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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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Colin listened to the speech from his place near the entrance of the Contest Hall. The idea of entering tournaments was what got him more excited, since he didn't have much interest in dragons... Or so he thought, until Juan's Kingdra came to his mind. Well, dunno if Horsea will be available there anyway, might as well just wait and see. The boy thought to himself while he kept listening to the Q&A session.

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Ryan patiently waited until Kage had finished his questions to raise his hand and blurt out again. He remembered that Lucas was still on his head and felt that he probably looked ridiculous. "Do you have a general knowledge of what dragons we might see on this exhibition?"

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"Awesome!!!"James cried out,He was excited for this school year despite his general dislike of school."I'm gunna beat them all in 1 of those cups!"He thought as Proffesor Redwood continued his long speech for the new students such as him.

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"Oh, good! You're okay! Yaaay~" Danielle clapped as if she was entertaining a child. She gave Claude a quick look that says "You're right," before addressing the now alert Alvin. "What I was doing was an examination on whether or not your alive, duh~ Dead people don't sneeze," she rolled her eyes as she put her black feather in the bag. "Since I got your attention now, why aren't you walking by yourself? It doesn't look like you're bleeding or anything unless..." Danielle gasped before continuing, "Unless, of course, this is your excuse to try and get close to Claude and Henry! Is that it? I didn't know you are gay! Not like I mind, of course. They are so fun to be around with! Did you find anything interesting while you were ignoring us? You just have to spill it out now. I mean, like, we are trying to get to know one another and..." Danielle continued rambling the same nonsense, jumping around Henry, Claude, Shiro and Lana before returning to Alvin; she was having too much fun teasing the poor boy to notice that the Contest Hall was looming right over them.


Avis was chuckling at Danielle's attempt to include Alvin into their group. He was, clearly, annoyed at her feather antic, but that didn't stop her master. Avis decided to take flight once more to reach their destination; walking is just not her strong suit. While circling around, she noticed a strange patch of green on Shiro's shirt. That was odd; grass doesn't stain that much. Avis propped herself on his shoulder and looked at the stain and back at Shiro. She repeated the same actions until he noticed it.

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At Danielles suggestion, Claude had a violent reaction, hopping away from Alvin to hide behind Lana, shuddering all the way. "Please, Danielle, my lovely, PLEASE do not suggest such a rank thing again." Claude was still shaking, fighting the urge to retch, when he realized that they were at the contest hall. It was as awe striing as any building in Lumiose. That said, Claude didn't spare much time to appreciate it. He already had a healthy appreciation for architecture, "Well, I suppose we had better hope we aren't too late. At least we'll be able to see OUR arena for the year" Claude remarked with a nervous smile. Claude waltzed over to the door, putting more effort into a confident swagger as he went, until he reached the doors, walking through with a proud façade of confidence in place to protect him from the potential wrath of the professor.

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"..." Shiro froze when he noticed the condition of his shirt. The once white fibers were now covered in the green liquid from that egg, and there were slices all over the arms.

'I can't go inside like that!' Breathing rapidly, Shiro backed away from the imposing building as all his emotions from earlier today came back. The fear, the nervousness, the loneliness...

"Uhm, well..." His voice was overshadowed by Claude's melodic shouts. They were right in front of the door, but his feet wouldn't leave the ground. "Guys..." Nobody heard. "I... I... can't..." Using his heel, he spun around, ready to run off back to the dorm. Something was stopping him, though. He was with people, he couldn't just leave without saying anything. Plus, he still had to get Shun to a doctor, and he was actually curious about the speech.

So he just stood there, a couple of feet away from the others, looking towards the dorm with Shun's frail body in his grasp, letting the wind blow through his brown hair...

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"Please," replied Henry, "he's not even in my league. Claude was the one who helped him up anyways. Now..." Henry looked around the building he'd been to earlier. The place seemed a bit smaller without the large crowd heading in. He was about to continue, but he was distracted by a soft voice from behind. He turned his head and saw a brown haired girl following them. Wait, how long has she been there? "Pardon me, but could you speak up a bit. I have a bit of trouble hearing sometimes. Uh...you're name also seems to have slipped my mind."


While Henry didn't seem to notice Shiro, Zuko did. He looked back and forth between the two trainers trying to decide who he should follow.

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Devin was watching Flare and Slade’s every move and nodded in appreciation. The boy could do it if he could so it was time to wrap things up.

