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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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"Ey you," Slade said looking at the boy on the ground. "Get out of here and take this ralts, it got badly hurt by the trevanant And needs care A-SAP." He then picked him up, gave him the ralts and pushed him out of the circle.


(OCC. If you couldn't tell I've playing a lot of persona 4 lately)

"Now, let's show these overgrown trees who's boss! I kinda owe them for getting my hat dirty, Growlithe ya ready?" The Growlithe let out a howl signaling that it was hyped for battle. "I think it's time we try our new move." Flare barked as a way to confirm his gesture. "Ok then, use bite that trevenant!" Flare lunged and bit the trevenant's torso. "Now use ember!" Embers freshly made kept making direct hits on the trevenant over and over again, until Flare released his grip on the ghostly tree and flame charged him into two other Trevenant

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Shiro took hold of unconcious Shun. His eyes teared up as he saw his little partner, and then once again when he saw in which state he was in. Shun looked horribly exhausted and in pain. And he was unconcious. He had a wide found burn mark on his left palm.

"Thank god, you're alive, Shun..." He then turned to the boy and thanked him before joining up with the 3 new kids that arrived.

Edited by Bfroger6
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Claude was relieved to see that Danielle was reunited with Avis, but then it dawned on him just who they were chasing. "Putain de merde!" Claude cursed "Do we really have to save that twat? I can guarantee he wouldn't do the same for us" Claude objected, aggravated that he had to pull Alvins ass out of the forest fire. "You know what? Come on back Doux!" He beckoned Doux "Now, let's go save the fool" He grumbled, dashing off in chase.

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Mareek stayed where he was as the stranger addressed him, Erce by his side, ready to fight any opponent they might come across out in the forest. The machine had done it's job; she was good as new, not even a trace of any of her injuries from the fire remained. With her in perfect health... well, him fearing for her life in the case of a fight had been the only thing that had made him decide not to rush in. But with that factor out of the equation, Mareek was dead set on heading out to find his roommate. Even if Devin had said it was dangerous out in the woods, the boy figured he was a decent enough strategist to handle any wild encounters there might be to be had.

"What do you mean 'Took me long enough?'" He demanded. "Just who are you?" He would have to make this little conversation quick. there was no point in wasting anymore time then he already had been forced by circumstance to.

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Jacob arrived at the Contest Hall, looking up at the facade in awe. The building was an extremely impressive work of architecture the likes of which simply did not exist in Accumula Town. It seemed to be styled similarly to the famous Castelia City Contest Halls where many a renowned Coordinator had made appearances. "Wow..." the young Trainer muttered as he approached the front doors, Teo walking lazily behind his Trainer. The two made their way up to the upper viewing area and, upon spotting Ryan and Kage, walked over to them and took a seat next to Ryan. He chuckled as he looked over at Kage's sleeping form. "He had a long day. What about you?"

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"Some people can be read like an open book. You came here because you're worried about that boy with the Growlithe. There are already enough people lost in the forest and I wouldn't want Devin to be burdened with finding another, but I won't stop you. Besides, this is something that boy needs to do alone." Henry saw the boy was losing his patience so he decided to get to the point quickly. "I don't know if it's because I use a fire type or what, but deep down I know he'll be fine. The choice is yours: blindly walk into the forest unprepared or wait here with me and have faith in your friend." Henry had a feeling his words were meaningless, but he was curious to see what the boy would do next.

Edited by commander218
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"I think we all had a long day. I just don't get tired easily." Ryan chuckled once again. Maybe he was in a rather giggly form of sleep deprivation and exhaustion. "A lot has happened really. I just can't wait 'til I can pass out on my bed. If it's not too much of a problem, would you mind coming back to my dorm with me, as well as with Kage? Haven't gotten the chance to ask him because, this." Ryan gestured to his sleeping friend. "Just wanted to have friendly conversation and stuff. Y'know, just get to know each other." Ryan tried his best to hide his grin. He was just so damn excited by everything.

