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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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Mareek took a step back when he saw that. Erce was sent sprawling into the dirt by that little unexpected attack. Though the Scyther got back up with fire in her eyes, noticeably injured by the attack, but far from down. He had completely misjudged Slade's competency... a mistake he would stop making right now. Now was the time to really get serious. no more bull shiting the other side. the gloves come off, and they come off now. Slade had just proven himself to be an actual threat in this battle. It was obvious that everything he was going to do, all Slade was going to do in counter to it was keep using lock on

"Looks like I have no choice but to fight like I mean it," he said. all trace of the previous relaxed demeanor was gone from his voice and posture. "That was clever slade; there's little chance we can win this thing with you spamming Lock-On... but don't think I'm gonna lay down and just give you victory! You'll have to put us down first!" He looked to Erce.

"Let's pull another agility, then show em the way to tornado alley!" She nodded in agreement, again using agility to up her speed and blitz around the field. A second later, two Horizontal Tornadoes tore through the air from where she lat stopped, both of them moving with lightning speed towards 101 and colliding in a combined wind storm... with 101 right in the collision center of it.


Erce- 53%


-Speed +4

Moves used:


-Vacuum Wave x2

Tactics used:

- 'Show em the way to Tornado Alley' (2 Vacuum waves launched at each other that collide with a foe in the middle- power of 40+40= 80, does not receive technician boost)

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The Beldum reeled from the attack and skidded into the dirt. Kage groaned with a pained expression on his face, but the skid gave him an idea. "al'Thor, fly up into the air!" It spun about for a moment, re-orienting itself, then obeyed. It came to a halt at a height that the opposing Shinx could just barely reach if it jumped.

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Ryan saw exactly what Kage wanted to do here. He wanted Feroces to attempt to hit him, but Beldum would slam down on top of Feroces. Maybe, he hoped. "Feroces, don't fall for it. Don't attack him! Wait for him to come down." Ryan quickly whispered something so that only Feroces could hear.

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"Hurry, 101 use sonic boom in both directions!" The shock wave distorted the two vacuums and they stopped before they reached TX. Slade let out a faint sigh, and though to himself, 'man that was really too close for comfort, turns out those lessons on tornadoes paid off.' Slade adjusted his fedora as the air of vacuum moved it. "Now TX use Magnet bomb and after that do a Lock on thunder shock after the bombs explode!"

TX - 75%

Moves used:

Sonic Boom- used to stop tornadoes

Magnet bomb- 60 100% accurate

Lock On- makes move 100% accurate next hit

Thunder Shock- 40

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This...this doesn't make any sense. Something's not right with that Zorua because something like this is...is impossible. Looks like I may as well...wait, that's it.

"Gypsy, Supersonic on the Zorua." She heard Henry's order and created a terrible screech causing the Zorua to lose concentration. She then fell flat on the ground after being hit hard in the back by the Riolu. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt too much. The Dark beam that was launched missed Zuko by a few hairs. The Vulpix was lost its concentration for a moment, but quickly regained focused. "Okay, Zuko your turn to take care of that illusion." The Vulpix charged forward and disappeared into the illusion before surprising the Zorua and knocking it back. The field became clear again and Henry could see both his Vulpix and Venonat weren't too far from the Riolu.

"Gypsy, hold it down with Confusion. Zuko, you know what to do." Gypsy held the Riolu in place while Zuko released spurts of fire from its mouth constantly while running towards his partner. Henry watched the Riolu take hit after hit. Both Pokemon were prepared for the Zorua to try and stop them. Not even a Machoke could last this. Henry thought to himself.


Gypsy (89%?): Supersonic, Confusion

Zuko (90%): Feint Attack, Ember (x5)

Note: If we're going by K_H's logic, confusion did approximately 15% of Rhy's HP and Bug Bite (the physical attack) did less than 5%. Despite it being normally effective (tinted lens) it didn't do too much damage. Claiming those attacks did very little damage backfired on you. Dark Pulse missed as it was illegal (Supersonic was my excuse for it missing).


Edited by commander218
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"It seems we've reached an impasse." Kage turned his head and whispered to Lucas. "Tell him to start an attack, then break it off almost immediately when the Shinx attacks and dive straight down, then hit his underside." The Ralts focused for a moment, delivering the message. The Beldum obeyed, starting another take down.

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Ryan smirked as he saw al'Thor begin his Take Down. "Now Feroces!" Standing still, completely unintimidated Feroces opened up his jaws and released a howl, louder than anything Ryan had ever heard. However, Ryan remained unflinching knowing what he had in store. Within seconds, Feroces mouth was shut once again and the Shinx sat still, hiding the small flames licking the tips of its canines.

Moves Used: Howl

1.5x Attack

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"Ok Feroces! Open wide!" With that, Feroces caught the approaching al'Thor between his jaws, sinking his flaming jaws into al'Thor once again. "Now Feroces!" Hearing his trainer's call, Feroces threw al'Thor onto the ground and let out another large howl.

