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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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Well, things seemed to keep interesting after our battle, even for just the four of us. First, the Professor spectating us told Shiro that Shun was a girl, which didn't go over well, Atleast from how Shiro seemed to be freaking out. Luckily, Kiai had been checked before he even got him, and Voltage was likely checked by Professor Redwood Himself, so it's not like the same freakout could happen for him. Just then, it seemed that Kenny and Henry's battle ended. With that, Robert went to congratulate them for a powerful battle. Since Henry went straight for the healing table, he decided to talk to Kenny first. "So, guess we both won our matches."

Edited by TurboAura
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"Awww, they beat us to it!" Danielle pouted as Lana and James got the last battlefield. In a second, she gave a wide grin and yelled, "Good luck in your match, Lana and James!" Danielle then walked around the arenas with Avis flying around looking at each of the Pokemon's move from above when they all heard:

"I was sleeping with a girl!"

Danielle quickly turned to the direction the sound was coming from. It turns out that the voice belonged to Shiro, who seems be freaking about sleeping with a girl... right in front of Professor Cadmus?!

"Ooookaaayyy... Either I am missing something, or Shiro is having identity issues..." Since there wasn't much to do since the battlefields are all taken up, she walked up to Shiro and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hi, Shiro! Looks like Shun recovered from the burn from yesterday! So, what's up?"

Corona looked on at Shiro and Shun, curiously, from the safety of Danielle's arms. Surprisingly, she seemed to be enjoying the scene instead of being shy and curling up. Avis continued observing everyone silently from above, trying to contain her excitement. She was estatic about having a battle really soon; Avis may have a disadvantage against a Lapras and, to a lesser degree, a Trapinch, but she has tricks up her sleeve, or rather, her wing.

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Commander and K_H

Devin, who kept an eye on Henry and Kenny’s battle, wasn’t impressed with the latter. He clearly pushed his Pokémon too far, all in order to win. He watched Henry leave and that’s when he remembered. “One second, both of you. Professor Redwood and I say your battle from yesterday and that’s not acceptable to say the least. However since it was the first day we won’t take dramatic measures. You both will still receive punishment. Be in the kitchen at 6.30 PM. You’ll be doing all the dishes from yesterday’s barbeque up until now. You won’t get any help except from the one with the bug Pokémon.”


Alvin, who gained some distance from Evan, heard this and was about to protest when he looked into Devin’s eyes and decided against it. The man could be too intimidating and considering he was an elite four member, even Alvin kept his mouth shut. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough for the poor boy as Devin saw him stare. “You there, go tell your opponent to settle your differences on this battlefield. I’ll be the one to keep an eye on you two.”

((Freaking Ninja's everywhere))

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Can’t Type

A Ferroseed and a Duskull… Lana thought. I don’t have experience with any of them. This could be a problem…

Rhy could feel how nervous she was and turned around. It did nothing but stare at its trainer for a few seconds before nodding. Lana took it as a signal to start. “Rhy, horn attack and Queen gather your energy,” she ordered.

The Rhyhorn charged at the Ferroseed while a reddish glow surrounded the female Nidoran. (Focus Energy)

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((That's twice that i've been Ninja'd! first by Turbo, and then by Chim!))

Kenny nodded at Devin, acknowledging the fact that he'd been in the wrong.

"I understand. I'll be there."

Kenny then looked down.

"I was a fool..."

Ryu detected Kenny's sadness, and limped over to him.

"Ryu, we need to patch you up before anything else."

Kenny then Recalled Ryu, and headed over to Nurse Joy.

"Ma'am, may i please have my Pokemon healed? they're very damaged from the battle i just had."

Kenny then handed over Ryu and Zorro's Pokeballs.

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"I was sleeping with a girl!"

Henry heard it right when he pulled out one of his earplugs. So that's what he was doing while I was gone. I didn't think Shiro was that kind of person. The only reason he'd be surprised by that if he was... Henry picked his balls that were now fully healed and quickly walked over to Shiro. "Hey Shiro, is there something you're not telling me? I know you're a growing boy, but can you please not do that stuff while I'm your roommate. I really don't want to be the person to give you talk because it'd be awkward for both of us."

