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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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A smile flahsed across Mareeks face when he saw Slade resorting to the same tactics twice. He was ready this time. Time to turn the tide of this fight completely around.

"Conversion 2!" he ordered before the thunder wave could make impact. Java's body glowed white for a few moments, then the light faded. The thunder wave hit seconds later, though it did nothing to the porygon. Mareek's dex came to life once again in his pocket. he pulled it out, seeing a new message from Java, consisting of only one word, as all the others had: ELECTRIC. Mareek chuckled silently to himself.

They had just come into some luck. Some very major luck... a nice little strategy had just been plopped into his lap.

"Maybe we can win this yet," he said. His attention turned back to Java. "Give them a few more Tri Attacks!" The porygon obeyed, actually waiting for Mareek to finish this time. The creatures body burned with hot white light as three spheres of color formed in front of it, connecting with a white triangle as they had before, then launched the attack towards 101. But that wasn't all; Java's body retained the white glow as it again prepared Tri Attack in quick succession and launched it right behind that one. And then it did it one last time to finish as it's body lost the white glow. Zooming towards 101 were the three attacks...



Java- 100%

-Pure Electric type currently.

Moves used:

Conversion 2-(Used to change to pure electric type)

Tri Attack x3-(First one gets Analtic boost, so 80 x 1.3= 104 power, the other two are 80 power)

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"Eh, guess you're right. Let's go then!" Colin answered Claude, happy enough for having won. He thanked Professor Redwood for the feedback (he surely would ask Devin to show him that Kingdra later.) and followed Claude to another arena.

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"MOVE TX!" Slade yelled but alas 101 was too weak to react in time and magnets not letting up their spinning. The three Tri-attacks hit 101, or did they? They made direct hits but they didn't damage 101, more correctly they didn't even explode when they touched TX. What are those spinning magnets doing to the magnemite? Concerned about his magnemite's safety he asked, "TX is everything ok? Are you feeling weird?" But TX gave a nod and seemed to not be damaged by the attacks. 'Maybe.... just maybe....!' Slade thought to himself realizing what is happening. Those spinning magnets were generating not only electricity but also a magnetic field! So all those shots weren't phasing though him, they were pushed buy the magnetic field generated by the rotating magnets. Slade got a slight smirk on his face after realizing that 101 was ok. "Ok 101, I know whats happening, don't be scared just make sure you are shooting from your magnets ok?" 101 nodded in reply to what is happening. "Now, use a lock-on thunder shock!" the magnets generating electricity helped power the shot a little.

TX- 24%

Spinning magnets generates magnetic fields that block special attacks and electricity and steel moves but only allow the use of special moves.

Moves used:

lock on

thunder shock 40 + 10 from magnets total of 50

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"Intercept it with Discharge, now!" Mareek shouted. Java was preparing to do just that before his trainer had even thought of issuing the order, it's body glowing a bright blue glow as he finished the sentence. By the time the Thundershock from 101 had arced halfway across the field, the porygon had unleashed torrents of blue lightning from it's body, it's discharge colliding with the thundershock and the two electric attacks completely canceling each other out as the air crackled. Mareek was impressed by the creatures initative so far; but this fight was obviously far from over... Slade was much better than he had ever made him out to be. 101's spinning magnets is where his sight fell as he tried to determine why the Tri attacks from earlier hadn't seemed to do anything... and then he saw the reason why.

"Son of a bitch..." he muttered to himself, recalling the last order he had given Erce. "Ventus Scrapper completely backfired then... was hoping to destroy those damn magnets; not make them stronger... and it probably doesn't help that Tri Attack has an Electric component in it. That likely explains why we keep missing." He looked to Java as the Porygon hovered there in the air, apparently having become aware of the issue with Tri-Attack as well, since it didn't launch any more.

"Well, that's fine," he said. "We don't need Tri Attack, now do we Java? Use Sharpen instead." The porygon obeyed, it's body glowing white and it's nose becoming a little more elongated than it was before, now sporting a bit of a sharp edge to it. But neither it or mareek thought that now was the proper time to attack, and so they both simply waited there, Mareek smirking slightly as he looked across the field at his roomate. They had to wait just a little longer now...

