retreating and trying to work something out with us..."

"Screw that sir, I can blow all of them straight to hell... we'd have to sacrifice a man and lessen the overall chance of mission success because of it, but I still think it should be done."

End Quote, Soldiers. The sarcasm was very well when he gave me the message.

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nothin has happen yet, im just playing Kenshin's cautious part. what if these wolves decide to attack while we're unarmed. you can never be too careful... besides Kenshin isnt rash to blowing up shit just cause he wanted to. ;)

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