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Shiro spun around as a hand touched his shoulder.

"Hi, Shiro! Looks like Shun recovered from the burn from yesterday! So, what's up?"

It was Danielle, glaring at him like some sort of a vulture. There was a peculiar glimmer in his eyes, and he didn't like the look of it. "Uhm, Danielle... hi." He began awkwardly. "Yeah... Shun recovered from the burn, and he's... I mean, she's..." He shouted as he pointed dramatically at the confused Shun. "Shun is a girl! Oh god, Shun is a girl... That big professor guy told me after we had lost the battle... I don't know what to do now with everything... Shun was my friend... And now I'm just confused, everything is so weird all of a sudden."


"Huh?" Shun was at his right foot. When did she manage to move all the way to his leg? She was there- 'Oh, Shadow Sneak...' "Ruru!" Shun threw herself at Shiro's leg, holding it tightly with her short hands. "Shun..." Not really sure what to do, Shiro picked Shun up, and tok a good look at her.

Nothing was different, it was the same old Shun. And he remembered how much he loved Shun, always... ever since they knew each other.

EDIT (ninja'd): It was then when Henry suddenly came around.

"Hey Shiro, is there something you're not telling me? I know you're a growing boy, but can you please not do that stuff while I'm your roommate. I really don't want to be the person to give you talk because it'd be awkward for both of us."

It took a few seconds for Shiro to get what he was talking about. "Nonono, it's not what you think!" He practically jumped up out of embarassment. He really shouldn't have shouted it out like that. "It's just that... Shun is a girl... The teacher told me after he examined Shun..."

Edited by Bfroger6
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"Henry! What perfect timing~" Danielle waved to Henry. Then, Danielle smirked. Another fun opportunity is here, but she will more gentle with Shiro. Judging by his behavior, he doesn't seem too familiar with the ways of the outside world yet. "Oh, Shiro~ You don't have to hide behind Shun. It's okay to admit that you slept with a girl already, it's perfectly normal~" Danielle teased. "In fact, if you need any girl advice, you are always free to ask me!"

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"It's just that... Shun is a girl... The teacher told me after he examined Shun..."

Henry gave a sigh of relief. "You had me worried there for a second. I thought you and that Lana girl were...how should I put it...learning about Digletts." Henry hoped he didn't embarrass Shiro too much with that comment. "Anyways, I don't see it being too big of an issue. I mean my Venonat is of the female gender, but we all seem to get along fine."

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Well, just as Robert was walking towards the Field, Kenny headed off to healing desk. Around when Kenny gave his pokemon to the 'Nurse Joy' there, Robert got there, and seemed to notice that Kenny was in a somber mood. "Hey, what's wrong dude, you just won your match? Did you get some bad news like Shiro did? Please tell me it's not too bad."

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Under the watchful eye of Devin Cadmus, Evan decided to try and calm down. His plan worked for exactly 15 seconds. That’s all it took for Alvin to get under his skin again.

“I’ll show you how my Bugs are superior to your lame Pokémon in every way. Not that you would understand as you seem to behave like a caveman,” Alvin said confident. The boy had a natural talent for trash talking and didn’t need much effort to wind Evan up.

“I’m going to squash you along with those bugs,” Evan said pissed off. “Now which one are you going to let lose first?”

Alvin didn’t listen as he was in a conflict with himself. “I really want to win my first battle with Queen ((yes, same nickname as Lana’s Nidoran)), but I can’t wait to test my new Pokémon out…” The bug trainer kept talking to himself for a few minutes and still didn’t decide. Evan on the other hand had already sent Eevee in.

“C’mon what are you waiting for? Just sent them both in; Eevee will trash them anyway!”

Now this remark got Alvin’s attention. The student thought it over for a second and decided he liked the idea. “Go Queen! Go Shellie!” he ordered enthusiastically.

