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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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Glacien had done what he does best. Inconveniently exiting his Pokeball that this. Glacien turned towards Ryan and spat a cold water gun in his face. Ryan was instantly awoken by the somewhat rude gesture but smiled after seeing it was Glacien. Before Ryan could even pet Glacien, he had tapped Ryan on the leg and turned towards someone entering the gym. It took Ryan a minute, squinting for longer than any person should, before the image popped into his head. That's the kid whose Vulpix tried to take Lucas. Why would you make your pokemon do that and barely even give much of an apology? Ryan stared for a minute before getting up, letting Glacien roll into his arms once again. He started his walk towards the kid. He tried to remain as casual as possible when approaching him. "Hey kid. Can I ask you a question real quick?" Ryan tried his best to make it seem like he was making lighthearted conversation to not intimidate the kid.

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"Feel free to ask anything, but it doesn't mean I'll necessarily answer it," responded Henry. He didn't like it when students asked him questions. The less they knew about him the better, but he knew better than to just ignore the kid. Henry could've responded a bit nicer, but perhaps the lack of sleep was a bit of the problem.

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"I'm not trying to be accusatory here..." Ryan paused. Maybe his word choice was a bit inappropriate for his approach. "..but I saw that your Vulpix was dragging away my friend's Ralts. He may not have stuck up for himself, but I'm gonna do it for him. Why was your Vulpix even doing that? And why barely even an apology? You know that it was wrong don't you?"

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Jacob finished his test quickly, surprised to see that someone had indeed finished before him. He was pretty ambivalent about the test, as he felt he'd done extraordinarily well on the knowledge portion, but his battling strategy definitely needed work. It appeared as though this year was not going to be such a breeze, after all. He left the room in a hurry, absentmindedly handing his paper to the Blastoise at the front of the room before exiting and heading toward the gymnasium. Upon getting there, he spotted Ryan in a bit of a tiff. He was still upset about being left behind yesterday, ultimately deciding to stay nearby in case Ryan needed him but not directly intervening.

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"This is something better to keep your nose out as it's something your friend should ask, not you. To answer your question, I was busy hunting down a different Ralts and your friend's just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you want me to apologize, I guess I can, but I don't worry about trivial stuff like that." Henry gave a quick chuckle. "What I find odd is that your friend didn't act so quickly. It's almost like something's off about him. Keep poking your head in my business and it might not be too hard to figure out. Fortunately, I'll simply turn my head brushing this off as I suggest you do the same. Now then, I'll be off unless of course you have other questions."

Edited by commander218
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Without saying a word, Ryan spun around and walked away. Maybe because he wasn't expecting someone to take Lucas. Ryan thought sassily in his head. He saw Jacob standing nearby. Ryan realized he never waited for Jacob last night and felt bad.

"Hey Jacob! Sorry for leaving you behind yesterday. I was being pretty damn oblivious and inconsiderate."

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Claude noticed the conversation between the two boys., which didn't seem to have a happy ending. He had been standing on his own, unsure of what to do, and this was an opportunity to start a conversation. Claude walked up to Henry, Doux hovering around both their heads. "Good morning my friend. I still need to thank you for your help yesterday"

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Kage almost panicked. He hadn't expected testing on the first real day of class, and much less testing using a computer. He took more time than any other student, though he did get it done with Lucas's help. However, once he actually had the questions, they were fairly easy, and he was confident he did well. After finishing, he made his way down to the gym as quickly as possible, embarrassed about his apparent slow performance.

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Lana finished her test with a sigh. There were more questions then she expected and while she did overall well, she wasn’t all too confident in her abilities. She knew she probably aced every question related to ground types, but she wasn’t familiar with the other questions about habitats. She shrugged it off, since it didn’t count as a grade anyway, and made her way towards the gym while looking for familiar faces.


Alvin and Evan

Alvin read through every question three times before finally closing his results. The questions about bug types were laughable and he was quite disappointed the test didn’t count. Surely he would be the number one when it came to grades.

