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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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Once he was finished with the bandage, Shiro fekt something gently place itself on his shoulder. Curious ti what it was, he looked up at his roommate.

"Well..." It was awkward, kind of, because of all that had hapoened over the day, but as Henry (which was apparently his name) continued talking, Shiro slowly came to realize he didnt take him for a weirdo or anything. It appeared as if Henry was actually praising Shiro. His eyes widened as he looked up at the boy, his first actual friend, in awe.

"M-" He swallowed the saliva and continued, mustering up his courage. "My name is Shiro. It's nice to meet you."

'This is how you do it, right?' Shiro thought to himself as he stared, with a determined frown, right into the opened palm of his hand he offered in order to properly introduce himself.

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Whilst the others dealt with Avis, Claude continued to speak with Mareek. Claude couldn't help but... admire Mareek as he spoke. "A fedora? Yes, I think he was with Devin when we went to chase this foolish bastard here." Claude said, nodding towards Alvin. "Anyways, my name's Claude" He had to refrain from a grander intro, to his disappointment " the girl with the murkrow is Danielle, the other lovely madame is Lana, whilst I believe I heard the boy with the ralts say his name was Shiro."

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While Flare and Slade were playing Phantump-bowling, the Trevenant’s managed to surround Haxorus. The dragon eyed his opponents carefully looking for a way to reach their boss and finish things, but there wasn’t any opening. Devin noticed the same problem. “Easy, partner, don’t waste your strength on them. We’ll finish this in one attack,” was all he said before using his fingers as a whistle.

A buzzing sound could be heard as a green blur dived straight into the pack of Trevenant. A small path opened up giving Haxorus the opportunity to reach his opponent in the blink of eye.


Forest gate group

Alvin was laying spread out in the grass, trying to catch a breath. He didn’t even have the energy left to react to Claude.

Lana on the other hand tried to keep her presence as small as possible. She was faced with getting to know three more people, but didn’t know how to handle it. Instead she looked on her watch and grasped for air. “Uhm… We’re already too late for Redwood’s speech. It’s 6.05.”


Contest Hall group

Professor Redwood entered the stage with a warm welcoming smile. He opened his arms like he wanted to hug his everyone in his audience all at once, included the three rebels that chose to walk up the stairs to find a seat. “Welcome to the Ymora Academy! I’m professor Redwood and I suggest you take a good look through the audience. The students you see around you are those you will be sharing this experience with for 3 years! So get acquainted, battle and strive to be the best you can be!” he paused for a moment, looking through the audience himself. “This welcoming speech is for first years, and their families, only. I will be answering the question everyone has about Dragon Pokémon as well as introducing how our system works.”

Redwood took the microphone out of the holder and started to walk around the stage. “I’ll explain our system first. Some of you might have noticed that your Pokédex has a little extra: the battle point system. I’ve developed this little system myself. As some of you may know, especially the parents, people used to travel around at a young age. Many bought food and water along the way along with clothes or something simple as a train ticket. Now where did these trainers get their money?” Redwood paused for a moment to let the students think. “From home? A job along the way? Correct. There were also other ways and one of them was to battle others. Two trainers met, decided they wanted to battle and put something on the line. The easiest thing was money, especially for those trainers that were in need to buy food and such. But like with many things, people started to be dishonest. I’ve seen many conflicts, so I developed a new system to teach students about the importance of money and spent it wisely and at the same time to promote sportsmanship: the battle point system.”

This time he took a sip from his water before continuing. “It’s easy. To start up your personal system you have to activate your student ID in your Pokédex. This will automatically activate your personal page. Every student starts with 100 points. You can gain points by keeping your grades up, by winning a battle or by winning one of the schools tournaments. This also means you’ll lose points if you don’t put in any effort in your schoolwork, lose a battle or are knocked-out of a tournament. Keep in mind that if you want a friendly match, you don’t have to bet any points. If you do want to bet points; go to your personal page and link your Pokédex with your opponent. Then select the amount. It’s as easy as that. Every time you will know beforehand how many points exactly you are putting on the line. And best of all: you can’t cheat the system so you have to be responsible.”

Redwood smiled again after that remark. “Now, you’ll probably want to know what you can do with these points. Well, starting tomorrow, food and drinks all have a point value. If you buy food in the cafeteria, you’ll have to pay for it by using your student ID. For those students that rather cook for themselves; next to the cafeteria is a store that will open up. It works the same way. Now before I start talking about Dragon types, are there any questions?”

