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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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Slade went over to the electric type table, Flare was confused, after that whole fiasco with the fire yesterday wouldn't he get a water pokemon? Turns out Slade wasn't as predictable as Flare though he was but quickly went to the table with him.

"I knew what the pokemon was going to be just as soon as I saw the pokeball." Salde said to himself. For some reason this pokeball was black like it was a custom made pokeball. The pokemon was magnemite and is genderless so he wouldn't have to worry there. He grabbed the ball and released it, it wasn't the usual shiny silver the regular magnimites are, it was a sleek bronze and the red and blue from the magnets were black as well as the screws in its body. "Well, looks like you need a new nickname," Slade paused for a second, "I know TX-101 ζ, (That"s the Greek number Zeta) but we'll just call you 101 as a nick-nickname." Slade chuckled and the magnetmite just floated there like it could care less. 'seems like it's not the friendliest magnemite in the world' Slade though to himself, "Well lets go, we wouldn't want to keep my opponent waiting." He said as he went to the 3rd battle field checking 101's moves as he stood in the trainer position waiting for his battle which he was super hyped for.

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"Thanks!" He turned to point at the Snorunt with a big grin on his face. "This is Tal, and I'll make her into the most beautiful Froslass!" Tal raised her nose, as if she was some diva. "Anyways, we will have to ask Shun if he can battle, but I don-" Something pulled Shiro's pants again, a familiar kind of pull. Shiro looked down and saw Shun. He was nodding. "Shun, are you sure? I me-"


"Ok then..." Shiro picked Shun up, and they began walking wuth Robert to the fields. "Seems like we will be having a 2 on 2, after all." They made their way outside, finally getting a good look at the battle fields.

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"Seems like we will be having a 2 on 2, after all."

"Shiro, I didn't know you were a fan of Double Battles." Henry went up to the boy with both his Pokemon following behind him. "Back in Orre, that's pretty much the only option you had if you wanted to battle. I just finished preparing Gypsy so I can be your opponent. It'll be nice to fight in a double battle again. I'm a bit rusty anyways."

Henry realized he was talking to Robert. "Well, I wouldn't want to intervene with this fight. Mind if I watch?"

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Jacob picked Teo up off the ground and nearly sprinted to the Ice-type table. He looked excitedly at the Poke Balls, a little disappointed by the number that had been picked over by other students. He read each name carefully, moving slowly down the table. Wow. Bergmite... Sneasel, Snorunt, Spheal... All of them are strong. But none of them quite fit the bill... Hey! Some Water-types have Ice typing! he thought enthusiastically, carrying Teo over to the Water-type aisle. He set Teo down on the table so his partner could see who their new teammate was going to be. "What do you think, Teo? Should we go for Seel? It evolves into Dewgong! That's an Ice-type. Or maybe Shellder. Cloyster is a defensive powerhouse, after all." Teo shook his head and moved away from the S section toward the L's. His Trainer followed him and eventually Teo nudged a ball with his jaws. Jacob picked the ball up and read the text: "Lapras, Female." Jacob smiled happily at his Trapinch. "That's a great pick, buddy! Let's go see what the girl with the Murkrow picked and challenge her to a battle. At least we can have that in common!" he said, picking Teo up and walking back to the girl. "Hey, I see that you haven't picked yet. Mind if I tag along and we can battle after?"

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"Well..." He took a breath to say something but he decided not to. Now that Henry had mentioned it, 2 on 2 really does make it sound as if he was asking for a double battle. But Shiro had no idea even how to battle.

'Be strong, you can do it. You'll have to do double battles in contests too, and if you master them, that would mean you would do great in single battle as well! So go there and kick some butt.'

"Yeah, sure, a double battle..." Shiro said with an awkward smile, and turned around. It's gonna be tough, but it has to be done now. Shiro greeted the dragon teacher, Devin, and turned back to Robert and Henry. He reached for his pokedex in his pocket and handed it to Robert. "Can you help me with registering myself in this thing? I tried doing it myself but I couldnt get it to work... Oh, and here's my ID." Shiro said as he handed his ID and Pokedex to Robert.

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Seeing as Proffesor Redwood had finally arived,James went over to the steel type table and moved to the 'F' Section.Seeing the pokeball for Ferroseed he picked it up and threw Ferroseed out along with Duskull.Ferroseed was a small oval shaped pokemon with a iron armor and green Spikes jutting out.It kept crying out "Ferro,Ferroseed,Ferro!" As it rotated around. Deciding to bond with it,James started up a conversation."Hello little guy,My name is James and i'll be your new trainer!"He said as it looked at him.Thinking of a nickname he instantly came up with"Tytannial!"Deciding he was done nicknaming,James recalled the newly named Tytannial and walked over to the battle fields.

