Bfroger6 Posted October 4, 2014 Share Posted October 4, 2014 (edited) (lol, Shiro always needs others to do stuff for him) "Honestly, I am at a loss for words. It may be best if we get a Professor on the case while Shun holds her off. Shiro, do you need me to ask one of them to come over? It looks at least one of the judges are not busy now." "Yeah..." He muffled. "But I'll come with you..." He added after a few moments of hestation. "I... I think it might be because of how I handled the last battle... She seems rather prideful..." 'And dickish' - Shush, head voice! "Shun, will you be alright?" Shiro waited a few moments, but got no response. "I guess that means you will... Anyways, we'll be right back." Edited October 4, 2014 by Bfroger6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted October 4, 2014 Support Squad Share Posted October 4, 2014 "Don't worry monsiuer, your friend will not be touched" Claude said with a reassuring grin. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted October 4, 2014 Share Posted October 4, 2014 "No one did," Mareek said simply. "It's a draw. Plain and simple." He turned away from Slade and went over what he had done wrong in order to cuase it to end this way... of the mistakes he had made that prevented Victory just now. The first thing I did wrong was before the damn battle even started... He thought to himself bitterly. I underestimated him; thought he would be nothing but a quick win. Then when the fight started, I didn't fucking take it seriously enough because of that... I didn't give Erce the prompting to fight as hard she would've needed to until it was too late...and then everything else just completely built off of that. I let myself get distracted and lowered my guard for a minute when that God-forsaken magnemite of his finally went down... then it just continued to snowball from there. His voice did not reflect any of the inner rage he was feeling towards himself when he turned back to Slade though. "Good match," he said simply. and then he was just done talking. Even though his demeanor suggested nothing of his emotions, it was clear as day in his eyes that something was going on. He would never look at Slade with the same lax and underestimating nature as he had before though, that much was for sure. In fact, he decided right then and there: He was going stop this arrogance right here and now. He had come to draw here because he had been a snobby prick in the beginning... and he was never gonna allow something like this to happen again. He was a little fish in a big pond here; all the others both in and outside of his program were probably just as strong or even stronger a tactician than he was... for Christ sake, just look at what craziness Slade had been able to come up with during their fight! He was going to change, right this very second. not next week, not tomorrow, not in an hour, and not in five minutes, But Right. Fucking. Now. Starting now... he was going to go into every single battle he fought from this day on assuming that he'd have to give everything he has if he even wants to be able to think about winning. Play time is officially over. And it's never gonna be back again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkLight Posted October 4, 2014 Share Posted October 4, 2014 "Sure thing~ By the way, I doubt that this has anything to do with you personally, Shiro. It's probably because some Pokemon can't take a loss so easily and lash out at everyone and everything. Tal did seem to hate everyone just now. So don't worry~" Danielle then turned to her two Pokemon. "Stay here in case something happens, okay?" The both nodded and let Danielle be off. Danielle decided to walk over to Professor Redwood. He seemed nice and friendly enough for Shiro to not feel intimated right off the bat, but also have enough authority to command respect from everyone, including a rebellious Snorunt. Plus, Devin was busy giving out his last remarks to Alvin and Evan, so she didn't want to interrupt. "Excuse me, Professor Redwood? Shiro's Snorunt here seems to be lashing out at everyone, like she's angry or something. We really are at a loss for words as to why that is the case. She even broke her own Pokeball! Will you be able to help us calm her down?