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Team Post Ep.13, Looking for good suggestions~


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Hey guys!

So I decided I WILL need help for me team, and I'm a tad worried about some upcoming leaders (namely Saphira, Adrienn, Amaria, Titania, not so much of Hardy, Ciel, am very very scared of Terra).

And so, I'd like some good advice about this team!

....please don't think of me as an idiot okay ;-;

Have not done the EVs, will do the EVs, but as of now a tad busy irl, so I'm posting the IVs. Will definitely not breed for perfect IVs because laziness. However, will try to breed a fantastic IV Pokemon to replace these people.

Here we go:

Torterra @ Rose Incense
Ability: Shell Armor
IVs: 0/27/4/21/28/30
Naive Nature (+Speed, -SpDef)
- Curse
- Wood Hammer
- Earthquake
- Strength
This guy is basically a powerhouse who kills things with EQ/Wood Hammer. If he gets a good switch in, I would (rarely unfortunately) Curse, then set up, and continue attacking. Strength is just a filler as of now.
Lanturn @ Mystic Water
Ability: Water Absorb
IVs: 3/14/20/23/1/20
Rash Nature (+SpAtk, -SpDef)
- Bubblebeam
- Surf
- Dive
- Discharge
I'll admit, i honestly think this guy is bullshit. However, he does have the nifty water/electric coverage with STAB. Will replace this guy. Bubblebeam is stand in for Ice Beam, Dive is just temporary, and will run Thunder Wave over Dive when coming down to the E4 and Champion. If I stick with this guy.
Houndoom @ Charcoal
Ability: Flash Fire
IVs: 26/17/0/25/10/26
Lonely Nature (+Atk, -Def)
- Nasty Plot
- Flamethrower
- Dark Pulse
- Shadow Ball
Shadow Ball is waiting for Sludge Bomb. This guy helped me a lot against Charlotte before Rainbow Field was up. Just Dark Pulse everything. Special Sweeper here is OP.
Most likely I'll change it's nature once I get around to it.
Gardevoir @ No Item (Please have a nice suggestion) Pixie Plate
Ability: Trace
IVs: 31/21/14/22/17/30
Quirky Nature (Timid)
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Moonblast
- Shadow Ball
This is a already-finished moveset, and I'm waiting for Gardevoirite and Hyper Voice. Will change it's Nature to Modest coz fantastic speed already imo.
EDIT: Me friend (who is not on Reborn) suggested Timid, so Timid I go. CM was good anough for SpAtk boost, and isnce 31 HP it may live some attacks. SPeed would be more crucial then.
Escavalier @ Iron Plate
Ability: Overcoat
IVs: 7/28/5/20/6/17
Quirky Nature
- Swords Dance
- Iron Head
- X-Scissor
- Cut
Due to its horrific 7/5/6 defenses and the fact that it's Uber slow, I'm waiting for Scizor to replace this guy. However, he is quite the OP thing. Even with low defenses, he still can tank some hits (emphasis on some) and I'll probably EV it up in defenses just to make up for that IVs. And I'll be frank, I have absolutely no idea what to replace Cut with.
Toxicroak @ Corey's Ring (because emotional)
Ability: Dry Skin
IVs: 0/29/24/25/31/28
Naughty Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Brick Break
- Poison Jab
- Rain Dance
Rain Dance is coz Lanturn sucks at attacking and coz Dry Skin and also cuz no other moves for it. This guy is waiting for Drain Punch
This team is the main team that battles everything. Lately, as I realized that this team has no Rock/Ice/Flying power and I'm a bit of a weary person, I took some other Pokemon out for fun as me Rotation team as follows:
(Note: No Items so far, care to suggest some?)
IVs: 8/26/2/1/2/25
Sassy Nature (+SpDef, -Speed......yea going to change this, suggestions pl0x)
- Strength
- Crush Claw
- Sky Drop (Brave Bird)
- Rock Smash (Superpower)
I am training it atm, only Lvl54. Will get it to learn Brave Bird and Superpower. But still needs a few more moves to replace Strength/Crush Claw, Maybe Return will replace them, idk. Still planning, as Normal types ain't that important as of now post Shade. Braviary is more just-in-case for Terra.
Vanilluxe [@ICY ROCK] <----- EDIT
Ability: Ice Body
IVs: 8/25/20/29/24/12
Brave Nature
- Hail
- Mirror Coat Freeze Dry
- Mirror Shot
- Ice Beam
Flash Cannon's temporary replacement is Mirror Shot. Idk what to replace Mirror Coat though. 10/10 will replace, but Ice Body sounds so fun to play with coz Icy Field.
EDIT: Mirror Coat's got the boot, given it Freeze Dry.
Ability: Levitate
IVs: 12/5/22/31/20/17
Naive Nature
- Power Gem
- Shadow Ball
- Psybeam
- Perish Song
Psybeam is waiting for Psychic. It's an attacker which also uses Perish Song because of those evil little Boss Fights. Open to suggestions for replacement...Nasty Plot set sounds nice, but already have a Nasty Plotter and A CM-er. So idk.
Ability: Strong Jaw (replacing with Rock Head soon when I stop being lazy)
IVs: 8/31/17/14/27/10
Sassy Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Head Smash
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
Another complete Pokemon moveset, but I still don't feel like the moveset is good. Sassy Tyrantrum helps set up rocks if I need it, otherwise when I don't need it it's an all out attacker.
And that's me whole team!
At the same time, considering my IVs, could I have some suggestions on how much EV on what Pokemon? Trying to make a better, solid team here.
Anything I should edit, please say so~
P.S. Try to avoid repeating types, I tried to have all 18 types in this team, preferably if it could be kept that way it'll be good.
P.P.S. If I have issues with a certain type/Pokemon, please do let me know, am very worried.
Big Thank you for reading this in advance!
Hey guys, know how like for Vanniluxe to learn Water Pulse is via Gen4 Snorunt Breeding with a Water Pulse TM? Well I frankly don't see how in the world can Snorunt learn Water Pulse now, so what's the solution? Also, as Gengar learns Sludge Wave in Dream World, can we have Gengar to learn Sludge Wave?
Edited by ArthurZH
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Pixie Plate for Gardevoir