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"Oh Claude! Now I see why you were upset about Alvin. However, you know there is more to it than that~" Danielle piped. "So, we had to find Alvin who ran away and---"

Another guy walked towards her, only he seemed really nervous, unlike her groupmates here. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Henry backed off. "Excuse me, I don't know anything about what happened earlier, but your Murkrow looks really strong. I've never seen one in person before."
"Aww, thank you, monsieur~ But, trust me, my Murkrow is more of a troublemaker than a fighter," Danielle giggled. "So, how should I address you? You were admiring Avis, and I'm her unfortunate trainer, Danielle. Nice to meet you!"
Danielle had to grin when Claude was flirting with her Murkrow's admirer. "So Claude is gay or bisexual. No wonder he was acting weird around Alvin yesterday."
Before she had the chance to continue the conversation, Professor Redwood came in with two others rolling tables with --- Pokeballs! After he finished his explanation on how to choose the Pokemon, her group (almost) raced towards the tables. Danielle laughed and called Avis to her side. Unlike her friends, she stayed behind, fiddling with her Pokedex, waiting for Alvin to --finally!-- pick up his Pokemon and run off. "Sorry for that, it looks like we have to finish this later--" It looks like her Murkrow admirer was already gone, too. Within a few minutes, he was back, challenging her to a battle. "Of course you can~ If things do not go according to plan, of course we can battle~" With that, she walked briskly towards the Bug type table and searched for an "L."
"Bingo~" Danielle picked up the Bug/Fire type and walked off to a more secluded spot to release her second partner.
"Alright, Avis, behave yourself." Danielle stroked Avis' wing. She could feel Avis' excitement; she was shuddering with anticipation. Danielle grinned and pressed the button. With a flash of light, a small, caterpillar-like bug appeared in front of her. It has red horns on its white head with small, blue eyes and tiny little feet at the bottom. As Danielle searched its data on the Pokedex, the Larvesta shook herself loose, making her look even more fluffy than before. Upon looking at Danielle and Avis, however, the Larvesta curled up, emitting little sparks of fire around her.
"Aww, don't be afraid, little cutie," Danielle said softly, kneeling down to the Larvesta. "We don't bite~ My name is Danielle and this is Avis. We want to compete in contests and we would really like for you to join us. What do you say?" Danielle smiled as she held out her hand to the shy Pokemon. Avis flew down and gave her new partner a greeting; she was being careful not to spook out the Larvesta.
The Bug/Fire type slowly uncurled herself and looked up at Danielle and then at Avis. The fiery sparks also seemed have to disappear. The Larvesta nodded shyly and crawled into Danielle's hand, giving a small cry of approval. Danielle brought her arm to her body and cradled the little bug.
"Nice to meet you, too, little girl~" Danielle cooed, petting the Larvesta. Now, I need to give you a name... Since you're a female... How about Corona? After the Sun's crown?
The Larvesta didn't respond for a few seconds before Danielle saw her nod. Corona looked up at her and chirped a little more loudly; she seemed happy with that.
"Great!" Danielle beamed. She turned to the new guy and motioned the battlefield with her head. "Now, let's go!"
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Claude was in deep thought...

None could shake him from his trance...

After soul searching, after trying his best to understand his subconscious desire....

He came to a conclusion!

Claude marched up to the bug type table, pinpointing the one pokemon, the only pokemon he could ever have picked...

"Lancelot The Karrablast!" Claude cried, calling out to the pokemon that had now materialised in front of him in a flash of light. It was small, a beetle pokemon with a turquoise...Wait. Turqoiuse? Claude dimissed it, concluding that it made Karrablast more suited to him.

He was convinced that THIS was the pokem-

"H-hey, what are you doing...?!?!"

As soon as Lancelot had figured out who had his pokeball, he launched himself at Claude, pecking him


And again...

And again....

Finally Claude had had enough. When the pokemon lunged to Peck once more, Claude caught it, rendering it helpless in the air with it's small body. It fixed Claude with a suspicious glare

"Do you quite mind?! My name is Claude, and I do hope we can get along, but that can't happen when you are trying to adorn your horn with my EYEBALLS! Now, it's nice to meet you Lancelot." Claude said, putting the Karrablast down. With the scolding, the Karrablast still had a glare, but it wasn't quite as harsh as it was before. "Now, le's see if we can't find someone to battle?" As soon as Claude said this, Lancelot's eyes sparked brighter than the Elekid that someone had chose. He chirped in happiness. Meanwhile, Doux had found a nice place up high to rest and watch his masters shenanigans. He hoped to get along with Lancelot, but for now, all Doux wanted was to chill.