After Flare and Flygon’s assault there weren’t many Trevenant left. They tried to get close to take out the annoying fire type, but couldn’t get close due to the dragons interference. “Wrap things up,” Devin ordered before Flygon’s wings took a silver-ish glow and started to mow down opponent after opponent.

A few meters further Haxorus was also almost finished. Rookie was looking tired and its attacks were considerably slower, while Haxorus didn’t have a scratch and was even faster than before. The difference between the two was too much. Even a strong one like Rookie appeared to be no match for Devin and his dragons. One more Dragon Claw was all it took for Rookie to almost pass out. The Trevenant decided to retreat and called for the others to follow him.

“Not bad Slade,” Devin complemented the student like they were in class. “But how about we go back now?”


Coordinator and NPC group

Alvin stuttered and struggled himself loose. His face turned red and he felt offended by Danielle’s assumptions. “How dare you?” he spat. “I’m here to become the best trainer I can be and I take it very seriously. Now leave me alone with your childish accusations! I can feel my brain cells almost dying just by being in your company!” with that said he walked away, bumped into Claude, and entered the Contest Hall.

Evan was leaning against the wall a few meters behind Colin when he spotted Alvin with his head held high. He looked in the direction where he came from when he saw some latecomers. Evan eyed them one by one without saying anything.

Lana blushed. Her shyness embarrassed her yet again and she felt ridiculous that someone couldn’t understand her even though she was walking right behind him. “I-I’m Lana. I’m in the Breeder program and this is my partner Rhy. Nice to meet you,” she said.


Contest Hall group

Redwood listened carefully to the questions. “Well, all of them are related so I’ll answer them at the same time. First; yes, all of you will receive a Pokémon tomorrow. There are some future dragon types available such as Horsea, Swablu and Trapinch. You can also find Goomy and Noibat and I believe that covers the available dragons. So to answer your second question; you can start training a dragon tomorrow. The other species will become available on the excursions that are planned. And you have the possibility to encounter all of them.”

“Is that clear? Any more questions?”

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Ryan sat in silence. He felt a shiver on his leg. He looked down and saw that Glacien was trembling. Whether is was both the things, or only one specifically, Ryan knew for a fact that something Redwood said upset him. And he knew each would set off Glacien. Ryan had known that Glacien was recently born during the incident between Deoxys and Rayquaza and was present during their first brawl. He was almost hit by one of Rayquaza's hyper beams. Ryan had known because orphaned Spheals from that incident were manually transferred to Shoal Cave. Glacien was one of them. He never liked dragons since then. However, also, he knew Glacien would be upset that Ryan wouldn't be giving him 100% of his love and time. Ryan leaned forward and scooped up Glacien, hugging him tightly. Glacien's tremors were suppressed as he felt Ryan's embraced and a tear slipped down his face. Ryan whispered gently to Spheal. "We're gonna get you over this fear ok? Dragons aren't to be feared. In fact, I know that most of them are incredibly weak to your ice attacks, Glacien. And don't you ever think I'll love you less after we get our new pokemon tomorrow. You are my first pokemon, and my favorite. You always will be." Ryan nuzzled Glacien in his cheek, appreciating the chill from his skin as the Contest Hall seemed rather warm.

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'No, there's nothing to worry about. People probably wont even notice in a crowd, right? I suppose...'

A tender voice brought Shiro back. That brown haired girl was trying to introduce herself. It was the first time he saw how nervous she was, almost, no, definitely as much as him. His worries were lessened by the wave of relief. So, in the end, he wasnt the only one feeling that way.

"N- nice to meet you... I'm Shiro, a coordinator." He moved Shun to his left hand and tucked the right one out. "Do you... maybe... uhm... wanna be friends?" His voice broke at the final word, and it ended up sounding really squeeley, while Shiro felt as if someone had pointed a reflector at him cause of that.

(you can thank my annoying dog for this sub par post)

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"It's nice to meet you Citrine." Henry felt Alvis slip out of his grip right when he realized his own slip up. Looks like he had some explaining to do. "Sorry about that. It's a bit of a bad habit. Back in Pyrite Town, I had a friend whose name was very similar to yours who was quite fond of gemstones. Citrine is one of her favorites so I ended up calling her that. Citrine, no, I mean Lana, forgive me if I ever accidentally call you that." Henry felt embarrassed he slipped up twice already. Usually, he was pretty good at controlling his tongue. "I'm Henry and that's..." Henry saw Zuko standing a bit aways. "Hey Zuko, get over here. I can't have you wondering off now, can I?" The Vulpix quickly ran over to its master. "And this little troublemaker is Zuko." Henry then saw Shiro walk closer to them. "Looks like my roomie wants to have a little chat with you. Do me a favor and don't scare him off," he whispered. "I better take a seat before I miss the whole speech." With that Henry took off, not before hearing a high pitch voice crack. Oh boy, here we go again. Henry turned around to make sure everything was alright.