Evan on the other hand didn’t do so well. His father threw everything away that even remotely had to do with Pokémon, so he didn’t know most questions involving habitats and items. The only questions he was sure about were those about Pokémon he used to play with in the wild and those about advantages.

Both students left the room simultaneously and Alvin couldn’t help but start bragging about the test. “Those questions about bug types; how easy were they? I mean, a five year old could answer those!”

Evan just raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. Alvin took the silence as a sign for him to keep talking.

“I knew it! No one here appreciates the fine battle art and beauty a bug type possess. Maybe I should go complain to Professor Redwood. He needs someone who knows what he’s doing!” Alvin paused a second grasping for air and then continued. “And the rest of that test was a joke! Which imbecile doesn’t know the difference between an Occa Berry and a Charti Berry? Of course as an expert on bug types I can tell you all the differences about them. But most important is that I know which berry is suited for each bug Pokémon. I mean it wouldn’t do any good to give a Charti Berry to a Scizor, now would it?”

By the time they almost reached the door Evan was already annoyed and started to lose his patience. He tried to shake Alvin off but the boy just kept following him.

“I see you are intrigued by my knowledge. I bet you weren’t aware of the true beauty and power of a bug type, so allow me to enlighten you further. But first, what type of Pokémon do you train? Do you already have a bug type? No, wait, dumb question, of course you haven’t. We receive one now so why don’t you pick one? Let’s see, a Venipede might fit you. I’ve been thinking about getting one myself! Or maybe I should go for a Galvantula after all… no, no, not yet… Oh I know! A Dwebble! Perfect! Or maybe I should go for one I haven’t had much experience with like a Pinsir or a Shuckle… no, no I know! An Anorith! There are so many to choose from I have honestly no idea which one to pick. I bet you’re just as excited as I am!”

At that point Evan just didn’t care anymore and wanted to throw Alvin through a wall.

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((I can see Danielle going over towards Evan and Alvin now just to make fun of Alvin.))

"Well, that was harder than expected," Danielle told Avis as she walked towards the gym. While taking the exam, Avis was doing some sightseeing from above the students' heads, leaving Danielle to type on the keyboard in peace. Danielle could hear the coordinators shuffling out towards the gym, eager to get their second Pokemon, but she paid them no mind. She would rather take her time to get the answers correct. After all, slow and steady wins the race.

Avis looked at Danielle, allowing her to continue her thoughts. "Well, Avis, I felt confident in the types of berries and types of moves and such since we will be competing in contests. But I struggled with habitats and some dual type Pokemon that I never really hear about. I guess that is what I get for never traveling outside of Kalos, huh?"

Her Murkrow gave a reassuring pat with her wing, followed by a happy "krow." Danielle gave a grin and stroked her wing. "You're right, it's not like the exam counted. We have 3 years here to work on that! Plus, we can get another partner! Isn't it neat?" Avis nodded. She wouldn't mind having a friend to talk with while Danielle was preoccupied with studies or other things. The bird was usually bored back at home when Danielle was busy with school work.

"The question is, then, what Pokemon do we want? Will it be random? Can we choose? Hmmm..." Danielle pondered as she walked into the gym. She didn't notice that her friends were nearby.

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Seeing the Girl with the Murkrow,James decided to walk up to her and start some small talk."Hello,the names James.What might yours be fine lady?"He asked nicely,trying to make some more friends looked to be a good idea

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Alvin suddenly stopped ranting about bug types when he saw Danielle. “AAH! The brute from yesterday!” he yelled pointing at her and completely ignoring James. “I see you’re rather late, maybe you should study some more instead of bullying people! I bet you struggled with the bug type questions since such a delicate type is too much for you to understand!”

Alvin was so caught up in his little speech he didn’t notice Evan standing behind him, pretending to strangle the bug type trainer.

