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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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DarkLight, Can’t Type and Notus

Alvin lost his balance when Colin bumped into him. He just regained his composure when Danielle closed in on him. “WHAT?’” he yelled. “I take my training very serious! And my sexuality has nothing to do with it!” his face turned red when Colin even made it worse. “No, I’m not gay! I’m normal!” he blurted out. “Stop laughing!”

Meanwhile Evan turned his attention to James. “They are talking about something that happened on the Academy ground, but I don’t know either,” He was about to change the conversation to Steel types, when Alvin lost it.

Alvin’s face turned even redder when Danielle and Avis started laughing. “Bullies! Don’t think you’ll get away with it! You’re both jealous, you’re both second rate trainers!” he was about to leave before turning back one last time. “And next time, watch out where you go! Or are you too stupid to figure out how to walk decently?”

That last sentence ticked Evan off. He reached Alvin in a flash and grabbed him by the throat before pushing him against the wall. “Care to repeat that last sentence?” he spat out.

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"Not a clue in Kanto!" Claude said frankly. Claude was curious about what Danielle was up to. "C'mon, i'mm going to see what trouble Danielle is getting into." Claude turned, strolling over to see Danielle in fits of laughter. "My, my ma cherie, you seem to be enjoying yourself." Claude extended a hand to Colin, the nearest person, whilst introducing himself to everyone with a sparkling smile in an attempt to distract everyone. "Good morning, I'm Claude, and this is my Cottonee, Doux. Also, could you perhaps put down my room-mate? I don't want to put up with his ranting when we're both in the dorm"

Doux had begun flapping near Avis, worried for the bird, mistaking laughter for coughing.

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"Woah"James cried out as Evan got Alvin by the throat.Deciding to be a mediator he got between them and pushed Evan off Alvin."No need to get offensive,i get this kid annoy's you but calm down dude...even though i don't understand his obsession with bug types there's no reason to assault him"James told Evan calmly

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"Y-You're right, J-James! Haha! I forgot about Fairy and... Electric types..." Danielle was finally able to calm down when she realized what James said. Electric types certainly didn't sit well with Danielle, recalling those Dedenne the elders had at Laverre City. She shook her head, clearing the dark thoughts that haunted her. "A Ferroseed? Hmm... That is quite an interesting type. I believe it's one weakness is Fire, no? It's a good choice if you ask me," Danielle smiled towards James. "And I'll will make sure to inform you and Evan of my glorious story--"

“No, I’m not gay! I’m normal! Stop laughing!” Alvin yelled, furious at her amusement.

"I'll tell you later when he's not around," Danielle whispered to James and Evan, with a wink.

"My, my ma cherie, you seem to be enjoying yourself."

"Claude, my dear! Oh, I'm just having the time of my life recalling our glorious adventure with Alvin yesterday to my two new friends here~ How are you, monsieur?" Danielle greeted her pink-clothed friend.


Avis saw something flapping out of the corner of her eye. It turns out the flapping was her traveling companion, Doux! Avis greeted the Cottonee ecstatically and tried reassuring him that she was fine. The Murkrow then gave a quick summary of what had just transpired.


The sudden bang on the wall instantly jolted Danielle out of her carefree mood. She found Evan in a rage, having Alvin pinned against a wall. Luckily, James got in between the duo to avoid a confrontation. She put a hand on Evan's shoulder, hoping to talk some sense. "Monsieur, James is right. We can't just let him ruin our moment of getting a second partner here. Just laugh it off, like I did! Come on, what do you say?" Danielle grinned.

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"I thought I was the trouble maker," Henry mumbled before following Claude. He came into the scene with Danielle in laughter. Is she always like this? "Good to see you're in a very fine mood. And who might your new friend be. I'm Henry, and that Vulpix over there is Zuko." Henry pointed to a Vulpix a few feet away. "I'm having him keep his distance because he's having a bit of a gas problem today. Trust me, a Koffing's Poison Gas is nothing compared to a Zuko fart. It's strange because I made sure not to give him foods that do that to him."

Edited by commander218
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Slade finally finished the test after being stuck on the berries portion for 25 minuets. He made his way to the gym. He saw Daniella and some other people gathered in a group and since he didn't know anyone else, he and Flare approached the group.

"Hey Danielle, mind if I join this conversation?" Growlithe yipped just as Slade's sentence ended

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"Hey, sorry mate I didn't know you were sensible about that... Oh no, right, you're not gay... I mean, not that it is a bad thing but... Oh forget it."

Colin was busy facepalming due to his failed attempt of apologizing to Alvin when a new guy showed up, introducing himself as Claude.

"Oh hey. Nice to meet you, I'm Colin Wave...." He started answering, shaking Claude's hand.

