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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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"Chalchi..." Danielle pondered on it for a minute, stroking her Larvesta as Avis flew around them, chatting with her new friend. "That's a pretty name for such a Pokemon~ But it's better to make sure your Lapras will like it first. Some Pokemon have different tastes than our's~" Danielle replied. "And merci for the complement. I'm sure she will fit into it soon~"

The duo arrived at the 3 battle arenas. Before they were able to get a chance to find an empty arena, a hyper Shinx ran up to the boy before it was picked up by its trainer. Danielle watched silently as the little apology took place, she took note of her companion's name while she thought about how to deal with a Lapras.

While Danielle was lost in thought, Avis watched the Shinx warily and relaxed when it was safe in his trainer's arms. The Murkrow observed the trainer silently then and was confused to see him give a wink and a thumbs up to Jacob. What does that mean? Avis will have to ask her master later.

After a quick look around, Danielle realized that Alvin was nowhere to be seen. With that, she turns to Jacob. "So, Jacob is it?, want to head over to an arena or do you want to watch your friends battle? It doesn't matter to me~" Danielle asked politely.

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"Ok, so how 'bout we get started Shiro?" With that, they had gotten to their respective sides. Apparently Kenny had caught up to the group and got up to Henry, and with them was a... Huh? Oh, that tail. Ok so it's a Zorua. Guess that makes some sense. "Ok, Kiai, Voltage, step on up." And with their respective 'Ruru' and 'Bi Bii', they took position. "How bout you take first move, Shiro?"

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Zorro and Kenny looked at each other, and then at Henry, trying to stifle their laughter. Kenny, Ryu, and Zorro then couldn't hold it back any longer, and all three of them started to laugh. Zorro then spoke to Henry using Illusion, sounding extremely amused.

"Boy, did we fool you! I can't believe that you missed my Tail!"

Kenny then turned to Zorro, and spoke as they high-fived each other, Kenny and his Pokemon still laughing.

"Nice one, Zorro!"

Zorro then turned back into a Zorua. Kenny and his Pokemon then calmed down.

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Did that Zorua just talk? Don't let it bother you Henry. "Fine." Still can't believe this kid almost beat Zuko so easily. "This time, how about we play Orre style in a double battle? I'll even throw in 20 BP if you're feeling confident. First, we have to wait for those two to finish before fighting as I doubt any fields are open at this point. I have a bit of faith Shiro might pull this one off, despite his shortcomings."

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Jacob smiled at Danielle. "Oh, I want to let Lapras out of her ball before we battle! But I'm more interested in our battle than in Ryan and Kage's," he said, continuing toward the fields. "So, you said merci. I'll take it you're from Kalos, then?" he said with a bit of a chuckle. "I've never been there before, but I've heard that the Pokemon there are so cool! I've always wondered what it would be like to train a Helioptile!" he said excitedly, nerding out a little bit. Jacob turned red in embarrassment and shut his mouth, hoping to Arceus that he hadn't made a misstep before the battle had even begun.

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"I'll take you up on that offer, Henry! Also, i'd say that i'm unsure about who will win between Shiro and Robert, so let's see what happens."

Kenny then sat down, watching the Battle between Shiro and Robert unfold. Ryu and Zorro then sat down on either side of him, also watching Shiro and Robert's Battle.

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"Ok..." Shiro said as he made his way to the opposite side of the field. His heart skipped a beat when he took a look at it. The field seemed so much bigger and more intimidating from where he was standing now. Even some other people came to watch them...

'Shrug it off, you can do this.'

"Alright... How does this work... He pulled out his Pokedex and pointed it towards Shauntal. A red light flashed for a second as the machine scanned her, revealing her moves and abilities to Shiro. Shiro read the list of moves. "So... Disable, Icy Wind, Weather Ball and Ice Shard... Sassy nature... And Moody." He took a second to think before saying his commands.

'I can't use Shun's Will o Wisp yet... And that was our most valuable move... Regardless, I'm just glad I could make Tal do the actual fighting and let Shun back her up. Both of his Pokemon are really fast, so I have to take care of that first.'

"Shun! Use Confusion at Kiai, and Tal, Icy Wind both of them!"

