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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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Commander and K_H

“God, you’re annoying,” Alvin said to Kenny, not aware of the irony in that. He was about to start another rant when one of the chefs entered.

“Alright, Professor Cadmus told me your detention is finished.” He looked at the work the three students had done. “Better than nothing, I guess,” he said before turning back to his work.


Lana made eye contact with Mareek for a second. She shifted again and stared at her feet. “I’ve always been shy when meeting people. I don’t feel comfortable…” Her attention was drawn by Queen who gave her a small nudge against her hand. “How did you get over it?”

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"Ok, sounds like a plan. If it's ok with you, It would be MUCH easier if we got a meal for Henry AND Kenny, seeing as how their, 'In the same boat,' so to speak." With that, they headed into the store, got the ingredients that Shiro picked out for the meal for the two of them, and split the price. It's only fair, since they'd be splitting the meal between their roommates. After which, with Robert carrying the bags as a good gesture, they headed off to the dorms.

(@Bfroger Just make sure to say what you plan to make them, just as good info for the rest of them.)

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Checking his watch,James saw it was getting late so he left the forest checking the "Academy Forest" sign before the entrance and went over to the caffeteria.Entering it he was surprised to see only a few students including himself,going over he bought himself some salad spending 10 Battle Points as he already had some food for his pokemon with him.He sat down at 1 of the tables and started eating after he sent out Tytanniel and Shade of course."Hey guys Dig in it's all for you!"

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Checking his watch,James saw it was getting late so he left the forest checking the "Academy Forest" sign before the entrance and went over to the caffeteria.Entering it he was surprised to see only a few students including himself,going over he bought himself some salad spending 10 Battle Points as he already had some food for his pokemon with him.He sat down at 1 of the tables and started eating after he sent out Tytanniel and Shade of course."Hey guys Dig in it's all for you!"

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Kenny had gotten through about two-thirds of the Barbecue Dishes when the Chef came in and told them that their Detention was done.

Kenny then washed his hands, and then headed out, saying only one thing to Alvin as he left.

"I look forward to meeting you again, Alvin. you seem like a nice person at heart."

His next comment was directed somewhat towards Henry.

"Better than Henry, at least."

Kenny then headed off to the Dorms, meeting Shiro and Robert along the way, and transferred the amount of BPs that was used for the purchase of Ryu and Zorro's food over to Robert's Pokedex. Kenny then had his Pokeballs returned to him, but decided to let Ryu and Zorro remain out of their Pokeballs.

((Bfroger, Kenny and his Team will be traveling with Robert while Shiro leads them to his Dorm.))

Edited by K_H
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Kage laughed, though it was a pretty nervous laugh. It took a moment for him to process that he wasn't, in fact, asking what Kage thought he was. Once he figured it out, he relaxed. His sexuality wasn't precisely a secret. "I don't really discriminate based on gender, so you could say my 'deal' is everyone. Unless that's not what you meant."

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Ryan shut his eyes, pretending to sleep. He always was quite the eavesdropper, wanting to know everything that was going on. Glacien sat on Ryan's stomach and Feroces perched himself on Ryan's kneecap, almost as if attempting to protect him. Remind me to keep you in the pokeball when I bring home someone. Ryan tried not to change his facial expression when Kage answered Claude, as he found the situation rather humorous. Three men with capabilities of loving males walk into a dorm room. A bad joke ensues. However, to ensure that we was to remain undetected in his eavesdropping, he froze the muscles in his face. That didn't last long though as another wave of pain ran through his head.

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"Erce helped me to, believe it or not," Mareek answered, casting a quick glance at Erce. She was still keeping a subtle eye on Lana. "Back when I was younger, She would always go off and hide whenever we went out walking around Saffron... The first few times I ended up panicking about it until she came back a few minutes later.Then after a while, she stopped coming back at all. If I wanted to find her, I would have no choice but to go around and ask people if they had seen her pass by. I thought she was running away because she hated me at first, then after a few months of her little game, I realized that if she did, she wouldn't have gone back with me every time I eventually found her."

