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[Resolved] Magby/Elekid event



I'm lost, no idea what to do except I need to fix something in the cave with the powerplant, but I clicked on everything and nothing happened, do I need a pokemon with an ability like plus or minus or something?

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What you need to do is first beat Charlotte. Assuming you've done that then go to the south exit from Calcenon City, and talk to the policeman there. Donate some money to fix the stairs, and then about half way down them there's a section on which you can walk to the right. On that section there is a cave with a magmarizer and electrizer inside, you trade those for the Magby and Elekid in Calcenon.

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What you need to do is first beat Charlotte. Assuming you've done that then go to the south exit from Calcenon City, and talk to the policeman there. Donate some money to fix the stairs, and then about half way down them there's a section on which you can walk to the right. On that section there is a cave with a magmarizer and electrizer inside, you trade those for the Magby and Elekid in Calcenon.

Done, thx.

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So, you give their Evolution item for the pokemon, meaning only people like shofu who grabbed the early Magby get a Magmortar (Atleast for now)

Yep. But Ame already said they will be on some future episode maybe on Dept. Store

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