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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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"Sounds awesome. Want me to split the bill? I'll be eating the food too, after all." Kage's stomach growled; as a fourteen-year-old, he was always hungry. "The cafeteria food here is good, but nothing beats a homecooked meal." Kage started to dig about in his pockets, then stopped. Realizing he was directly in front of a teacher, he decided that trying to operate an electronic device wasn't the best plan at the moment. "Lead the way."

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Ryan did his signature reaction of cocking his right eyebrow at Kage's suggestion. "Excuse you, I'm not letting you pay for this. 100% my treat." And with that, Ryan was already hustling out of the building. Upon arriving at the food store, Ryan ran inside, envious of the multiple food items stocked. "So many different food, so many ingredients." Ryan gathered all that he wanted into a basket and brought it to the counter, paying a total of 15 BP before Kage even had the chance to think about payment. Ryan grabbed Kage by the hand, running out the door. He was excited for this, and he didn't want Kage to fall behind.

Ryan entered his dorm room, dropping all the ingredients into the kitchen. In seconds, Ryan was running around the kitchen, a flurry of pots, pans, knives, spatulas flying around. Ryan's face was turning red due to all the work he was putting into this meal. After a good thirty minutes of slaving over the kitchen, Ryan slid four plates across the table. Upon one, a platter of varying berries, including Cheri, Sitrus, Pinap, Aspear, Rawst, Mago, Iapapa, Grepa, Hondew, and Oran. Upon the second, multiple rice balls seasoned with Oddish Leaves. Upon the third, a steaming plate of varying types of sushis, made of different parts of a large Magikarp, as well as rice, seaweed, and a small bit of Krabby meat in each one. On the last, multiple finger sandwiches including Grumpig ham and Gogoat cheese, as well as peanut butter and jelly ones. Ryan beamed, envying his masterpiece of a meal.

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Kage was swept along as Ryan excitedly moved through the grocery store, seemingly delighted at what Kage considered a rather tedious task. He raised an eyebrow of his own when the other boy grabbed his hand to pull him along, but didn't stop him. As Ryan completed his cooking and slid the plates onto the table, Kage commented on this. "You know," he started before grabbing a rice ball and taking a bite, "you really seem to end up holding my hand a lot. You trying to-" Kage swallowed before continuing - "trying to tell me something?"

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The fierce power coming from Kyte was Dangerous, Claude could see that, but Damn was it cool too. "Lance, Brace yourself with Endure!" The impact sent the beetle pokemon flying away from the small water pokemon, and it was evident that both pokemon were rather hurt. "Damn, are you a coordinator? Because That looked fantastic~ Now, Lance, are you still good to go?" The small pokemon got up with a struggle, but the light in it's eyes never wavered. Whether this was stupidity, stubborness or both, Claude did not know, but he was sure he made the right choice. "Okay, then follow up with your most powerful Bug Bite, let thode early whites shine!!" Lancelot charged at Kyte, biting the air like he had a vendetta, until he reached Kyte, trying to take a good chunk out of the pokemon.

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Tacos and Murdoc

Kage and Ryan were lucky none of the teachers noticed them leaving. All of their attention was drawn to the battles currently being fought, but it was a risky move nonetheless. If they wanted to escape detention they had to make their way back without being noticed.


The gust and rock blast met halfway and combined force; resulting in both rocks being launched by the wind attack and increase in power. Evan, who wasn’t ready, was caught off guard and couldn’t give commands in time. The rocks made their way to the little Cleffa, but right before impact Eevee jumped in between taking the attack head on. “Eevee!” Evan yelled when his first partner fell. “Come on, you can take it!” Encouraged by its trainer the normal type got slowly up. In the meantime Evan glared at Alvin for something he considered a cheap shot.

On the other side of the field Alvin’s excitement reached a new level. In all his enthusiasm he hadn’t really thought things true, something he always did, but he got lucky and discovered an effective combo attack. “Ha! Can you see the true power of bug types now? Or do you want another lesson?” he boasted.

Evan was cornered right at the start and he knew it. That Dwebble was the most dangerous one on the field and he had to take it out as soon as possible. The Combee wasn’t much of a threat but could prove annoying if it could support Dwebble. It was more risky to focus on the Combee, but as long as it was two against two Alvin had the advantage, and it would be easier to take down Combee first.

