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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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((I'm just going to assume that Larvesta has magical flame-retardant string for these purposes since I don't want to be rude about it))

Perfect, Jacob thought, grinning to himself. The plan had worked even better than he'd hoped. Initially, he'd been hoping for the Larvesta to try its luck at hurdling the hole, but by putting itself on a single string it made itself an easy target. "Teo, open up your jaws and get ready to repel the impact using Strength! Chalchi, get ready to fire off a Water Gun at my command!!" he shouted excitedly, happy that his plan had worked.

Teo once again set his feet and opened his jaws, preparing for the impact. As Corona collided with intense heat and force Teo was forced back, his feet dragging in the sand as he fought to keep a grip on Corona. "Come on, Teo, don't stop! Send Corona up in the air!" he shouted. His Trapinch gave a loud gurgle of effort, then bucked forward, throwing the Larvesta into the air. Teo's legs gave out after throwing the Larvesta, sending him to the ground. He struggled to get up, managing to barely climb back onto wobbly legs as he watched the Larvesta travel through the air.

"Chalchi, NOW!" Jacob ordered. The Lapras fired a jet of water at the Larvesta, scoring a direct hit on the airborne fire bug as it plummeted toward Teo's pit.

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Henry looked down at the Venonat and then back at the boy walking away. He remembered something Devin told him yesterday.

“Balance. I found the right balance between authority and being their friend.”

"I feel as if I'm starting to understand what Devin was saying. I guess I was a little hard on you to start with, but we're even for that little incident with Zuko. Even though I forfeited, you're still here with me so I must not be too bad of a trainer...I mean coordinator." Henry remained silent with the purple puffball still in his hands. She actually seemed to enjoy it. "Then there's that Zorua. Somethings not right with it and I should've realized it sooner. Prof Redwood might know something about it so I might ask him." Why did I have to start out on a bad note with him?

Henry then focused his attention back on the battle where he saw the Murkrow raise its wings. Danielle looked up and finally noticed the sun. Looks like she's figured it out. Guess I'll have to say something about it to her later. Still, this just makes the battle more interesting. I wonder who will win.

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"Man the larvesta went high, and talk about insult to injury with that water gun." Flare yipped as to agree with slade's remark. 101 nudged Slade as to show that Mareek was talking to some people by a tree near them. Slade's not usually the type to ease drop so he didn't and focused on the battle at hand.

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((Sorry for the flame-retardant String Shot. I was thinking that she will be fast enough so that the string shot won't give out before contact. It won't happen again.))

"Corona!" Danielle almost freaked out as her poor firebug sent flying into the air and is heading straight for the pit. "Think Danielle, think! What can she do with Flame Charge, String Shot, Morning Sun, and... Ember... Since I can't hit Teo directly..."

"Corona! Shoot your Ember down! Then, Morning Sun!" Danielle shouted.

The little fire bug aimed her head at the pit and spat out multiple little fireballs down. The impact of the fire and the ground created a mini explosion, sending Corona back up into the sky, leaning towards Danielle's side of the field. While she was in the air, Corona closed her eyes as her body glowed white, regaining her energy as she fell down.

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Jacob was forced to laugh as the tiny bug rocket-propelled itself away from the hole and back onto Danielle's side of the field. However, he did not stop thinking about how to handle the situation. We can win a ranged war with that Larvesta. So let's start. Jacob grinned, knowing he had the upper hand. "Calchi, use Water Gun on that pesky Larvesta again! Teo, use Sand Attack, then follow it up with our signature strategy, Glass Castle!"

Teo quickly kicked sand toward the falling Larvesta, making it so Corona would have no choice but to fall headfirst through the cloud if she wanted to try the trick with her Ember again. Chalchi immediately followed up with Water Gun, dousing the smaller insect in water before its descent into the cloud.

"Good! Now where's that glass castle?" Jacob asked rhetorically, prompting Teo to slam the ground with his feet, using Sand Tomb once more. This time, however, the sand traveled upward, forming a bowl of undulating sand beneath the falling Larvesa. Upon falling through the cloud, Corona was coated in now-wet sand that got into her eyes and mouth, reducing her accuracy. Once she fell below the cloud and into the bowl, Jacob's eye twinkled deviously.

"Now, Teo, for the Glass Castle!" he shouted. Upon reaching the bowl, Corona would find the sand on the top of the bowl too steep to climb up. As Teo began to move forward, the bowl began to collapse, quickly threatening to inundate Corona in sand.

