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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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"Ok then. So you'll start with Cottonee uh?" Colin knew this poke was a real threat, and the best choice to handle it was quite obvious... "Kyte, you hang back here for a sec ok?" He told the Mudkip, who was already preparing to jump on the arena. "So I'll lead with... Celestinine!" The boy continued, kneeling on the ground to let the her go into the field.

The Horsea seemed to be surprised to be chosen, but entered the arena soon after. She seemed a little unconfortable facing the grass type, but after Colin smiled gave her a thumbs up, she took fighting stance resolutely.

"That's the spirit!" Colin shouted. And now time to stop playing nice guy. The match-up is better for him anyway.

"Celestinine, use Smokescreen!" The Horsea took a deep breath and shoot a cloud of smoke from it's mouth, hiding herself within it. "Remember to keep on move so he can't find you!" Colin shouted to her .

Pokémon: Celestinine, the Horsea -> 100% HP; Healthy

Moves used: Smokescreen (Foe: -1 Accuracy)

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As the field cleared, Kenny got an Idea.

"Zorro, knock the Attacks towards Gypsy!"

Zorro then swatted at the Fireballs, knocking some of them towards the Venonat, but was knocked out as he did so. some of them were still headed towards Ryu, and Kenny gave Ryu a command.

"Ryu, bounce the damage back at Zuko!"

Ryu then glowed orange, and Zuko seemed to take damage as the Fireballs that got past Zorro hit Ryu. Kenny then returned Zorro to his Capsule.

"Well, you tried your hardest. for that, i'm thankful."



Zorro (0% HP left): Scratch (x2) (Took damage from two of the Embers, but knocked two of them towards Gypsy before Fainting)

Ryu (50% HP left): Counter (x3)

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The battle started, time to get serious.

As the smoke rolled over the field, Claude had to think fast

"Doux, use fairy wind now! Sweep away the smoke!"

Doux rose in the air, spinning around as he swept fairy wind around the battlefield, knocking the horsea away with the smoke.

Doux: 100%

Move used, Fairy wind, weakened due to not focusing on a target, probably a third of power it would have been.

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Damn. The fairy wind blew the smoke away, so that tactic would not work. However...

To Colin's surprise, Celestinine seemed to have a great battle sense. When the smoke went away, she had already moved way closer and to the flank of Doux, in a perfect position for a shot. She also seemed almost untouched by the Fairy Wind, thanks to the smoke cover.

"Great! Now Cel, use Octazooka!" The Pokémon responded immediately, shooting a jet of ink in extremely high pressure. Colin knew the attack here was a good chance to throw Doux accuracy down again, as the move had a side effect of making the opposing Pokémon partially blind.

Pokémon: Celestinine, the Horsea -> 89% HP; Healthy

Moves Used: Octazooka (50% chance of lowering the foe's Accuracy)

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Flanked, Doux attempted to get out of the line of fire, but the ink caught the Cottonee by the wng, sending it reeling off.

"Doux, fairy wind, but use it to hit Celestinine with your leech seeds!" Claude ordered. Doux sent a small net of leech seeds hurtling towards the horsea, trying to catch it in their greedy vines.

Doux 70% health

Moves: Fairy wind in conjunction with leech seed, once again weakened slightly.

Acc -1

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Whew, that was a close one. The Venonat rolled itself back on its feet, despite taking two super effective hits. I was really lucky Zuko saw those Embers and stopped the Drought when he did. Henry once again felt a nice, pleasant cooling of the temperature. Then again, a reflected ember is much, much weaker. As Isaac Noibat once said, 'Energy cannot be created or destroyed.'

Zuko saw the Embers coming back at him, but he couldn't help but get a light chuckle. He chomped down on both of them and licked himself as if he had a nice meal. This was the opponent that just beat him. He was in a bit of disbelief from such a foolish move. In fact, he could now launch a bunch of embers rapidly thanks to this little boost. He decided to wait for his master's orders before trying anything.

"Gypsy, hold the foe with Confusion. Zuko, protect the queen." Never thought I'd use that one ever again. Gypsy held the Riolu still with Confusion, while Zuko released Ember after Ember while heavily guarding Gypsy to make sure no harm comes her way.