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Jacob nodded at everything the Professor said, taking his red Pokedex out of his pocket. He opened it and, when prompted, entered his student ID. The main light on the device blinked a couple of times, and then his trainer information page showed up on the screen. Balance... 100 BP. Everything's in order. I should battle someone for a little extra BP later. After all, I'll probably need it soon. The young Trainer smiled and scratched the back of Teo's head. The Trapinch made a satisfied gurgling noise, causing his Trainer to giggle. "Teo, shh!" Jacob said, stifling his laughter.

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Ryan tapped Kage on the shoulder to wake him up when he saw Redwood enter the stage. After listening to the short speech Ryan scanned the area around him to find that him, Jacob, and Kage were the only ones on the top viewing area. Without bothering to raise his hand, Ryan yelled. "Professor Redwood sir? You mentioned school tournaments. How do these tournaments work? Are these tournaments only for trainers or also for coordinators and breeders?" Ryan realized he might have seemed rude by yelling without raising his hand.

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"Hmm, a battle point system. Makes sense that they'd reward good behavior." With that, Robert took out his Pokedex and put in his Student ID. There's the initial points. Maybe I'll finally get a battle myself after this. Then, a simple question popped into his head. "Sir, are there any other Items available to buy using BP apart from food?"

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"No problème~ It does take a while to get used to doing this." Danielle smiled, taking the bandage back into her own hands. After checking out the trainer's work, she swifty tied it up and admired their handiwork as the group are holding conversations. Danielle noticed how Claude seemed... more quiet than normal? around that guy he was talking to. How odd, but funny... Then, she turned towards Shiro and handed Shun back to him.

"Well then, since Claude introduced me already to everyone, all I can say is: Nice to meet you all!" Danielle greeted, waving to everyone with a free hand.

In a split second after, she heard Lana gasped in shock. “Uhm… We’re already too late for Redwood’s speech. It’s 6.05.”

"Already? Mon Dieu, how time flies!" Danielle cried. She quickly stuffed the bandages and the empty bottle back in her bag, zipped it up and got up with swift gusto. "Hey, everyone, why don't we walk and talk then?"

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Claude eyes widened in shock at Lanas words. "My freinds, I do believe that the word "shit" accurately describes our situation, Let us go!" With that, Claude whipped out his map, determining a route to the Hall. He turned on his heel and was about to go when he remembered Alvin, and he knew he couldn't let the fool get into trouble because of him not helping. After all, if he didn't consider others, his rant at Alvin would have made him a hypocrite. He walked over to Alvin and steadied himself on his shoulder once more. "Right,- *Wheeze* - Les'go" Claude said succinctly.

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Henry noticed Shiro's hand was shaking a little with their quick handshake, but he pretended not to notice.Henry watched Claude struggle to carry his "friend." He quickly released his grip on Shiro and walked over. He lifted Alvis's other arm and pulled it over his shoulders. "You look like you could pass out about now. You don't mind me lending a hand, do you?"

There was a good chance the boy with the Scyther would run into the forest if he didn't stay there, but there was nothing he could do about. The five other students were safe from something that was his fault. That's all he could ask for.

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"Ah, thank you monsieur." Claude said a weak grin on his face. These trials and tribulations were suited to trainers, and may Arceus bless the strong soul Danielle possessed if she could put up with it all. "Like I said, my name is Claude, and this is Alvin, my room mate" He couldn't keep a slight bitter note out of his voice.

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With a glad grin on his face, Shiro got up. Everything ended up well. Shun was slumbering peacefully in his hands. The burn heal must've started it's job and Shun seemed as if he didn't need more medical help. But Shiro was still going to have Shun checked up, just in case (I guess it's revealed during the check up that Shun's a girl)

The others have already headed to the Contest Hall, so he followed them. They were already late, so they were all walking on a somewhat faster pace that didn't really suit Shiro's sore feet, but he endured it anyways.

Only one thing worried him still as he blissfully walked towards the Contest Hall, apparently oblivious to a green stain on his torn shirt; what was with that weird egg?

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"Ah, thank you monsieur." Claude said a weak grin on his face. These trials and tribulations were suited to trainers, and may Arceus bless the strong soul Danielle possessed if she could put up with it all. "Like I said, my name is Claude, and this is Alvin, my room mate" He couldn't keep a slight bitter note out of his voice.