"Make the next move, Slade," he called. "Go on, I dare you...I'll drag this out all day if I have to."




Pure Electric type


Moves used:

Discharge-(Used to intercept and cancel out Thundershock)

Sharpen- (Attack stage raised by 1)

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They seem to be at a stand off to when 101 finally overloaded with power and his magnets stopped spinning. (KO) "Good job 101 you did your best." then he got 101's pokeball and returned him into it. "Flare I guess you're up." Flare yipped and and ran onto the battle field. "Now use Flame charge on the porygon!' Flare cloaked himself with flames and charged into the porygon.


Flare- 100%


Flame Charge 50

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  • Support Squad

Claude and Colin went to the arena hosting Alvin and Evans match. When Claude saw Danielle and the boy he dubbed Cutie earlier, he greeted them. "Hiya. Please tell me Evan is crushing my room-mate"

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Jacob cheered as Evan began to work on his strategy for defeating the team that seemed to have the advantage. Hmm... Those attacks are going to do a lot of damage to that Combee. Why isn't he focusing fire on that while the Dwebble can't hit anything? he thought to himself, happy that he had been able to work out a viable strategy. He was especially happy because it already showed improvement over his relatively poor performance on the battling strategy portion of the earlier exam. "Hey, Danielle, wouldn't it be cool if Evan's Eevee was able to knock out that Combee with a Flail? That way, Evan could give himself the advantage in numbers. Combee is only making things harder for him, after all..." he said excitedly. Teo and Chalchi were mirroring their Trainer's expression, having switched spots with Teo now sitting on Chalchi as they watched the match. The two Pokemon seemed to get along well. Good, Jacob thought, smiling lightly. It'll make them an even better team.

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Danielle was sent landing on her face as Tal crashed into her back. Avis was quick enough to land on her feet, crowing angrily at the Snorunt. Corona, on the other hand, got the same fate as her trainer.

"Ooowww," Danielle groaned, rubbing her back. "Whose bright idea is it to hit me?" She found Avis crowing at a Snorunt. "Crap!" She snatched Avis from the ground to shield the bird. "Wait, Avis! Don't fight it here! I don't want to end up in detention with Alvin!"

Corona, being resistant to Ice moves, quickly crawled over and stood in between Danielle and the Snorunt. She uttered a few cries, trying to persuade the Snorunt that they meant no harm.

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Alvin wasn’t laughing anymore. He had underestimated Evan and especially that Cleffa. He didn’t even pay attention to the encore and almost knocked out his own Combee. “Queen; fly higher to make sure you can’t be hit. Then use gust on that Cleffa! Shellie… well… keep aiming at that Cleffa. Once encore is done use fury cutter!”

The wind attack hit Cleffa head on. The fairy rolled a few meters before getting up, impressing Evan. He hadn’t really given her any credit up until now but she was doing a good job proving him wrong. “Cleffa, encore Dwebble again!” I need it to spam those rocks everywhere in order to hit that Combee. Now I need to figure out to lure them both to the same spot… “Eevee, place yourself between Combee and Dwebble!”

Alvin saw through the plan. Shellie was still forced to use rock blast, but he wouldn’t let her go after the Eevee. “You really think I’m that dumb, caveman?” he snarled. This battle should’ve ended in his victory a long time ago, but now he was actually struggling against Evan. The bug trainer began to lose his patience. “Queen, stay out of range and support with gust! Shellie; take out that Cleffa with rock blast!”

With the Combee hovering out of range and Cleffa trying to dodge as many rocks as she could, Evan felt cornered again. The gust attack gave the rocks more speed and power and eventually Cleffa was hit. “Eevee, use tackle and bring that Dwebble out of balance!” Eevee; who was much faster, managed to land the hit and managed to push Dwebble. The rest of the rock attack landed far away from Cleffa.

“Lucky shot!” Alvin yelled. “Keep up the attack my beautiful bugs! They can’t counter it so it’s time we finish this!”

The Combee and Dwebble kept up their attacks but Eevee’s tackle had given Evan an idea. “Eevee; flail on Dwebble and knock it over!” Eevee looked a moment at his trainer and understood what he was trying to do. It gathered all its last strength and was about to hit the Dwebble.

