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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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"But first, can we find a seat? This tray is getting so heavy and I'm so tired from that trek of mine in the forest."

"Oh, so you were with those 3 people that took the guy with the ralts out. If you didn't know I was the guy fighting the Trevenant with Devin, the name is Slade Kelfkin and that is my buddy Flare gnawing on that bone." Flare let out a quick yip before going back biting the bone.

"There's some room at this table since there's no one here but me and Flare." Slade chuckled while scratching the back of his head.

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Ryan waited a minute in an attempt to calm down. He sighed. "Before you get slightly confused, first thing you need to know is I'm bisexual. Before we left to come here, I was dating a guy named Jared from Lavaridge Town. Needless to say, he's not one for long distance relationships and broke up with me the day before I packed. I had already packed a picture of us in the Hot Springs to at least have something. I forgot to take it out. I just tore it up, if you didn't here it. Feel free to judge the shit out of me now. If you don't want to talk to me anymore because I lied to you or you don't like my lifestyle, that's fine, I wouldn't blame you." Ryan looked up to Kage for some sort of response. For the first time, Ryan got a good look at Kage's eyes. He was shocked to see they weren't some pale blue color but were actually deep, like a blue cobalt.

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Kage almost startled himself by laughing. Before the other boy could get offended, he stopped. "Sorry, not trying to belittle you or anything. It's just funny that that's what you were worried about." He chuckled one more time. "Dude, I'm pan. Sexual, that is, pansexual. Judging you would be pretty strange. Sucks that you broke up, but maybe it was for the best. I've never been involved in anything that long distance, but I've heard they're pretty tough." Kage drew back a little and spread his arms out. "Hug?"

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"Perfect!" Danielle ran over to the table and separated her food with Avis'. As soon as that was complete, Avis went over to her food and began tearing her steak apart with relish.

"And yes, I am. It's all thanks to my little bird here; she flew off into the woods so I had to go find her with the other two." Danielle laughed. "My name is Danielle and the Murkrow is Avis, the troublemaker." Avis gave a muffled cry as a greeting, no thanks to the food in her mouth. "A pleasure to meet you both, Slade and Flare~ Why don't you sit down so we can chat while we eat, non?"

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"Oh so thats why you came to the forest, anyways how was the ralts, and did you make it to the assembly on time?" Slade asked a little curious about what happened during his endeavor and then taking a piece of meat off of the stick of the Shishkabab and began to eat it.

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Ryan chuckled a little bit. He wiped a tear from his eye. Ryan squirmed in between Kage's arms as the angle was just slightly off on his outstretched arms. Ryan enjoyed the embrace before pulling away. "That was a little gay wasn't it?" Ryan giggled a little bit.

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"Oh so thats why you came to the forest, anyways how was the ralts, and did you make it to the assembly on time?" Slade asked a little curious about what happened during his endeavor.

"Mhm," Danielle nodded, taking a bite of her hot dog before responding. "The Ralts had a nasty burn on his hand, but I gave it a Burn Heal so that Shiro, that's the Ralts' trainer, can take him to a healing station. So, he should be a-okay by now, I hope... I sort of lost them after going inside the Contest Hall..." She took a sip of water to clear her throat. "And nope, I apparently arrived right at the end of it. However, I did find two guys who are kind enough to tell me what happened." Danielle took a look at Slade. "Since you are the one who took those Trevenants and Phantumps, I'm guessing you didn't make it to the meeting. So, want to trade stories?"

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Henry ate very little of the food he grabbed from the plates and gave the rest to his Vulpix who gobbled the rest down without hesitation, despite already having plenty to eat. "Excuse me, but I have to go." He thanked Robert for informing him what he missed before getting up and leaving. Zuko licked the plate clean before following shortly behind him. It's the first day and no one has seen through the masks that I wear and I should be thankful. This masquerade can only go on for so long though. The moment someone sees my true colors will be the end of this fun song and dance. Even if I explained, they'd never understand because they've never lived in a world like that. I've endured so much just to get here so why then..."Does it all feel wrong." He then quietly walked down the halls with his mind completely empty. He occasionally looked back to make sure his partner, Zuko, was still following him. Other than that, he just let the silent halls ease his mind like he did many times before.

((This'll be my last post for Day 1 unless someone wants to talk to Henry. You can find him wandering around the halls until very late at night. PS Dobbey, you'll see why feeding Zuko is bad tomorrow.))

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Ryan jumped at the sudden touch and blushed a little. He wouldn't admit he enjoyed it for just a minute. "Ok let's go to the barbecue, there will be tons of people's asses to squeeze there to. You don't have to hold yourself down to me." Ryan spoke in a teasing tone before lightly tapping Kage's rear as well and shutting off the lights in the room. He walked out trying to hide his blushing.