“Let’s take the risk,” he said to his Pokémon. “Eevee, tackle that Combee to the ground. Cleffa; keep that Dwebble busy.” Both Pokémon responded immediately. Eevee ran towards the Combee as fast as it could while Cleffa waggled her little fingers. (Metronome)

Alvin, who was about to celebrate his victory, didn’t respond in time. He saw how his Combee was hit and pinned to the ground. Shellie the Dwebble was on her turn blinded by a flashing light (Flash) called forth by Cleffa. Shellie crawled back into her rock to try and protect her eyes but the damage was already done. “Queen, blow that Eevee away with Gust! Shellie, use Rock Blast on that annoying Cleffa!”

Eevee was sent flying from point blank range and hit the ground rather hard. Cleffa was unscathed. The flash attack still had an effect on Dwebble and the rocks missed the target.

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Seeing Lana had taken the first move,James started to think of a good tactic to use against A Nidoran and Rhyhorn. "Tytanniel stand your ground,Shade use Will o wisp on Nidoran!"James told his pokemo as Rhyhorn charged at his pokemon trying to hit them hard.

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Jacob nodded, studying the Cleffa and Eevee closely. "Neither of them seem to know anything that would give them an edge over his Dwebble, let alone that Combee. I think this is going to play out very well for Alivin, and poorly at the very least for Evan he siad absentinmindedly, offering his opinion

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"Tal!" Shiro called out through the crowd around the fields. "Tal, where are you?"

The pesky Snorunt ran off as soon as he had released her from her Poke ball, not before glaring at Shiro at putting her nose up high, of course. And now Shiro and Shun were chasing after her. Well, it was more like playing hide and seek, because they had no idea where she went.

Shiro stopped to catch a breath, putting Shun to the ground. "Huf... Shun, do you have any idea where she might've went?" Shun just shook her head. "... Why would she even do that!?" Shiro continued. "I mean... why..."

Shiro was interrupted by the sound of something flying right next to his ear at a blazing speed. Spontaneously, he spun together with Shun just to see Tal, standing around 20 meters behind them, right next to a field where a battle between two boys was taking place. Shiro saw a Dwebble and Combee dominating the field. The other guy was having some problems. But it was unimportant. He had to get Tal back.

"Tal! Come here!" He tried calling for her by waving his hands. She just rose her head up even higher, revealing a big smirk on her dark face. She shook her cone before attacking again. Another Ice Shard, but this time targeting Shun.

"Shun, look out!"

"Ruru!" Shun threw herself to the ground, rolling over just to avoid the attack. She stopped right in the stance for Shadow Sneak.

Shiro smiled. "Good idea, Shun! It'll be easier to catch her if we immobilize her first!" He shouted as Shun's horn glowed a purple hue, and his shadow started changing shape. "Shun, Shadow Sneak!"

The shadows streched all the way to Tal, grabbing her chubby feet. She was unable to move, but she didn't even try breaking out of Shun's shadowy grasp. Tal still had that confident smirk on her face.

"Stop that, Tal!" Shiro took out her Poke ball, throwing it directly at the Snorunt. She dissapeared in a white flash the moment she came in contact with the ball, and Shun released his shadows. "Good job..." Shiro turned to Shun with a bit of an worried expression on his face. "But why would she do that? I thought we were partners."

Shun shrugged, seemingly unfazed by the events. The sight of her calmed Shiro's heart a bit.

"Oh well, we got her back, so it's all fi-"

Shiro bounced back, interrupted by a loud bang almost akin to the sound of a gunshot. He turned to see Tal back out of the ball, standing next to it's remnants. She broke free, destroyed the ball, and was already starting a counterattack.

Edited by Bfroger6
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Can’t Type

“Queen, dodge!” Lana ordered. The heightened focus of the Nidoran along with her being the fastest on the field allowed her to escape the Will-O-Wisp attack. In the meantime Rhyhorn’s attack hit the mark as the Ferroseed didn’t even try to dodge. Rhy did take some damage from the iron barbs on its body.

“Take out the Ferroseed first,” Lana said. “Queen; tail whip. Rhy use rock slide on both of them.” She hoped her strategy for lowering Ferroseed’s defense while hitting both opponents at the same time would work.