“Shellie, no! Watch out!” Alvin yelled but it was too late. The Dwebble managed to turn in time and fired a rock at point blank ranged. Eevee crashed, literally, into the rock and Shellie causing the latter to fall on her side. The bug type, still forced to fire rocks due to Encore, shot two last rocks straight at the Combee before being knocked out. “Queen!!” Alvin yelled in a desperate attempt but he was too late, again. The Combee was hovering with her back towards the now knocked out Dwebble and Eevee , still attacking the Cleffa. She never saw the rocks coming and was hit by both rocks and fell down.

Only Cleffa remained standing. The little fairy blinked a few times with her eyes, not sure what to do.

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  • Support Squad

Oh dear sweet baby Cleffa, Claude had no clue what just happened, but the fact that the small fairy was the one left standing made Claude woop in amazement "Pink Power! You go Gumball!" Then Danielle was attacked by a snorunt. "Woah there little fella, how about you just scoot on back to your trainer huh? It's not nice to attack people from behind you know." That said, Lancelot chose that particular moment to leap out of his pokbeall and peck Claude in the back.

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Tal was knocked unconcious by Shun's strike, and was laying down on the floor infront of Corona.

"Oh god, I'm sorry!" Shiro came running owards Danielle. When he got there, he first checked Tal and then turned to Danielle. "I don't know what happened! Tal broke out of control..." He said, frantically pointing at the knocked out Snorunt. "IdonthaveanypokeballsWhatamIgonnado?!"

All that time, Shun was picking at Tal with a stick. It apparently amused her.

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Jacob looked over to Danielle, surprised to see that she had been knocked over by a Snorunt. The teenager couldn't help but laugh at the standoff between Corona and the Snorunt. Both Pokemon were tiny, which made the desperation of Corona's attempts at treaty even funnier. Chalchi craned her neck to look on, amused by the proceedings. Then, a rather confused Shiro came over and started rambling about losing control of his Pokemon and... not having Poke Balls. Jacob laughed lightly and signaled to Chalchi, who sprayed a bit of water on the Snorunt's face in an attempt to wake it up. "Why did you knock out your own Pokemon, Shiro? Even if it was disobeying, that's not really the way to go about it!" Jacob said, chuckling.

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"Thank god..." Mareek sighed as he saw the magnemite finally go down. "that thing was like a freaking night mare for us..." Then he looked up in time to see Java get impacted by Flare's flame charge, The porygon having tried to dodge at the last minute but too slow to pull it off.

"Focus..." Mareek scolded himself. This was no time to lower his guard; this thing was far from over. He looked to Java as the Creature recovered from the Flame Charge. "Use Discharge while it's close!" And java did just that, the moment after Flare's attack was done, the porygon's body glowed a bright blue and torrents of electricity arced off in every direction, the power of the attack made stronger than usual due to Porygon's ability. many of the tendrils of lightning were heading straight for the growlithe.



Java- 70%

-Pure Electric type

-Attack +1

Moves used:

Discharge (Base power of 80 x Analytic boost of 1.3 x STAB 1.5= 156 power)

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Flare was sent a good ways away by that discharge. He took decent damage but he was now faster thanks to the flame charge. "Use flame charge again while using bite, after that use ember while biting onto porygon!" Again he was sent flying towards the porygon faster than before with its mouth open ready to bite on its opponet.

Flare- 66%


Flame charge 60 x 1.5 stab 90

Bite 60

Ember 40 x 1.5 stab 60

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Seeing that Lana had started counter attacking and hit both Shade and Tytanniel James decided that since she was focusing on Tytanniel he could attack with Shade."Shade use the haze and attack with Night Shade on Rhyhorn,Tytanniel use Leech Seed when Nidoran gets close.EXECUTE NOW!"He shouted out to his pokemon,as they started to perform their attacks.

Tytanniel:71% Health
Shade:56% Health

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"Conversion 2!!!" Mareek roared as quickly as he could. Now things got serious, no time to fuck around. He would have to be quick with his orders and even quicker with his predictions of Slade's next move... the latter of which had proved rather difficult so far. Java's body glowed with another white light and then the boy's dex came up with a new message: Dragon. a moment later, Flare made impact with the first part of his combo, slamming into Java with the Flame Charge and then biting into it, but Java was ready, it didn't let the pain distract it.

