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*Slow Clap*

Here's the Thunder Badge for your integrity, Soldier. You have Permission to FLY... and if you happen to see a certain Elfman up there in the skies, knock him back down to earth for me...

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Zero walks the entire way, Soldiers. He earned those Broken ribs through his own choice of actions, and the constant jarring pain with every breath as he hikes along with the team will serve as a reminder to not do what he did again.

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He's only the weakest link because I'm cracking down here. even as a Melee Specialist, there were more intelligent ways to engage the foes you all have faced so far than he chose.

I'd honestly prefer not to even have it be an issue, but that's not going to happen the way things are going. and I'd also prefer not to have to put a rule #7 in the OP called "Don't be Stupid while in Character" but if stuff like this continues...

So sorry if I have to get a little harsher than previously known for, Soldiers, but you all knew I was going to be less tolerant of tomfoolery and stricter here than in PSS and Surge Story. I told you as much early on.

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Vixen isn't here to be people's friend. Remember what she used to do pre-Eden. She was a survivalist, so she doesn't take chances, so she is going to be super blunt about injured people not fighting because she doesn't want to waste time protecting them in a battle since it lowers their chance of surviving if they have to babysit. ((why she said what she said earlier on, about leaving him behind since they were still close to the shuttle.))

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  • Support Squad

Ok, so would it be possible to add a new character to the roster? I've got some time on my hands, and some things have died down, so I can participate, should you guys deign to let me.

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right now I can have one or two more characters squeezed in by saying they're the Troopers under Leewald's command in the Base Camp. You'd have to wait until the group made it to Eden though, Soldier... and given that Nepth might not be coming back from what Notus tells me, a slot has more or less been opened up again.

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  • Support Squad

Great! Gimme time and I'll update this post with my guy.


Whit Venerman









Support Skill:



Practical, calm and emotionless is how he seems to most. Whit is a man who believes in a poker faces use, and will only drop his for a select few. This is because he always maintains a distance from events, emotionally and physically, thus his choice in Class. That said, he isn’t heartless. He also has a severe weakness for women personally, though this doesn’t affect his performance.,


Raised by his father alone, a minor official in the Ministry of Defense, he grew up as normally as one could in Esperanza, going through all the teenage dramas and such whilst working for the good of the colony. It was during these teenage years that he decided keeping a distance is better than getting personally involved. Due to his fathers posiition, he was used to some mmilitary lifestyle and had access to some spare weapons to practice with. He took a liking to the sniper rifle and worked with it, eventually coming to have a considerble degree of skill and coming to be where he is now.


5”4, with short, cropped brown hair. He has no distinctive features except for a simple silver band he inherited from his dead mother He has forgettable features that are often arranged into a flat, unexpressive face.

Additional: As mentioned earlier, he can’t handle women well, partly due to his experiences as a teen, and also the fact that there was no women in the household.. Furthermore, he hasn’t experienced much life outside of the military or the Upper City, so may be somewhat ignorant of some of Esperanzas society.

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your still a mile away since you're just now turning north. like jace said, you were to travel along the forest ridge along an incline until getting to the top, at which point you are to turn north.

If I have to, I'll make an update detailing a gradual increase in the Trails elevation.

and by mischief, I mean shit will start going missing, Soldier.

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