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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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((EDIT: Perfect ninja))

((This is something I probs should have mentioned...))


Claude had wandered into the room wondering at it and if his room would be like this, when he noticed the Gargantuan Rock type. It was a big, lumbering brute who also happened to have a Horn that looked like it could drill through anything. It scared the everloving SHIT out of him.


The cottonee woke when his trainer called. Rather than drifting lazily as he normally would, the fluff ball shot through the room, propelled by a blast of Fairy Wind. He landed in his trainers arms.

Screaming out of his mind, Claude dashed away as quickly as he could, running any where else


((Can I say that he had rainbows coming out of him as he sprints??))

Claude raced towards his own room, the only place he could hope to find salvation. As he ran everything was a fantastic blur, Doux was floating in Claudes arms, concerned for it's trainer. for anyone who saw him, they would only have discerned a pink flash holding something green and white. Assuming they had recovered from the ear splitting shriek that he was emitting


Finally, Claude reached his room. As quickly as he could, he swiped his card into the device, and swung the door open.


This was all he could say before he fainted, crumpling to the ground.

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Getting his food,James turned around to see most of them where talking to Devin and he sighed to himself"Of course 1 of the teachers has to be a freaking Dragon master"He said irritated at the fact that People were fawning over someone who wasnt the Champion"Someone who isnt the strongest shouldnt be admired for their strenght"He thought as he sat down at a table

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Tyron felt lost and didn’t know what to do. He never had to deal with a student like Shiro before who refused to answer… He thought it over for a moment, considering how to deal with the situation. Could it be this boy can’t speak? Is he a mute by any chance? Or maybe he’s deaf! Damn it, I should’ve read the new name list!

“CAN.YOU.HEAR.ME?” he asked really loud. “WHAT.IS.YOUR.NAME?”


Devin noticed the expression change on Jacob’s face and had enough experience to know what it meant. He’s covering for his friend. There’s no need to ask any further.

He decided to go along with the change in subject. Not that it mattered much because he would find out anyway. “Where are you from then? Going by your accent, I’d say somewhere from Unova.”


“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m just not very good when it comes to nicknaming.” Evan said, watching Colin move his books. He didn’t bother since he still had stuff to unpack. “And I haven’t really explored the ground yet so I’ll guess I’ll tag along. Anything specific you want to see first? I’m kinda tempted to visit the Arena.”


Lana watched Claude flee in panic. “Uhm…Did I do something wrong?”


Alvin was admiring his work when he heard the door go open followed by a noise of someone falling on the ground. He turned around the corner when he saw Claude lying in the doorway. Not sure what to do, since he barely talked to people, he walked over and poked his roommate in the ribs. “Oi, what happened? Are you alright?”

His Combee flew over and hovered over Claude’s face.

Can’t Type

James eardrums almost exploded. If he looked at his left, he could see an adult in a sweatshirt trying to talk to a student. The adult, Tyron, still wore his tag upside down and seemed determined to find a friend for Shiro...

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Kenny responded to Redwood's Apology.

"it's OK."

Kenny was then asked whether the Vulpix was his. In response, Kenny let off a short whistle, only about half a second long. Ryu came to Kenny's side as soon as he heard it. Kenny then answered the Professor's Question.

"Actually, professor, my partner is Ryu, this Riolu next to me."

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"Sure man, whatever you need." Ryan stood up, grasping Glacien against his chest as usual, and began to walk with Kage. "I hate to be insensitive here, but my curiosity seems to be getting the better of me. I never really did find out back in Mossdeep, but how exactly did you become blind?" Ryan felt guilty but he still wanted to know.

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Colin nodded affirmatively to Evan's suggestion. "Sounds good to me! I'm just hoping they have a swimming pool or something around, but I can look for it in the way. Hey Kyte, let's go!" With that, the Mudkip went near him and both stepped back in the corridor, waiting for Evan and Eevee there.

((You can have Colin follow Evan if you want Chim.))

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There was an incessant buzzing vibrating through Claudes skull. He wanted it to go away.

First, he sees the mother of all his nightmares, then he returns to find that his own supposed Haven was now a paradise for Bugs. Doux had taken to the room fabulously, evidently not caring for the fact that it seemed to be for bug types. With a groan, Claude stood up.

"What on earth happened here?"