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"Oh my story isn't that interest but wynaut I'll tell it to you." Slade said after swallowing the meat in his mouth. "So me and my room mate, I haven't gotten his name yet, sadly, came into our at the same time. Then when we came in, someone forgot to close the window and a group of Ariados were starting to make their nest by our beds. When we walked in they attacked us and I may have burnt the furniture a little." Slade doing a chuckle then a sigh. "I don't think I've met up with my room mate after the whole fire incident, if you couldn't already tell, Flare is not the best at controlling his flames and those flames caught the webs on fire and one thing led to another to when I ran into the forest. I went into the forest for a while then saw a ralts hanging from a branch. Then I suppose a trevenat use sleep powder on me and put me on a branch too only this one was white and red. The ralts tried to escape but it looked wounded do I told Flare to burn the branches so we could help the ralts when we were surrounded by trevenant. Luckily Devin came and helped me out and thats when I gave him his ralts back. Also my and Growlithe played Phantump bowling and that was fun. Then when the Trevenant left we headed back and the assembly was over." He then went onto his 3rd Shish and drank some of his soda.

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Kage walked out behind Ryan, still chuckling to himself at the image the two of them must be presenting. He very nearly asked him to switch shirts just to enhance the effect, but elected to keep that idea to himself for the moment. "Alright, I'm starving. Let's go collect Jacob and head over to the cafeteria then."

(Assumed he would have headed to his room or waited outside or something, didn't try to leave you out.)

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Danielle listened intently as she took some bites of her food, nodding to what Slade is saying after each pause. Once he finished, she was done with the hot dogs and was starting on the steak. "Oh my goodness, Ariados taking over your room and setting fire to them to kick them out, went "Phantump bowling" with Devin, and you said it's not an interesting story? That's way better than what I have to offer. Your story explained why Shun, the Ralts got the burn from. It also explained that fire Avis saw earlier and caused all of us to go insane," Danielle laughed. "Second, you mentioned a roommate. I believe I seen him once I left the forest. He was asking Claude, the guy wearing pink, about a guy with a red fedora and a Growlithe, and you two seem to fit the bill. Unfortunately, he left before I could catch his name. He didn't even wait for us to get to the Contest Hall." She sighed, taking a quick sip from her cup.

"My story wasn't too great: It heated up when Avis decided to fly off on her own towards my roommate, Lana, who was in her room at the time, with Claude's Cottonee in tow. Both of us were still at the registration area, so we had to get over there quick. Things, luckily, turned out well; we met up with Lana and her Rhyhorn aaaannnnd Claude ran away screaming his head off towards the boys' dorm. So, Lana and I went after him to see if he's okay when Avis saw the smoke from your fire. I told Avis to find out what happened there, and she decided to chase after Devin and you without giving any sort of warning. Due to a past event, I was afraid Avis was hurt so, after finding Claude, we ran into the forest to search for this little troublemaker. Avis turned out to be with Devin, Shiro, and you. The rest is pretty much history. But, I will say, you missed us messing with Alvin, that kid Devin told us to get. He seriously cannot take a joke, which makes it so much fun to mess with him..."

Danielle then proceeded to explain what Colin and Evan told her about Professor Redwood's speech. Everything about the battle system, the obtainable dragons, their second partner, and class time was given to Slade, with a little help from Avis, who remembered Danielle's missing information. The moon was fully present now and their dinner was finished. Avis was perched on Danielle's shoulder once more, her eyes glazed with sleep.

"Well, that's all I have, I hope that helps," Danielle said sheepishly. "It's not much since I didn't hear it personally, but I doubt they left anything important behind. Unfortunately, while I do enjoy our conversation, I need to get back to my room. I still need to unpack and get ready for tomorrow." Danielle stood up and stretched herself out. "Oh, that felt good! Anyways, Slade and Flare, I need to bid you adieu until the next time we meet. It was such a great night spent. Good night~" With that, she waved a goodbye, picked up her huge, empty tray, and began walking towards her dorm, making sure that she threw out her tray first, of course.

((That's my last post for day 1. Feel free to bunny/use her if needed. Good night everyone! Can't wait for Day 2!))

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Jacob pouted in ire for a moment as the two teenagers walked off, having evidently discovered something more important than common courtesy. Teo whined and pointed toward the doors. Jacob chuckled and picked the Trapinch up, nuzzing his oversized head gently. "We'll go get you some food, buddy. Don't worry! I'm hungry too. We'll just meet up with them at the barbecue. With that, he and his partner began to make their way down the stairs, and eventually out of the Contest Hall. They began to walk toward the 'last free meal' as Jacob began to think. I love Teo, but he's gonna have a lot of problems matching up against some of these kids' Pokemon. Hopefully I get something with a bit more immediate power. And something that'll give Dragons trouble, to boot... I guess we'll have to wait and see. He scratched the Trapinch lightly behind its front left leg, a personal favorite spot of Teo's. His back right leg began to tap rhythmically, gently contacting his Trainer's arm.