"No problem," Henry responded. "Your roommate is lucky having someone like you around. Where I come from, your best friend would steal your wallet and leave you on the streets instead of helping you back on your feet. Anyways, I'm Henry and Shiro over there is my roommate. It's certainly been one heck of a day for both of us, but I'm glad he and his Ralts are finally reunited."

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Mareek turned his back on the tiny group and checked the time on his MP3, confirming that they were indeed late for the introduction speech. He glanced off at the forest for a moment... if Devin had managed to find Slade, and this group here had seen them on their way out, then chances were that both of them wouldn't be too far behind. In that case, there was honestly no point going in; he'd just be wasting his time.

"Come on, Erce," He said as he began walking away. "We're out off here." The Mantis turned and followed her trainer, stopping a few moments later to glance back at Henry's vulpix, sizing the punny beast up one last time... She seemed to have a habit of staring down other Pokemon that she knew she had a disadvantage to. "Erce?" Mareek called. She turned to find him looking back at her.

"Scyyyyyy...." She hissed. With that she began on her way again, catching up to Mareek. The boy walked off once more with her in tow, setting a rather brisk pace as he made his way through the fading evening light towards the Contest Hall across Campus.

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As the group walked towards the Contest Hall, Avis was flying above their heads. The black bird was enjoying the slight updraft, which allows her to sail by without flapping her wings so much. She kept a eye out on the group in case her master needed her while she enjoyed the sun setting from above.


On the ground, Danielle managed to fall in line with Henry and Claude, who were hoisting up Alvin. She found it strange that the two guys had to carry Alvin around, since he didn't seem injured. He's probably tired, but not injured, right? With that in mind, she decided to poke some fun. "Hey, guy in the middle, I know you bumped your head an all, but considering how much time has passed since then, you should be fine by now. If not, I can give you a quick examination~" she said with a wink.

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As Henry and Claude talked, Doux returned from hovering above the group, resting in top of Claudes head as per usual. "Well, thank you for the help, Doux." Claude said, a distinct tone of rare sarcasm coming from the young man. When Danielle began speaking to Alvin, Claude took it upon himself to forewarn the girl "Believe me madame, there's no use teasing this boy. I'd bet my future as a coordinator that he wouldn't understand the sentiment."

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"So you're a coordinator as well. Small world we live in." Henry then looked at the Cottonee on Claud's head. "Nice hat you got there." Suddenly, Zuko jumped in front of them and growled at the Cottonee. "Zuko, stand down. Sorry, he's not a big fan of grass types." The Vulpix turned its head pretending the Cottonee didn't exist.

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"Well, make that 3 coordinators then," Danielle piped out with a grin. "Glad to see that I am not surrounded by trainers~"

Returning to Claude's comment on Alvin, she replied, "Oh, Claude, maybe we are approaching him the wrong way~ Avis, darling, can you drop a feather?"

Avis landed on her shoulder after a second and pulled out a small feather. Instead of flying back up to observe the view, however, she stayed at her perch, curious about what Danielle wants to do.

Danielle stroked Avis a little before tickling Alvin's nose with the feather. "Time to wake up~"

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"Oh, more coordinators!" Shiro bounced up and caught up to them. It was kind of exciting to meet the people he would have to compete against in the future, and even more so that they were his 'friends', again, kind off. They had only just met, but they were the first people he talked to normally, like ever.

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((Wait, did all the coordinators legit get caught into the forest shenanigans?))

Claude gave a great rolling laugh, one that matched a delibird trainer more than someone with his slim frame.

"My, my, I guess Professor Redwood won't be too pleased with us Coordinators then. How about you two?" Claude asked Lana

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"Flare, how about giving Haxorus a bigger opening, flame charge!" Flare then slammed a Trevenant flying with the speed he got from his last flame charge. "Now once more on the other!" He then turned around and slammed the other Trevenant making a 3 Trevenat big hole in the circle surrounding Haxorus.

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Danielle giggled. "Ah, I'm not worried. We will wow Professor Redwood and make it up! By the way, wasn't there a guy with a Scyther before? Does anybody know his name? I didn't quite catch it." She turned to Claude, trying to gauge his reaction to that question. She was trying hard not to smirk at him.

Avis decided to try her luck with Zuko, the Vulpix, so she flew down to walk-hop beside him.

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Flare’s attacks didn’t do much do the Trevenant’s. They were clearly much higher leveled, but couldn’t do anything due to the Flygon being around.