On the other side of the field Evan almost face palmed. He doubted he could go two on one so he was forced to send Cleffa in. The little pink star looked excited when he shoved her on the field. He scanned his newest addition with his Pokédex to find out she had the Magic Guard ability, but aside from that her move set was complete garbage.

And while Evan still tried to figure out what to do, Alvin didn’t waste any time. “Queen use Gust! Shellie, Rock Blast!”

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"In fact, if you need any girl advice, you are always free to ask me!"

"No, Daniele, you're wrong..." Shiro backed away from the girl, putting his hands (still holding Shun) between them, like some sort of shield. "Shun is a girl, look!" He said as he shook the little fella'. Shun didn't seem to bother. In fact, she was ready to help Shiro. She knew his feelings for her haven't changed for real, so she could remain calm. S

"Ruru!" Shun reached for the lower end of her bag like body, ready to reveal herself.

"Shun, no, what're you doing!?"

"You had me worried there for a second. I thought you and that Lana girl were...how should I put it...learning about Digletts."

Shiro turned to Henry. "Diglett? No, I already know everything I ned to know about them, and I'm sure Lana does too!" He tried to counterattack. "And Shun, put your hands down! You don't need to show her! There are other ways to convince her..."

Cornered, Shiro continued moving backwards, slowly but surely. "Shun is a girl, believe me!"

Edited by Bfroger6
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"Diglett? No, I already know everything I need to know about them, and I'm sure Lana does too!"

I'm just going to assume he misunderstands because I really hate to ask. He's already shaken up as is. I know I'm not going to like, but I'll have to talk to Citrine...I mean Citrine...I mean Lana a bit later. I can't even keep it straight in my head. That's definitely going to be a pleasant conversation.

"Danielle, I think the boy is already traumatized enough. He's lived who knows how many years thinking that his Ralts was a boy." Now that I think about it, that's hilarious. Don't laugh Henry, don't laugh. "We just need to be calm and supportive of this twist of an events." Henry was trying hard not to laugh. Each word he spoke just made him more and more tempted.

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((Commander... Let's call our ninja-ing skills a draw))

Danielle laughed at Henry's comment about the Digletts. She actually felt bad for poor Shiro; she realized that her joke went way over his head, let alone Henry's. "I like you, Henry! You're good!"

Seeing Shiro's defeated face, however, made Danielle feel bad. Danielle did intend to take the joke further, but now is not the right time. "H-Henry," she said through her laughter, "Y-You're right... I'll stop, I'll stop."

She finally pushed herself to stop laughing for a minute, just to explain herself. "Shun, dear, you don't have to prove anything. I believe you and Shiro, honest! I was only teasing, as I have a habit of doing. Henry is too. And, like he said, sleeping with a Pokemon who happened to be of the opposite gender is really no big deal. There are people who sleep with Pokemon that way all over the place! We are not judging you any less." Danielle said, trying to contain her laughter at yet another innuendo that she slipped out. She hoped he didn't catch that.

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Jacob approached the group, which seemed to be the source of some commotion. He beckoned to Teo and Chalchi to follow. The Trapinch sidled under Chalchi, causing her to cry uncertainly. However, she began to cheer happily as Teo lifted her up on his back, carrying her over to the people. He tapped Danielle on the shoulder and pointed at the impending battle between Evan and Alvin. "Looks like those two are at it again, except they're using Pokemon now. They're going to be rivals all throughout the year, I just know it," he said excitedly, keenly interested in the battle. "They're going to be incredible to watch, don't you think?"

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((I must've mastered the art of ninjaing)

Henry was unsure what to think of Danielle's compliment, but he knew he had to focus more on being supportive to Shiro.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it as Gardevoir is a really good. If you train her right, she'll always be on top...of her game." That was a close one Henry. "I'd say don't worry about it's not like the time you waste is for naught. Take Zuko for example. Most of his species is female and is considered a girly pokemon." Actually, he's not as bad compared to Rosie. "Just because he's a guy and a bit embarrassing doesn't mean I love him any less." Henry quickly turned to Danielle. "If you make any jokes about that, I will have gassy boy follow you until I'm done with dish duty tonight." Too bad he's already recovered, but she doesn't need to know that.