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"It's fine. I'm not sensitive about being blind, I'm sensitive about other people worrying about it. Anyway, it was some genetic condition. Basically, the nerves stopped working or something, so that's why I don't have funny-looking eyes." As they approached the dorms, a scent wafted into Kage's nose that didn't mesh with the others around the area, but he ignored it for the moment. Someone was probably cooking.

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"Oh, ok. Sucks that you can't see. This place is gorgeous. What is it that you wanted me to help you with?" Ryan halted. He smelt something, much like when his father would burn dinner in a failed attempt to cook it. "Hey, do you smell something? Like something is burning?'

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Annoyed by the loud noise James stood up and walked over to Tyron to ask what's going on.

"I swear to god,this better have a good reason"He muttered as he stopped next to Tyron to ask why he was screaming.
"Uh Mr Tyron i was wondering why you were screaming at this kid?"He asked

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'Why the hell wouldn't he shut up?' Shiro didn't even bother to look. He decided it would be best to ignore such a loud and obnoxious person, even if he was a teacher. His eyes were rooted on the Ralts, which got picked up by some other kid and they went along together. Oh well, turns out it wasn't Shun after all. 'Thank god, I don't know how I'd be able to stand my roommate if it turned out his Pokemon attacked Shun.'

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Robert was still pondering exactly what was going on with the Riolu's. No matter how had looked at it, the gate that he was led to by Kiai, there hadn't been much that would've given any pokes but small ones, and he didn't figure that any student with a small, or even a 'roamer' pokemon would either let it from their sights, or nor that a wild pokemon and a random trainer would have enough of a bond to encite the Riolu's. So, in an effort to have SOME understanding, he headed to where Kenny and Ryu were. Hopefully they had more luck than he did. And There they were.

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"Claude! Wait! What happened?" Danielle cried as Claude ran out of the room with sparkles and rainbows trailing behind him.

"Krow..." Avis shook feathers loose, aiming to be rid of the effects of the Fairy Wind that Doux left behind. She had totally forgot about Doux sitting on her head while she flew about. Danielle noticed her discomfort and quickly helped to dust off the sparkles. "Hold on a minute, Lana... Roost, Avis," Danielle said quietly.

Avid nodded and closed her eyes. A bright glow enveloped the small bird; her body became still and relaxed. After a brief moment, Avis broke out of the light and let out a triumphant cry, beaming at Danielle and Lana.

"Silly bird, you never know danger until it's right in front of you," Danielle said fondly, letting Avis settle on her shoulder. "Sorry for my friend's... um... Sudden departure. I think he's just a bit... uh... startled, it's not your fault. Say, do you want to go help me find him? I'm afraid that he might run off into trouble, like Avis over here," Danielle said as she pointed to her Murkrow.

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Henry and the Vulpix headed outside when the the boy caught on eye another boy and a Riolu. The Vulpix sniffed around when it suddenly lost the scent again. "Heh, you would lose the scent in a place like this." He turned to the boy not realizing he couldn't hear him. "So tell me, what happened to your friends? I doubt someone like you would rush out here alone without reason. If you're looking for a battle, wild Pokemon would never suffice." The Vulpix stopped what it was doing and stood in front of its master. The sun began to glow a bit brighter and Henry could feel the heat burn his skin a bit, but he was used to it. He lived in a dessert after all. "Show me what you got."

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“Interesting color,” Redwood said studying the Riolu in front of him. “But this is no time to be distracted, I’m afraid. I have to go to the Contest Hall now, preparations and stuff. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here and good luck with your studies!”

He fastened his pace and seemed to be in deep thoughts again, leaving Kenny behind.


Evan and his partner followed Colin. They went down the stairs and were about to leave the dorms, when a young woman bumped into Evan, knocking him on the ground.

“Hey, watch where you’re going!” the student said, a bit angered.

“I can say the same to you! Don’t you smell that? Someone set his dorm on fire!” Phoebe rushed past Colin and released her Blastoise. From Colin's point of view he could a weird stone around it's neck. “Let’s go,” she ordered her strongest partner, ignoring the two teenagers behind her.


“How should I know? I’m not the one that passed out,” Alvin said before returning to his creation. “Is that your Cottonee? It’s not bad, I guess. You know, for not being a bug type that is.”

Can’t Type and Bfroger

Tyron turned around when he heard James talking to him. “Ooh, I remember you! The hasty one filled with energy!” he laughed before taking a serious expression again.