Moves Used: Howl, Fire Fang

2x Attack

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The Beldum thudded to the ground, its energy already spent. Kage signalled Ryan that he was about to do so, then ran out onto the field to retrieve al'Thor, not even checking the condition of his opponent's Pokemon. Well, tried to retrieve. The teen strained for a few seconds before realizing just how heavy the Steel-type was, and returned him to his pokeball.

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Jacob followed Danielle over to Evan, unsure of what to do. He didn't really know the guy too well, but all the same he felt as though he should at least check to make sure he was okay. So, following that train of thought, he proceeded to watch over Danielle's shoulder, a concerned expression on his face. He lifted Teo up in his arms so the Trapinch could see. Suddenly, Teo made a gurgling noise and nudged Chalchi's Poke Ball. Jacob immediately picked up on his Pokemon's idea and hit the release button, causing the Transport Pokemon to appear in a flash of light. He then spoke up. "Hey, guys, Chalchi can apply cold water to that Scald if we need her to. It should alleviate some of Evan's pain."

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As Feroces and Ryan were admiring their victory, Feroces collapsed upon the ground, fainting. "Feroces, you did incredibly well. We were off to a bad start but that's ok, cause you still managed to beat him." Ryan scooped Feroces off the floor and returned him to his pokeball. "Great job out there Kage, that battle was very exciting! I think the rest of this year will be very fun!" Ryan winked at Kage before looking back to Redwood to see what he thought.

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Kage turned to Redwood and shrugged. "Tried to mix it up, but it's tough when your Pokemon only knows one move, and your opponent flatly refuses to fall for any tricks." He finished the sentence with a smile, showing his appreciation for both Ryan's surprising calm in the battle and the compliment he had received.

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"Double hit, Destroy those magnets; use vacuum wave on your claws to insulate them!" Mareek shouted immediately after slade had given his own commands. Erce, despite being stiffened by her paralysis and made a little less agile, was still able to react quickly due to the agility speed boost, appearing right in front of 101, miniature tornadoes forming around her claws, which would not only block out electricity, but also put more force behind the attack. she brought down both her twister cloaked scythes in quick successive strikes at lightning speed before the other pokemon could launch it's ordered combo.At this range, her missing 101's magnets was pretty much as likely as a Snorlax flying on it's power.

Meanwhile Mareek looked at Java as Erce tried to hold out a little longer. Damnit... he thought, scolding himself. I underestimated him and let things get to this situation... No counters except for Vacuum wave... which he's obviously found a way around... We'll have to take more drastic tactics now; those magnets are gonna have to go..."We can at least say that we fought like lions..." he sighed to Java. "Be ready to go in, Java... Erce isn't going to be able to endure this fight for too much longer at this rate..."





Moves used:

Vacuum wave (Power of 60 after technician)- on her own claws in order to provide greater impact force and serve as a buffer to any electric charge


Double hit (doesn't recieve technician boost due to the current tactic)- used to intercept 101's combo; aimed for the magnets on the side of it's body... Vacuum wave and Double hit together make Ventus Scrapper

Tactics used:

Ventus Scrapper (100% accuracy at this range)- Hits opponent with a succesive hit attack after cloaking it's claws with Vacuum wave; Power of 95 in this case(60 technician boosted Vacuum wave+ unboosted 35 power double hit); Attack Category of Physical: is of the FIGHTING type due to Vacuum wave

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Turbo and Bfroger

“Good job for a first time battle,” Devin said. “Don’t let a loss get you down. You can learn a lot from it. And if you want to get your Pokémon healed up, wait a little longer because Nurse Joy is coming down with her equipment.” He turned his attention to the door for a while when after saying that, but when he didn’t see any movement he turned back to Shiro “By the way, you called your Ralts ‘boy’, but it’s actually a girl.” He gave both trainers a warm smile and guided them off the field so the next pair could take place.

Tacos and Murdoc

“You both did your best to adjust to the circumstances. You didn’t make it yourself easy by picking that Beldum, but in the long run Metagross can be powerful so take good care of it,” he said to Kage. He then turned his face to Ryan. “I commend you for thinking clear throughout the battle. Good job!”

“Chansey!” a sudden voice said, drawing Redwood’s attention.

“Ah, I see Chansey and Audino are already here. That means Nurse Joy is almost here to heal your Pokémon,” Redwood explained when both students made place for the next battle.


While students were waiting for their turn to battle, a Machamp showed up carrying a Healing Machine. It waited for a moment looking back to see Nurse Joy and Rebecca carrying medical supplies. “Put it over their Machamp,” Nurse Joy said with a soft voice. “And thank you very much.”