Shun, Ralts(100% hp)

-moves used: Confusion (on Kiai)

Shauntal, Snorunt(100%hp)

-moves used: Icy Wind

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((Typing from an IPod is a pain...))

Danielle looked at the arenas before giving her reply. She found Shiro engaged in a battle with Shun raring to go. She smiled knowing that the Butn Heal was a success. Perhaps she will go by and say hello later. "Why not? The arenas looked like they are filled up, so it will be a perfect chance to know each other more! Plus, you still haven't introduced me to your partners yet either~"

Danielle then put Corona down on the ground to give her some time with Avis and Jacob's Pokemon. The sooner they get comfortable with one another, the better their teamwork will be.

The girl then giggled at Jacob's comment. "That is correct, Monsieur. The guy in pink who was winking at you before, my dear friend Claude, is also from Kalos..." She paused at the mention of Helioptile, another Electric type she wasn't too fond of. She fiddled around with her glove straps as Jacob was blushing at his words. "Kalos... Does have some interesting types, Helioptile being one of them, but I'm more interested in the ones from other regions. Buuut, that's probably because I had never been out of Kalos before," Danielle said as she quickly recovered from her thoughts. "What about you? Judging by your words, I highly doubt you are from Kalos," she teased lightly.

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"Hmm, widespread attack eh?" Luckily Robert had checked Voltage's moves while Shiro checked Shun with the Professor., Showing him that he had Quick Attack, Leer and ThunderShock to deal with. "Ok, Voltage, try to spread your ThunderShock out to clear some of the Icy Wind. Kiai, you jump through the earliest danger free space, and use Quick Attack on Tal!" With that, they went into action, Voltage's ThunderShock lessened to attack headind towards them, while Kiai went straight through the first clearing and Quick Attacked towards the Snorunt.

Kiai- 100%->75% Moves:Quick Attack(On Tal)

Voltage- 100%-> 85% Moves:ThunderShock(Defensive)

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Jacob smiled sheepishly, glad that he hadn't completely ruined his chances. "You're right! We'll get on a field once someone else is done. For now... Well, come on out, Lapras!" he said excitedly, pressing the button on his ball. A flash of light appeared, and then Lapras formed from it. The sea Pokemon gave a confused cry as she hit the ground, then smiled over to Jacob. She was clearly an adolescent and had not yet reached her full size. "Well, this is my Lapras, and I'm sure you've already met Teo," he said happily to Danielle. He then addressed his Lapras. "Hey there! I'm Jacob, and I'm gonna be your trainer. Is that okay?" he asked, remembering that Lapras were able to understand human speech quite well. She nodded and her Trainer smiled. "Great! I'll call you Chalchi. Alright?" The Lapras nodded again, crying out happily and nuzzling her Trainer's shoulder with her snout. Teo bumped the Lapras on the side and she craned her neck to inspect her teammate, leaving their Trainer free for a moment.

Jacob then turned to Danielle, giving her his undivided attention. "Quite astute of you," he said lightly, becoming more comfortable around her. "I'm actually from Unova, Accumula Town to be specific. It's not nearly as nice there as it is here, though. I'm glad for the chance to come and study and meet people my own age. He then turned bright red, remembering about Claude. "And I'm guessing Claude is... uh... he plays for a different team than I do, right?" he asked cautiously, not wanting to offend Danielle. "I'm just not used to having so many boys flirting with me..." he said quietly.

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'Crap...' Shiro watched as Shun's Confusion attack only hit the dust Kiai had left behind himself. His blazingly fast attack allowed it to hit Tal directly, knocking her off into the air. She did a few backflips in mid air before falling down on her back.

"Tal!" Shiro barely restrained himself for running to help his Snorunt, only stopped by Devin's pressence. 'I can't help them while a teacher is supervising us...'

"Tal, can you get up?" Tal tried to shake herself back to her feet, but she only managed to roll herself from side to side. She was helpless. Shiro turned to Shun. "Shun, try helping Tal in some way..."

Shun nodded and turned straight to Kiai. His blue eyes shone through his vivid green hair as he glared at Kiai. Shun kneeled on his feet, extending his arms in front of himself to support his body. 'What is he doing?' Shiro's brain was searching for an answer. Shun had never took such a stance before. When Shiro looked back at Shun, he saw his horn had started glowing purple as his shadow grew and duplicated all over the field like an eerie dark net. Soon, the shadows trapped Kiai and cut him off from Tal.