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted October 4, 2014 Share Posted October 4, 2014 "I just have one thing to ask you," Slade said looking down at the ground. "Mind telling me your name, if we're going to be rivals then we at least know each other's names right?" Slade said with a big smile on his face. Slade didn't really care it was a draw, if anything it gave him someone to over come, to see improved more the next couple of years. His roommate would be his rival even if he didn't agree, Slade made his mind up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 (edited) Jacob looked on, feeling at a loss as to what to do. Come on, think! he said to himself, trying to formulate a plan of action. But, as good as he was at dealing with Pokemon, he found it infinitely harder to adjust to what a person needed at a particular moment. Suddenly, he got an idea. Wait a second... Chalchi's moves are Freeze Dry, Water Gun, and... Sing! Right! He turned to his Lapras and gestured toward Tal. "Chalchi, whisper her a lullaby! Use your Sing attack, but make sure only Tal can hear it!" Chalchi craned her neck toward Tal's head and began to quietly hum a slow melody. Edited October 5, 2014 by Jory Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 "It's Mareek..." Mareek said. "Mareek A. Sisto...I don't know if your from kanto, but if you are, the last name might or might not ring a bell to you." He stopped the conversation off right then and there. It wasn't all that uncommon if folks from Kanto occasionally knew or remembered his Last name from the news reports all those years ago. The ones about the only casualty during the Silph co. headquarters invasion; A high clearance R&D scientist who had been murdered by a Rocket Officer who has, to this very day, yet to be officially identified and charged... but Mareek knew damn well who had done it. All of his fathers co-workers who witnessed it had described the same person to him and his mother... but not to the media... god knows how much of an absolute shit storm it would've become if they had gone to the media with the information, and quite honestly, the way they had been after it happened, there was no way in hell either him or his mom would've been able to handle it. "I don't really do rivals, let me say that right here and now." He said, changing the subject.. "I prefer to measure myself based only on my own mistakes and Shortfalls, my own actions and decisions, My own acheivements; not someone else's. That's all rivalry is at the end of the day; A game of petty one-ups manship. It might seem that it's not, but honestly, that's the truth of it. If at the end of the day, you base your decisions solely on beating someone, if all you have to drive you forward is the desire to see someone else put beneath you constantly just so that you can have a superiority complex for a few minutes, so that you sit there and tell them that they are lesser than you; then that's not growing as a person. It's just flat out pathetic." With that said, He stowed Java's ball in his pocket with Erce's. Then he turned from Slade, honestly not giving a damn about whether the fedora wearing boy disagreed with his opinion on rivalry or not, and headed off towards the healing station that had been set up in the distance. ((Hmmm... that argument... did he just describe Gary Oak?)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 "Well, aren't you a ray of sun shine." Slade said sarcastically walking besides Mareek. "I say a few things and then you lecture me. you gotta lighten up, have a little fun while its still there. If you're down and serious all the time your life will be boring and a pain, though too much fun and you won't be mature enough to go through with life. Heh, now I'm the on lecturing you, talk about being a hypocrite." Slade chuckled to himself then wondering if Mareek was even listening. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 ((Incoming rant and bad feels)) "Theres a time to grow up, ya know..." Mareek said cryptically. he couldn't help but be more than a little irked about what Slade just said...lighten up? why? what reason does he have to lighten up? He has a goal, damn it, a career he's going to take. and lightening up isn't exactly gonna be helpful in pursuing it. "Even if you're forced to, it doesn't matter, because everyone has to eventually." He handed the two capsules to the Audino attending the Healing machine, keeping his eyes on the process being performed on his partners as he continued. "I don't do play time, alright?" he said a little angrily, taking his eyes off the machine and the audino and glaring at his roommate for a moment. "I take things seriously because that's what's been necessary in my life, so excuse me if I'm a rain cloud over your frigging kiddie float. Things aren't guaranteed for me or my mom, alright? She has to work around the clock just to support the two of us, and you don't even know how hard it was for her to send me here. Things are not handed to us in my house hold; We have to work for them, we have to set goals and fight to ensure we reach them. So forgive me if I'm not 'Fun' enough for you, Slade. I came here to learn, not to joke around and waste all the time and work and effort that's gone into getting me here. I have a goal, and I'm not going to ruin the path to that goal