“This kid in front of me doesn’t talk. He completely ignores everyone. I think he might be deaf or something…”


“Sure, I’ll help… I guess. C’mon Rhy, let’s go!”

The Rhyhorn, who was sound asleep a second ago, suddenly woke up and started moving. It jogged towards the door as if it heard what both girls were planning.

((Just take Lana along with you. She can follow you around for now.))

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"Hey Kenny, anything of note on your end? All I got to was a dead end to a gate and Kiai signaling something about 'separation' and 'help', and I doubt that a wild Pokemon would resonate with some random trainer, or that a student here would just let their pokemon roam alone.' As he was talking, it seemed to heat up around them, but reasoned it off with just getting out of the shade.

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Kenny heard Robert's Question. He was about to answer when Ryu tugged on the leg of his Jeans.

"Ryu, what is it?"

Ryu then pointed at a Student in the Cafeteria who didn't have a Pokemon with them, and Kenny looked in that direction. This was accompanied by a signal from Ryu that meant loneliness.

"He's missing his Pokemon, isn't he?"

Ryu answered Kenny by nodding his head. Kenny then went over to Robert, Ryu following Kenny.

"Robert, some Student is still missing their Pokemon, and I may have gotten a lead on the Type of Pokemon that is missing. It's most likely a Ralts, seeing as that's the Pokemon that Ryu just protected from another Student's Vulpix. some Student left their Ralts unattended, and for some reason, someone's Vulpix tried kidnapping it. The situation was resolved when the Ralts was picked up by its trainer, but Ryu seems to think that there's still a Pokemon missing."

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Ryan grabbed Kage by the wrist to make sure he stayed behind him the whole time and started walking circles around the dorm building with an incredibly troubled face. After coming to the backside, he saw a stream of smoke billowing from one of the windows but not any fire from what he could see. "Kage! I see smoke but I don't know if there is a fire or not! I'm gonna go investigate! Do you remember how to get back to the cafeteria? Go see if Drake is still there and let him know about this!" Before waiting for a response, Ryan ran back to the front of the building. "Glacien, we might have to put out a fire here. No different from Dad's cooking, OK?" Ryan knew that water gun suited those situations. But this time? He hated to do this to Glacien cause he knew he might have to resort to Water Pulse. Glacien was always embarrassed to be the only Spheal from Shoal Cave to know that move. But if the time came, he had to be ready.

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"No, no, no, no, I mean, what happened to the Room?! And what on earth do you mean to say about my beautiful Doux?!" Claude was outraged. Who was this boy to insult Doux like that? Claude fixed a glare on the boy that could match any pokemon. "Pick your next words carefully"

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"Hmm, that would explain why Ryu ran all the way here. That just means that his Ralts must be past the Gate that Kiai led me to." This made good sense, but how did a Ralts get past there? Whatever, that doesn't really matter at the moment. "Ok, I'll follow your judgement, let's go."

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Henry looked around, but saw nothing of interests other than the Riolu and smoke coming from a room. "Congrats, Zuko. You weren't the first pokemon to catch the school on fire. Still don't see that Ralts anywhere. Must be hiding somewhere shady." The boy looked over to the fenced forest. "Now why would you go in there? Zuko, distract them while I try to lure him out. Don't hold back on the heat now." The boy ran to the forest feeling the intense sunlight on him. "Now it's starting to feel like home." He watched as his Vulpix ran towards the Riolu.

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"I'm neither deaf or mute, and I don't have any friends! There's no need to whisper behind my back!" Shiro snapped. He was getting nerous by the minute as time passed and Shun was nowhere to be seen. Neither one of them liked being apart from the other, so Shiro assumed Shun would've arrived here already. And now this guy starte mumbling things behind his back! It was outrageous. He turned to face him, and the first thing he noticed was how untidy the man seemed. He could also see the boy that guy was speaking to. Shiro gulped, and continued. "And now excuse me, I have to check up on my Ralts. He shoudl've been here already..."

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Ryu saw the Vulpix run at him, and knew that an Attack was imminent from the Hostile Feeling coming from it's Aura. Ryu braced himself, Glowing Orange, and then the Vulpix crashed into Ryu, taking twice the damage that Ryu took.



Ryu (75% HP Left): Counter

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