Edited by Chimchain
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As much as Danielle hates to admit it, Jacob does have a point. The Dwebble is major source of Evan's frustration. She fidgeted with her glove straps; if only she was the one facing Alvin right now! Her Pokemon are at a severe disadvantage to a Dwebble, too, but at least their moves are not resisted by that shell.

"Evan does have a major pain to deal with," Danielle commented as Eevee was struck to the ground by yet another Gust attack. "But if Cleffa can get one non-physical move on that Dwebble, the tide could turn." That possibility, Danielle knows, may not happen, but she really doesn't want to see Alvin win against her friend.

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After swallowing one of his finger sandwiches, Ryan looked up at Kage and cocked an eyebrow. "Look, I know what you're thinking, but it ain't it. You already know I'm the first person to go running off and accidentally leaving someone behind too. I'm just trying to run off without leaving someone behind this time." That's a lie. Ryan took a bite of a Rawst berry before continuing. "I'm wondering if maybe we weren't supposed to leave yet, I saw no one but us around campus the whole time we were going to the store." Ryan swallowed another berry and sighed. "After we finish, we better get back over there just in case, I don't wanna get detention on day 2."

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((Wut Rhydon? ILLEGAL :P))

"hmmm,she's spending her time on Tytanniel as it can take most of her hits.In that case i'll burn Rhyhorn and use leech seed on Nidoran....Wait this might be better!" James thought as he then remembered how you could use haze to make the field unseeable for normal eyes."Shade use Haze,Tytanniel Start spinning around wit Gyro Ball but stay in your current are"James shouted out as Shade started the haze attack

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((previous post from Claude))

The fierce power coming from Kyte was Dangerous, Claude could see that, but Damn was it cool too. "Lance, Brace yourself with Endure!" The impact sent the beetle pokemon flying away from the small water pokemon, and it was evident that both pokemon were rather hurt. "Damn, are you a coordinator? Because That looked fantastic~ Now, Lance, are you still good to go?" The small pokemon got up with a struggle, but the light in it's eyes never wavered. Whether this was stupidity, stubborness or both, Claude did not know, but he was sure he made the right choice. "Okay, then follow up with your most powerful Bug Bite, let thode early whites shine!!" Lancelot charged at Kyte, biting the air like he had a vendetta, until he reached Kyte, trying to take a good chunk out of the pokemon.

"Eh, thanks mate. That Endure was great too, you´re a good battler. But now you´ll see why me and Kyte are unbeatable!" Colin´s ego took the praise from Claude super effectivelly it seemed.

Kyte was pretty hurt from the attacks, but the Karrablast also was on his last chunk of energy. That, plus the reckless, straight attack at Kyte, were the elements that would bring them victory. Colin waited till the foe was near and shouted his command. "Now buddy, jump and Water Gun his face!"

The Mudkip responded immediately, sending a jet of high pressure water straight at Lancelot. With the jump that Colin asked, it also had the effect of propelling the mud-fish Pokémon backwards, away from the Karrablast´s attack.

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The water rushed towards Lancelot with surely enough power to knock out the karrablast.

Claude was just reaching for his pokeball when something ridiculous happened.

Lancelot had been charging at Kyte, jaws agape in his attempt to bite the mudkip, when he jumped and used water gun, the small pokemon flew into a rage, dodging to the side of the blast and running towards the mudkip with a stupid amount of speed. It let loose with a flurry of attacks, battering the small pokemon with a few of them before turning and rushing at Claude himself. In Lancelots rage, he furiously attacked Claude with a strength that wasn't meant to be. Claude held off the small pokemon, thankful it really was so small, and used his pokedex to try and see what he was doing. A tinny robotic voice replied "This is Karrablasts Fury attack. The pokemon flies into a rage and attacks it's opponent viciously." Eventually, the bug wore himself out.

"What the hell? I thought Karrablast couldn't learn Fury attack at this point!" Claude muttered, shocked at what just happened.

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Can’t Type

The haze was a pain for Lana to deal with. She couldn’t see anything, except for a small part caused by the spinning of the Ferrothorn. “Queen, find that Duskull and use Peck! Rhy; keep an eye out for that spinning. Use tail whip!”