Erce's wings buzzed a little as she remembered those days. For once she actually stopped glaring at Lana, looking at Mareek curiously, as if surprised he had figured out why she had done it.

"I have to admit, that was pretty clever of you," he said to the mantis. "It was also annoying as hell, especially all those times you would backtrack the way you came and then go somewhere else entirely so that whatever directions I had gotten would be useless...but kinda fun in the end, too. You definitely chose some crazy places to go... I still don't know how you got inside Sabrina's gym that one time." Erce's eyes took a mischievous glint at that comment.

"Anyway," he said, turning back to Lana. "Her little antics always left me with two choices; Either get a little social and venture a question or two to a few people, or just stand there scared and shy and let her get away. I just kept the choosing the first choice every time, and after a while, being around and interacting with other people slowly became a bit more bearable for me."

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"well, to be honest it was just a vague question. You never know what kind of answers you can get if you let people decide what you're referring to." Cllaude said with a wink. Then Ryan winced in pain, and Claude decided to leave them be. "Well, I think I might give Ryan here a rest and get out of your hair, fabulous as it is. G'night." Claude stood up and walked towards the door.

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Henry heard the chef's remark. It's a miracle we even managed to do this many. I'm glad it ended before anything bad happened. He was tempted to say something to Kenny and apologize for going a little too far until he heard Kenny speak.

"Better than Henry, at least."

"I'm starting to despise that guy." Henry let is Pokemon out as soon as he left the kitchen. "I guess I did kind of start it by saying he pushed his Pokemon too far." Zuko looked over at the boy and growled at him. "Zuko, it's best to just forget about him. I don't want a repeat of what happened in Orre." The Vulpix suddenly stopped the growling and looked rather depressed. "It's alright. There was nothing either of us could do. How about I get you little something to try and cheer you up?" Henry with a sad Vulpix following behind him made it just in time for him to buy some food. The Vulpix didn't seem to be hungry for once in its life and rejected the food. "How about I'll save it for later? Your bound to get hungry eventually."

The three headed back to room. "You guys did a good job in gym class. Can't say the same about me. Fortunately, I don't think anyone noticed. It hurts like crazy, but I think I'll be able to handle the pain. Gypsy, I know you were worried about me, but try to act a little more natural next time." The two Pokemon looked at him in concern. "Don't worry. If it gets to be too much, I'll fess up. I'm not going to have myself killed over a bit of exercise." Henry then opened the door to his room and decided to retire early for the night for once.

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Finishing of his food,James stood up and recalled Tytanniel and Shade,and walked out of the Caffeteria.Starting the short walk to the dormitories,he arrived there about 5 minutes later and started to walk up the staircase to his room.Reaching his destined floor he walked over to his room walking by claude as he stepped out of the room.Walking in he saw Ryan in his own bed asleep and James went to his own bed and went to sleep for the night.

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"Heh, that's clever. I'll need to remember that trick sometime. Good night." Kage waved at him idly, then turned back to Ryan. He sighed, and settled down in one of the chairs near the couch. "Man, you can't pull this already. You had better not die or I'll be mad." Kage resolved to stay awake, in case Ryan needed something or he suddenly became more ill, but sleep was already tugging at him. Lucas settled down in his lap, and the Beldum sort of just set itself on the ground next to him as he struggled to stay awake.

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((Sorry for the delay guys, got a lot of Nations stuff to solve XP))

Colin ended the workout tired, as his pokémon, but they did a good job at it. Living in the beach was a sure way to keep one fit, and he was confident that he proved that to Tyron.

After that, he went for a quick shower and rested a bit in his room, messing with the pokédex and checking the profiles of all the new Pokémon he saw during the day. Some of those would grow to be real threats, but luckily he had a Swampert and Kingdra in the making.

When he arrived for dinner it seemed like most students were already there. He saw Evan alone at a table, looking rather gloomy, and decided to head over there to cheer the boy up. He got some extra food for him before going there though.

