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Ya know, I'm done at this point. For those four or so who have yet to respond IC and have said nothing on here about what's going on, I'm just gonna have to say screw it; At this point I'm just going to assume their PCs went off and did something in the camp off screen; it's been damn near almost two weeks or so that we've been in the Camp scenes and if they haven't responded or done something in two weeks, tough luck for em, because I'm just gonna go on and follow up for those players who are actually being active right now and stop bitching and moaning about those who aren't.

Like I said multiple times, I'm stricter about this one than the other two I run, and my patience isn't as long as it is with PSS or Surge Story.

At this point the Command tent is now empty, I don't care where you went if your PC was still in there, but you're out of there. you can make a catch up post later on saying where you went and explaining what you did if you want, but I'm trucking on.

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Well, something has gone down folks.

This week has just been crazier than I care for with rushing around everywhere and right now, and I'm honestly not feeling in a good state of mind right now to go through and write for this; It's already taking a lot of my currently drained motivation just to keep up in the RPs I'm in and keep responding in those so as not to fall behind or hold things up. I'm not feeling things for this right now, I'm sorry, but I'm just not up to it.

So yeah, along with Surge Story, this RP is going on Hiatus till the beginning of January. I'd say PSS is going on it too, but things are so slow currently there that it's basically already is at this point, but I won't be writing as much for that either for the next few days while I recollect myself and do some other work... in fact I have to go and get an update for it now...

We might or might not be back sooner than that though, depending on when the drive I once had returns to me.

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No problem mate, everyone suffers from writers block from time to time. Take your time, enjoy the holidays, and see you in January!

well, it's no so much "Writers block" as it is just apathy about going on with things to be honest.

It's not that I've lost my creativity or anything, it's just that I've lost my motivation to get on a computer and take that creativity and actually use it for this story; in other words, I'm simply lacking in the Motivation department, yet am still fully capable of writing if I can just convince myself to actually do it.

And also, for those who haven't posted anything yet and don't want to simply get passed over hard in terms of interactions for the end of this current chapter, I suggest you get something in before my Motivation returns, because once it does, I'm finishing things here and we're blazing ahead to Chapter 2.

EDIT: And I actually just thought of this, might or might not work, but I figure it's worth a shot...

Ask me questions about anything in the world of Exodus: Beyond Eden, anything at all you want to know... maybe by answering inquiries from players and readers some of my own personal interest in the story will reignite...

again, a long shot, but maybe it can work...

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  • Support Squad

Is there any link between PSS and Exodus? PSS, as far as I know, has a fair few universal entities that could have had a hand in dealing with the events of Exodus, so I figure, mebbe they're in this too?

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Is there any link between PSS and Exodus? PSS, as far as I know, has a fair few universal entities that could have had a hand in dealing with the events of Exodus, so I figure, mebbe they're in this too?

Damn, that might have done the trick right there...

Well, to answer the question, no, at least, they're not supposed to be consciously connected in any way.

Project Sky Slayer is a (nearish) utopian world for the most part that I thought up; basically one where a powerful religious institution held power and instead of using that power for bigoted or intolerant purposes, like those of our own world so commonly did historically, instead used it to focus on improving the world and mankind's plight through genuine thought and effort and work to do away with issues that plagued humanity, and in the end managed to end all wars and bring about a peace of sorts, as well as end famine.

It's a world where there appears to be a clear cut black and white, but where there really isn't because all that is good and right has in truth been supported and achieved through actions which may or may not been morally objectible depending on how one views things.

The PSS verse is also one which heavily revolves around the concepts of religion and the effects of it on society and the idea that there is some creator being and highest possible force (Alpha, Omega, and Delta) from which all else sprang forth. it is based on the idea of Zero- The Fool Arcana, or infinite possibilities as one might put it. The idea that from this Zero sprang forth everything, but at the same time, to this Zero it is also possible to return to at any time with an force equal to that which initiated all things.

