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I was just gonna blame it on having hacked bad intel and being misinformed so he just assumed she was the same way as Whitt, but alright...

And yeah, he knows about every single one of you. Everything that was in your personnel files (except for vixen, but since Hukuna asked I changed it so now he knows all basically).

This plot is just starting to quicken, folks...

Oh, and just to be clear; There is no plot armoring in this RP for Player Characters to protect from death, because unlike in PSS, you all aren't "Chosen Ones" or anything like that (And even there, I'll still kill off OCs if they act stupidly repeatedly) so yeah... but for the most part death here won't happen here aside from being a punishment for sheer stupidity Because it's to much paper work to fill out when I kill off someone, which I've already gone over in this OCC thread before...

So Exlink... be smart.

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Wait, they had no intel on Vixen before? Why if you don't mind me asking. ((I just assumed there was some training process, if this is not the case then they can be in the dark aobut Vixen, her attitude wouldn't have been noticed as much if there was no training before the mission, I assumed there would be that is why I said what I said. She hasn't been with any organization before, so if there wasn't training before the operation they wouldn't really know much....I think I am the one who is having a misunderstanding here is all lol.))

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They had it (well, a few pieces.). it's just that the way I had it set up before, the individual tasked with breaking through the security of the Mission Database fucked up just as they were finishing hacking the files and got shut out before they could download Vixen's completely, leading to them having nothing more than fragments of data so Lance looked at those and said "Screw it, lump her in with the guy named Whitt for all I care"

But it's been changed now, so that is no longer Canon, ergo, all files were successfully hacked from the system and the individual was never detected by the MoD, leading to Lance not seeing Vixen as a potential government lap dog, but instead just Whitt And (to a much lesser extent) Zero (Whom he wants to kill simply because he thinks he's so idiotic that he'll screw everything up)

as for what exactly happened before being sent on the mission to Eden, if anyone's really that interested in whatever process or the state of things, I could put it in the OCC. It's not there currently because I was scrambling to put things up and get this running and I currently prioritize the plot of what will happen within and beyond Eden above what will/ has happened in Esperanza since the latter only really comes into active play later on.

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  On 12/16/2014 at 12:24 AM, Stratos said:

So, uh... anyone else in that Command tent gonna talk to each other or go off somewhere in the camp anytime soon?

I'm much more than happy to find something to toss at those still standing around if not...

I really don't know. I was thinking Zero might go to the medical tent to get a check up seeing as how he was tossed in the air. But other then that I got nothing. :\

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Well, you could at least post something about him leaving the tent to go get checked out then and I'd toss an interaction or scene at you when you arrive. ((And I presume that Kenny's PC, Jack, would've given him some quick Field treatment during the hike to hold him over, but yeah... go get checked out. Broken bones can get you killed))

come on folks, don't just sit there staring at each other now... else it'll start getting a bit stuffy in the Command Center. Do something, or just wander around the camp if you don't know what to do and I'll cook up something for ya...

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  On 12/16/2014 at 12:24 AM, Stratos said:

So, uh... anyone else in that Command tent gonna talk to each other or go off somewhere in the camp anytime soon?

I'm much more than happy to find something to toss at those still standing around if not...

Kenshin is already in the bio lab (i think? i assume that's where they fix and repair their equipment) since he is an engineer in all. i don't plan in any interaction since he likes to be alone and likes to doing engineering stuff, surrounded by tech. unless you got something for him.

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I'm updating for those who are doing something. But what's going on with everyone still in the command tent? If I don't see anything from anyone there the next time I go through to update I'm going to force you guys to have to do something instead of just sitting around idely.

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Nope. Not unless he's ever been out in the Colt River Valley east of esperanza, which I doubt he has since it has rather difficult and in certain areas unstable terrain to navigate and even besides that is technically government controlled land with a steep trespassing penalty.

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Not even Vixen could've, the security is too steep because of the facilities they have there.... it's like Area 51 in terms of security seriousness, shoot first and ask later, that's how severely all threats will be handled in the area. Hence why ESFAs are the only ones authorized to be dispatched to handle issues in the area but Rangers are prohibited.

and Who said you needed guns? The perimeters are guarded at all times, but I never said by what.... :ph34r:

And remember the River Valley... this is not the last time it will come up.

EDIT: by the way, the only reason I didn't force the Tent group into something in that last post is because barely any time passed between me writting that warning and writing this latest update. Command Tent people have two days to get some response in or I start messing with you.

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Public service advisory: Don't hold conversations near the tree line of the camp, because it may or may not be picked up by Talkers, as Jace and Quiet's little discussion obviously was not long ago. Thank you, have a good night.

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Talkers? and i thought our day was just getting started. now we've got bigger problems. Good thing that Tra-

*Slaps hand over own mouth*

Oh yeah, they've probably got-

*Slaps hand over own mouth again*

Don't want to go giving the Host Ideas!

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Now now... no need for that folks.

Cause I've got Nukes and Dr.Devices in my arsenal; far better than Bazookas ^_^ and throw in some predatory Species that may or may not be entirely the product of evolution and adaptation coupled with tech like nothing ever seen before...

yeah, I don't need ideas.... I already have them

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Yeah, about that... It's more accurate to say it's like giving an opposing Army Plasma Weapons before Anti-Plasma Defenses were invented and expecting the Enemy to not use said Weapons. Nukes and Dr.Ds, well... they're a bit OP for that Metaphor, even in this situation that we're talking about. they would more accurately be describing a Host 86ing the entire RP or even the Forum, instead of killing off just one Character in the RP.

Edited by K_H
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Those are just the most powerful things I have cooked up; obviously you all won't be suffering the wrath of those weapons until very very late into the plot and even then probably not in a direct -Pointed in your face- manner.

that and a little thing called "Moderation" that will be employed.

I have many things in my sleeves, many things indeed... I needed resort to absolute force to cause havoc or set up some interesting circumstances; I've got an entire classified armory of devices of various degree of power to choose from. ;)

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Really? In PSS, be honest, how much of chance would you all realistically have against that unknown threat you'll have to someday face? If it can kill God...or at least seriously wound him to the point of being worthless... like sensai said, it's just Mostly impossible.

anyway, yeah, many tricks, much wow for me. now about the freaking command tent situation...

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Anyone can build a Chassis/ body for a Drone, but the people who make the AIs are of an entirely more elite stock altogether.

And I'm liking Sarah Gratas for some reason... kinda like how I liked Mama Nix from PSS... but thankfully, unlike Mama Nix, I don't have to kill Sarah when I'm done with her character XD

Edit: wait... just realized rose's PC is named Sarah too. Great, now I gotta go find a different name... :/

Edit 2: Alright, with my magic hosting powers, I have renamed her! She is now Ester. Ester Gratas

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