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"Uh, sure man." With that, he went and entered Shiro's ID into the Pokedex, setting it up for him. "So, you wanna put any BP on this battle? If so, I think 5BP is good for a first battle. Oh yeah, guess we should atleast ask the teacher if it's not just single battles." With that, he turned to the teacher that seemed to be In charge of that field. "Is it ok if we do a double battle?"

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Jacob smiled broadly as Danielle invited him to the battlefield. It's the perfect opportunity to get to know her better! And from the way she treated that Larvesta, she's really nice! he thought happily, hanging onto the Lapras's Poke Ball in one hand and carrying Teo under his other arm. Hmm... I'll have to think of a nickname for my new Lapras. Maybe Chalchi would be a good one! he pondered. He then turned to Danielle, continuing to walk toward the battlefield. "Hey, Danielle, what do you think of the name Chalchi for my Lapras? I think she'll like it a lot! And Corona was such a good choice for your Larvesta's. It really captures her fiery essence."

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TurboAura and Bfroger

Devin watched the students in front of him. He recognized them from yesterday; one was the boy with the lost Ralts and the other two wanted to go after him. One of them asked if they were allowed to do a double battle.

“All types of battles are allowed. One on one, doubles or normal were you can substitute if you want. It’s all up to you and your opponent.”


Evan wasn’t really sure what kind of Pokémon he wanted. He walked around the different tables looking which Pokémon were left and some caught his attention, but he didn’t want to force it. He released his Eevee to ask if it had a preference for a certain type, when he walked against the table containing Fairy types by accidents. A Pokéball fell off and when he tried to grab it, it opened up. A red light showed and a few seconds later a small pink star shaped Pokémon showed up.

“Cleffa!” the little thing yelled happy, looking up at the student who released her.

“Oops, sorry little one, I didn’t mean to. Let me put you back real quick,” he said ready to recall the fairy type.

“Cleffa Cleffa!” the little thing responded by waving her tiny arms and looking at Evan with baby-doll eyes.

“Vee!” Eevee responded and went over to the Cleffa to introduce himself.

“Not you too!” Evan complained. “But looks like I don’t have a choice…” He held the Cleffa in his hands and held it on eye level. “I’ll come up with a nickname for you later.” The little fairy responded by moving her little arms and started to get comfortable.

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While waiting for Kage to appear at Redwood's supposed battlefield, Ryan caught sight of Jacob and the girl of which he showed an interest in. He was almost tempted to call out to him, but decided not as he didn't want to ruin Jacob's chances with the girl. Ryan pointed to them and told Feroces, "That over there is Jacob, he's also a friend of mine. So be nice."

Before Ryan had a chance to react, Feroces jumped off of Ryan's shoulders and made a mad dash towards Jacob. "Feroces, come back here you!" Ryan yelled at Feroces as he ran past him. Ryan caught up to him right as he was trying to gnaw on Jacob's leg. Ryan scooped up Feroces just in time. "Oh hey Jacob! Sorry about that. This little one's feisty. Sorry to interrupt your conversation. If you guys are gonna battle, I'm gonna be over at Redwood's Battlefield so I'll be watching." Ryan turned around and walked back to the battlefield, but not before giving a wink and a thumbs up to Jacob for reassurance.

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Shiro accepted the pokedex back. They had both staked 5 battle points on the battle.

"Oh, one more thing before we begin." Shiro ran up to Devin. "Professor... uhm..." Talking to authorities was never Shiro's specialty. "I mean, would you mind checking up on my Ralts before the battle? I dont know if he should battle with the injury from yesterday..." Shuro clled for Shun to come, after which he raised him and handed him over to the professor.

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Kage followed Ryan's voice and excited footsteps outside, pausing to put his shades as the Beldum floated along behind him, almost like a balloon on a string. It appeared that it and Lucas were engaged in some sort of mental conversation, as Lucas was shifting about and gesturing occasionally. He assumed al'Thor would be doing something similar if he had the limbs for it. Making his way out to the field, he waited for his partners to inform him of Ryan's choice. "Nice Shinx," Kage called out. "What do you think of al'Thor here?"

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"Very powerful choice indeed. He must be intimidating in battle. Feroces here has something a little special. Guess what though. Jacob's talking with the girl, and they look like they're getting along. Anyway, what kind of battle do you want to do? Double, single 1v1, or single 2v2?"

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Devin took off Shun’s bandage and examined it. “You used a Burn Heal on this didn’t you? It’s completely healed and Shun is ready to battle.”