"Heyo mate! ´Bet you´re hungry, so I brought some stuff up." He said, sitting in front of him and placing a dish of french fries between them. Kyte´s eyes widened at this vision, and he immediately jumped over the table and tried to eat them, only to be held back by his trainer. "Hey, you got your part too! But don´t go jumping on them, leave something for me and Evan buddy!"

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Shiro led the other two to his room. It was kind of awkward at first when kenny joined up with them and Shiro felt almost like a third wheel, as the other two were mostly talking between themselves while he led the way.

Shiro put the key into the door and turned it. With a nic 'click' the door creaked open, revealing Henry with Zuko and a Venonat.

"Oh, hi." Shiro greeted him, taking the bags from Robert. "I heard about your detention, and um..." He took out a jar of Oran jam, some flour, milk, eggs, baking powder, sugar and salt and put them all on the counter. "I decided it would be the best to cook you and Kenny something for dinner since you hadn't had any today... I hope you don't mind... And I hope you like pancakes..."

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Kenny saw Henry and Zuko once he walked into the Room. A single thought quickly sped across his mind.

uh oh... not him again!

Ryu noticed Kenny's unsettledness through his Aura, despite the fact that it didn't show on Kenny's face. Ryu decided to ask Kenny about it at a later time.

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"I win," Danielle thought, giggling like a little girl as Jacob tried to avoid her gaze. He was also blushing as he attempted to address her last statement. "Awww, you're so cute when you're blushing!" she continued as they walk towards the cafeteria. Little did they know that she was actually being a bit serious about that comment. "Who should I introduce you to? Let me think, let me think... Kali is too much of a diva, Blossom takes things way too seriously... Oh, food!"

Danielle quickly sprinted to the pasta section to get a plate of spaghetti and meatballs before she went to the Pokemon section to get Avis and Corona some berries before turning back to Jacob. "Come on, slowpoke! Aren't you hungry?"

Avis and Corona were trying not to laugh at poor Jacob's reaction to her teasing. Nobody should challenge her in a teasing contest; opponents are very likely to lose. They stayed behind with Jacob and Teo to see what he would do next.

Edited by DarkLight
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Jacob continued walking red-faced next to Danielle, having turned an even deeper scarlet after the girl mentioned he looked cute. From that point on, everything he heard was a wash of white noise as that comment replayed over and over in his he. He kept walking next to her with a face that would make a Kricketune's look white by comparison and an incredibly stupid grin, but he was on an entirely different planet until he realized she was no longer standing next to him. She had, in fact, already grabbed all the food she intended to eat. Th teenager shook himself out of his reverie as Danielle called to him.

"Sloooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww?" Jacob asked, doing his best impression of a Slowpoke before walking into the grill line. He got a double cheeseburger piled high with lettuce, tomatoes, and bacon as well as a salad with spinach, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, and Balsamic vinaigrette. He then proceeded to the Pokemon food line and grabbed several berries, along with two plates of Pokemon food for his team. Jacob eventually made his way over to Danielle. "Where do you want to sit?"

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As soon as the group has entered the dorm room, Robert could feel some definite tension between Kenny and Henry, but decided to gloss over it as just having both been in Detention. Robert then decided to go sit on the sofa and relax for a bit, having Kiai and Voltage sit by his sides. "Just tell me If yah need anything Shiro. I'll be more than willing to help."

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Ryan opened his eyes to see that Claude had left and Kage was sitting, almost sleeping, in the chair across from the couch. Ryan cleared his throat. The sound echoed through his head. "Hey, go to sleep. Like I said, you can use my bed. If something truly bad happens then I'll send Feroces in. Trust me, I won't die. I don't want you to be more tired than you already are. You're more fun when you're awake anyway." And with that, Ryan patted Glacien and rested his eyes once again.

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"No, thanks." Shiro smiled to Robert. "Um... Make yourself at home..."

'There is something weird going on between Kenny and Henry...' He thought as he watched them glare at one another. 'Did something happen during detention?' He shrugged it off, and went on with his job. Hepicked up his non-stick pan from a drawer. He had cleaned it to perfection yesterday and put it in there himself. 'I realy did clean it perfectly.' He admired his pan under the light for a while before putting it on the oven.