The Nidoran ran around the field trying to find its opponent.

((You do know that if you spin something it causes wind that can blowaway haze right? Ferrothorn can be seen by everyone))


If only I had a rock type… I could squash those bugs in an instant Evan thought. Wait, that’s it! I may have a way out of this! “Eevee; sand-attack on both of them. Cleffa, use Encore on Dwebble.”

This time Alvin was ready. “Dodge it!” he yelled, but the Dwebble was too slow. The sand hit it full in the eyes dropping its accuracy even more. Combee managed to escape unscathed and rose higher up to be out of the Eevee’s range. “Shellie use fury cutter on that annoying Eevee! Queen; finish it off with bug bite!” Dwebble’s attack failed as it started to throw rocks against its will and forced her teammate to dodge as it came closer to the Eevee.

“Eevee; use flail on Dwebble. Cleffa; charm that Combee!” Evan instructed his partners. Eevee ran through the opening created by the Combee and managed to jump onto the Dwebble dealing a large amount of damage. At the same time the little Cleffa managed to get closer to the Combee. It gave its cutest look and winked at her opponent, lowering the Combee’s attack stat.

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((Yeah i know but the haze and fun stuff is for Shade,Tytanniel is gunna have fun with Rhyhorn :]))

((also here's the battle theme :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tquhEtj5nWo))

Deciding it was the perfect moment to strike Rhyhorn James started the second phase of Tytanniel's attack"Tytanniel now use the force you gained from using Gyro Ball and use it to Power up Rollout!,Shade you use Will o Wisp from behind Nidoran!"James shouted out to his pokemon. Currently the threat was Nidoran as Rhyhorn could be taken care of Easily by Tytanniel.

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... What the hell?

Kyte was taken aback from the attack, but miraculously managed to stand. As the Karrablast turned to attack Claude, Colin rushed, picked the Mudkip and went towards the coordinator. "You all right mate? That must have hurt."

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Claude returned Lancelot to his pokeball. He was still a bit confused. Thankfully he was't hurt too much, but he could tell there'd be a few bruises in the morning.

"You all right mate? That must have hurt."

"Oui, i'm fine. I guess this guy just REALLY doesn't like losing. Anyway, that was a great battle! Now, c'mon, let's get our freinds healed up and see what the professor thought of our battle."


The two returned to the arena after having Nurse joy heal their pokemon. Doux was resting on Claudes head, as per usual.

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"Does Alvin not know what Encore does to a Pokemon? He just risked knocking out his precious Combee." Danielle shook her head in disappointment. "So he is an expert on Bug types, but not so much on other things... On the other hand," she looked at Evan's side of the field, "That provides an opportunity for Evan to make a come back. Come on, Evan!"

On her head, Corona was observing the battle as well as her surroundings. She was not as excited as Avis and Danielle are about battling. In the distance, she saw Shiro struggling with Tal, the Snorunt. Corona tried getting her master's attention by tapping on her head. Unfortunately, Danielle did not seem to notice.

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Colin could finally breath calmly again now that the battle was over and Kyte and Cel were properly healed. That was a close call, but hey, he had the type advantage. He thought happily. "Great job you two!" The boy told his Pokémon. "I knew you'd pull through!" Then he turned to Claude and gave him a thumbs up. "Hey, you battle very well for a coordinator, congrats! But if I just had Clear Smog or Aurora Beam on Celestinine, things would have been quite different."

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Dobby and Notus

Professor Redwood finished his notes when he saw both students come back. “Impressive battle; you both showed some real potential in your respective areas. Kyle, you have a great eye and I enjoyed your Cottonee’s moves. That Karrablast might prove a handful but if you keep working like this your fellow coordinators have to watch out.” He gave Claude a small nod and smile before turning to Colin

“You seem to be interested in the water type. I’m sure Professor Arlyn (Phoebe) will approve of that. Furthermore you seem capable of dealing with a disadvantage. It might be interesting for you to ask Professor Cadmus about Kingdra’s. I know he has a very powerful one.”

Can’t Type

Both attacks hit their mark. Nidoran was unable to locate the Duskull and was taken by surprise while Rhyhorn was too slow to avoid the incoming Rollout.