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"Oh dear, someone just can't take a joke~" Danielle teased, giving Alvin space for him to leave. "Either that or he is a homophobe..."

"Please, Danielle, my lovely, PLEASE do not suggest such a rank thing again," Danielle heard Claude said while trembling with fear behind Lana. Danielle gave a thumbs up to indicate she understood as Claude walked through the doors of the Contest Hall. She wondered, however, what had gotten into him. Either he is a homophobe as well... Or Claude is gay and is disgusted by the fact that Alvin was trying to hit on him?

Her concentration was broken by Shiro's high-pitched squeak and Henry walking around the entrance. She found Shiro introducing himself to Lana, so nothing seems out of the ordinary. With that, Danielle decided to follow Claude through the doors. They have stalled long enough as is.

"Lana, Henry, Shiro, and corresponding Pokes, let's go listen to the honorable Professor! We can talk later~ Avis, come back and behave. The authorities are inside." Danielle called before entering the Contest Hall.


Avis zoomed right past the doors that Danielle was holding back to land on her shoulder. However, Avis' eyes landed on Evan, who was eyeing at them from a distance. Avis poked Danielle and pointed to Evan. Danielle looked at Evan for a brief second before she looked for a seat. Seeing that the hall is filled, she took her place besides the guy.

"So," she whispered, "Did I miss anything important?"

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Mareek leaned back in his chair as the professor asked if there were any more questions. He had finally gotten back and found a seat towards the back of the crowd as Redwood had been finishing up the explanation on tournaments and the school shop... and he had to say, things looked like they would prove to be interesting here. Erce Leaned forward on the chairs in the row directly before them, careful not to tear up the cushioning with her scythes. she hadn't much cared for actually sitting down, but then again, since when had any scyther ever wanted to sit down? But at least leaning against the next row like this, she wouldn't appear as tall and draw as much attention to them. She turned and eyed her trainer expectantly when Redwood inquired if there was anyone else still with questions.

"What?" he said, noticing her gaze. "I understand all this; so no point in asking anything right now." Erce seemed to shake her head before resetting her attention to the speaker. Mareek felt that he had missed an obvious question from her. "What, are you wondering about what you might get as a new partner?" The Mantis turned back around and nodded expectantly. "I...hmmm..." He stopped and thought about that for moment. Now that he pondered it, he had never really ever conceive of using any other pokemon than Erce. He'd known her for so long, but honestly, another partner? kinda seemed weird... "I actually don't even know myself," he finally answered. "guess we'll just have to see tomorrow, won't we?"

The only thing Erce responded to that with was a rather disappointed look before turning back to the front. Seems she wanted a new friend, and was looking to Mareek, as her trainer, to have already planned for it; hence her sense of feeling let down a little.

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"Yea we probably should head back before we miss the entire assembly." Slade said retrieving his stuff trevenant shook from his pockets. "Flare are you holding up well? Do you wanna walk with us or do you wanna go into your pokeball?" Growlithe tipped in a way that ment he wanted to follow. "Well, shall we get going."

(((OCC: did flare gain any levels after the battle?)))

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Devin looked on his watch. “We’re already too late. Professor Redwood should be finishing about now. I can tell you everything he said, but I think it’s better if you ask your fellow students. Older students should be arriving about now as well so let’s head straight for the barbeque, unless you want to wait in line.”

((He’ll just follow you, so in your next post you can skip the walk if you want))

Bfroger and commander

“Uhm nice to meet you,” Lana said shaking Shiro’s hand. Apparently the boy in front of her was even worse than her when it came to meeting new people. “Should we go inside? It might not be over yet.”


Evan raised his eyebrow when one of the latecomers took a seat next to him. “You kinda missed everything. Redwood explained the battle point system, tournaments and when we get to meet some dragon types,” he said summing it up. “Oh yeah and tomorrow we get a new Pokémon.” When he mentioned the potential new partner his Eevee jumped on his lap with a curious look. “Don’t worry, you’ll still be my number one. I don’t know what Pokémon I want anyway…” he said scratching Eevee behind the ears.