He spun around. He had no idea where the other utensils were, so he began searching for them, opening each and every drawer and cupboard. It took a while (since he was new to the kitchen) but he soon had everything he needed gathered in one place; the mixing bowl, the mixer, a spatula, dishes and the ingredients.

"Ok, lets get started..." He whispered, more to himself, as he picked up the eggs, crushing them on the side of the bowl and letting them drip inside. He crushed 4 eggs before cutting a slice of butter with a butter knife. Then he grabbed the flour, milk and salt and put it all in, along with some sugar. He had forgotten to buy some berries to mix their peel into the batter, giving it that peculiar taste he liked, but he didn't mind.

After everything was set, he grabbed the mixer. The loud buzz broke the tranquil silence of the room when he pressed the little red button on it.

Edited by Bfroger6
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Kage heaved himself upward out of the chair. "Alright, if you're good, then yeah." He shuffled over to the bedroom door. "al'Thor, mind staying out here?" The Beldum bobbed up and down in midair, then flew over to where he had been sitting and landed in the seat. Kage opened the door, took off his clothing with the exception of his underwear, and basically fell into the bed. He was asleep almost before he landed.

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Ryan knew that by now Kage had already fallen asleep as the thump of him landing in Ryan's bed was followed by silence. Too bad I can't fall asleep that easily. Another shock wave of pain made its way through Ryan's head as he winced. Glacien and Feroces turned and gave Ryan a concerned look. He simply gave them a gentle smile, along with a reassuring nod to al'Thor, and tried shutting his eyes again. Why do I have the feeling Kage is gonna be spending a lot more time in my dorm than just today? Ryan casually grinned at the thought. Then again, Jacob might have Danielle over a lot if my advice served him well.

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Danielle laughed cheerfully at Jacob's impersonation of a Slowpoke before she made her way to an empty table that near where Slade was sitting. After she put her food down, she took out her Pokedex and typed out a few commands in order pay for her purchases. "How about here? It's quiet enough for a story~" Considering Jacob's innocence, maybe, just maybe, this situation would turn out alright for her.

Her Pokemon, in the meantime, were chuckling as Jacob was in his own wonderland before Danielle had sped off to get food for them. Corona nodded to Avis and chirped as of to say that the bird was right about his crush on their master. They then followed their master to the table as Danielle put down their food in two dishes.

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Jacob followed Danielle over to the table, putting his food down at the seat next to hers and beginning to prepare dinner for Chalchi and Teo. Should I release Chalchi in here? She's kinda big... he thought to himself, looking around the room for guidance. He laughed at his own misgivings shortly thereafter, having spotted a trainer being harassed by his very hungry Snorlax across the room. He released Chalchi from her ball and set the pair's dishes down near those of Danielle's Pokemon so they could socialize a little bit while their Trainers ate. Teo gurgled happily at the sight of the food and immediately began to dig in, taking large scoops of the PokeFood in his mouth and crunching it between his huge jaws. Chalchi ate much more daintily, picking each piece up one at a time and seeming to savor the taste.

After making sure his Pokemon had their food Jacob sat down, ready to eat his own dinner. He looked across the table at the other Trainer and extended a hand. "Hey, I'm Jacob. It's nice to meet you!"

Edited by Jory
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Slade was into his music, his eyes were closed and the headphones emitted a vibration due to the extremely loud volume. A soft humming an be heard from Slade while he sunk into the sound. It wasn't until TX, not doing anything at the moment nudged Slade and alerted him to the man behind him with his hand out. Slade was a little shocked, (and not by 101) he never noticed them even approach him and now he wants to shake hands. Eh, it could be worse, he could eat alone and probably wouldn't be as fun so he took off his headphones on lowered the volume. He then shook the man's hand and said, "I'm Slade, sorry it took so long for me to notice you guys I was sinking into my beats." That's when he noticed the girl sitting in front of him, it was Danielle. "Hey, Danielle I didn't know you were here either, so what is this man your date? Ha, just kidding or am I?" Slade said mysteriously. "Anyways joking aside mind if I join you two or is this private?" He asked chuckling a bit.

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