"Oh, good job!" He jumped up. 'Maybe we can somehow even win this!'

Shun, Ralts(100 -> 100%hp)

-moves used: Shadow Sneak (reference:http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/9/90/Jupiter_Sableye_Shadow_Sneak_Adventures_1.png/150px-Jupiter_Sableye_Shadow_Sneak_Adventures_1.png)

Tal, Snorunt(100 -> 54%hp)

-moves used: none

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“Just leave me alone! I’ve done nothing wrong so what do you want from me?” Alvin asked.

“Remember that last sentence you blurred out? You think you can get away with saying whatever you like without facing consequences?” Evan said. Honestly he had no idea why he still went after Alvin. Normally he wouldn’t waste his time on people like that but recently his anger surfaced more and more, especially after he found out the truth behind his father. He struggled to keep his fake smile up and Alvin was an easy target. No one liked the kid and after what he said, there was no way Evan would let it go.

The bug trainer had absolutely no idea what Evan was going on about, but when he spotted Cleffa he started laughing. “You want to fight me and my majestic bug types with something like that? I bet it can’t even touch my Combee!”

Evan completely lost it. “All I need to squash those useless bugs is my Eevee. Now that’s a real Pokémon,” he said glaring at his opponent.

Things turned hostile very quickly and Lana was about the only witness. She didn’t know what to do but she knew something had to be done. She looked around and saw Claude, but he was too far away and in the presence of Professor Redwood. Desperately she tried to grab the Coordinators attention by waving her arms and jumping, when her eye fell on Danielle and a trainer she didn’t know.

Lana bit her lip, doubting her decision for a while, and decided to go ask Danielle for help after all. “Danielle! I think Alvin is in trouble,” she whispered when she was close enough.

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Lancelot was bored.

This was bad.

The Karrablast decided to fix this problem.

Whilst Claude was watching the battle between Ryan and Kage, Lancelot was running around the place. When Lana was jumping up and down, Lancelot was watching her intently, wondering what the silly human was doing. When he realised she was trying to grab Claudes attention, Lancelot decided to one up her. He flanked Claude, sneaking behind him slowly until... He Pounced on claude, pecking him to grab his attention.

"OW, What do you think you're doing?!" Claude cried, again holding the Karrablast in the air. He had turned around and now saw the commotion between Evan and Alvin.

"Oh, sh...ugar, is that what you were trying to tell me?" Lancelot continued to struggle in Claudes arms. Claude took this as a yes "Heh, Great work Lancelot!" The unexpected praise stopped the bug types struggling momentarily. This was enough time for Claude to perch him on his head. "There, are you comfy? Let's go." Claude marched over and got between the two trainers. "Guys, you do realise you can settle things with a battle, right?"

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Mareek browsed his way along the BUG table, walking until he found the "S" section and started looking for capsules containing shuckle. He didn't see any after a few minutes of searching, opting to then lean forward for a closer look.

"You're kidding me, right?" he asked rhetorically. right there in the spot on the table where the pokeballs for Shuckles should've been...where empty slots. Some other students had beaten him to it. "Damnit... looks like I wasn't the only one who heard about Shuckle."

Erce stood silently nearby as he went over the available species one last time, then walked away from the table looking a little bit dejected. She followed him closely as they passed by the NORMAL table, at which point about half way in their passing, A strange electronic noise echoed from the boy's jacket pocket.

He retrieved his pokedex; the source of the noise. "What the hell's wrong with this?" The screen was lit up in a classic "Blue Screen of Death" manner, a series of white boxes containing error messages popped up in quick succession, to the point where they began to crowd the tiny screen. They were the same exact error every time: Unhandled Exception 23- 58573 Database_Pokemon.exe has crashed!Mareek moved his thumb to the side of the device and depressed the power button, hoping a shut off and quick reactivation would put an end to the issue. The device didn't responded, the blue screen littered with error messages remained.