"Discharge to get him off, Then hit em with Tri Attack!" Mareek screamed with as much urgency as he could. the moment he saw Flare about to iniate the last part of the attack. Java unleashed the electric storm and sent Flare, who was physically attached to it via bite and unable to dodge this close, back a good few feet from Java before the pup could unleash it's ember. Then the injured Porygon glowed white as three familiar spheres formed in front of it and it sent a Tri Attack heading right for the Growlithe... Mareek was just praying that this would be over in the next few moments...



Java- 43% (Took the Flame Charge (Made NVE by Dragon typing) and Bite, but interupted before Ember could be used)

- Pure Dragon Type currently


Moves used

-Conversion 2- (Used to switch to dragon type)

-Discharge: 104 power after Analytic boost (Sorry about the auto hit for that, but honestly, it would be freaking ridicolous for it to miss when Flare is right up on Java like that, given that it's an area attack)(Used to interrupt combo after Bite landed and before Ember could be used)

-Tri- Attack: 80 power

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Ryan's face lit up red at the emphasized mention of the word "ass." Shit, no, not this. Anything but this. "Ok man, let's go." With that, Ryan held open the door for Kage. His intentions not to be courteous to say. "Ok, let's go head back, hopefully we can sneak back in without being noticed."

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Flare was sent back having received a discharge though not as powerful as before and he now has 2 times speed. "Quickly use flame wheel to go around the tri attck finish it!" Flare then began to roll him self into a flaming ball and went right after he roared having him hit Java. The x2 speed increase made his spinning x2 faster leaving a trail of dust behind him as he zoomed around the projectile and right for Java with more force than a regular flame wheel.

Flare 42%


Flame Wheel 60 x 1.5 stab = 90 x 1.2 (speed increase = more force) = 108

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As the Snorunt fell over, Danielle and her two Pokemon gave a sigh of relief. Not that they mind a battle, it's just that now is not the time. Danielle checked up on Corona and Avis to see if they were okay from the fall when Shiro came running over apologizing and freaking out about not having any more Pokeballs. Once her Pokemon confirmed their healthy condition, she got back up on her feet while Chalchi woke up Shiro's Snorunt.

"D-Don't worry, Shiro. It's not your fault. And, I'm sure this school has extra Pokeballs for situations like this. We can go ask~" Danielle replied, accepting Shiro's apology. She turned to the battlefield to find Alvin looking shocked over the loss with Evan. "Oh man! I missed the finale!" Then, she spotted Claude. "Claude! Did you see how it ended? Please tell me you did! You have to tell me all about it later at lunch, okay?"

Avis snuck out of Danielle's grasp and joined up with Corona. They seem to be counseling with one another about something while giving glances towards the Snorunt, just in case it decided to attack them again.

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"Damn it!" Mareek cursed. This had just gotten imposible... "Gahh... fine then, to hell with it! Java, use discharge, and then Tackle that thing with as much force as you can muster!" Java looked at Mareek for a moment... then it turned around and a torrent of electricity issued forth from it's body in all directions. The next moment, the Porygon shot off towards Flare's charge. While it moved far slower and covered far less ground than Flare did with the electrified tackle, it didn't matter in the end...

It didn't matter because the moment their charges, one of fire and the other of lightning, collided head on, a medium sized explosion echoed all across the area, kicking up copious amounts of dust and obscuring the view of both trainers of what had happened to the enemy pokemon. All either Mareek or Slade was able to see was what had happened to their own team member.

"God...Arceus..." Mareek said, panting. he felt a bit exerted now, as if it hit been he himself doing the battling and taking the blows... a sign that the opponent he had just fought was indeed not to be underestimated or trifled with. This type of fatigue feeling only came when he had honestly given his all.

"Java..." he said, kneeling down next to the defeated porygon. it could barely move, looking up at him with an unreadable stare. "You did your very best; that's all that matters, The fact that you gave it your all... Both you and Erce did great; It's my fault that this didn't exactly end in our favor." The Creature's eyes softened upon hearing those words. Mareek toke out it's capsule and recalled it. The dust cloud was beginning to clear a little, but he still had no idea of what had happened to Slade's Growlithe; or even whether he had lost this fight against his roomate or whether they had come to a draw, for that matter...