Tacos and Murdoc

Professor Redwood watched as two students made their way to his battlefield. “I’m ready when you are,” he said. “What kind of battle did you choose?”

((He was already there))

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"Ok, well I'll use Feroces." Ryan placed down Glacien next to him. "Ok buddy, we're gonna give Feroces here a chance to battle, it's his first time so cheer him on!" Ryan held out his arm and let Feroces leap off his wrist onto the battlefield. "That didn't even require practice, nice job buddy!"

"We ready to go Professor Redwood?"

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Claude walked over to one of the arenas, keeping an eye on Lancelot, and came to where Prof Redwood and a couple of boys were standing. "Hiya, Do you mind if I watch? My names Claude"

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Tacos and Murdoc

Professor Redwood nodded. “Ready when you are,” he said, ready to make some notes. He looked over when another boy appeared. "Of course you watch. After all, we can learn a lot from just observing," he said.

((You can just start. Assume all three observers are ready to go anytime))


Lana walked around with her two Pokémon. Her shyness got the better hand again and she didn’t really know who to challenge. She was looking for a familiar face when she ran into Alvin; the weird boy they saved from the woods yesterday. The boy was lying in the grass and studied his new partner from every single angle. The expression on her face creped her out and she decided to ignore him, when she ran into a boy with an Eevee and a Cleffa. Apparently he was acquainted with Alvin because he called out to him.

“Hey bugbrain, we’ve got a score to settle, remember?” Evan said aggressively. The entire day had gone wrong so far. That test was a small disaster, he met Alvin and now he was stuck with a Pokémon he never considered. The only reason he still had the Cleffa with him was because he couldn’t bring himself to put it back after he saw her reaction. And to top it off his Eevee befriended the little fairy.

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"Sure why not,my name is James"He told the Extravagant Claude as he came up to them and introduced himself."Cool Karrablast you've got there,it's shiny so it must be quite rare."James said to Claude."You mind battling me,i've got a new partner I wanna battle with.It'll be a 2 vs 2?"James asked Claude excitedly as he wanted to try out Tytanniel the Ferroseed.

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A fire burnt in Ryan's eyes. His first battle. He was incredibly excited. He thrusted his finger outwards and proclaimed. "Feroces, use Tail Whip! Drop his defense!" Feroces let out a roar and jumped towards al'Thor, smacking him with his tail in rapid succession.

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  • Support Squad

Ho shit, where'd this guy come from? Dude didn't even try some small talk, just jumped straight to battling, though he can't say he blamed him too

"Uh, sure, but let me watch these guys first, yeah? Also, It'll have to be a 1v1, my partner in fabulous seems to be MIA"

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Kenny quickly headed over to the Dark-Type Table, and pointed to a Pokeball at Random. when he picked it up, he only had a second to see the label, which read Zorua (Male), before the Zorua contained inside popped out, facing towards him, and greeted him by using an Illusion.


Kenny was startled by this, and fell backwards onto his rear.


Kenny then got back up.

"jeez, don't startle me like that, little buddy!"

The Zorua let out a small chuckle, and transformed into a Copy of Kenny, but still had a Tail while in this new form. Kenny was amused by this, and let out a small chuckle of his own.

"Well, That's good and all, but i was a little startled by what you did!"

The Zorua, still in Kenny's Shape, held out his hand, as if to request a Handshake. Kenny responded in a similar way, and spoke.

"Well, I'm Kenny. Since i chose your Pokeball out of all of these ones here, I think that makes me your Trainer."

the Zorua smiled, and then spoke via Illusion.

"Indeed, and i'd say that our being together warrants giving me a Name."

Kenny smiled, and then spoke.

"Indeed. How does 'Zorro' sound?"

the Zorua smiled at this, and spoke using Illusion.

"Sounds great!"

Ryu then smiled, and spoke to them.

"Ri ru ri olu, orro! Ri iol Riu." (Translation: "Nice to meet you, Zorro! My name's Ryu.")

Zorro turned to Ryu at this.

"Nice to meet you, too!"

Kenny then spoke to both of his Pokemon.

"Well, let's go and meet my other friends. C'mon!"

the three of them then walked over to Robert, Zorro still imitating Kenny in shape.

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Henry saw a boy coming towards them, but he was a bit startled by a similar looking boy behind him. What the hell is this sorcery? Wait, something's odd about the second one. "Very clever. I didn't think you'd pick Ditto as your choice. It's very difficult to raise, but can be very powerful."

Gypsy saw right through the Zorua's illusion and walked right up to it and just glared at it with its bug eyes. Zuko was lost at what was going on and just continued to sit there not even bothered by the two clones.

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