The Machamp showed a big smile and used one of his arms to scratch his head, not knowing how to deal with a compliment, when Tyron and Brendan made an appearance. They were carrying a table and put in front of the Machine. Nurse Joy thanked them as well and started to threat the first Pokémon. If they were exhausted she gave them to Audino to heal them up using the machine, while taking care of those that had a status move condition.


DarkLight, Notus, Jory and Dobby (I assume Claude is still with this group)

“I’m fine, the scald didn’t do anything,” Evan lied. His shoulder hurt and felt like it burned a little but he wasn’t used to accepting help. He and his brother were raised by doing everything themselves, resulting in Evan getting up quickly.

In the meantime Phoebe was talking to Colin. “You seem to have a great eye, kid, I like you!” she gave him the thumbs up. “Are you by any chance aiming to become a Water Pokémon trainer?” Her attention changed for a minute when she saw Evan getting up. “And about those two; I can’t let them get away with fighting. I already have the appropriate punishment in mind,” she grinned.

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"Oh well, I guess you're right*...Oh, and actually I am aiming at that. I'm looking forward to your classes." Colin answered to the professor, while Kyte and Celestinine finally arrived and climbed him up. He would love to keep talking about Water Pokémon, as there were many things he wanted to ask Phoebe, but he figured it was not the best time to do it. Unfortunately, it looked like she was decided on not letting Evan and Alvin go free...

"Hey mate" The boy said in a low tone, turning back to Evan. "I dunno what made you so mad with Alvin, but if you wanna talk... Well, you know were to find me." He put a hand on Evan's (other) shoulder. "Good luck with the detention, it looks like it can't be helped."

I just hope she won't decide to make that Jellicent drown them or anything...

*((About the detention))

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"Thank you for giving us the opportunity Professor Redwood. And thank you for the feedback." Ryan made a gesture similar to that of a now before walking over towards the Nurse Joy. He handed Feroces over to Nurse Joy. After Audino healed Feroces, Ryan placed him on his left shoulder once again. "You did great buddy!" Ryan beamed at his new partner.

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101 flug back a good 3 yards and his magnets were spinning around in circles like crazy. TX was badly hurt but in turn those spinning magnets generated electricity and they spun rapidly on TX. Though magnemite was still able to lock-on before getting attacked but wasn't able to shot the thundershock. 101 now in the middle of the field

was generating too much electricity and started to disperse lighting all around him, if Slade didn't do something soon 101 would surely overload on electricity, "HURRY, 101 USE THUNDERSHOCK BEFORE YOU OVERLOAD!" 101 scared out of its mind used thundershock but hue couldn't control where it went so it turned into a discharge. (Note: He does not know discharge, only thunder shock. He couldn't control how much power would use due to the incoming overload so it disbursed everywhere in turn creating the illusion on discharge.)

TX- 24%

Effects of Lock On = 100% accuracy

Thundershock + overload = Discharge 80

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"Right, well, maybe it's time we find a battle." Claude said, turning to Colin "Hey, do you have a spar partner yet?"

Lancelot, recovered from his temporary stupor cried as feirce a battle cry as a bug like him could.


Doux had been sleeping, quite tired for some strange reason. The small cottonee woke, and began to float around the room, trying to find his way to his master

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Seeing that Evan didn't need any help, Danielle stood up herself. "Yeah, what Colin said. You know I still owe you one!" she managed a small smile. As Claude went to challenge Colin to a battle, she turned to Jacob in order to get their battle underway. "Well, I guess now that the situation is resolved, and two of the battles finished, there is only one thing left for us to do!" she exclaimed. "Let's battle! Whoever wants to see me get beaten up, just follow us!"

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"Hey, do you have a spar partner yet?"

"Nope, I was waiting someone with the guts to challenge us!" Colin answered to Claude with a confident smile.

"Consider your challenge accepted! By the way, are there any free arenas?" The boy continued, looking around the battle grounds for a free place.

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"I think Redwood- OW" As Claude began to reply, Lancelot decided to Peck him. WHy? Even Lanceot did not know.

"Ok, this CAN''T keep happening, save it for other pokemon, OK? Now, as I was saying, I think Redwoods arena is clear now."

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Kage walked over to the nurse and handed over the ball containing al'Thor. She quickly healed it and returned the capsule to Kage. He released the Beldum, who returned to floating along beside his trainer after a reassuring pat. "You did fine, bud." Kage looked over at Redwood. "What should we be doing now?" he asked, hoping his gaze wasn't too off-kilter behind his sunglasses.

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"Ok then, let's do this! You better be prepared for a loss mate!" Colin said, walking to the arena and taking position. "What kind of battle will this be?"

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"What kind of battle will this be?"

Sure enough, just as Claude was going to say a single 1v1, Doux came sailing along the air to land onto the arena. Lancelot hopped dwn, ready to charge onto the battlefeild, when Claude held him back.

"Well, I suppose a 2v2 singles. Lancelot won't want to be left out, and it seems neither does Doux, but Im really not sure if Lancelot will just Peck me or Doux..."

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