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Corona shrieked with fear as multiple attacks came at once. She was all wet and disgusting and is now trapped in the sand, unable to find find a way to get out. She couldn't even emit the fiery sparks to protect herself. Corona cried loudly.

"NO! CORONA!" Without thinking, Danielle ran into the bowl itself and shielded the frightened bug with her body. The thought of having a Pokemon die because of her still scared the living hell out of Danielle. The images of Avis, the attack, and the recovery room flooded her brain as she clutched her Larvesta. In her fear, she didn't even realize that she was crying.

((EDIT: Just some grammar. The message is still the same.))

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Kage had been idly petting the hardened metal surface of his new Beldum, sitting on the ground, when he heard a shriek from a fair distance away. "Did you hear that?" he asked Ryan and Redwood. "I'm going to go see what's going on," he declared. Without waiting for the professor to stop him, he started toward the source of the scream at a quick pace.

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((Edited twice really late because of the issue involved.))

Danielle didn't respond to anything that was happening around her. She just wanted her Larvesta to be safe.

Why would you do this!? What has Avis done to you people?! she had screamed at the elders. "LOOK AT HER! SHE'S ALMOST DEAD! SHE'S ALMOST DEAD!"

The trainer just sat in the dirt. She continued to cry, remembering how helpless her Murkrow was in the hospital bed. She couldn't let it happen again, not ever. At that point, Avis, somehow, broke out of her Dusk Ball and sat beside her, giving a pat on her leg to indicate she was fine. Finally, her little bug nudged her gently and let out a small cry before nuzzling her cheek. Danielle peeked at the little, dirty firebug and an injured Avis before she hugged both of them. "I'm sorry, girls. I'm so sorry..."

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Upon seeing Danielle enter the battlefield, Jacob immediately shouted at his Pokemon, "Teo, cancel! CANCEL!" The Trapinch immediately obeyed, shuffling his feet and using Sand Tomb to return all the sand he had conjured up, wet and dry, back into the ground. The Trainer quickly clicked the return button on Chalchi's Poke Ball and sprinted onto the field himself, scooping up Teo and continuing to the other side of the field. He stopped only when he had reached Danielle, setting Teo down and kneeling next to the girl and her Pokemon. Out of breath, he began to apologize, but failed after a stammering start. Jacob took a deep breath and calmed himself before speaking again.

"I'm so sorry, Danielle! I didn't mean for you or your Pokemon to get hurt. Is Corona okay? Are you okay?" he asked, looking around. Other students had begun to gather near the sidelines, anxious to interfere but unwilling to cross the line before the official end of the battle. Jacob looked at the other Trainers. Recognizing some of Danielle's friends among them, he beckoned them over and gave them an "ok" hand gesture. That was more than just this battle. No one panics like that in the middle of a regulation battle with this many first responders nearby. He then looked meaningfully at Danielle and wiped a tear away from her eye, then put his hand on her shoulder. "Come on, Danielle. You should get up so everyone knows you're okay." In a more hushed tone, he carefully said, "Later you need to tell me why you jumped into the battle like that. I think I deserve an explanation, don't you?"

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Claude rushed over to the two, worried for both of them. Doux was the fastest, bobbing around Danielle, looking as worried as a Cottonee could. "Whoa-K, that was intense. How are you guys feeling?" Claude asked, crouching down to make sure they were alright. His usual grin was replaced with a concerned frown.

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Henry watched at what almost became a horrific scene. She's really lucky. Who knows what that could've done? He then recalled when his Vulpix almost burnt the kids face off. I guess I'm not one to talk. If that was Zuko instead...I don't want to think about it. He then released the Vulpix out of the Poke ball. The Vulpix was about to jump into the field, but the Venonat stopped him with Confusion. The Venonat released him shortly after and the Vulpix turned around and growled at the bug. "Zuko, stay back. I don't want to get any more involved than we already have. Besides, I barely even know the girl."

The Vulpix then gave its infamous cute look as if it was trying to say but she's your friend. Henry looked at the Vulpix completely unfazed by the look. "No, means no and that's final. Keep trying my patience and you won't be having dinner tonight." Both the trainer and the Vulpix knew that last part was a lie, but the little fox complied following his master as he fought through the crowd to go somewhere more spacious.

