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alright, well change of plans. Dobbys coming with the search party to go get you guys...

But you've got another Tango nearby, Soldiers... and this one is the boss of this Chapter. I'll give you a hint as to what it's capable of...

You're equipment is starting to fail, right? what could possibly cause that? surely, this beast isn't emitting any... EMPs? No... that would simply be ludicrous, soldiers... just like that also being how the thing tracked you for the past four hours... ever since the Moss Wolf Encounter. It's been fucking with your gear while stalking you from the air, and leading you to it's den the whole time...

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Eden just so happens to be in the hot zone of various Territory disputes between the predatory species of the area, Commander.

It's more of just very crappy luck than anything else. That and the fact that these predators are somewhat more intelligent than those found on Earth. They'll notice a ruckus, come over to investigate, see a brawl going on between you and another predator species... and then they'll just sit there and wait in hiding so that they can come in and eat the winners since they'll be weakened from fighting.

It happened with the moss wolves after the monochromes (You showed them not to mess with you all, though) and it's happening once more with this latest one that watched you fight the Moss Wolves in hiding.

Bunch a crafty bastards, if you ask me...

And actually, The monochromes and the Mossers technically weren't even out to hunt you, specifically. The Monos were pursuing other prey when you crossed into their sights, and the Mossers decided to take a crack at you when they saw you walking near their den. This thing is actually the only one that's explicitly set it's sights solely on you as a meal and actually stalked you.

So...indeed, I'd call it crappy luck.

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Typhlosion, you do realize that the only things that have gone done currently are the comms and mapping system, right Soldier? The shields themselves haven't started wonking out yet... but what Kenshin just did has removed all protection the Exo suit offers (see the explanation for how shields work...) You need the helmet to be on in order to run a shield.

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The choice is entirely up to you all, soldiers. I'm not going to initiate a Precision ML Strike if you decide to run though. Either way, you need only to hold off the tango until Lt. Stone reaches you all with reinforcements from the south.

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Things always get moving again right when I leave for a day or two. ^_^

Also, typh, I found Kenshin's reaction here kind of funny:

Kenshin turns off his comm soon as the eerie feedback of the static went through his ears, well our HUD seems to malfunction... apparently we stumble upon something yet again. the engineer sighed, this is why i dislike nature. The Engineer keep his eyes peeled and lift his customize arc caster, finger on the trigger as he was prepared for this unseen threat.

...Mostly because Garen would have a completely opposite reaction. Kenshin blames nature, while Garen will probably think it's the equipment's fault, at least until he realizes that it's affected everyone in the same way.

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Yea, our squad has a decent dash of different personalities and outlooks, and they clash pretty interestingly. I imagine most of the squad isn't overly fond of Vixen, but she doesn't like taking gambles when it comes to her survival and isn't used to having to deal with others in that situation. But she has similar knowledge to Garen, but in a more survival orientated fashion.

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Just for future reference, could someone use the Pressure gloves (From the shock trooper weaponry) on the ground as a way to propel them to the sky?

Yes, theoretically... but I don't really suggest it unless your very desperate... the landings tend to hurt like hell.

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Would using the shield burst to soften the impact work?


Zero looked up at the giant bird flying overhead. Seeing as he has only one ranged weapon he sheathed his blade and took his shock stave from his back. It sparked with electricity as he prepared to fire lighting bolts straight at the beast. He charged it up and a blue lighting ball appeared on the tip of the stave. He fired it straight at the under belly of the bird. 'Man this would be so much easier if I could just cut it to pieces.' He thought to himself complaining about the circumstances.

Exlink... the Shock Staff works nothing like that, Soldier. The Shock Staff is NOT a ranged weapon, in fact, NONE of the weapons shock troopers have are primarily ranged. they're an explicitly close ranged, up close and personal job class. It's basically just two tazers on the ends of a metal stick, like a Cattle Prod. the way you used it in this post is pretty much akin to suddenly using "Magic" in a story that's Explicit been stated to be a Sci-fi... breaks up the validity of the story quite a bit...

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you know what Zero needs at this moment? a jetpack. :Kappa:

And yes, Garen and Kenshin seems to differ, since Garen runs on survival instincts and is more inclined with nature, while Kenshin on the other hand, is a mechanic and prefers technology, above all else to solve his problems.

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