Upon arriving at the barbecue, the first thing Jacob noticed was the smell. It smelled like... oh, it couldn't possibly be... juicy, tender, straight-off-the-bone, honest-to-goodness meat. The teenager's mouth began to water as he slowly moved toward the buffet tables. His Pokemon appeared to be in a similar trance with his eyes closed and air audibly entering his nostrils. Oh, sweet Arceus yes... Finally, meat! MEAT! MEAT! he thought to himself as he increased his pace. He took a plate and began to move around to the various food areas, grabbing four hot dogs, two Tauros burgers with pulled pork and cheese on them, and an entire rack of baby back ribs.

Jacob and Teo began to move toward the seating area. The Trapinch had the meat plate balanced on his back as his trainer sought out a place to sit. As his eyes scanned the room for a table, Jacob's eyes lit on an empty table. He and Teo began to messily dig in, savoring every bite of the freshly cooked meat.

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Slade looked at Flare he was tired alright but there was still so much meat left and Slade and Flare both love meat so they "borrowed" the rest of the steak while no one was looking and headed off to their dorms. Slade put the "borrowed" steak in the fridge and put it in the fridge. He noticed his room mate took the not burnt bed, which is understandable since it was Slade's fault but the burnt bed didn't feel so bad. Flare certainly liked it as he slept by slade's feet. 'Hopefully tomorrow wouldn't be as hectic as today and I wonder who our next partner will be?' slade wondered to himself before he went to bed.

(((Slade is done for day 1! :D)))

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Kage walked to the cafeteria at a leisurely pace, enjoying the feel of the evening breeze on his skin. He was interrupted in his pleasure, however, by a sudden thought. "We forgot about Jacob, didn't we?" He groaned inwardly. The breeder-in-training hadn't meant to just leave the other boy alone, but Kage had been concerned about his friend. Lucas gave an affirmative, and his trainer sighed. "D'you think he'll be mad?" As he awaited Ryan's response, he ducked into the cafeteria.

((feel free to bunny your way through grabbing food, Kage is pretty hungry but he also wants to get to bed soon))

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Shiro went back to the Contest hall, looking for a teacher to ask about Shun's state, but he found nobody. Shun looked good anyways, so it wasn't an issue. They ate a couple of steaks, and returned to the dorm.

(lol, such a great post ~ and also the last of day 1)

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"I sure hope not, I never meant to leave him behind, that is." Ryan felt guilty for leaving Jacob behind. Ryan quickly got into line to grab steaks, hot dogs, burgers, anything you could think of. Ryan and Kage tried their best to scan through and find Jacob. After doing so, they ran up behind him. With a joking smile, Ryan tried to shake off the awkwardness of the situation. "Seems like we forgot you buddy. My bad for walking off and not checking. It's a bad habit."

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Day 2

After having breakfast and in some cases a work-out, the first year students gathered in the entry hall. The door on the left that was closed yesterday due to the desks being in the way was opened now. A big sign saying first years with a big red arrow showed them the way.

There were 9 doors in the light colored hallway. On the left were a lot of high windows. The view showed the area between the Contest Hall and the Arena. Three battle fields could be seen surrounded by nature. Back in the hallway were only the first, fourth and seventh door open. In front of each of those doors was someone present to keep an eye on all those students. There were also 3 signs, one at each door; that showed which classroom was reserved for each program.

The first classroom contained the sign with Trainer Program. Phoebe was standing there, still yawning and wishing she could sleep some more. Devin kept an eye out at the fourth door and wished every Coordinator good morning, while Rebecca just smiled politely to the future Breeders at the seventh door.

If one would enter a classroom they would see a space big enough containing three classrooms. The room could be divided into three equal parts by lowering the two remote controlled fake walls. There were laptops at every desk. 4 desks were placed next to each other, forming a row. At each desk was place for 2 students. In the Trainer Program room Alvin had already taken a seat on the front row; leaving 7 empty seats. The other students took a random place. As soon as everyone sat down Phoebe, Devin and Rebecca explained in their respective classes what would happen next.


“I see you all have a seat,” Phoebe yawned. “Now this is what will happen; on the laptop in front of you, you see a page where you need to type your name and class. After that’s done a test will begin. Now before you all start to panic: it’s doesn’t count for your grades. We simple want to see which knowledge you already possess and which you lack. The test is mixed with multiple choices and open questions and goes from things like type advantage and berries to a Pokémon’s habitat. Is that clear? I think so,” she said walking toward the door “I’ll be grabbing a coffee, no cheating! Or Blastoise will Hydro Pump you straight through the window!”

