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Huh... never considered that. you have a lot of good points there.

Alright then, guess I'll just keep the PCs on in the investigation team do a short story of sorts in order to lessen the sting of losing the work that's been put in by everyone.(will probably be more of just a lengthy "captain's journal/ recordings" of sorts made by Jace though simply because of various other work I have going on at the moment).

Thanks for the suggestion there, Kurostone B)

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tfw I keep forgetting your RPs somehow out of the RPs I am in ,and keep neglecting them and feeling like a teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrible human being afterwards.

Eh, don't worry about it sensei, we all get busy. That's just life.

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While I was really interested in seeing what the inside of Eden would be like, I suppose Garen could stick around for a plot set in the rebellion. Eden and the story itself always made me think of the world of the game Risk of Rain, which is something I've thought about making one of these RP Re-rolls for. Anyway, if you do decide to continue this, I'll be sticking around. Terribly sorry if my absence contributed to any of this though.

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While I was really interested in seeing what the inside of Eden would be like, I suppose Garen could stick around for a plot set in the rebellion. Eden and the story itself always made me think of the world of the game Risk of Rain, which is something I've thought about making one of these RP Re-rolls for. Anyway, if you do decide to continue this, I'll be sticking around. Terribly sorry if my absence contributed to any of this though.

I'm actually planning to have them all sacrifice themselves to end the outbreak as well as ensure that Jayce didn't have to himself in that particular fight, but instead survives in order to become the leader of the rebellion... cause in order to win that war against the rulers of the city, they'd need a guy whose the culmination of every great military leader who ever lived, and besides that, if the revolution fails... they would've died for nothing.

put simply they refused to let Jace commit suicide by staying behind and holding off a last wave as they all escaped, and kinda... swapped places with him and then completely locked him out of the situation.

It'll make more sense once there's more context provided from the prologue work. But anyways, yeah.... Garren and everyone else (Including Lance and Lee) is gonna become the martyrs of the rebel cause... kinda like how star killer was in force unleashed. so you're gonna need to roll a new character...

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Risk of Rain's world would be mad interseting to set an RP in... mostly because nothing is overly explained... Like we have no Idea why Providence is even there.

Yeah, that's actually a big part of why I think it would make a cool RP. The story isn't explained very much, so there's a lot of room for me to give it my own interpretation. I'm thinking it would work better as a re-roll sort of thing since each class could be a pre-set member of the ship, and I wouldn't expect the story itself to take a terribly long time.

It'll make more sense once there's more context provided from the prologue work. But anyways, yeah.... Garren and everyone else (Including Lance and Lee) is gonna become the martyrs of the rebel cause... kinda like how star killer was in force unleashed. so you're gonna need to roll a new character...

Well, that works too I guess. RIP Garen. You were looking to be one of my favorite PCs. Hopefully you did your job well...

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Only reason that makes me sad is cause I really wanted to explore Vixen as a character. There was a lot to her that I won't get to do now basically. ((like the whole reason she ended up being the cold-hearted person she was cause she wasn't always that way, and to some people she still wasn't. Like, the muffins thing was actually a character tie as stupid as that sounds during that scene with Garen out in the outskirts of the camp. I didn't really talk about it though, cause Garen didn't end up asking her about it. [there was a reason I described the tin they were in, they had some relevant importance to them. I am not sure I want to plop those details out there, maybe just leave them a mystery with the rest of Vixen.))

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Only reason that makes me sad is cause I really wanted to explore Vixen as a character. There was a lot to her that I won't get to do now basically. ((like the whole reason she ended up being the cold-hearted person she was cause she wasn't always that way, and to some people she still wasn't. Like, the muffins thing was actually a character tie as stupid as that sounds during that scene with Garen out in the outskirts of the camp. I didn't really talk about it though, cause Garen didn't end up asking her about it. [there was a reason I described the tin they were in, they had some relevant importance to them. I am not sure I want to plop those details out there, maybe just leave them a mystery with the rest of Vixen.))

well, commander You could always just run a character who... Knew vixen and to whom she wasn't cold towards- say like a friend of hers... and do a bit of explaining things about who she really was through that medium. Plus that would be some great motivation if your friend was one of the martyrs of the rebel cause...