However, that was when everything went crazy in a blink: The raging bug-boy shouting, Danni's laughter stopping, and finally the sound of Alvin being pressed against the wall by Evan.

"Wow, wow there." The water trainer stepped forth, trying to aid James. "No need to get that angry guys, we're not trying to bully anyone. Jeez, just take the joke a little better man!" Then, turning to Evan he kept speaking. "And mate, I think you should put him down, the teachers probably won't like that too much. It's just a misunderstanding, not worth to risk a detention or something like that, right?"

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Having aced the Type,Battling, and strategy portions, along with most of the item section, (And rather struggling a little on the Habitat and trivial knowledge section) of the test early on, Mareek now leaned against the wall nearby, keeping a close eye on the group as the altercation played out. without a single word, he pushed himself up off the egg white paneling and walked over slowly behind everyone's back. He had only heard snippets a pieces of the groups conversation from where he had been and honestly didn't really know what had set the guy off, but either way, he needed to calm down.

"Put him down, man," he said simply. Tact would probably be something required for this, and luckily he had a lot of it. "Look, whatever he might've said to piss you off, Strangling the guy over it really isn't worth it."

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DarkLight, Notus, Dobby, Can’t Type, EXLink and Stratos

Evan released his grip on Alvin when James, Colin and someone he didn't know interfered. “I don’t care about his bug types or if he’s gay or not! Just leave me alone!” he said while Alvin fell on the floor coughing. The bug trainer got up and tried to get away. “We’ll settle this one later,” Evan hissed before Alvin could make a complete escape.

Alvin ignored the threat. “YOU’RE ALL NUTS!” he yelled pointing to everyone in the group, including those that didn’t do anything wrong.

Edited by Chimchain
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"... Oh well. Looks like someone has serious problems with anger management." Colin commented drily once Alvin got away. Then he turned to Evan again, placing a hand on his roommate's shoulder. "Hey mate, just let the guy go. It's not worth wasting time and energy with this kind of people. Besides, if you want to relieve some stress you can beat the crap out of him in the arena!"

Colin then looked around to see the corridor now empty (except for their group, of course.).

"Hey guys, now that this thingy is over, shouldn't we go get our new pokés in the gym?"

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"I thought we were waiting for Redwood" Claude remarked. He hoped that no more friction would occur amongst them, but with some of the characters in this class, he just didn't know...

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Mareek looked at Evan for a few moments. He couldn't quite un-hear what the other boy had just said to Retreating one... 'we'll finish this later'? yeah, typically when someone said that in this type of situation, it never meant anything good. But seems he didn't have to speak up; the boy who had crashed into him yesterday did. He simply stepped back, leaning against the wall in silence, as he had been doing before.

((I got ninja'd sooo damn hard while typing this... so this is what I had to end up settling for.))

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((Stratos, I know the feeling *glares at Darklight*))

"Well that was a lovely sight," said Henry sarcastically. There's something about that kid who almost flogged Alvin in the face. I might try to bringing up a conversation with him later on. Henry then heard Collin suggest going to the gym. "I do agree that we should get to the gym soon. We don't want to hold the professor up. Also before a certain someone comes back and I start flogging him."

Edited by commander218
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Jacob smiled at Ryan, inwardly grimacing. I still can't believe they left me there, he thought to himself. He then realized he'd been standing still doing nothing for an uncomfortably long amount of time while Ryan awaited his response. He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, uh, I guess it's not really any kind of issue. I was just shocked at how quickly the two of you extricated yourselves from the Contest Hall," he said quietly, looking around the room. He once again spotted the girl with the Murkrow and couldn't help but think to himself that she was pretty cute. He shook his head, not quite understanding why he felt like he had Butterfrees in his stomach. However, the more he tried not to think about her, the harder it became. Eventually he simply turned to Ryan, desperate for a distraction. "What new Pokemon do you think you're gonna get today? I'm hoping for something to give those big bad Dragons some trouble."

Edited by Jory
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Kage heard his friends talking over the steadily increasing din of the gym and shuffled over to them, weaving through the knots of conversing students. He arrived just in time to catch Jacob's question. "I'll be hoping for a nice Steel-type." This statement resulting in Lucas giving his trainer a very concerned look and a similar psychic nudge. "Oh, relax, you'll be fine," he responded dismissively, without turning his head away from Jacob.

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Seeing the situation had calmed down,James decided to wander off into his thoughts of what kind of pokemon he wanted to get. "For 1 i want a Ferroseed,Having a steel type helps against the dragons and keeps my Ghost types safe from dark type moves.Also i might wanna find a Litwick,Shauntal's Chandelure was Wicked awesome!."