Meanwhile Rookie, as Devin nicknamed the white Trevenant, was getting pummeled by Haxorus. No matter what it tried, it didn’t work. Devin didn’t even need to give out orders. His Haxorus and Flygon were trained well that they knew what they had to do and Slade could feel how powerful they really were.

And while Haxorus dodged every attack Rookie threw at him, the more the latter lost its patience and finally made the mistake Haxorus was waiting for. Its arm grew more heavy as it took the shape of a hammer. Rookie swung the Woodhammer full force only to be simply stopped by Haxorus who retaliated with a Dragon Claw, sending his opponent flying.


Forest gate group

Alvin decided not to struggle when Claude and Henry carried him. His legs were still a bit shaky causing him to wobble every now and then. He only reacted when Danielle suggested examining him. “How can you examine me? Are your parents doctors and did they teach you?” he asked very seriously. He was still confused when she came at him with a feather, causing him to sneeze. “What the hell are you doing?”

Meanwhile Lana was walking at the back of the group. She was still trying to figure out a way to introduce herself without being rude and interrupt everyone. When Claude asked her in which program she was, he had to listen very carefully. “I-I’m trying to become a Breeder that specializes in ground types,” her voice was very quiet and shy.


Contest Hall group

Professor Redwood chuckled a bit when one of the three rebels yelled his question through the entire Hall and was immediately followed by another one. “Ok, I’ll first answer the question about what you can buy with these battle points. It’s simple; in the store that will open up you can find also find clothes and everything related to Pokémon. This includes food, poffin ingredients, Pokéballs, and some other things.” He paused for a moment before looking in Ryan’s direction.

“During the year we’ll be holding three tournaments. The first one is the Winter Cup. It’s battle tournament with a knock-out system. You’ll be facing opponents from the same year from all three different programs. Participation isn’t mandatory but is of your own free will. Further down the road there are two others tournaments; one if for Coordinators only to show what they learned during the year. They will be facing their classmates only and can decide if they want to participate or not. The other tournament is a Battle tournament. Breeders and Trainers will face off against each other. This one works the same as the others: knock-out system and students are free to decide if they want to participate or not.” Redwood paused again, this time a little longer. “There is only one catch: you have to offer up battle points. You’ll be informed how many exactly a week before the tournament starts. The winner gets all battle points.” Redwood could feel some students getting excited already. “Oh, before I forget: next year you’ll start with the amount of points you had when you ended your first…”

He took a sip of his water again to let students get used to the idea. In the meantime Phoebe walked on stage, whispered something in his ear, and left again.

“Well, it looks like professor Cadmus is being held up, so I’ll have to talk about Dragon types. I usually let him do it because he’s an expert and in my experience it helps calm down the parents.” He chuckled a little. He knew there were a lot of students excited to get their hands on a Dragon Pokémon. “Now as you may know; starting from the second year you can start specializing in certain types. However dragon type class starts from the first year and is mandatory. Professor Cadmus will teach you everything you have to know about them, but since we believe you’ll get more insight and experience from seeing them in their natural habitat, we planned an excursion six weeks from now. You, and by that I mean the parents here, may think that’s too soon. I say not. We believe it is in the students’ best interest to face them early in their journey as a trainer. In six weeks professor Cadmus has enough time to teach them what they need to know in order to have a safe excursion. During this trip the students will be guided by reliable professionals in order to keep them safe. Students will also have the option to catch a dragon type if they desire so we can guide them. This isn’t only a safe way but by the time our students graduate; they have three years’ experience in how to handle a dragon type and keep it under control.”

“Are there any more questions?”

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Kage sat up and leaned forward, taking his feet off of the chair in front of him as Redwood began to speak about the Dragon-types. Raising his hand, he called out his questions. "I had two. One, were you planning on assigning all of us Pokemon to start with, or no because most of us have pokemon already? Two, when can we actually start raising Dragon-types?"

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'Seems that Flare by himself won't be able to knock them down.' Slade though to himself, then idea struck him when he saw a few Phantump still left. "Flare use flame chare on those Phanump but save one, then grab it with bite!" Flare using his 5th flame charge zoomed towards the Phantump sending all but one a blaze and catching one in its mouth. "This time lets go for Trevenant bowling, now use flame wheel in place!" The growlithe spun 2.5 times faster with all those flame charges from before and sent the Phantump hurling towards the Trevenant with literally blazing speeds.

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