Before she left she released her Blastoise. The water type gave her a ‘not again’ look before shaking its head. It then started to concentrate on the students.

“Oh yeah, one more thing,” Phoebe said peeking into the class. “After your done just leave the classroom and head towards the gym. It’s down this hallway, you can’t miss it.”



Devin walked around in front of the class and waited till everyone was seated. “Welcome future Coordinators,” he said. “I know you’re all eager to start your journey on this Academy and want to receive your second Pokémon soon, but before that we want to know which knowledge you all already possess. On the laptop in front of you I need you all to type in your name and class. After that a test will open. It’s not going to count for your grades. We only use these results to see which subjects need more attention during class. Some questions will be multiple choice while others are open questions. Just fill in what you think is right and after that, head out the door, go right to the gym and wait for everyone else there. Professor Redwood will hand you a second Pokémon as soon as everyone is done.”

“Are there any questions? If not, you can begin,” he said before taking a seat.



Rebecca wasn’t really sure how to handle this. She wasn’t a teacher and normally she would be in the gym right about now. But due to a last minute change she drew the short straw and had to speak in front of all these students. “Well uhm… like professor Redwood mentioned yesterday, you will all receive a second Pokémon. But before that happens we need some feedback from you all. On the laptop in front of you will appear a list of questions. We want to know what exactly beginning students already know and which subjects need more attention. It helps us a lot preparing the program for next year. Some questions will be multiple choices while others are open. After you’re done just go through the door at the end of the hallway to reach the gym. Professor Redwood is waiting there and that’s where you can pick a second Pokémon.”

She returned to her seat. “You can all begin. If you have questions just raise your hand and I’ll come over.” Unfortunately Rebecca had no idea a blind student was present.

((Just mention you finished the test. If you want you can say what your strong and weak points were, but I just want to gather everyone again in the gym. There are a lot of RP’ers and I need to know who takes which Pokémon without overlooking anyone))

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The intensity in his eyes as he stared at the test was evident, as he thought each answer over carefully. He thought that he did well enough with the fairy and grass type related questions, but he was sure he bombed when it came to rock types. He couldn't even muster the courage to study the terrors after all. After a small eternity, he found he had finished.

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Ryan ran into the room with lightning speed. He was late. His morning workout was longer than he had expected and when he noticed he had 5 minutes to get to class, he slipped on some sweats and dashed out the door, apple and coffee in hand. Upon entering the room, he was surprised that he was taking a test. However, Ryan knew he worked best under pressure. He was certain he passed the test with flying colors. He took the last sip of his coffee as he handed in the test. Still half asleep, he shuffled out the door and back into the gym, where he dozed off slightly near the wall of the gym.

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Hmm, that was simple enough. In reality though, he had looked into every type matchup the second he even THOUGHT of sending a letter to Ymora, so it wasn't like he was going into it blind. Even with items, most of their descriptions were blasted around Dewford with challenger's strategies used against Brawly, so those ended up ingrained into his brain at some point. With that, he sent his answers in, pretty happy with himself.

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Henry gave a little yawn for staying up so late, but the quietness of the dorms made it hard for him to sleep. It didn't bother him so much because it wasn't the first time he'd done it before. After hearing Devin's little speech, he sat down at a computer and began taking the test. For someone who lived in a region with so few native pokemon, Henry knew quite a lot of the questions. He even knew plenty of facts about the species and moves for the diversity of pokemon who lived in his region. In fact, he even knew most of the obscure items and berries even being able to tell you the exact value of each. Henry struggled a bit on habitats, trying to deduce where a pokemon would live based on its physical features. He wasn't so hard on himself on these questions because he'd never seen a wild pokemon before anyways.

Henry then got up and left the room. He hardly even spent too much time taking the thing. He had plenty of time to spare so he went into the cafeteria to get a quick snack before heading to the gym.

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Leaning against the wall of the gym, Shiro hummed a random tune while Shun was taking a nap on his shoulder. The questions were wuite simple, mostly type matchups and stuff like that. He was sure he knew almost everything, and he was out of the classroom among the first students who finished. The only things he wasn't really sure about were items, so he left most of those questions blank, usually the open ones. He could guess the ones with multiple choices, but he couldn't write anything about an item he knew nothing about!

Soon enough, other people started gathering, so Shiro made his way closer to the center of the gym. He was really excited to get his second Pokemon!

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"Hmm this'll be quite annoying"James thought as he tried to answer most questions,sadly he was absolutely left bamboozled by questions on the Steel type:"What's the stat do most steel types have as their highest?". Finishing of the test and handed it in,after which he went to the gym.As he entered the gym he saw Ryan dozing off,deciding not to interrupt his rest James went to the center of the gym seeing the silent kid from yesterday and some others.

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