Everyone in the Contest Hall

“No more questions? Then I guess we’re finished!” Redwood said. “Now before I send you all off; there is one last free meal for you all. It’s a barbeque and around this time second and third years are arriving as well. So if you feel hungry head to the cafeteria in the main building. We opened the outside doors as well so you can sit in open air. Class starts tomorrow at 8.30 AM!”

With that said he took a bow and left the stage.

((You're all free to do what you want. Tomorrow I'll be moving to day 2))

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"BARBEQUE?!??!?!?"James screamed out as he ran out of the contest hall only to be met by the cold wind of the night.He let out Shade and told him"Buddy there's some good food at the caffeteria right now so lets run,ok?"With that James was off,Shade simply Floating behind him.As he got to the Caffeteria he saw a few people standing in there already getting their food."Hmm,let's talk to them,Shade"James said as he walked in

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"Well, that was enlightening to say the least." Everything seemed to be summed up in that speech, so atleast he knew what was going on. "Hey Kenny, whether your following or not, I'm headed off to the cafeteria. Wanna see all they have, THEN stuff my face with it!" With that, he walked out of the seating area. He thought to himself 'Maybe I'll even get a battle on the way there. More than that, hopefully I'll see that Shiro kid on the way, probably cheer him up as much as I can.'

(Bfroger, when/if you next post, just say something like him being near you.)

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After the handshake was over, Shiro quickly pulled his hand back. He got a serious urge to scratch the back of his head all of a sudden.

"Haha..." He tried to smile awkwardly. "I'll... see you again sometimes..." He would have scooted off inside at that point, but that was when the people actually started coming out. 'Aww, did I miss the speech? And what's worse, I don't know anyone who has heard the speech...'

Shiro tried to push through the horde of students and get inside the Contest hall, but the current was too strong, and he almost fell, bumping into some other boy. "Uhm... sorr-" When he removed the hair from his eyes, he saw the Riolu boy from earlier. "You..."

'Maybe he can tell me what happened!'

"Well... hi."

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Claude sighed, glad the group had not been chewed out. He looked around and saw everyone beginning to mill around, deciding what to do fo themselves. Hearing about the food, Claude had already decided his course of action. He whirled towards the exit, beating the crowd outside, whilst tryiing to figure out just where thee cafeteria was. As he streaked towards the cafeteria, he couldn'y help but drool at the thought of food. Most would assume that he is quite fussy in regards to food, but to th contrary, he had a cast iron stomach, and would gladly challenge a munchlax to an eating contest.

((Claude has his priorities))

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Just then, Robert bumped into another kid, seeming to be going in the opposite direction. "What the h- Wait, oh it's you, Shiro right? It's me Robert, from earlier. How are you feeling about- oh, there's your Ralts there. Guess that means everything worked out just fi-". Just then, he noticed that Shiro, aswell as his Ralts, were pretty messed up. "Wait a minute, did you head into the forest after Devin? Dang it, I thought that it would be fine leaving it to Devin, but you got roughed up while I just left." Great, he followed orders, and the kid he was trying to help got himself in trouble to save his Partner. He felt horrible through Heinsight, seeing how he even directed Shiro to the Forest. "Ah man, sure wish I was there to help. I swear I'll make this up to you somehow! For starters, if you want, just punch me. Knock some stress outta you and into me."

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"I'm so hungry," Henry griped. "I haven't even eaten anything yet. It better be all you can eat as well." Then again, I do have 12,000 poke on me so I shouldn't have to worry about food too much. Henry then saw Shiro with another familiar face. "I guess the food can wait a little bit longer. I can't miss an opportunity like this." He slowly fought his way through the crowd over to Shiro.

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Ryan tried his best to balance Lucas on his head as he grabbed Glacien and stretched after getting out of his seat. He turned toward Kage and Jacob. "Hey, you guys mind stopping by my dorm real quick before we go to the barbecue?"

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Kage stopped to reply. "Yeah, I just hope they're not going to run out of food." Suddenly, Kage lunged toward Ryan as Lucas lost his balance, tumbling straight toward his outstretched arms. The teen patted his Ralts on the head before moving him back to his shoulder and returning to a normal standing posture.

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Claude was the first to arrive, and he immediately piled up on ribs and chicken wings, It probably looked to anyone else that he was attempting to make a small food version of Mount Coronet. Mother of Arceus, (does Arceus even have a mother?) was he happy with this. He sat down, having a great pick of seats, and began to savour his man-made mountain.

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