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Hail Cass! Or not... your choice...


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Hey guys, just signed up for the forums here and started Reborn at ep 13 midway through its release, been thankful for a few people helping me on the game and I hope to repay the people who helped me and even do the same for others.

I will be asking a lot of questions on here as I kinda wanna be able to, like I said, assist other people who need help, as of right now I am up to date with reborn ep 14 and now waiting for the latest release to progress with the story.

What I'm looking to get from my run is using the Pokemon as they're found, not soft resetting over and over for the perfect ones or use the common Pokemon, IVs done matter too much to me as the team will show.

Current Team Rotation: http://tinyurl.com/NeithRebornTeam

Always looking for feedback and comments on my team too so don't be afraid to tell me what you think.

I can't wait to get started and get to know you guys.

~Regards Neith Cass

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You know Neith is an Egyptian goddess right? Fun fact. Anyways, Welcome to the forums.

If you have questions you can ask them in one of three ways.

  • You can create a thread, leaving the answering to the community.
  • You can hop on Pokemon Online and ask away into the live feed.
  • ...and you can personally message Sheep, Vinny, Sightless Avenger, or myself, and we'll do our best to respond with your answer.

Speaking of the aforementioned Pokemon Online, you can access the Reborn server by clicking the Reborn Chat option on the menu to the left of the screen -OR- you can download Pokemon Online (recommended for those who enjoy competitive or friendly battles with others) and find the server there.

If you're interested in tours, you should drop by the Hall of Champions.

If you're interested in Role-playing, you should get in touch with Hukuna, the forum mod of that area.

....A guy who wants to help others is a man after my own heart. Props, my friend. Enjoy your stay.

Oh, and don't let the lobsters pinch you.

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Welcome to the forums, no really, welcome. You won't find many of us Australian's 'round the place. Mockingbird's another one, he'll either ninja me now, or be along later to say hi.

Anyway, Hilda covered most of the important stuff but I'm Sheep. Feel free to throw questions at me, so long as they're not too heavy. I don't bruise easily but I'm not exactly the strongest guy around.

As for your team? Why not throw it down in the team preview section? There's a bloke over there who goes by Etesian, and I'm sure he's waiting with baited breath to help you out.

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oh hey cool another Australian, maybe we can make a cult or something awesome

i'm Mockingbird, as Sheep said I too am Australian, like you.

you should probably leave your sanity at the door, you don't need that here

especially with all the bloody puzzles in the game and whatnot

I mean, enjoy your stay.

Hilda covered everything, so, yeah.

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  On 9/22/2014 at 10:07 AM, Sheep said:

As for your team? why not throw it down in the team preview section? There's a bloke over there who goes by Etesian, and I'm sure he's waiting with baited breath to help you out.

Pretty much that except for that last part, I have a life too, you guys. You could also PM me instead of making a topic, if you prefer that, your call. Everything's else's been covered it seems, so, um... Hi!

Edited by Etesian
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As to Hilda I know, i wasnt thinking at the time, meh, I'll live with it, most people know Neith to be male now, and I'll make sure to drop by those places, thanks for the warm welcome guys.

P.S. Who in Australia is sane? Sane people leave Australia..

P.P.S. Female Gallade is Australian and is who got me into the game

P.P.P.S. Role Playing? That has my attention, currently a Mod on Frost Pokemon Showdown server and Room Owner of The Sora League Role Playing room.

Edited by Neith
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  • Veterans

Ayyy Australian in DA HOUSE


Yeah i go by the name of Azery kinda a silent guy who's made mistakes he regrets,le sigh

But your new and everyone's already covered what i used to like to do so..HAVE FUN

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  On 9/23/2014 at 12:23 AM, Arkhidon said:

Here's to the hopes© this song suffices to illustrate that.

  On 9/23/2014 at 11:17 AM, ZephyrEnyalios said:

Here's hoping you enjoy your stay.

Copyright infringement. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

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