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Ryan looked up to where Kage was running and was astonished to see a girl run into a flurry of attacks that seemed to be coming from Jacob's end of the battlefield. Without wasting anytime, Ryan ran directly to Professor Redwood for assistance. "Professor Redwood, someone ran into an attack in one of the battles, she may need help!" Without waiting for a reaction, Ryan dashed towards the battlefield. By the time he had arrived, the flurry of attacks had subsided and Jacob was already at the girls side. Ryan muttered, "Points for being right by her side."

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Colin rushed in at Jacob's signal. "Hey, everything ok?" the boy asked, worried. Luckily, Danielle just seemed to be shaken, not hurt, but he still couldn't understand what happened, and seeing the girl like this after knowing her funny, cheery personality was really weird. Then something clicked and he realized she was trying to protect her Larvesta. So she was this worried with her Pokémon?

"You guys wait here, I'll go call the nurse." The boy said, and rushed towards Nurse Joy and her Pokémon.

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Corona chirped loudly in agreement with Jacob, effectively snapping Danielle back out into reality. She flinched as Jacob wiped away her tears, but didn't move from her position. Instead, she released her Pokemon from her grip and allowed them to do as they please. Avis, in her tired state, only smiled before she went back inside her Dusk Ball. Corona stayed by her side and started trying to get the sand off herself, with limited success. You could also hear her spitting out sand from her mouth every few seconds.

Danielle found herself surrounded by many of her friends. It was comforting to know they that they are sticking with her despite her meltdown. "I-I'm fine, everyone. D-Don't worry," she managed even a small smile. "Thank you, really..."

She then turned to Jacob and gave him a hug. "Just give me a time and place. I'll be there," she whispered and gave him a wink. "So," she said, her voice returning more or less to her normal tone, "L-Let's heal up our P-Pokemon before we g-get our final judgment from Professor Cadmus, no?" With that, she got Corona with one arm, ready to walk towards Nurse Joy when the said nurse and her team are already beside them. With a smile, Danielle handed over Corona and her Dusk Ball. "Do you also h-have a towel, Nurse Joy? I d-don't think this is proper attire for a m-meeting with Professor Cadmus." Danielle joked, pointing to her dirt matted state.

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'What just happened?' Shiro stood there with his eyes wide open. He could not believe what he was seeing. The battle turned from fun to somewhat brutal in a matter of minutes. First, the Murkrow and then the whole thing with Danielle and her Larvesta. It reminded him why he never liked battling in the first place, and he turned his head towards Shun on his right shoulder. He wanted to just quit at that moment. If something like this had happened to Shun...

When he looked back at the duo of battlers, something new washed over him, catching him completely off guard. He started feeling hot, pained, angry at the guy, and he screamed, at the brink of tears.

It was as if his body wasn't his. He wanted to punch him, punch him so badly, like he wanted Henry yesterday. 'These battles are just gonna get worse as time passes, aren't they? Our Pokemon are still weak, imagine what would happen when they get stronger... Someone could get killed.'

The 'want' slowly turned to 'need' and he could feel his boiling blood gather in his fists, readying them for a fight. But he couldn't let himself do something like that... Quickly, he turned away before he lost his control. He was also in tears now, and Shun was glancing curiously at him. Once again, she could not read him properly. She could only pat him lightly on the head, hoping it would help.

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Jacob returned Danielle's hug, blushing profusely the entire time, particularly after she winked at him. After hearing Shiro's outburst, he decided that it might be better to allow him to blow off some steam after whatever had caused that reaction. Before he went with Danielle, he stopped by Shiro for a moment. He paused awkwardly, then put his hands up in a "don't shoot the messenger" gesture. "Hey, Shiro, I hope you'll be able to forgive me. I never intended for Danielle to run onto the battlefield like that. And I just want to say that all of our Pokemon wanted to battle. Sometimes they get hurt and sometimes we do, but ultimately it's about building the bond between a Pokemon and his Trainer. It's not about winning or losing; it's the friends you make along the way that count the most." That said, he continued on his path.

He then walked over to Nurse Joy with Danielle, still carrying Teo in his arms. After Danielle was done asking Nurse Joy her various questions, Jacob returned Teo to his Poke Ball and handed the nurse both of his, nodding his thanks quietly as his thoughts began to wander. That almost became really bad. I'm lucky that Teo and I used to practice that move with the other kids in the Dreamyard, otherwise I might not have been able to cancel it. But, realistically, it wouldn't have become so dangerous if Danielle hadn't run into it... That reminds me, I should probably tell her when to meet me. Suddenly, Jacob got an idea that he thought Ryan would heartily approve of. He turned to Danielle, tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention. "Hey, Danielle, why don't we get dinner in the cafeteria together later? You can explain everything to me there," he said, smiling at the girl.