Zuko (90% HP): Ember (x6?)

Gypsy (20% HP): Confusion

Note: If you're wondering about how Gypsy has 20% despite it being super effective, see explanation in OOC. Also, counter was decided to be physical oriented, but Zuko the troll Vulpix found a way to fix that. (Also, there goes my drought again :( )


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Celestinine used the bad aim from Doux's accuracy drop to try and avoid the Attack, but wasn't all that lucky and got hit by part of it. Some of the seeds stuck in her tiny body, and started sucking her energy. Damn again. Gotta get this Cottonee down fast!

But how to do it? At her level, Celestinine only knew Water type moves, which her foe resisted. If only she had Clear Smog... But, there was still something they could try.

"Don't think this is over! Water Pulse!" With the accuracy drop, and if the attack had the Cottonee confused, maybe they could pull through this disadvantage.

Pokémon: Celestinine, the Horsea -> 78% HP; Seeded

Moves Used: Water Pulse

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The water pulse rocketed into Doux, dealing a good amount of damage. However, Doux, the lovable, unfazable pokemon that he was, maintained his calm and stayed focused. ((Used a randomiser to determine this))

"Are you okay, Doux? Use Absorb to regain your health!" Doux zoomed in close, trying to latch onto the Horsea to drain it's health.

Doux: 60%

Moves Absorb, from close range. (Will do 41%-63% if it hits)

acc -1

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Can’t Type

Since almost everyone was paired up, Lana realized she had to take the first step. She walked over to a boy with a Ferroseed. “U-uhm do you, maybe, want to battle me?”

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"Use a Bubblebeam and keep your distance!" The attack from the Horsea lowered the opposing Pokémon's speed, making it easy for her to avoid the absorb.

((Can you link the randomizer on the next post?)) ((nvm, just found it in the OOC))

Pokémon: Celestinine, the Horsea: 71,75%HP (1/16 drained from Leech Seed)

Moves Used: Bubblebeam

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Since almost everyone was paired up, Lana realized she had to take the first step. She walked over to a boy with a Ferroseed. “U-uhm do you, maybe, want to battle me?”

(Am going to move James and Lana over to Phoebe's battlefield K?)
"Sure"James replied as he and Lana walked over to the battle field with Phoebe as the teacher standing there.As they walked to their positions James couldnt help but let his excitement take over."This,THIS is my first battle here.This feeling....."He muttered to himself
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Doux was launched back by the force of the bubblebeam, but the damage sustained was minor, and with the leech seeds draining health, Doux was feeling better as more time went by.

"Now, Doux, float high into the sky and spin! Loose your fairy wind, a Beautiful hurricane of power as you grow ever stronger!!" Claude exclaimed. Doux rose, and span, speeding up as the wind picked up, continuously using it. This swept Horsea back, and also shot the ink off of Doux, allowing him to see once more. As Doux span, he also grew, feeling more powerful by the second

Doux: 50% + LS gain: 6.25% = 56.25

Moves: Fairy wind+ Growth in that order.

att/ sp att +1

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Kenny chuckled. He'd finally gotten his chance to catch Henry off-guard. However, Ryu had gotten a Burn form Zuko's last Attack, so Kenny would need to move quickly.

"Ryu, let's bring out the big guns. Use Zuko as a weapon."

Ryu then smiled, and ran around the Embers, a white trail forming behind him, and Gypsy lost sight of the Target just before she could hold it in place. Ryu then grabbed Zuko by the tails, and used Zuko to whack away at Gypsy, before throwing Zuko.



Ryu (37.5% HP left, Burned): Quick Attack, Circle Throw (Used on Zuko, but also did some damage to Gypsy due to the fact that Zuko kept on being whacked into her)

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Celestinine was hit squarely by the Fairy Wind, causing way more damage than Colin would like... The Horsea was now breathing heavily from the effort.