The plot explores the idea of God and Mankind's relationship, the idea of a Protective Creator and his Creations, and the idea that this Creator must constantly engage in combat in order to defend his creations from outside detrimental forces... and the idea that this Creator has had nothing but constant loses in his war to defend what he made. And this primary idea feeds into the final idea of the plot for PSS's major theme; Man becoming greater than God himself by succeding where God failed. Of man becoming more than Divine,of destroying that which God could not, and as such becoming truly free from all bonds, as well as now having to rely on himself and himself alone to shape and carve whatever destiny he may know, for better or for worse. In final, the plot revolves around the concepts of God raising and defending man, The defeat and death of God, and mankind taking up his mantle that he left behind and surpassing him afterwards by avenging him and destroying what even he could not.

The are three parts, as you can see. God attempted to defend man by having servants of his pull many strings in the world, all in the hope of manipulating event horizons so that certain branches of the future would be favored over others, ultimately resulting in all of history being highly affected and manipulated in order to bring about what was thought to be necessary for victory over the finest threat. This all is manifested in how Anansi and Rossephus constantly effected the past and in turn wrote the future, Rossephus taking an active approach by using his own servants, while Anansi manipulated things on a higher and more indirect scale using his own authority (Let's see who's been paying attention in PSS: What is Anansi the weaver of?)

The defeat and death of god has already partially happened in that God has been reduced to a state in which he can no longer effectively deal with the threat of Zero any longer from having fought and lost so many times already in this invisible war, yet continues to stand against an impossible enemy despite knowing he will fall for good soon.

and the part of Man overcoming God... that is where the players and the heroes they find and awaken again will come in. For the Heroes represent the hope of what Mankind can achieve and ultimately be and do, each of them great and good in their own way. While the Players themselves embody the strength of mankind, his spirit, his resilience and determination. With Hope and Strength together as one at last, that is how it shall be that the Zero is averted and defeated.

Yeah, there's a shit ton of religion and theology and morality paradoxes and great questions in that...


Exodus and it's history and backstory of it's verse is more or less based on modern day earth and one of the possible futures which I see as highly possible for humanity having to take eventually; having to flee earth because they fucked things up so badly there was no hope to repair the damage to the world. Now, of course this occured much later than people currently estimate it would (modern estimates say we'll run out of all resources within a century) but this is because of innovations early on that helped to ultimately greatly slow down, but not completely halt the damage being done, while at the same time giving the illusion that it had not only ended things but reversed them.

Of course, eventually this technology and it's faults were revealed to the people despite their governments keeping it under wraps, knowing the issue wasn't solved, but not wanting a complete panic breaking out while they worked to find an alternative to what they were doing. Know what this Technology which seemed so great was?

It was early prototypes of the utilization of Exo Fields. the strange electromagnetic energy fields that power your exo suits and star ships and even cars and other vehicles. Discovered in the 2070's during the Resource Wars from an unknown source, latter reverse engineered and developed by the US into a form usable with contemporary technology, though one that proved to be far primitive to the original which they devised it from. The US agreed to share it's findings with the rest of the world and overnight the United Nations (which had fallen under American Hegemony shortly before the discovery, BTW) managed to finally rebuild itself and it's former power as it convinced more and more former members to rejoin, all to work out a treaty between all participants of the Resource Wars to cease all conflict in their areas, in exchange for what the americans had; essentially ending twenty years of every nation having to either being self sufficient or do without whatever they couldn't produce due to embargoes left and right imposed by enemies onto one another disrupting global trade.

Things seemed to be going great for a while... for centuries after, in fact. but in truth the discovery was more harmful than it was good; the Americans weren't able to reverse engineer the most crucial component of it being safely used; Stabilization of the fields. Without they ran haywire unseen, releasing by product energy that began building up in a layer just beneath the world's Electromagnetic fields as the centuries pressed on; The Exo Cloud, as it is known as to historians today; a massive, then-undetectable pocket of energy waiting to burst outward and escape from the confines of earth's field... but no one noticed. the environment actually started recovering without oil of gasoline being utilized anymore (Of course, "Big Oil" just became "Big Exo-Field")

Ever see a baloon pop? that's what happened up in the Exo Cloud a few decades before the Exodus took place. Enough by-product energy had gathered that it simply exploded outward into the void of space in every direction, unable to contain any more... and do you know what was between it and the void of space? yeah... the Earth's natural shielding. With numerous holes adorning the planet's natural occuring force field, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that shit started going very wrong very fast. the climate took a 180 and became worse than it ever had as solar radiation poured in and leaked in certain areas of the world, weather patterns were utterly fucked and blown into huge severity. Entire Countries were destroyed, areas of the planet scorched and wrecked beyond recognition, or flooded from the melting of the ice caps. Humanity was obviously at the end of it's rope.