just because someone thinks I should lighten up..." The audino came back and returned Erce and Java's capsules, interrupting what at this point had turned into a mini rant for Mareek. He stowed them both into his pockets and turned. "If the chief of the International Police lightens up, what do you think happens, Slade?" he continued, absolutely merciless in his argument. "I'll tell you what happens; people die, folks lose fathers and mothers and children before their time, and all because the chief didn't want to take a threat seriously, all because he wanted to 'lighten up' for a little while. Well, I'm not going to allow that to happen; I'm not going to cause other people that kind of hurt just because I felt like sitting back for a while and not properly doing my damn job." With that said, he broke off the conversation and headed off. He honestly didn't know where he was going, just that it was somewhere. There was a strange warmth on his cheeks though...and in his eyes too. They were tears. He was crying without even knowing it. "Stop it..." He said angrily to himself, trying to wipe away the tears. "Stop crying, damn it...tears aren't going to do anything." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 (edited) "Here ya go, they are in bad condition, and please check the magnemite thoroughly." Slade said handing the his pokeballs to audino. Then he stood there thinking to himself, 'What if I stayed on his path, what if I never met Flare, would I be just like him struggling to survive and no one there to help. I guess I already am in a way, a run away from home, though I wouldn't want to live in "home" like that, not after I've experienced this kind of hospitality.' Then the Audino came back with both of his pokeballs and Slade took them and put the on his belt. He then went over to one of professor's assistants and asked them, "When we're done with our battles where do we go?" Edited October 5, 2014 by EXLink32 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K_H Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 (edited) After Ryu and Zorro were healed up, Nurse Joy's Audino returned Kenny's Pokemon to him. Kenny then spoke to Robert, Capsules still in hand. "It's just that i went too far in that last Battle... I should've known better than to do that... and because of it, my newest Friend and Closest Friend got hurt very badly. not only that, but my opponent Forfeited against me." Zorro popped out of his Pokeball almost immediately after Kenny finished speaking. Zorro then took on Kenny's shape, and tried to comfort him, speaking through use of Illusion. "Kenny, don't blame yourself for what happened. We tried our hardest, but we were outmatched and at a disadvantage." Kenny then spoke to Zorro. "Actually, Zorro, we won because our Opponent Forfeited." Zorro then looked downwards. "Oh... Well, it isn't all that bad. after all, we did win." Kenny then placed his hand on Zorro's Shoulder, and spoke to Zorro again, still seeming to have a slight tone of sadness in his voice, but he was feeling less somber because of Zorro's pep talk."Thanks, Zorro." Zorro then spoke to Kenny, a small smile crossing his face. "Any time, my friend." Zorro then turned back into a Zorua, and then Returned to his Pokeball. Kenny then turned to Robert, and asked him a question. "Well, i'd say that wraps it up for me in terms of Battles. What do you think we should do now?" Edited October 5, 2014 by K_H Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurboAura Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 (edited) "Hmm, well I'm guessing that there are still some battles left, so we could check some of those out since they'll be holding it up anyway. I Atleast think we should catch up with Henry and Shiro. Last I checked, Shiro was freaking out about finding out Shun was a Girl and... Yeah, I personally had no idea how to 'support him.' Anyway, might as well meet up with them, good or bad. No reason to leave people separate in misery, only spreads it, Y'know?" Edited October 5, 2014 by TurboAura Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K_H Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 Kenny responded to Robert. "Yeah. I'd say that the first order of business is to find Shiro. Then, if there are still any Battles left to watch, we can watch them." As soon as Kenny finished speaking, Ryu popped out of his Pokeball, and tried locating Shiro. After a few seconds, Ryu looked in Shiro's direction, and pointed. Kenny saw this, and looked in that direction, only to see a Snorunt trapped on a shadowy field, glaring at everyone near it. Shiro and Shun were nearby, and Shun was generating the field, while Shiro seemed to be heading off to get help. Kenny then spoke to Robert, pointing towards Shiro and shun. "Robert, look over there. Do you see what i'm seeing?