((@Exlink: You can have the dust clear up completely when you post))

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Can’t Type

Lana knew she couldn’t win. Rhy was the only one that could still go, but Queen was burned and now she lost health while Ferroseed regained some. “Queen, Rhy, come back,” she said. “We lost this one and I don’t want any of you to get needlessly hurt.” She smiled a little when both her Rhydon and Nidoran tried to comfort her. “Thank you for the battle,” she said to James as she went to Nurse Joy to let her Pokémon heal up. When she got back Phoebe was ready to give some feedback.

“Well, you’re a smart one,” she said to Lana. “Sometimes it’s good to recall Pokémon before they get hurt too bad, but there were some other things you could try. Don’t give up too early.” Lana nodded before Phoebe turned her attention to James. “I can’t say much about you. The match-up was in your favor and you used the field to your advantage. Overall you had a good strategy, kid.”


Evan picked up his Cleffa. “I guess I should’ve more faith in you. So that’s how I’ll call you: Faith,” he said. The little fairy grabbed his arm with her tiny arms and hugged him. He then walked over to his Eevee that was still lying on the ground; exhausted. “You did a great job. I couldn’t pull it off without you.”

“NO IMPOSSIBLE!” Alvin yelled not accepting the loss. “You must’ve cheated!”

“ENOUGH!” Devin cut in before Evan could reply. “No more of your fighting! You, Alvin, don’t assume you achieve victory until the battle is over.” Alvin didn’t even move. Devin’s authority side scared him a little. “And you, Evan, stop trying to settle things by picking fist fights. However you managed to come up with a decent strategy so good job on that one. Now both of you get off the field and stop fighting!”

Alvin recalled his Pokémon and immediately left while Evan walked slowly carrying his Eevee towards Nurse Joy.

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The two pokemon collided and what followed after was an explosion and a large dust cloud. Flare was sent flying back, and rolled on the ground a good yard. Heavily injured he tried to get back he wobbled back and forth trying to gain the strength to regain his balance and stand still, but alas it was not so. Flare fell onto his right side, KO'd. Slade ran to his growlithe stumbling along the way. He grabbed Flare and put him in his arms. The dog had a sad expression on his face whimpering as to show he was sorry for not being strong enough to defeat the opponent. "It's ok Flare, you'll get them next time but for now just rest." He brought out Flare's pokeball and the red light engulfed Flare and put him inside the ball. As he looked at the cloud of dust fading he noticed that his roommate's Porygon was gone confused he asked, "So who won?"

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"She attacked Shun and me!" Shiro told to the other boy before turning back to Danielle. "But it'd be easy if it was just the lack of Poke balls! Tal is rejecting me! I can feel it, she will never accept me... I'm not good enough..." Shiro continued as Tal slowly regained conciousness thanks to the water. "Shun, keep her still, please..."

Shun dropped the stick, nodded, and did the shadow thingy. Tal woke up iglued onto the floor, and she immediately started freaking out again.

"Runt, runt!" She cried but Shun wouldn't let go. Tal glared aat everybody around her as if she were wishing them dead. "RUNT!"

Shiro turned. "What to do now... I need to get someone to help..." A quick glance to the right revealed a possibility. The dragon professor was still there, supervising battles. Maybe he'd be able to help. But Shiro didn't want to interrupt... "Shun, ca-"

Shun nodded. She knew what he was going to say, so there was no need for him to actually speak.

"Haha, ok then..."

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"Hmm..." Danielle was obviously puzzled. She never saw a Pokemon rejecting the trainer before, no matter how bad the situation is. For once, she was absolutely speechless and could not come up with a solution. Her Larvesta, meanwhile, stepped back as Shun froze Tal in her place with a Shadow Sneak. Avis, on the other hand, only looked on as Tal continued to spat at everyone around her. The Murkrow was half tempted to talk some sense into her and half tempted to let it be in case the Snorunt's temper tantrum got out of hands again.

"Honestly, I am at a loss for words. It may be best if we get a Professor on the case while Shun holds her off. Shiro, do you need me to ask one of them to come over? It looks at least one of the judges are not busy now."

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