And of course it was only then that the US actually managed to get things right with their version of the technology they'd found, well... yeah, let's just say right, not necessarily complete. point is, they figured out the stabilization to end the emission of the runoff energy. and it was obviously too little too late. The damage was done and couldn't be fixed. But with the tech no being stabilized, there was ONE option they still had... use to build ships that were as large as they could muster and GTFO of there as fast they could. and thus, America, being the self proclaimed brightest kid in the whole class, raised her hand once more and said, oh, over here, we have the answer!

And thus the ISP began, the UN having commited it's last action and drafted a treaty which all nations still surviving signed; pool together whatever you have and contribute to the project; the reward being that you get for your own populace to escape on. Some nations were barely hanging on though; so battered they weren't really worth much in terms of being able to lend actual resources. These nations, like britain and several in south america, piggy backed off of stronger ones like the US and canada and what was left of Russia and China.

All in all, seven Arks were built, one for each mother country , which provided all the resources for it's cut of the project, and it's "children" which were the term used to refer to piggy backers who while they didn't have sufficient resources, where still able to lend a crap ton of labor to get things done quicker:

Mother Nations:

America- "Children" were Britain, Canada, Mexico, several other south american nations, as well as japan

Israel- managed to actually become pretty damn powerful and even had mercy enough to let nations like Palestine (who eventually got their asses handed to them by Israel's ruthlessness in the fight to survive a religious war) as well as many countries in western europe

Russia- Weakened but still had caches of materials stashed all over the place from the resource wars. Children were the "-Stan" nations... at least, what was left of them, as well as what was left of eastern europe

Australia- won their independence just before the resource wars long before all this mess started. Children were several nations in the south pacific

China- Children were several asian nations like north korea (lols, jk, North korea died in the resource wars, it's just one big Korea afterwards) and thailand.

India- Said fuck you to everyone who begged to be let piggy back and had no "children"... they were kinda justified though; their neighbors had been complete asses to their country for a long time.

African Union- Similar to the EU, just for africa (What was left of it's countries, that is...) had no "Children"

Exodus: Beyond Eden, is merely the story of what occurred to the Americans and the nations who were their "Children" in the ISP after they finally found a habitable planet, it is a story of betrayal and deceit, so in that way, I guess one could potentially say it is similar to PSS with that. but unlike PSS, the betrayal and deceit comes from the government, not some omnipotent beings. Lies have been told and great mistakes made, and rather than own up, the ruling body of the settlement would prefer to use a certain new discovery to cover up what really occurred and how the outbreak really started...

and there's so much more that's been covered up... like things about the mountains that were discovered...

it's a story whose plot revolves around revolution and the unveiling of secrets, secrets which were crafted not because they were necessary, as the ones in PSS's verse were, but because of cowardice. It is about whether it is better to be good... or to be lawful.

So yeah. they're extremely different in terms of the basic Concepts of the 'Verses they take place in. Exodus is actually based off of Armored Core and Ender's Game and the video game "Moon" for NDS, and focuses heavily on technology and the secretive advancement thereof, as well as the idea of multiple sentient species existing in the universe and mankind not being Alone at all, but just one of many that have come before and will come after.

^Right, I'm doing it.

Are there some tensions between the military guys? From what I've heard from Quiet and Bane it seems so.

somewhat, yes.

Quiet is... well, he's far more than he seems to be and he knows far more than he lets on. Stone is as well, and whatever Quiet's in on, so is Stone, he just is much more savvy about not showing any sign that his loyalties lie somewhere other than with the government.

Jace Bane is more of a semi unwilling participant in whatever they have planned; knowing just a few basic things about what they're after and what they believe and what cause they're fighting for, but ultimately skeptical of it despite personally hating the governing body himself.

Bane was originally willing to kill either of them if the need arises to save his own ass or the asses of those he cared about, though that resolve has been somewhat put into a different stance now that he knows they have the very people he would kill them to protect... he knows they can take retaliation for whatever he does. And so now all he can do is sit back for the ride... wherever it may end up taking him and his family... as well as the rest of you.