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Danielle and Jacob’s fight

Devin was about to rush in when he saw multiple students ran over. He smiled a little with the concern they already showed for each other. After Nurse Joy was done he walked over to the group and kneeled down to be on the same eye level. “Are you sure you are alright?” he asked.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine given all the support she received,” Redwood said. He just reached the commotion after Kage and Ryan told him about it. “Give her some room to breathe,” he said to everyone involved. “Professor Cadmus, why don’t you start with the feedback for this young man first?” he pointed to Jacob.

“Excellent idea,” the dragon tamer replied. “Jacob, am I right? You used a pretty good strategy there. You kept a calm mind even when there was some outside interference with the sun…” he looked over his shoulder a moment at Henry before continuing. “You also recalled your Pokémon in time when it was necessary showing you are a responsible young man. We can use some more of those…” he mused for a second.

Professor Redwood chuckled at that comment. “I believe some older people should be the same way,” he said looking at Phoebe from the corner of his eye. The water expert was clever enough to give a student a task she didn’t want to do as his punishment.

“Danielle,” Devin continued. “You were at a disadvantage and tried to make the best of it. This time you were outsmarted but there is definitely potential there. I also saw some unique combinations,” he flicked a few pages, “I see you are in the Coordinator Program so that explains a lot.” Devin looked at professor Redwood. “That was the last battle, so I think it’s about time class starts.”

Redwood nodded in agreement.

Stratos (this happened at the same time)

“We met at the forest yesterday,” Lana said with a soft voice. She stared at the ground again and only reacted when she heard some noise. She didn’t really know what to do and seeing Devin and Redwood being present, she decided to stay under her tree. It wasn’t the right moment to go ask Danielle, especially with so many people around, and since they were roommates there was enough time to talk.

“I think we should head to class now… Which program are you in?”


In the meantime Lana failed to notice Evan simply walked off. He wasn’t really interested in a conversation he didn’t had any part in. At this point he just wanted the day to end.

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"I... I..." Shiro wasn't sure anymore. On one side, he wanted to quit after seeing the battle, and on the other, he wanted to stay and become stronger. Luckily, his adrenalie level dropped soon ad he regained his common sense. To Shun's relief, he kept his mouth shut.

"Let's, let's just go to class now, Shun..."

'I almost lost it again... On the second day...' He thought to himself. 'But this battle showed me how dangerous stuff can get. Shun, Tal and I need to become much stronger in ordr to avoid such situations. That was why you even joined as a coordinator, wasn't it? To avoid direct confrontations, and win battles using skills!'

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Concerned for the condition of Jacob's new lady friend, Ryan casually walked over to where they were conversing with Nurse Joy and Professor Cadmus. Ryan pursed his lips, fluffed up his hair, and tried to out-gay himself for Jacob's sake. "Excuse me mademoiselle, are you alright? I saw you soar into the fray to rescue your darling Larvesta. That was a very brave move. However, after that experience, I'm sure your Larvesta and you will leave this experience having stronger wings to soar together. Also, I never did catch your name darling. May I have the pleasure of knowing it?" With that, Ryan took a bow, overextending his bend and toppling over. In that position, he gave a thumbs up to Jacob and a smirk at how much progress he had made. I need to get him away from her and truly congratulate him at some point.

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"Hey, Danielle," Jacob offered, tapping on her shoulder, "Why don't we get dinner in the cafeteria together later? You can explain everything to me there."

"Sounds good to me," Danielle replied while she was wiping the dirt away with the towel. By this point, she was able to calm down most of her nerves, but her eyes are still red and slightly puffy. After Devin gave his final remarks to Jacob and Danielle (to which she thanked politely for his concern as well), Avis took the liberty to pop out of her Dusk Ball and flew in Jacob's face, examining him from top to bottom, and gave a teasing look that says "Are you asking my master out?" Corona decided to stay in her Pokeball; she wanted a little relaxation time before dinner.

Danielle gave a wave to Slade before he left and, right in his place, came a rather amusing looking guy who fell in his extravagant introduction. "I'm fine now, merci~" she giggled. Danielle remembered him from earlier; it was him who let Danielle know Jacob's name. "My name is Danielle. My partners, as you saw, are Avis and Corona. And how may I address you?"

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