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Alvin’s pursuers

Alvin ran and ran and ran. He had never been this scared before that his heart almost popped out of his chest. He had no idea where he was supposed to go; he didn’t even notice that he passed his roommate. He stopped for a second looking around and when he stepped back, he fell flat on his back.


Devin nodded in appreciating Slade finally faced his troubles head on. He hoped the boy would learn something from this experience. He watched Flare going all out with super effective attacks. “Back them up,” was all he said to get his Haxorus into action. The dragon loosened his muscles and gathered power in its legs and arms. It looked a bit like a dance, before its claw took on a purple glow.

Meanwhile the white Trevenant disappeared and appeared again, almost immediately, next to Flare. The Phantom Force attack was about to hit the Growlithe dead on when it was stopped mid-attack by Haxorus. The Dragon slashed, hitting Trevenant back a few meters.

The other Trevenant and even some brave Phantump started gathering again; ready to attack Flare and Slade.

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When the group had caught up to Alvin, Claude gave a great sigh, as well as letting out some rasping coughs. Physical action didn't agree with him. "Well, do you think you can stop running for a second? Who'd have though a bookworm like you coulda run like that?" Claude asked as he picked Alvin up, supporting him with his shoulder. "We're going back to the forest entrance I guess?"

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Finally, they caught up with th runaway boy. Shiro was glad. He had been running the whole day, so he was exhausted, and Shun needed immediate medical attention. He was just glad it was all over now.

Shiro turned to the others, and said with a stuttering voice, still coughing. "Okay, we got him... Can we please move now, I need to get my Ralts to a doctor..." He needed their help to get to the entrance, otherwise he would have went there by himself instead of going after some unknown boy.

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Mareek glared at Henry for a few moments... just like Devin, he had a few valid points against going into the forest; most notably that Mareek didn't know a lick about the places lay out and would probably end up stuck in the middle of nowehere. And if he ended up lost out there and Devin had to come rescue him along with Slade... the consequences probably wouldn't be pleasent. But could Slade really handle what ever was going on out there? from his screw up in the dorm earlier and the way he had reacted when Mareek had tried to console him about it, he honestly doubted that... but he should give the guy a chance... maybe his first impression of Slade was wrong. Afterall, a person shouldn't be judged entirely based on just one mistake.

"Fine..." Mareek sighed, crossing his arms. He discretely reach into his jacket and checked the time using his MP3. "But if no one comes out within an hour, I'm going in there...and you definitely won't be able to stop me." Erce began to par her claws against one another in agreement... that Vulpix looked a pipsqueak; she was sure she could take it out if needed, even with the type disadvantage.

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"Hmmm, reinforcements have arrived lets take them out. Flare use bite and grab a phantump!" With the speed increase from the flame charge it was easy to grab. "Use flame wheel in place." The Growlithe with the stump in his mouth spun faster, and faster and the speed increase only helped him go faster. "Let go of the Phantump now!" The flaming ghost was sent flying into the others and knocked them all down. "Strike!"

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"Right, well, it seems we do indeed need to escape. Let us leave this forest behind us!" Claude announced, attempting to regain the air of grandeur that he had started the day with.


After a while of following a sparkling Cottonee, the gropu came to the edge of the forest, spotting Mareek and Henry standing there. "Bonjour, friends. Don't tell me you were waiting here for us ne'erdowells? I'm Claude, and I'm incredibly tired, so d'ya think you could direct us to some medical facilities?" Claude asked, cutting to the chase immediately.

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"And please hurry!" Shiro continued on from where the pink boy left off. "I heard there were some madical machines around, but I dont think that's going to work... Shun actually doesn't have a poke ball of his own..." He brought the Ralts closer to his chest so his chin now touched its horn.