"We've got to stop it now! Water Pulse again, and follow that with Brine right after!" Things were looking really ugly, so the only thing he could think of was to try and finish Doux before it could do even more damage. That spinning would probably help the Water Pulse make it dizzy, or at least give Cel the time she needed for the Brine to hit with less than half the opponents HP and deal a heavier damage.

Pokémon: Celestinine, the Horsea -> 29.5% HP ; Seeded

Moves Used: Water Pulse; Brine

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Doux was hit by the water pulse once more, again taking minor damage, though it did tip him over the tipping point. When Celestinine used Brine, it hit Much harder, thankfully though, Doux maintained himself.

"Now Doux, finish this! Fairy Wind: Sparkle Amongst the Clouds!" Doux whipped up a flurry of wind once more, though there were noticeably more sparkles than before

Doux: 62% after leech seed, 47% after waterpulse, 17% after brine, max damage on all

Moves used: Fairy Wind: Signature style (basically just more sparkles XD

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Can’t Type

Lana got ready to face her opponent. It was her first real battle as well as she felt a little nervous. When Phoebe asked which format they wanted to use, she wanted to request a one on one, but both her Pokémon stepped up simultaneously. “Is it alright to have a double battle?” she asked James.

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The Venonat caught the Vulpix heading right towards and dropped him right onto the ground. The Vulpix was a bit bitter at both the Riolu and Venonat, but got over it quickly. Henry gave a quick smile seeing his foe was burned. He probably forgot about the little move I used earlier. With a fourth of its strength, it won't be able to take out both.

"Zuko, go right and use Baby-doll eyes." Zuko distracted the Riolu by giving its cute little look once again. "Gypsy, head left and use Supersonic again." The distracted Riolu was hit by the move and lost all focus. "If he tries anything, just use the same tactic again. Don't worry if he hits you, he can't damage you enough at this point."


Gypsy (20%*): Confusion, Supersonic

Zuko (75%): Baby-doll eyes

*: Gypsy received some but the calculation would have to be 1/24th of a normal Riolu's attack power (something like .01%HP). The next attack would be 1/32nd due to another lowered stage of attack (1/4th normal attack). I'm only counting it as approximately zero because it's like throwing a stick at a bear and expecting it to hurt. After enough hits, I'll change the percentage.


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Erce was cuaght up in the electric overload in an instant, unable to get away due to her paralysis actually kicking in for once, binding her to her spot. There was nothing she could do as the blast made impact and sent her flying through the air. a loud thid sounded as she landed right at Mareek's feet, out cold. Sparks and static still buzzed in the air around her as Mareek took out her capsule and recalled her to it.

"You tried your hardest, Erce," he said. "That's all I could ask from you, old friend." Beside him Java was looking at 101 and Flare with a strange stare, as if it were taking them in whole, trying to analyze them right then and there and find every bit of information it could about them... which Mareek figured was exactly what it was doing, becuase after several seconds his Dex began to glitch out again. The screen was stuck on the pages for Growlithe and Magnemite, black horizontal bars and broken coding flashing across them every few moments. There was a loud electronic screech from the device as Java broke it's mysterious stare off and turned to him expectantly. The dex was perfectly fine again, still on the page for Magnemite. "Did you just...?"

The screen faded to white and the word Yes appeared in black letters. Followed by Now?

"Um... I guess so..." he answered. He had known a bit about what porygons were able to do with electronics and computers... but hearing and seeing was honestly two different things. The hacking earlier had been something, yes, but this was far more. The thing had just gone into his dex of it's own accord and pulled up the information it needed... and then it had sent him a electronic message asking him if he wanted to switch it in now....

Java hovered from Mareek's side out onto the battle field, facing down the Magenmite across the way.

"Use Tri-" Before Mareek could even finish the command, three energy spheres, one colored red, one blue, and one yellow, formed infront of Java, a white triangle forming in between them and connecting them. then the Porygon launched the strange attack towards 101, the beam zipping towards the Magnemite and closing in fast...



Erce- 0%


Moves used:


Java- 100%

Moves used:

Tri Attack

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Kenny smiled. evidently, his Opponent didn't know about Ryu's Ability.

"Ryu, It's Combo Time."