"One thing after another, I see," He sighed. using his nail, he freed the tiny portion of casing protecting the battery, removing the thing... and the blue screen remained even still. Then the screen went completely black a second later, a Strange polygon like creature emerging from it. It looked up at the teen with a curious look in it's eyes. It's sudden presence wasn't a surprising sight to him.

"That explains it," he said. "A Porygon... well, it's not quite what I was thinking off as a substitute for a Shuckle, but I guess you'll do. I'm going to take this little hacking just now to mean you wanna come with us?" The creature nodded and hovered up and down sporadically, which he took to mean as yes. "Where's you pokeball then?"

It hovered over to a white ball with red accents, which Mareek promptly reached over and picked up, the porygon floating closer as he did so. "So... what should we name you?"

in response to the question, the screen of his pokedex again blazed to life despite their being no possible power source... or rather, Mareek thought that there wasn't until he noticed the small solar cells along the top. A series of letters mysteriously appeared on the white screen, seeming to stream themselves together into words and paragraphs, scrambling and unscrambling in complete chaos before finally all fading away except for one: Java.

​ "Alright then," Mareek said as snapped the battery back into place. the next instant the pokedex pulled up the data on his new partner, though as to whether this was the actual programming of the device or simply Java's doing, he didn't know. "Java it is then..." He browsed the pokemon's move set and ability, seeing on the display that currently knew Conversion2, Sharpen, Tri-Attack, Tackle... and surprisingly, Discharge, along with the ability of Analytic. It was definitely workable with; developing a good strategy wouldn't be too demanding a task. He turned off the Dex and headed over to the battlefields with Erce and Java in tow, the former eyeing the latter curiously. It seemed that a lot of people were already in agreement to battle or currently duking it out on the field, not leaving many to choose from. He walked around, glancing around and analyzing the various engaged battlers and their tactics as he attempted to seek out his own sparring mate.

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That was quite suprising, Shun had Kiai trapped with some 'field,' making Tal protected. Guess we gotta shift targets. "Kiai, Foresight to find a way out! Voltage hit Shun with a Quick Attack of your own." Guess Voltage is out on his own for now.

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"Beautiful~" Danielle complemented Jacob's Pokemon. "The Unova region, no? Isn't that where Skyla holds her Flying gym? My Murkrow is quite a fan of her's."


Avis crowed a greeting as Lana rushed over to Danielle. Something was clearly wrong so she and Corona went to Danielle's side. Avis heard her whisper something about Alvin and trouble and flew above their heads to figure out what happened.


"Lana! Good morning! And... Are you okay? What happened?" Danielle questioned her roommate. Lana was shy but never worried before. Corona also happened to crawl up to Danielle's shoulder, crying as if something happened.

"I... I'm guessing this is related?" She looked at the two.

"Murkrow! Murkrow!" Avis answered her master as she perched on Danielle's remaining free shoulder. Avis then gave a series of cries and gestures to indicate that Lana saw Alvin and Evan were about to fight, and it was not a Pokemon battle either.

"WHAT?" Danielle almost screeched. "Lana! Lead the way there! I'll follow you. Avis, go over there and stall them out or something. Corona, umm... You are staying here since I need a protector just in case." She turned to Jacob to explain the situation. "Jacob, do you mind coming with us? One of my friends is trying to start a fight and I doubt we can handle them by ourselves..." Without waiting for a reply, she ran after Lana.

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"Shun, watch out!" Shiro shouted as both Pokemon jumped towards Shun. 'There is no time for him to react, he is done for!' Shiro closed his eyes to keep himself from loking at the battle. He couldn't bear the site of Shun getting hurt again.

Two loud smacks could be heard, and Shiro was at the edge of tears. 'They got him... Shun's done for...'


Shiro's eyes quickly opened when he heard his partner. He didn't sound hurt, no, that was a victorious cry! And Shiro soon discovered why. Both Kiai and Voltage have been stopped in their tracks by Shun's shadows. Like they were alive, the shadows' hands were holding the two Pokemon by their feet, slowly advancing upwards. They were struggling, but nothing helped. Shun had them in his grasp!

Sure, Shun was also unable to move. He had to maintain his shadow field, and it must've taken a whole lot of concentration to do that, but he didn't need to move. Tal could finish them off if she manages to get up.

