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Hi all!

I've been playing Reborn for about a year now and as much as I love playing this game, I always struggled over making a really good team, as well as moves, etc.

In my signature below, I have the mons I use regularly. I'm open to suggestions about new additions and/or moves I can use with them.

Thanks guys :)

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Durant is in Tanzan Mountain (they are rare though, so it may take a while to show up). For Rotom you need a key (forgot the name) and use it to open a room in the Shades Power plant.

ohok, imma reach Tanzan Mountain soon enough and WOW I was literally in another forum asking about the room in the plant.... I took a pic and everything


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Hi all!

I've been playing Reborn for about a year now and as much as I love playing this game, I always struggled over making a really good team, as well as moves, etc.

In my signature below, I have the mons I use regularly. I'm open to suggestions about new additions and/or moves I can use with them.

Thanks guys :)

Sorry for the off topic chat but is there a team you need to build against or do you just want a more stable team?

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Wait, what are you even talking about? You have a Leavanny! You shouldn't need any help, you should be soloing Reborn with it! (totally not biased, ignore that profile pic)

But in all seriousness, get yourself anything that can learn that Trick Room TM we got from Radomus. On your entire team/rotation, only Crobat, Jolteon and Gengar cannot be classified as slow (or slower than the gym leader's line-ups). Something with Tailwind could also work out.

And now, in order:


Get yourself a new Leavanny. Since E13, Sewaddle learns Sticky Web at level 31. Swadloon and Leavanny don't, only Sewaddle. Using Trick Room and Sticky Web at the same time isn't recommendable.

Leaf Blade and X-Scissor are obviously moves you should be using and, considering how many physical attackers you have on your team, Screech would be a great 4th move.


If you have Eruption, swap it for Heat Wave (breed it with Camerupt or Growlithe). With Camerupt's low speed, you'll rarely get to enjoy that 150BP Eruption. In fact, with it's relatively low defenses, you're not that likely to even get 90 BP Eruption. If you lose a little more than a third of your health, Eruption is weaker than Heat Wave, while HW has constant power and also hits both foes in double battles along with a 10% burn chance for each foe it strikes.

If you're using Trick Room, you can get that 150 BP Eruption, but only once if the foe survives it and retaliates.

There's also Double Edge, Iron Head via Mawile (especially useful with TR) and Body Slam (not as useful in TR).


No idea what moves you've got on it or whether you have another Electi-whatever that thing is called it needs to evolve, so I won't say much about it.


Clawitzer is pretty obvious, fully utilize it's amazing Ability. Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere and Water Pulse. With Mega Launcher, Water Pulse actually has the same power as Surf, so you could actually go for that one too. It's just a matter of which secondary effect you want, WP has a 20% confusion chance while Surf hits all foes (and some allies).


Most people run Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Hammer Arm and Bullet Punch on it, but in-game, you're better of just using Agility instead of Bullet Punch. After just one Agility, you'll outspeed all foes who don't have priority anyways, and even if they do have priority attacks, most are just 40 BP, nothing Metagross' bulk can't handle easily.


Crobat IMHO does a better job with item-less Acrobatics than with Black Sludge Brave Bird. BB is barely stronger while it does have recoil. With Acrobatics, Crobat can easily sweep. If you Go back to E12 or earlier, you can breed Crobat with an Archeops to get U-Turn on it. You could also run a special set with that Nasty Plot you can get from Honchkrow. There's also Zen Headbutt from Hoothoot/Noctowl.


Now, since Gen 6/E13,
Egg moves can be passed on by both parents, giving Aggron quite a few options here (in case you don't know what Egg Moves are, go to a Pokemon's Bulbapedia page and look at the "By breeding" part.)

Aggron's physical defense is pretty great, but it's special defense is average at best, not to mention the weaknesses to very common types, so I'd recommend you use an Aggron with Metal Burst and Sturdy. It's pretty much guaranteed to take down one foe with it that way, even in a Ground Gym.

All viable moves for it are Superpower, Head Smash, Stealth Rock, Curse, Body Slam, Automotize (not needed in TR) and some STAB Iron move (I'd recommend Iron Head).

It really depends on what you want to run with it, but I'd use Head Smash, Iron Head, Superpower and Curse/Stealth Rock.


If you Go back to E12 or earlier, breed Geodude>Crustle>Heracross to give Heracross Earthquake and Rock Slide. Moving on...


If you go back to E12- you can breed Stunfisk>Grimer>Gastly for Thunderbolt and Sludge Bomb.


Stealth Rock, Gyro Ball, Stone Edge, Dig. Y'know, since Trick Room reverses how speed works while not affecting the actual stat, Gyro Ball retains it's power even in Trick Room. Fun stuff. Although Steelix has the same problems as Aggron.


You could go special with Lucario with Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere and Nasty Plot or physical Lucario with High Jump Kick, Blaze Kick, Swords Dance and I guess Extreme Speed. Outside of Trick Room, you could go for Swords Dance, Extreme Speed and Bullet Punch or for Nasty Plot and Vacuum Wave. I don't know, I'm not a fan.


Tyrantrum is pretty easy, just go for Dragon Dance, EarthQuake, Head Smash and Dragon Claw outside of Trick Room or EQ, HS, DC and Curse within Trick Room.


Charge Beam, Shadow Ball, Discharge and Round/Swift/Trump Car, I guess, Eeveelotions aren't that great in Reborn (well, except for Sylveon, I guess.)


Scrafty gets the three elemental punches if you breed Hitmonchan>Buneary>Scrafty. Other than those, you can go for High Jump Kick, Crunch, Head Smash, Dragon Dance outside of Trick Room, Zen Headbutt.


Flygon can go with Superpower, Earthquake (no need to level Trapinch up to level 55, just breed Geodude>Dwebble>Trapinchin E12- and it'll have EQ when it hatches), Dragon Claw, Rock Slide. Fury Cutter is also a good move for it, as is Bulldoze outside of Trick Room.


Sorry, but no. I hate those things and refuse to say anything about the Toge- line.


Gallade is pretty straight-forward, just it's regular level-up moves are impressive. Just go for Leaf Blade, Psycho Cut, Night Slash and Close Combat. It also gets Trick Room. Considering that the first three moves I listed all have heightened critical hit rates, you can get yourself a Scope Lens from the Obsidia Dept. Store and raises those rates to 50% each.


Moonblast, Psychic, Shadow Ball and either Calm Mind or Thunderbolt (Stunfisk>Ralts int E12-).


Same as Electivire, but I'll add that Psychic could've been gotten in E12- via Drowzee, Mr.Mime or Kadabra.


Back to E12- you go! In there you could breed Panpour>Psyduck/Buizel>Remoraid>Horsea to get a Kingdra with Scald, Ice Beam, Signal Beam and (by leveling up) Dragon Pulse.

Keep in mind, wherever I list something in a breeding chain, you can use something in it's evolutionary line, not that specific one. For Example, even though I said to use Growlithe to get Heat Wave onto Camerupt, you can also use an Arcanine if it has Heat Wave.

Should you need any help regarding details on breeding, feel free to PM me.

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