Things are changing in this world. Things are crumbling.

The only question though... is if anyone will be able to figure out a simple fact thats been shown time and time again in ancient history:

War does not decide who is right... Only who is left.

keep em coming... i'm feeling something coming back.

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  • Support Squad

Dear lord that was a lot to read through, and it kinda has me hyped for these stories now. I certainly understand the history of each world more now. Another question, perhaps circling around to why you may have lost motivation: Perhaps the similarity between the two stories in the concept of Grey, no black and white, no certainties, is what made you lose motivation? Thats one of the biggest parts of these two RPs, from what I know and have read of each. That repetition can burn people out quickly, even if the settings are different. To liken it to a lesser example: People don't immediately play a game again for minor differences or a slightly different story ending unless they have a very solid reason for it, and unless you really love that grey concept, you must be tiring of that, right?

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Not exactly. it was a good guess though. just the amount of hecticness and running around and being busy lately has left me kinda drained in terms of energy and I just at this and surge story and go "Meh..." where usually I'd be thinking up how we're going to move forward or how 'm gonna plan interactions or more twists and turns in the story, etc...

Basically I guess I just need to recover some lost charge.

to tell the truth though, I do freaking love the concept of grey morality and I'd probably never tire of it; because it's the only type of morality that actually exists in the real world, regardless of what any person or religion might say to the contrary. There is no absolute evil, and there is no absolute good either. everything is mixed, the "Bad" guys all have their own virtues, and the "Good" guys all have their vices, just look at history and even the modern world... so yeah, kinda hard of me to get bored when it's literally everywhere around me and causes a shit ton of interesting and sometimes dilemma inducing situations...

There is no good or evil in the world basically. just perspective and circumstance.

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  • Support Squad

"Do you know the difference between Angels and Monsters? What side they're on." -Can't remember who i'm quoting there.

Anyways, morality is a nice issue to explore in a story, and can be a nice tool to develop a character, but sometimes you do just have have to have a knight, a dragon and a treasure to seek. Simplicity can be wonderful.

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well as someone who spends a lot of time sitting around and thinking and building ideas up to lofty places... I have a somewhat hard time appreciating simplicity XD...

And hold on...

Searching for Damns being given...



Damns detected once more. Signal Strength: average, rising.

Update plausibility: adequate.

oh, look at that... looks like we're back in business.

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Nope... I intend for old Romulus to be annoying to you XD

He's not gonna be very nice to you... maybe that will change eventually though? if you can gain his respect... which would likely be by saving his drone ass

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to give this current chapter another few days, finish up the current interactions going on, and then I'm just ending this and moving us on to chapter 2. Things have dragged on long enough as it is and We've gotten barely anything of actual note even accomplished in the story yet.

EDIT: actually, Big and whits are already pretty much over, and the vixen and Garren thing is done... and Kenshin's scene is nearing it's end and can really just as easily be described as an afterthought during the chapter 2 intro... so Ch.1 will probably be ending today.

And no, there will be no questionare at this time. because again, haven't gotten anything worth really mentioning done in the story.

EDIT2: and by the way, folks, I'm going to start instituting Deadlines in the story for the end of certain group interactions.

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We're moving on immediately after the interactions for Exlink, and Kenny/ Dobby/ Flux are finished. I've lost all patience and quite a bit of the interest I managed to find again after the holdiays.

Chapter 2 will be up by the end of this week; nothing can postpone it in my mind at this point. I'm going to try to finish up the scenes we have going, but if the date comes and responses aren't in, I'm cuttin em off, end of dsicussion. An update will be out later today.

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Huh? oh, well... looking at it again, Hell, I guess it is... jack entering really doesn't add anything more to it that needs to be continued...

and I intend to just summarize Kenshin's interaction's conclusion in the Chap 2 opening... so once Zero is dealt with done, I guess we're done

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Yea, looking forward to this getting moving again. I actually kinda like Vixen a lot as a character and really want to see her grow. RIght now she is still the rather cold. She wasn't always like that, so I really wish to show that side of her.

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Think I'll just sort of leave the rest of Garen's part as an assumption that he eats, goes to bed, yada yada. I don't want to take up any more time with an interaction in the mess hall that wouldn't be necessary.

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