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 (edited) Henry eventually reached the group, but by the time he got there, everything seemed to be resolved or at least enough in Henry's eyes. He watched the Lapras sing a little lullaby. He then gave a quick yawn. That reminds me I didn't go to bed until...real.......late. Henry gave himself a quick slap to keep himself awake. They seem to have the situation under control so I don't think they'll mind me taking a nap before Danielle's battle starts. Henry kept his distance and found a nice grassy spot near the field. He sat the Venonat down right next to him and ordered, "Wake me up when the battle starts." Henry doubted the pokemon understood, but he couldn't help it as his hand caught his falling head before giving off a little snore. Edited October 5, 2014 by commander218 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 On 10/4/2014 at 8:44 PM, TacosAndFlowers said: Ryan's face lit up red at the emphasized mention of the word "ass." Shit, no, not this. Anything but this. "Ok man, let's go." With that, Ryan held open the door for Kage. His intentions not to be courteous to say. "Ok, let's go head back, hopefully we can sneak back in without being noticed." Kage laughed inwardly. He could hear the embarrassment in Ryan's voice as he opened the door for Kage. "We'd better hurry." He set off at a jog, hoping that the teachers would be too occupied with the other students to notice their hunger-motivated absence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tacos Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 Ryan could tell just by Kage's reaction that he already sensed Ryan's embarrassment. Not much point in hiding it, but not much point in revealing it now. Upon reaching the battlefields, Ryan whispered to Kage. "Act natural, pretend you're interacting with your pokemon and hopefully they won't notice. And with that, Ryan outstretched his arm as Feroces ran down it and leapt off his fist onto the ground. Ryan let Glacien roll out of his arms and down to the ground, bumping into Feroces, knocking him down like a bowling pin. Ryan chuckled and sat next to them. "Come join me." Ryan was smiling at how much he was already enjoying himself here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veterans Azeria Posted October 5, 2014 Veterans Share Posted October 5, 2014 (edited) Seeing Danielle and Shiro Talking to Proffesor Redwood,James went over to ask what was going on."Hello Proffesor Redwood,I hope you don't ming me asking about what's going on over here?"He asked Redwood Edited October 5, 2014 by Can't Type Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted October 5, 2014 Author Share Posted October 5, 2014 EXLink Rebecca looked over when Slade approached her. “After the battles are done, class will start. Just be a little more patient as there’s only one battle left. In the meantime you can watch the battle or get to know your classmates,” she said with a smile. Can’t Type, Bfroger, DarkLight Professor Redwood was intrigued by the story of the rebellious Snorunt. “Apparently a Snorunt took its loss pretty serious,” he answered James before asking Danielle more information. Redwood walked over to where Shun was holding Tal in place and found the Snorunt sleeping. He looked around a little to see the cause and his eye fell on a Lapras. He then turned to Shiro. “It looks like your friend calmed him down. Luckily for you we have spare Pokéballs available. In the future you can buy them in the shop using your Battle Points,” he said handing over a spare Pokéball. ************************* Evan was leaning against a tree. He felt pretty satisfied with his win and was trying to figure out a name for his Eevee, when Phoebe joined him. “About your detention,” she said. “After class you will collect all those laptops on the first floor and bring them to the seventh. Professor Redwoods lab is there along with a small storage room to keep the extra laptops.” She grinned for a moment, thinking about how she just escaped an annoying request from Redwood. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bfroger6 Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 "Thank you, sir..." Shiro said as he reached to accept the poke ball. Without a single word, he threw it at Tal, capturing her once more. Only this time she couldnt escape since she was asleep. Afterwards, Shiro turned to Danielle and the boy with a Lapras. "Thanks..." Shun picked up the Poke ball, examining it curiously. She had never been in one of those, so she was interested in how its like to be inside. "Ruru." Shun picked the ball up and gave it to Shiro. He had to crouch to take it. Uhm... Professor?" Shiro added. "What should I do in case a situation like this happens again in the future?