"Tal, try rolling over to your belly!" Shiro shouted the command. "And Shun, keep it up! You're doing great, boy!" Shiro was getting really excited about this. He was winning, he was actually wining!

Shun, Ralts(100%hp)

-moves used: Shadow Sneak/Field

Tal, Snorunt (54%hp)

-moves used: none

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Evan’s mood didn’t change for the better when first Claude and then Avis interrupted. “Of course I know we can battle, but this wimp doe-“ He was cut short by Alvin who interfered.

“Is that Karrablast you have?” the bug trainer asked excited. “What an interesting color,” he said grabbing the bug from Claude and studying it. “Apparently you’re not so dumb as you look since you took my advice, but do you think you’re ready to handle such a fine Pokémon as a Karrablast? Personally I don’t think you’ve reached that level just yet,” Alvin said without thinking.

That was too much for Evan to handle. He warned Alvin to do something about his behavior a little while ago and the kid just didn’t listen. “Now you’ve done it!” Evan said in a threatening tone. He grabbed Alvin by the collar and started to drag him over to one of the battlefields when Lana arrived.

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"Good job, Shiro!" Henry yelled seeing as he trapped both pokemon. "This is why I'm a fan of doubles. Keep up the good work." Henry realized he just gave someone a compliment. He felt a little embarrassed he just rooted for Shiro out loud despite what happened moments before.

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"Ugh, the selfish twat actually thinks I listened to him. That just makes me feel nasty. No offence to you of course Lance." Claude said. The karrablast atop his head seemed conflicted, not taking notice of what Claude said. "So, do you know why that guy has it out for Alvin, y'know, aside from the obvious?"

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"Evan!" Danielle cried as she ran over to where Evan was dragging Alvin to the nearest arena. "Look, I know Alvin is a pain in the butt, and I know you are going to settle it with him in a battle, which is totally fine. But you being angry isn't going to help you in a battle! You're putting your Pokemon at risk! Please calm down!"

"So, do you know why that guy has it out for Alvin, y'know, aside from the obvious?" Claude asked the group.

"Oh, thank goodness you're here, too!" Danielle sighed with relief. "I'm not exactly sure, but might have to do with earlier..." She recalled how Evan had the urge to strangle him when they met up again this morning.

Avis flew back to Danielle, ready to strike in case Evan or Alvin makes a wrong move. Corona crawled down once more and stood besides Danielle, also ready at her command, although she was clearly shaking like a leaf due to her being around so many people and Pokemon at once. Little sparks of fire are beginning to emit around her small caterpillar body again.

((Those sparks are Flame Body.))

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Colin was peacefully leaning against a tree near one of the arenas, watching Kyte playing with Celestinine. Just as he thought, the two of them seemed to be pretty comfortable with each other. Kyte in special had always been the sociable with other pokés - that is, when he was not sleeping of course.

The peace was broken when Evan passed by towards the arena, with Alvin in tow. Literally. "Eeh, mate, that might hurt him a little you know?" he noticed the small crowd coming after them, and figured they were there to watch the battle. Well, that was actually a good idea, while he looked for someone to challenge. "Oh, good luck by the way! But seriously, let the boy breath, the teachers are all watching."

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“I’ll make you pay… laughing with people that can’t walk anymore…” Evan mumbled. In his anger he didn’t realize he actually said it loud enough for people to hear.

Alvin was too busy to struggle in order to break free to hear him. Eventually he managed to escape when Colin distracted Evan for a second. The bug trainer tried to run away only to smack into Danielle pretty hard and in his confusing he blamed her. “Can’t you watch where you’re going, brute?” he asked.

Evan was the first to react. He tried grabbing Alvin again when he was suddenly hit by a stream of hot water. It hit him on the shoulder with enough force to send him flying.

“Hot water for a hothead,” Phoebe said patting her pink Jellicent. “Oh and you both have detention for fighting. Anyone else involved?”

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Oh great, both Voltage and Kiai are stuck in Shun's shadow tricks. If they didn't get out, it would be game over. Wait, SHUN! Just gotta knock him out of focus. "Voltage, fire your ThunderShock straight at Shun! Kiai, use Endure just incase. Once you have a break, Quick attack and knock him away from the ground." Now we just need ThunderShock to get out.

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