Not exactly the same as using the actual character intended for it, sure, but... better than nothing, am I right?

Sir, I have a question: Should we start Formulating new Characters?

Wait. I don't know exactly what I'm gonna fuck around with change or alter in this just yet, so wait until you see the thread up, soldier.

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Bakers can fight too... do not underestimate the power of those who handle food, commander.

no one thought a black chef would take up a machine gun and open fire on Japanese Fighters during pearl harbor, but one did...

no one thinks a baker will pick up an assault rifle or a Laser Rifle and start blowing away government officials left and right, but eh... maybe food handlers will surprise us again...

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Considering the running gag on the one show I watch on Youtube of a Sci-fi campaign, it is quite fitting.

As in, his one-liner is every once in awhile when they ask the character something like "Who are you?" his only response is "I'm the cook." ((he isn't actually a cook, but dang if it isn't funny.))

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No... the virus was caused by lack of heedance to the warnings of qualified and competent scientist.

The feds did something they were vehemently warned not to... they decided they wanted to be little fast asses and not wait and be patient as more test were conducted, and the whole city paid for it in the end... or at least, the lower city did. Dr.Bane worked on this project ten years ago back when it was still in the very early stages and saw what a complete and utter danger it would pose because of the complete failures of the earliest trial runs. They didn't listen to him and so he moved to destroy his research to protect the general public.

The feds responded by arresting him before he could (He got sold out by an ambitious lab technician looking for his job...who is still holding his position to this day) and fabricated charges of illegal genetic experimentation. The man was executed less than three months later and his reputation stained for the next decade...

this truth will be the basis of Jace's justification for why he has declared total warfare against the council and any who side with them... among various other personal and impersonal reasons...

this is all pretty much a common rumor in the city by the time the story's going to begin because Jace and his allies will have tried to spread the truth as far as possible. so it really doesn't matter if you guys hear it now rather than later.

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ooh, if Jack or Jacen find out about that Coverup... they'd be pissed off... and you know what happens if someone is pissed off at someone/something else, right?

In fact, the Smithsons really hate coverups... so much so that they try to expose the Truth if they encounter one... And if one of Jack and Jacen's relatives (Such as their Father) was on the team that were involved in Eden's "Studying-and-Opening", that would be a huge rallying-point for both of them... You get where I'm going with this, right?

[EDIT]: Ignore the bit in Strikethrough.

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no, because you have to draft a new character for this, soldier....

And Jace Michael Bane is going to be a slightly changed man from recent experiences... he will be out for blood now, and his morals will be a bit different than before when it comes to certain... issues. Think of his gradual transformation from the time he entered Eden with the team to the time they sacrficed themselves to stop the madness and ensured he would live to spread the truth, as a bit like Rick Grimes from walking dead...

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hmm... I don't like how close that name sounds, seeing as how there are going to be times that Jace will be called "Jacen" by certain people...

moving on, soldiers, I have news... we are going to Psychokinetic abilities present in the rebellion story. All will be explained in depth later, but for now I will tell you this; Lance Quiet was a Telekinetic who commonly applied his power to slow down the motion of his enemies while speeding up his own reaction time. Hence how he was capable of his "Bullet Clock" ability, as he liked to call it- it's quite comparible to the Point Shooting system in Hitman Absolution, actually. Alot of the things he was capable of doing, scaling heights that had no visible hand holds (Like he did on the cliffs over the Mosser den), drawing and stowing his guns faster than a person could react, etc, was all because he boosted himself with TK.

Now, where did he get these abilities, you ask, Cadets? The answer is a bit... strange. He got them from devices he found in places like Eden...

Anyway, you'll get a proper breifing later like I said. but for now, you have permission to get hyped.

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