Ryu then dropped his act of confusion, and rammed right into Zuko. then, Ryu grabbed Zuko by the tails again, and threw Zuko towards the edge of the Battlefield. then, Ryu prepared to ram into Zuko again.



Ryu (25% HP left, Burned): Inner Focus (Ability), Quick Attack, Circle Throw, Quick Attack

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"I was sleeping with a girl!" Shiro scooted around the field, holding his head frantically as if he wanted to rip his hair out. He could not believe what he had heard right now... but the prof didn't seem like a person very fond of jokes. And if he'd been telling the truth, then Shun also would never be able to become a Gallade.

'This is bad, dude. What're you gonna do about it?'

Shun was a girl... Shun was a girl... "Oh god... Shun is a girl!"

All that time, Shun just observed Shiro with a somewhat curious look on her face. She had always known she was female, but she could never quite get Shiro to notice her real gender, so she just let him live in the illusion. Turns out it was a mistake keping the truth from him. He seemed quite shocked by the news, and she could feel it. Her trainer was lost and it was her job as his partner to help him get back on his feet. But still, she was unsure whether or not she should come in contact with him while he was in such a state...

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Henry's Pokemon quickly got up and readied themselves for another round. They turned around and saw Henry adjust his glasses. The two pokemon suddenly collapsed to the ground completely and tried getting up, but they were unable to move. "Looks like I'm all out of Pokemon. Guess you win." He returned his Pokemon to his Poke balls. "I'm going to go heal my pokemon now. Don't spend all those BP in one place." Henry walked off the battle field and doubted anyone would fall for his illusion.

Devin quickly pulled both the boys back over where Henry learned his punishment. He responded, "I will stay for however long I need to. I deserve it." This could've been much, much worse. I'm thankful Zuko will stay by my side. Henry then continued walking over to the healing machine.

​I could see it in his eyes. He was desperate to win. Too desperate if you ask me. Pushing a Pokemon like that can have some serious consequences, even causing permanent injuries. I've seen it happen too many times before. He then picked up the Poke Ball that contained Gypsy. "I'm proud of you. You'll make a fine partner for Zuko, just like he did for Rosie." He picked up the empty Pokeball and looked at it. I made a promise to never lose a battle again. Turns out my old man was right about one thing. 'It's just a stupid battle. You don't learn shit from winning all the time.' It's about time I moved on anyways.

"Excuse me, ma'am," Henry asked the Nurse. "Do you mind healing my Pokemon? They're a bit damaged from the battle." Henry quickly put the empty poke ball back on his belt and pulled out Zuko's. "Don't worry about that other Poke Ball. It's empty anyways."

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The boosted Fairy Wind sent Cel flying in a curve towards Colin, and when she fell near him she was already knocked out.

"Cel!" The boy shouted, catching the Pokémon on his arms on a protective gesture. He then looked at Claude with a decided gaze. "You're not winning this mate. Quick Kyte, finish Doux with your strongest Tackle!"

The Mudkip jumped forward from Colin's shoulder and added a little something to the command: turning his body mid air, it shoot a Water Gun in the opposite direction he intended to go, getting propelled towards Doux at high speed.

It was all stacked in this last attack. If Kyte managed to hit the Cottonee first and KO, they would have one more chance against Claude's last mon. If not, the game was over.

((I'm dropping the damage calcs btw))

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"Of course"James replied eagerly as he preferred having 2 pokemon battling as it made strategies change and his 2 current pokemon worked very well toghether."Let's D-D-DUEL!"James said as he Sent out Tytaniell the Ferroseed and Shade the Duskull.

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The tackllng mudkip soared straight into Doux, sending the poor fluffball floating to the ground deflated. Claude ran over and picked up the pokemon carefully. Lancelot had already rushed onto the battlefield, Leering at the mudkip intently. "let's go Lancelot, show me the power you used earlier! Peck that mudkip more than a pile of Oran berries!" Claude roared with a grin on his face. He was sad that his signature finale wasn't quite as final as he hoped, but he was sure that Lance would prevail. Lance rushed towards Kyte, preparing to use it's horn to perforate the pokemon.

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