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"Shun, dear, you don't have to prove anything. I believe you and Shiro, honest! I was only teasing, as I have a habit of doing. Henry is too. And, like he said, sleeping with a Pokemon who happened to be of the opposite gender is really no big deal. There are people who sleep with Pokemon that way all over the place! We are not judging you any less."

Shun immediately put her hands up, as if she was being targeted by a gun, revealing the scar on left palm. The scar extended from where her pinky would be all the way to the other side diagonally. It wasn't pleasant looking, but it wasn't anything really bad either, as it could barely be seen on Shun's pale skin.

Shiro sighed. "Well, don't do that again!" He grasped Shun closer to himself, like a kid holding his plushie. He blushed a bit as he did so. "It's fine... I'm fine. Shun is... Shun is fine as well." And with those words, Shun smiled. "This... won't be an issue..." He tried to sound like he was sure, but his voice was trembling. "But now... I should be off to the medical station. I need to take care of Tal..."

Edited by Bfroger6
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((See, I waited for you all to post first now!))

"Fine with me~ But my last comment still stands. If you find any girl you like, you are free to ask me for advice~" Danielle grinned. "I would go with you, but since I still need to wait for a battle, I'll have to stay here."

Danielle stuck her tongue out at Henry, but kept her silence. It wasn't because she was afraid of his Vulpix's gas, since Avis can just blow it away, but she doesn't want Shiro to know the real meaning behind that joke and make him mad. And, besides, there are more chances to tease him.

She felt a poke on her shoulder before Jacob's voice could be heard. "Looks like those two are at it again, except they're using Pokemon now. They're going to be rivals all throughout the year, I just know it," he said excitedly, keenly interested in the battle. "They're going to be incredible to watch, don't you think?"

Danielle looked towards Evan and Alvin's battle that is now underway. She nodded, agreeing with Jacob as she saw a Combee/Dwebble duo versus Evan's Eevee and Cleffa. "Oui oui~ Why don't we all go and watch?" Then she turned to Shiro before she focused on Evan and Alvin's battle. "Shiro, when... Tal, right?... is healed up, come stop by and watch! I still have to battle and I love company!"

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"I think I'll go watch another battle. I'll be hearing plenty of Alvin's voice tonight." I think I found a new use for these earplugs. "Don't worry, I'll catch your battle when it happens." Henry walked to a close by field and saw a Duskull and Ferroseed. Two powerful walls. This could be interesting. He then turned to see that the opponent was the girl he talked to yesterday. I think I'll stay and watch this battle, but I'll keep my distance. I don't want Cit...Lana getting nervous. Truthfully, the boy was more interested because it was a double battle. He didn't think so many students would be interested in the type of battle.

He watched as Lana's Rhyhorn charged forward. I hope she knows what she's doing because exposing that Rhydon is very risky.

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"Shiro, when... Tal, right?... is healed up, come stop by and watch! I still have to battle and I love company!"

"I'll, I'll keep that in mind..." He said and turned towards the healing station, with Shun happily chirping on his shoulder. It was still a bit awkward for Shiro, but Shun was stil Shun. If Shun had always been a female, then the fact he learned it just now should not change anything.

When Shiro made his way to the Nurse, she kindly greeted him and took both Shun and Tal. Tal was able to be healed with the help of a machine since she was in her Poke ball, but Shun needed direct medical attention from the Nurse. After a bit of tinkering around, the Nurse returned the two Pokemon to Shiro. "Thank you..." Shiro mumbled before leaving back the way he went.

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((Back to the battle...))