Toxicroak on Back Up team, Tyruntrum on main

change some moves on Lanturn, Escavalier (Cut), Braviery and get some Steel, Electric (Magnezone, Excadrill), Fire, Water and Fighting for extra on back up

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personaly im not a fan of stelth rock and head smash on tyrantum stelth rock only takes effect when swiching (thats why i dont like it) as for head smash the powers awsome and recoil is negated with the rock head ability you dont have so thats a very dangerous move for you sadly you didnt post levels but im assuming your pokemon all all late 60 early 70 in which case replace head smash for rock skide (using a heart scale) if tyrantrum isnt in that range yet teach it rock slide when it reaches 58.

since the nect leader is likly to be chel train tryantum if needed and swap him for tortera, lanturn's ok for now since hes an electric as for vinilaeux get flash canon back replacing mirror coak and replace hail wiht frost breath in my opinion and swap him for tixicroak

i also recomend going to see the guy in the academy about what type hidden power is for each member of your team

@qaaz you cant honnestly be recomending removing both hms from lanturn and getting a hm slave at this point when we will liky be having double battles left right and center going 5v6 with a hm slave as sixth isnt ideal at this stage in the game in my opinion

Edited by sandy
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@Sandy Judging by my IVs, I will most likely not use Hidden Power coz their BP will suck. And Head Smash's recoil is negated by Rock Head (which I will change). And Vanniluxe will get Flash Cannon, and Frost Breath......is a nice idea, but I don't see the appeal of why. DW, will swap Toxicroak for Vanniluxe when it comes down to Ciel's battle.

@Qaaz :OOO Pixie plate, right right..... *rushes to mine* and er, any idea what to change the moves with? BTW why Tyrantrum on main though? I'd just be doubly weak to ice.....and fighting.......

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T-Wrecks (my Tyrantrum :P )

Naughty/Rock Head

Head Smash


Dragon Claw

Brick Break

and maaaaaybe I will change Brick Break for Aerial Ace for Fighting and some Scope Lens when we get it

Edited by Qaaz
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qaaz the point i was making is that we will need dive no questiion but i doubt you will be able to use dive and then just put the slave back in the pc when you want.

@arthurZH tyrantum is a dragon/rock so its not double week to fighting your thinking of aruorus which is an ice/rock so id recomend swapping him for your torterra. as for frost breath even tho its less accurate you have the stab and its always a crit which means it should be on par with ice beam but because of the lower accuracy of frost breath, ice beams worth keeping around also. im not seeing the apeal of mirror coat (thats just me)

as for hidden power even if your IV's are terable and yes the BP may suck also its a good move for move coverage if you get a decent combination of move type covering the pokemon types weakness so its worth even just looking into mit in my opinion

Edited by sandy
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in ep 13 hidden power BP is always 60. also for tyrantrum i would breed DD onto it through altaria/horsea line. then run rock head, head smash/EQ/dragon claw/DD i would also give it one of the accuracy boosting items from the dpt store to make head smash's accuracy either 88 or 96(i believe)

hrn didnt know that as i dosent feel like my aurorus's hidden power Bp is 60 feels like 40 (what accuracy boosting items are you refering to? didnt know there was any bar scope lens)

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hrn didnt know that as i dosent feel like my aurorus's hidden power Bp is 60 feels like 40 (what accuracy boosting items are you refering to? didnt know there was any bar scope lens)

Scope Lens boosts crit rates. Zoom Lens boost a moves accuracy by 20% if you're slower than the foe (Head Smash thus has 96% accuracy, not 80 + 20), they can be bought in the Dept. Store. Wide Lens always boosts accuracy by 10%, but they can currently only be found on wild Yanma.

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Scope Lens boosts crit rates. Zoom Lens boost a moves accuracy by 20% if you're slower than the foe (Head Smash thus has 96% accuracy, not 80 + 20), they can be bought in the Dept. Store. Wide Lens always boosts accuracy by 10%, but they can currently only be found on wild Yanma.

kind of useless for my tyrantum then as its pritty fast i guess ill stick yto rock slide then

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Ditch Hail on Vanilluxe, hurts your entire team other than Esca and Vanilluxe
I also imagine bulky Ghosts will give you a massive problem, stuff like (Yes don't kill me this stuff actually exists) Calm Mind Chandelure and Nasty Plot/WoW Cofagrigus.

On the Subject of Calm Mind Chandelure, consider one for yourself, imo it's a better fire type than Houndoom that is if you have access to the Episode where Radomus gives Calm Mind as a TM instead of Trick room (Ep 11?) By using Chandelure, you keep the fire type and get the addition of a nice Ghost type other than Mismagius. I know that Calm Mind Chande is no where near good in competitive, but this ain't competitive and it has destroyed me a few times at like 95 wins in the Battle Maison on X&Y. And if Bulky Water types are your thing, consider Swampert since he has a decent Physical and very good Special move pool as of Ep 13 in Reborn. I use a mixed Swampert, and it's pretty awesome

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I'd greatly consider that and love the idea, unfortunately issue No.1 is no goddamn Calm Mind.

//looks at Ame with evil eyes

But in all seriousness, I'd probably do that once Calm Mind is out, with Calm Mind, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball and WoW or Energy Ball (still debating, will decide soon). Thanks based Female Gallade!

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