Lana bit her lip. She knew from the beginning this was a bad match-up for her at this point. She saw how both her Pokémon got hit but weren’t very far from each other. “Switch targets,” she instructed. “Queen, use double kick on that Ferroseed and Rhy, use rock slide!”

((Ferroseed soccer / football depending where you live))

Edited by Chimchain
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"Yeah, we should probably get our asses back over there." His choice of words was deliberate; Kage wanted to see if it provoked a reaction, so he put the slightest emphasis on the word. He stood from the table, grabbing a few more morsels as he did before starting to walk out of the room.

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But if I just had Clear Smog or Aurora Beam on Celestinine, things would have been quite different."

This made Claude smile.The loss was kinda hard, not exactly the most fantastic start, but at least it wasn't a complete loss.

"If if's and buts were Candy and nuts, we'd all have a mery christmas. No point in fretting over what could have been different. Besides, I'm sure we'll have a rematch at some point. Now, how about we go see another battle?"

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Tal stood up pridefully over the remains of her Poke ball. HER Poke ball.

"She broke out of her own Poke ball!?"


The sassy Snorunt was ready for more, and she was charging up another Ice Shard.

"Ruru!" Shun cried again, taking a defensive stance with her hands infront of her determined face.

"Shun, are you crazy? You... you can't take a direct hit like that!" Shiro tried stepping infront of Shun but she signaled him with her hand not to. "But-"

"Ru!" Tal shot out three shards directly at Shun.

"Shun!" With the gracefulness of a dancer, Shun spun around two of the shards perorming a piruette, but she couldn't avoid the third one, and it stroke directly into her arms, breaking into a cloud of tiny, glass like shards which enveloped Shun and Shiro. Shiro protected his eyes from the shards. Panic slowly took over him as he evaluated their situation.

'What should we do? Tal won't listen to me! And she broke her own Poke ball... How is that even possible? It's not like she was a wild Pokemon or aynthing. I was just returning her to her own Poke ball. And it was our last Poke ball!'

A blow of icy cod wind got rid of the cloud and Shiro could open his eyes again. Tal was charging right at them with more Ice Shards following her.

'We can't catch her... She won't stop... What should we do?'

It struck him then, and he commanded Shun what to do. "Confusion!"

"Ruru!" Shun's eyes turned green as she materialized a pinkish blob around her hand. Shiro noticed a bruise from the impact of the Ice Shard on it. Shun took a step forward, her face revealing no emotions.

Tal reacted to Shun's new plan, and she stopped, jumping backwards while she shot the Ice Shards at Shun.

"Shun, watch out!"

But there was no need to worry. Shun used the Confusion attack to break the shards, and continued charging at Tal. With one swipe, Shun defeated Tal, throwing her like a toy using her telekinetic abilities. The confusion attack exploded as Shun's fist struck Tal's face, throwing her away from them and straight into the unsuspecting Danielle.

Shun uses Confusion like that, yup, focusing it all into her fist and then striking the opponent with full force. It will be the same with Psyshock when she gets it, but even better and stronger.

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((Are we trying to send everyone to do dishes now? Party in the Dish Room. jk))

Henry watched the battle unfold seeing Lana now struggling to even damage her opponent. Henry watched as she ordered her pokemon to switch their targets. Looks like things have turned for the worse for her. The only thing going for her is that tanks are much frailer at an early stage. He then saw both Pokemon attacking. Good. Keeping the offensive pressure is the best thing to do in a situation like this.

Henry sent out both his Venonat and Vulpix to keep him company. "You two are pretty good actors. You almost had me believing you were too weak to battle. I'll give you guys something extra for the great teamwork. You both deserve it." The Vulpix started jumping around excitedly. The Venonat stood the calmly before using Confusion to stop Zuko in his tracks. Zuko gave Gypsy a quick glare before going back to celebrating. Henry couldn't tell, but it looked as if she had a little grin on her face. "Well aren't you the little trouble maker. Even though she's a Skitty, you have to be related to Rosie or something. It'll be a bit easier to train you knowing that."

Henry then heard a noise close by. He could just barely make out a horrifying scene between Shiro's Ralts and his newly acquired Snorunt. "What in the bloody hell?" He picked up Gypsy and put her on his head. "Zuko, let's move." The trio ran towards where Shiro was fully prepared to end this battle ASAP.

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