Hehe, perfect, just perfect! Colin thought, grinning "It´s just us two now buddy, there´s no way he can win! Bulk it up and give it back!" The Peck storm landed, but Kyte bulked the damage even after the Leer. He took one hit, then another... It didn´t seem like the Karrablast was interested in stopping the attack, and likewise, Kyte didn´t seem like he was reacting except by enduring the blows. But that was exactly the point.

Colin waited for the moment when Lancelot was coming to another hit, and then commanded: "That´s it boy! NOW! Unleash the Bide!"

When everything seemed lost, Kyte opened his eyes, a fierce glow of energy on them, and threw himself at his foe with all the power of the hits he took, doubled. It was a risky tactic, Colin knew, but he trusted completely on his first partner and knew the Mudkip wouldn´t let him down.

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Jacob nodded excitedly, walking to the field and sitting beckoning for Danielle and Shiro to join him. He couldn't wait to see their battle unfold, but he was even more excited at the prospect of finding out what Chalchi was capable of. His Pokemon eventually caught up with him, Teo smiling happily as he carried the jubilant Chalchi over to the battlefield. Jacob took out his Pokedex and quickly scanned his Lapras. Hmm... So she's a Water/Ice type. I already knew that... Let's see what else. She's going to get much bigger, it indicates that much. Let's see what moves she knows... he thought as he scrolled through Chalchi's entry. So she knows Water Gun, Sing, Mist, and... "WHAT? FREEZE DRY!? THAT'S SO COOL, CHALCHI!" he burst out, looking at his newest Pokemon with even more respect. "You're gonna be the biggest threat we have, other than Teo here!" Jacob laughed, causing Teo to gurgle happily. He then looked toward Shiro and Danielle, waiting for them to catch up as he watched the battle.

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Deciding nothing truly was of interest to him right now, Ryan turned to Kage. "Hey, wanna go head over to the cafeteria or something, or if you really wanted it, I could cook us some lunch. I'm a better cook than most people give me credit for. We could just stop by the shop and pick up some ingredients, then we could head back to my dorm to cook it." Ryan blushed a little bit, he didn't like boasting, but he really wanted a home-cooked meal for once.

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"You better!" Danielle called after Henry as he took his leave.

As she walking over to Alvin and Evan's field, Avis decided to fly down to join her. "Excited, mon ami?" Her Murkrow nodded furiously and walk-hopped with her master and Corona. Danielle chuckled; she rarely saw her Murkrow this fidgety and it was quite amusing. That also means that Avis will not be fooling around as much as she usually does.

Danielle took a spot beside Jacob and let Corona, the shy Larvesta rest on her head. Since Larvestas are so small and cannot fly, Danielle decided to let Corona get the first seat in the house. Corona let out a surprised cry before she settled herself on Danielle's head. This was certainly... different compared to sitting on a tree branch.

Avis flew onto Danielle's shoulder instead. The Murkrow wanted to preserve the rest of her energy for the battle ahead.

"Alvin has the Dwebble?" Danielle said softly to her Pokemon. "I can see how both of you can handle it but..." she glanced at Evan's side, "It's going to be tricky for an Eevee and a Cleffa..."

Edited by DarkLight
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TX's magnets were still spinning rapidly as the three colored orbs came rushing towards him, 'Man out of all the times for a situation like this to happen.' Slade though to himself annoyed that his first battle with the bronze Magnemite was so, different? Yea different is a nice way to put it. "Quickly use thundershock one the red and blue orb then use sonic boom!" He shot the thunder shocks at the two orbs with no problem easily destroying them though when he tried to use sonic boom he couldn't create the wave, its like they were being destroyed as they were made. The yellow orb then hit TX... or did it. It seem like a direct hit but looked like it went right though him. This was strange, more than usual. Did something more happen when 101's magnets spun or was it something else? What ever it is it's probably not good but the battle is still going on and it doesn't seem to harm TX other then the overloading of electricity. 'Lets see how this turns out.'Slade though to himself, then he did an epic finger point and said, "101 use a lock on thunder wave!" then he locked on and shot a wave of electricity at the porygon.

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