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Danielle yawned behind her gray and blue scarf as they approached Henry and Mareek out on the edge of the forest. Her energy was sapped from all of the chasing that was done today. Avis was in a similar mood; she sat comfortably on Danielle's shoulder with her head sank in her puffed out chest feathers. She looked like a miniature Honchkrow minus the white breast feathers.

"What time is it, by the way?" Danielle said to no one in particular. "I think we all need to go to the Contest Hall by six or something...?"

She then approached Shiro, stopping right in front of him, to take a better look at the Ralts. They reminded her of the time when she first met Avis out on a neighboring route. Avis was found unconscious with a broken wing, so she had to bring it to a Pokemon Center to be treated. Due to the overwhelming amount of injured Pokemon there at the time, however, Danielle and her parents were allowed to have the Murkrow recuperate in their house with specific instructions given by Nurse Joy.

"Hey, don't worry. Your Ralts... Shun right?... will be fine even without a Pokeball. I'm sure the academy has a backup plan for such situations. If not, I can try and help... I had to take care of Avis, my Murkrow, when I first found her. Believe me, she was in a worse state than Shun is in."

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Shiro's eyes were flying all over the place. He didn't want to make direct eye contact with the girl, and he had to evade looking at... the other thing(s). He got really nervous. He never had an actual conversation with a girl his age as he always kept a distance from other people. This was all too strange for him.

"Uhm..." He began, unsteadily. His eyes finally calmed down on the grass beneath their feet. "I would be grateful if you could maybe, I don't know, give some first aid to Shun... Just in case..." From what she said, she knew what to do in such situations, and Shiro had no choice but to trust her.

He shakily handed over Shun to the girl.

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Mareek ignored the little exchange going on with the other first year handing his ralts off to get help for it. His eyes were glued on whom he percieved to be the leader of this little group.

"There's a healing station outside the Contest hall," he said to Claude, jabbing his finger over his shoulder. "But before you go, tell me one thing; did you see a guy with red hair and a fedora out there? He probably would've had a Growlithe with him."

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"You are shy one, non?" Danielle teased Shiro. She, carefully, shaped her arms into a cradle so that Shun can be dropped safely in her arms. Judging by the injuries, Shun seemed more tired than injured, although there was that burn on its left hand... Danielle nudged Avis with her nose, waking up the Murkrow instantly. Her breast feathers became less poofy once more. "Avis, I'm seeing burns and exhaustion on the Ralts here. Do you see any other injuries?"

Avis cocked her head and flew gently around Danielle's arms, trying hard not to startle the quiet Ralts. After a few seconds, Avis shook her head.

"Alright, Avis. Grab my key and go get my emergency bag. The key is in my boot here," Danielle nudged the ground with her right foot. At the top of the boot, there seems to be a part of a keychain dangling from it. Avis nodded once again, went down to grab the key, and took off towards the girls' dormitory.


A brief moment later, Avis came back with a small bag in her talons and a key in her beak. Danielle was kneeling on grass as the others chatted; Avis flew over, put the bag in front of her master and slipped the key right back into place. With that done, Avis hopped over back to the bag and unzipped the emergency bag and took out a Burn Heal.

"Good girl, Avis~" Danielle complemented the bird as she took the Burn Heal from her beak. Avis then proceeded to rummage through her bag for bandages. She paused for a second, recalling what Nurse Joy's instructions on handling an injured Pokemon.

"Umm... Hey, Shun? My name's Danielle. I'm one of the students here at the academy." She said softly to the Ralts, hoping he could understand her. "I heard that you got a burn on your hand, so I want to let you know that I can help you with this." Danielle held the green bottle in front of him. "It's a Burn Heal, but it can sting. I just want to let you know that so you can be prepared..." Danielle looked up to Shiro. "You might want to come down here. Pokemon feel more secure when someone they know is by their side, or that's what Nurse Joy told me back at Laverre City."

