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Oh Kenshin... you have a lot to learn about the wildlife,and by wildlife i mean genetically altered lightning consuming 'bird-dragon'. well at least that beast stop pestering the group. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Also how about if i increase the dosage of voltage firing at that bird, causing a power overload? would that work? since i have the feeling we'll encounter that bird yet again.

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Oh Kenshin... you have a lot to learn about the wildlife,and by wildlife i mean genetically altered lightning consuming 'bird-dragon'. well at least that beast stop pestering the group. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Also how about if i increase the dosage of voltage firing at that bird, causing a power overload? would that work? since i have the feeling we'll encounter that bird yet again.

no. it'll just absorb even more and end up creating a shield around itself using the energy. so don't try it... unless you want to fight an enemy who has the same exact defensive advantage as you all.

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I'll update and get things once I figure out what the hell the area beyond Eden is actually going to be like, soldiers. Right now I'm in the process of reworking everything about what I formerly had planned for down there...

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I'm guessing it's alright to say Kats fired of a few shots earlier against the monochromes and Mossers, just sort of off screen? I wasn't online during the battles, therefore, she sorta just disappeared during them xD, but it would be kind of hard to not get involved in a fight...

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Sure thing.

Stone just ended the conversation because he was getting tired of the answers he had already received, so story wise, a few people were actually cut off before they could even say anything in the scene.

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Anyone want to actually know where things are in the camp, or should I just wing it and make up the facilities and their locations as needed?

and feel free to interact with each other right now. (Though, I'd be surprised if you people weren't absolutely sick of each other after hours and hours of walking...)

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((only double posting cause I kinda want people to see this jsut to make sure everything is clear in regards to my character is clear.))

I should note, it isn't that I don't want Vixen to interact with the group, she just isn't the type to seek it out herself, she is very much a loner. If somebody finds her off on her own, ((I imagine Garen might be the most likely if anybody lol, since he seems to be somebody who wouldn't mind getting out of the din of camp.)) she won't run away from them. ((she probably won't be that happy about it though.)). I kinda don;t want her to get forgotten so I definitely want somebody to bother her a bunch XD. Somebody has to try and melt the Ice Queen otherwise she might always be one.

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A basic rundown of the camp so Whit can actually lead people places:

  • The Camp Perimeter is Circular in shape. there is no actual barrier to keep out Wild Life, and as such there are guards on duty around the place at all times.
  • The main entrance is to the south, which is where the trail leading to the drop off point you arrived at initially is.
  • The Major Facilities, such as the on sight Mission Command Center, Intelligence and data Processing, The Bio Center, and The Supply Tent, are all in the center of the camp. (Mission Intel and Mission Command are actually housed in the same tent for obvious reasons.)
  • The Sleeping quarters are arranged in a semi circle in the southern half of the camp, Male Soldiers to the left tents, Female Soldiers to the right tents, for obvious reasons...Respective Latrines and personal facilities such as showers and what not are beside them.
  • The Chow tent is tucked away near the center of the camp along with the major facilities, but stand out from them still.
  • To the north is the path which leads into the Ruins of Eden. A heavily armed guard is stationed at all times and ordered to mow down anywho attempt to pass without authorization indiscriminately, and is more than willing to if needed.

All areas, except for the Command Tent, are currently manned and you will find people assigned to tend to them there. Aside from the Perimeter, the Sleeping Quarters, and the entrance to Eden, security inside the place is rather relaxed and so you can pretty much go anywhere in the camp... except the path to Eden.

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Actually, could I ask you to remove that part about Vixen in there.....because it is actually totally against who she is as a person entirely. She would be WELL known to not follow orders from people she doesn't think should be in charge, and she is very much an upstart, to suggest she isn't kinda makes 0 sense. She in every meaning of the word would never bow down to people and has always been a free thinker, there is no way people wouldn't know about it if she was on the mission, let alone picked to come along. They would know that about her trust me.

((She has a problem with authority, and the ones she doesn't respect know it. So there is not really a way Quiet could think such a thing about her, cause it makes no sense, at least to me.))

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