Edited by Chimchain
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Colin finished his test a little after Evan had left. He probably had done a good score: All water type related questions were surely right, and most of the battle related questions too. He wasn't much sure about the behavior related questions about Pokémon of other types, however. Some were easy enough to solve by logic, but why in hell should he know where to find a freaking Spinda?!

He raised and walked towards the gym. Kyte was on his pokéball this morning, as the mudkip didn't like at all to wake up early. As for Colin himself, he was too excited about everything to be sleepy. Thoughts about all that happened since his arrival flashed through his mind and...

Just as he was wandering about the girl with the Murkrow from last night (who he had lost sight of in the babecue), she passed by him.

"Hey, Danni!" he called, picking up to her pace. "What's up? Sorry for loosing you yesterday, I was hella tired. How was your test?" Colin asked, keeping a quick walk towards the gym... and in the process, bumping straight into Alvin, who had suddenly stopped in the middle of the corridor.

((Yup, you can say Colin is a real wrecking ball XD))

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Before Henry could speak, Alvins yelling caught Claudes attention. "Hey, bugs are cool and all, but could you shut up about them for a damn second?!" He hollered before looking at Henry again. "Sorry. Can't let him yell away, y'know?"

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"Oh, hello there, James," Danielle said abruptly, half startled by James' voice. "My name's Danielle. My partner here is Avis. Forgive me for sounding aloof just now. I was considering what Pokemon I would want considering Avis' weaknesses towards Rock and Ice types. How are you?"

“AAH! The brute from yesterday!” Alvin yelled pointing at her. “I see you’re rather late, maybe you should study some more instead of bullying people! I bet you struggled with the bug type questions since such a delicate type is too much for you to understand!”

Danielle turned around to face a comical Alvin and Evan (that's a better face to look at). She saw Evan's seething rage from behind Alvin's back; she wonders why. On the contrary to Danielle's nonchalant behavior, Avis was glaring Alvin for calling her master a brute.

All of Danielle's friends that she met up with yesterday suddenly came around, thanks to Alvin's yelling. "Heeeyyy everyone! What did you think of the exam? And don't worry, Colin, we have more chances to talk after all, like right now!"

Since Colin asked about the exam as well, she decided to hit two birds with one stone. "Well, I admit that the exam was challenging on some parts. Unfortunately for you, Alvin, I had no problems with the Bug type questions, thank you~ I mean, I do have a Murkrow you know. And, and, aaaannnddd did you just call me a brute and a bully? How ungraceful. I was only asking if you were gay. I wasn't suggesting anything else. Unless," she inched closer to Alvin with a smirk, "Unless you're a homophobe?"

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"Hey!" Shiro tried calling out to Robert when he caught a glance of him. He was bored just standing there by himself. "How was your stay? Uhm, we parted ways yesterday on the barbeque... I actually wanted to see you again... so.. so it's really lucky how I've found you here now, I suppose."

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Robert was just waiting for the next step, and he heard a voice calling him, and it was Shiro. "Oh, hey Shiro, good to see yah. I'm assuming you did well on the test as well? I mean, it seemed easy if you knew the basics, atleast to me."

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Shiro smiled, scratching off the itch at the back of his head. It still hurt pretty bad from yesterday. "Well, actually... I think my score is gonna be somewhat low." Shun woke up when he was almost thrown off Shiro's shoulder when he started rocking (like a chair) up and down on the spot. "I think I did get most of the questions regarding Pokemon right... but I really don't know much about all those items. And the questions regarding the locations of some Pokemon were rather tricky, don't you think?"

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Colin was a little startled after he hit the bug type trainer, though the crash was not strong enough to make himself lose balance. "Oh hey, sorry mate. I really shoud look were I'm going more often..." He said with an embarrassed smile. Damn, again? How more distracted can I get? He hoped the other boy wasn't hurt.

...Although, for some reason he didn't get, it was actually Evan who was making those faces of psychological pain in the... well, you know.