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"Well, not to sound like a copycat, but a Ralts seemed really nice. Every trainer I saw in Hoenn seemed like they really loved theirs, not to mention you and Lucas are pretty close, Kage." Ryan looked intently at Jacob for a couple seconds. He followed his gaze to see a girl with a Murkrow, chatting with many others. Ryan snickered. "Hey Jacob, mind fawning over her a little more why don't you?" Ryan chuckled a little more, thinking he was some sort of comedic genius or something.

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"See, Shun. That is how you shouldn't act when someone wants tot shake hands with you." Shun could feel his trainer's frustration, so he patted Shiro on the head. "He just ignored me when those others started fighting..."

'Just let it go, Shiro. You're better than that, so stop sulking, and get hyped for your second Pokemon!'

Shiro sat down on the wooden floor of the gym, and helped Shun get down from his shoulder. The bandage on Shun's hand was still holding, and he stood up normally. 'Maybe we won't even have to get Shun checked up. But I can't stop wondering how is Shun gonna react when I ask him to use his Wisp after what had happened...' Shiro shrugged it off. There were far more important things he could think about. Like their new partner! It had to be a Pokemon that would do good in Contests. An intelligent, smart Pokemon. Something like...

'Yes, that's it! The best idea! Now, we gota hope they have those mons in their stock, or else...'

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Turning back from the apparent fight, he found Shiro sitting on the floor behind him. Robert was kinda confused about this, being that all that happened between the group conversation and now was random students getting aggressive. Was he just tired, or was he just that sensitive towards other people. Even if either were true, Robert was never that able to read people's actions, only really able to understand through hearing their side of things. With that, Robert sat down right by Shiro and tried to start up a conversation. "So, anything else on your mind." Sure, it wasn't much, but Atleast he'd know if something was wrong.

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((Yo, dawg, if you knew how many times I got ninja'd, you won't be saying nothin.' ...Wow, such fail. Very embarrassing.))

"Hey Danielle, mind if I join this conversation?" A Growlithe yipped just as Slade's sentence ended.

"Slade! Good morning to you too!" Danielle greeted the boy in the red fedora. "Oh, I wouldn't mind if you do but, if you want to preserve your sanity, I suggest you sit this one out." Then, she whispered, "I can tell you what happened later. Some of us hadn't caught up with it yet, so it will give me a good opportunity to let everyone catch up. You need to explain the Phantump Bowling though."


Danielle looked on amusement as Alvin was pointing to everyone. All she said simply was, "Yeah, I'm the honey mustard one." before Alvin stormed into the gym.

As the others began a more, light-hearted conversation once more, Danielle leaned herself against the wall. Like the others, she was also wondering what she would want as a partner. James did bring up a point with Avis' weaknesses to Fairy and Electric attacks, but Rock and Ice also presents a challenge. Ice can freeze her Pokemon cold, immobilizing them completely unless she has a Fire type. She could always train Avis to dodge those other types of attacks, so those 3 types can take a back seat for now. But what fire type can also be elegant in contests and not contribute more to her weaknesses already? She recalled what Alvin said earlier and, in a few minutes, she smirked.

"Avis, may I bring a suggestion for our new teammate?" Her Murkrow flew over and allowed Danielle to whisper in her ear. A smirk also appeared on her bird face and nodded before flying back to rejoin Doux. She also invited Flare to join their little chat.

"Well then," Danielle thought, "It may not help with all of my weaknesses, but that Pokemon is a start. Plus, it can cause so much more fun~"

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"if you want to preserve your sanity, I suggest you sit this one out."

"Out of all the people here I would probably me the least sane and Flare here should know." Slade said with confidence as he patted Flare on the head. "So might I ask who these fine peoples names are, you've probably already heard mine because Denielle just said it, but here's Slade Klefkin at your service!" Slade said while tipping his fedora the the new faces. "This guy right here is Flare, if you couldn't already tell he's a growlithe." Flare yipped and sat back on his hind legs.

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"Not much... no" Shiro didnt want to tell Robert what he was feeling like. Besides, he was only frustrated at the other guy who left Shiro hanging.

"Its really nothing... maybe just... no, not really." He pulled out a cookie (Poke Snax) out of his pocket. The cookie looked bland on the outside, but Shiro knew it was actually tasty since Shun liked it."Want to give one to your Riolu?" Shiro mumbled, handin over another one to Robert.

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"Uh, sure man." Taking the Poke- Cookie that was handed to to him, he broke it up in half, and gave one of the Halves to Kiai, which began to gobble at the piece given. While Kiai was hungry enough that he could easily eat the whole cookie, the other half was going to be saved for the second partner that we'd be getting. Hopefully, that would just add to it being a happy meeting him and Kiai.

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