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurboAura Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 "I THINK so, but let's check it out before we somehow leap to wrong conclusions." By the time they had actually gotten to close to the huddled group, Shiro and... well, Robert didn't know her yet, but was assuming it was another person caught up in what He missed, and the Professor had gotten in there, and Shiro threw a Pokeball at the confined, sleeping Tal. Wait, he was... catching it, instead of calling it in? "Hey, can someone tell me why the Snorunt was on the floor, 'passed out'?" Robert would've just asked Shiro directly, but he seemed to be 'busy,' Atleast with talking to the professor about what seemed to have transpired. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 ((Yep, I´m always amused by how fast this moves)) Colin cheered for Evan when the battle was over. It seemed his roommate would be a nice challenge in a battle as well... He made a mental note about asking for one later. The boy started to turn to comment something about the fight with Claude, but in doing so something picked his attention. "Wooooow! Is that really a Lapras?!" In the blink of an eye, the boy had headed over towards Jacob and was looking at Chialchi from all angles. "Man, look at this shell! I guess it´s really tough, and it seems like it was made to Surf on! And those fins, they look so strong! And look at the neck, and..." Oblivious to the sheer amount of nerdiness he was spreading, the boy continued his appreciation Jacob´s Lapras. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkLight Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 "Shiro, I'll let you talk to Professor Redwood about Tal. I have a job that I have not finished yet~" Danielle turned to Colin, who was admiring Jacob's Lapras. "Oh Colin, you and your water fascination. How about I let you appreciate it from afar while we battle?" Danielle said cheerfully. "Avis, Corona, are you two ready?" Avis gave a hearty "Krow!" and Corona nodded shyly. Danielle picked up her Larvesta and pet her on the head. "Don't worry about the outcome, little girl. Just give it your best! We have all the time in the world to get better!" The pep talk gave Corona more confidence; the Larvesta issued a small cry of thanks and allowed Danielle to carry her to Devin's battlefield. Corona then jumped onto Avis' back; the two Pokemon looked at Danielle expectantly. "A Double already, you two?" Danielle asked. They both nodded, awaiting her response. "Well, since you two bonded so quickly, how could I say no?" she beamed at the duo. "Alright, Jacob! Let's get this battle started!" she yelled out cheerfully. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted October 5, 2014 Author Share Posted October 5, 2014 Bfroger Redwood thought for a second. “Mhm did she started behaving like that after you lost?” he asked. “I won’t be easy. You’ll have to prove her to trust you by both becoming stronger. You might want to start talking to her to get her to understand you. If that doesn’t work show her results.” He grabbed Shiro’s shoulder. “And you might want to work on that confidence of yours. Pokémon pick up things like that,” he said giving the boy a small smile. He then turned his attention to the upcoming battle, leaving Shiro a moment to think things through. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 Jacob smiled and looked over at Colin, who was still admiring Chalchi. "Thanks for the compliments. But Danielle's right: we have a battle to start. Teo, Chalchi, let's go!" he called, clicking the return buttons on their Poke Balls so he could walk onto the field. He got into his position at the end of the battlefield and took out his Poke Balls, looking expectantly at Danielle. "Come on, Slowpoke, let's go!" he said jokingly, tapping on an imaginary watch on his wrist. He looked at Danielle's Pokemon, deciding what strategy would be best to win this friendly match. Hmm... Chalchi has an Ice-type attack that can clip that Murkrow's wings and Teo knows Bite, Strength, and Sand Attack. He then addressed Danielle. "I'm ready to start whenever you are! Just let me know when." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkLight Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 Danielle gave a laugh, "Says the person who got here last~ I'm thinking of a 2 on 2 doubles since these two want to battle together..." With that, Avis and Corona went into the field and assumed their battle position. Avis was sitting on the ground, her wings hung loosely at her side for easy takeoff. "Now the only questions are battle points or not and who gets the right to go first?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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