A little distracted by the incident, he only registered Danniele's speech. "Oh, yeah it wasn't a big deal of a test for me neither... Wait, what? Is that guy gay?" he asked suddenly, getting only half the sentence and pointing towards Alvin with his tumb with an innocent and curious look at his face.

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Kenny finished his Test, and then entered the Gym, sent out Ryu, and saw Robert and Shiro talking together. Kenny then walked over to the two of them, Ryu in tow, and heard Shiro speak.

"the questions regarding the locations of some Pokemon were rather tricky, don't you think?"

Kenny then responded to Shiro's question.

"Well, I found the Locations Questions involving Unova quite easy. after all, I did come from Unova five years ago, and I'd already met Ryu by then."

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Another boy arrived by then. He also had a Riolu, and Shiro could see a weird resemblance between Robert and the other kid. "Huh?" Was all he could muster up to say. "Oh yeah... Have we met yesterday at the barbeque? Or at least I had to see you there. Well... you look familiar..." Shiro's arm flew up in what was already a trained motion. "I'm Shiro... and this is Shun. Nice to meet you. And to tell you the truth... I haven't been outside much at home in Goldenrod city... I'm not even really familiar with the geography of the region..."

(yes, I changed his city again... sorry, but I figured Goldenrod works better than Snowpoint since Shiro's supposed to be from a wealthy family of important businesmen, so yeah... him living in a big, important city is more logical)

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Upon seeing Evan in pain, Danielle rushed over to the two boys. "Evan, are you okay? Maybe we could sit down inside or something..."

"Oh, yeah it wasn't a big deal of a test for me neither... Wait, what? Is that guy gay?" Colin asked Danielle innocently.

Avis, the Murkrow immediately bursted into laughter. She fell off of Danielle's shoulder and rolled around on the floor, evidently entertained by this spectacle. This was one the reasons why she decided to stay with Danielle; her master gets way too much fun.

Danielle tried to suppress her laughter as she tried explaining to Colin. "W-Well, the thing is... That... Haha... I don't know. Y-You see... Hehe... I thought Alvin w-was knocked out yesterday, s-since he was being carried by t-two guys. But he wasn't! Pfftt... Um, So... I wanted to see w-why he was still being carried by two guys since he could walk and talk and... And... It was just so much fun to tease him! Ididn'tthinkhewouldtakeitsoseriously!" Danielle rushed off the last part of her story as she bursted out into laughter as well.

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"I'd just learn to ignore him. People like that don't last long anyways. I could imagine he struggled a bit on the test as well despite his bragging. I've never seen a wild pokemon, but I know about the habitats from travelers who come across our land. For example, Shroomish is known to be found in Petalburg Woods, a Pokemon occasionally used by thugs for its spore attack. One sniff and you're down and out." Henry wasn't sure if he was making Claude uncomfortable so he changed the subject. "So, what pokemon are you going to pick?"

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"I am actually quite fine,I believe it would be best if you got a steel or ground type because they keep away Murkrow's 2 weaknesses Fairy and Electric.",Though i myself am rather inexperieced with the steel type due to,err an incident in my childhood that has left me fearing some of them.Hoewever i'm thinking of taking a Ferroseed.It's a seed like Steel/Grass type from the Unova Region"He told Danielle as she turned around and talked to her friends at the same time he was speaking to her.Deciding he wanted to know what was going on he asked."Err i don't know what you guys are talking about because i didnt go explore outside the academy main area."He explained.

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"I am actually quite fine,I believe it would be best if you got a steel or ground type because they keep away Murkrow's 2 weaknesses Fairy and Electric.",Though i myself am rather inexperieced with the steel type due to,err an incident in my childhood that has left me fearing some of them.Hoewever i'm thinking of taking a Ferroseed.It's a seed like Steel/Grass type from the Unova Region"He told Danielle as she turned around and talked to her friends at the same time he was speaking to her.Deciding he wanted to know what was going on he asked."Err i don't know what you guys are talking about because i didnt go explore outside the academy main area."He explained.

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