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"Oh, right..." Shiro did as the girl said, and sat down with his legs crossed next to Shun and her. "Thanks." He mumbled, more to himself.

Shiro looked down at Shun. He still appeared unconcious as he wasn't moving, although it was hard to tell with the hair covering his eyes. Shiro was glad though, as the girl said Shun wasn't injured except for the burn on his hand. Just... hopefully it wouldn't leave a nasty scar... That wouldn't be good for Shun's Beauty appeal in contests. Shun had always been obsessed with beauty and Shiro was unsure how he'd react if a scar affected it.

Shiro let his index and middle finger slide through Shun's hair. "Okay, we're ready."

(it's totally gonna leave a scar tho)

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Danielle nodded. "Avis...?" The girl was about to ask her if she found the bandages yet, but it was unnecessary. Avis held it up with her beak inside the bandage roll.

"Don't lose it now, girl." Danielle grinned before turning to Shun once more. "Okay, Shun. On the count of three... One... two... three." Danielle sprayed the green bottle onto the burn. Most of the liquid was able to hit the target, effectively trenching the burn. Danielle quickly put down the empty bottle and took the bandage roll from Avis and proceeded to wrap the delicate hand in the white cloth, leaving a small part of the bandage hanging loose. Once the bandage was wrapped a few rounds around Shun's hand, Danielle gave the bandage roll to Shiro.

"Here, the bandage won't fall off now, but I do not know how tight or loose Shun wanted it. I think it would best if you take over. Just roll it around a few more times like I did before. Once you think it's enough, hold out the roll so Avis can cut the bandage with her talon and you can tie that up with that loose piece here." Danielle pointed to the white, fluttering bandage. "I still recommend you take Shun to a healing center but it's all I can do for now."

((You can bunny Avis with the cutting.))

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((Bfroger write about cutting the bandages before Henry goes up to you))

Henry walked over to Shiro and put a hand on his shoulder. "Kid, I don't know what came over you, but trowing me down like that and walking into that forest without a pokemon takes some serious balls. I don't know if I should be ashamed or proud of recklessness. Anyways, it might be a little late, but I don't believe we've introduced ourselves. I'm Zuko and that Vulpix over there is Zuko. He may have ate whatever you were fixing earlier. Sorry about that, but he loves anything that can be caught in the water."

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Shiro took the bandages from the girl. Seems like Shun was indeed unconcious. Anyways, it made things easier, and he appeared fine except for that, so it didnt really matter. Shiro carefully tried pulling the bandage under and around Shun's hand. It took some effort, but he was done in a few minutes, and he pulled the excess bandage up to the Murkrow so she could cut it off. When he tried to tie it, though, it was as if his hands couldnt stop shaking. He tried to do it several times but it became apparent he wouldnt be able to tie it correctly. The knot always slipped back open.

"Uhm..," He turned back to the girl. "Is there a chance you could tie it? I dont know whats gotten into me." He handed the bandage to her, and then added. "Oh, and don't worry about hurting him, he wont complain if you tie it too tight. He apways had a tendency to act tough." Shiro tried to smile, but could only produce a somewhat awkward face.

(I'll finish the update considering commander's pc when I get some free time cuz Im in school now)

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Ryan let a snort out of his nose in amusement. "Oh Lucas, how does Kage put up with you." Ryan whispered with a teasing tone. Ryan had always wanted a Ralts of his own. He was actually rather jealous of Kage. Not that he was taking Glacien for granted. Glacien was all he could have ever wanted in a pokemon. Fun-loving goofball packing embarassing secrets. It's almost as if Glacien was the pokemon form of Ryan. He always thought that Ralts was adorable and that Gardevoirs are stunningly gorgeous and still incredibly strong in battle. In fact his father has one. And it was rumored that that same Gardevoir had battled Brendan, the champion of the Hoenn Region. Ryan began to slightly tilt his head back and forth, as if turning his head into a miniature amusement park ride for Lucas.

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