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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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"Why mademoiselle, you can address me as Ryan. Let me just get my partners out to greet you." On cue, Feroces and Glacien popped out of their pokeballs and gave a huge grin. "These two are Glacien and Feroces." Ryan grinned before picking himself up and dusting himself off.

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Claude had been listening, not really sure what to say, when Ryan walked up and talked to Danielle. "my oh my, is that a queer I spy?" Claude muttered to himself. When Ryan let out his pokemon, a Shinx and a Spheal, Claude took the chance to insert himelf into the situation. "Well hellooooo there Monsieur! Those are some lovely pokemon you have there!"

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Robert was shocked at how the battle had ended. The girl had just basically snapped, ran in, pretty much head first, to try and protect her pokemon from the attack. It was suprising to say the least, especially since it was just a school-battle. "Hmm, well that was... Interesting. Atleast she cares enough about her pokemon to run straight into an attack to save them." Either way, it was good to see what people would do for their Pokemon. "It was a good sign that they are partners, not just trainer and pokemon."

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"An honor to meet you, monsieur!" Danielle smiled. "And hello, little cuties!" She kneeled down to pet them on their heads. Corona also decided to pop out to greet them; the curiosity of this guy and the small Pokemon got to her. Avis gave a "Krow!" as a greeting before looking at Ryan and Jacob. The sign Ryan gave to Jacob earlier... And Jacob asking her master out... Ooohhh, it makes so much sense now to the Murkrow! Avis grinned and perched on Danielle's shoulder, giving her a nudge and a wink and looking at Jacob teasingly.

Danielle also heard Claude introducing himself to Ryan, so she continued petting Glacien and Feroces while checking out their reactions. After that battle, she needed a little entertainment to pick herself back up before heading to class.

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Jacob stifled laughter as Ryan came over, apparently determined to let the whole world know just how gay he could be. However, Jacob's attention was drawn away from Ryan by Avis, whose keen interest in him was making Jacob a little bit wary. I'm really glad Danielle's okay. If anything had happened to her because of me, I don't think I would have been able to handle it. All the same, I hope Avis isn't going to attack me. After all, I created a dangerous situation for her Trainer, the young man thought to himself. Teo joined Glacien, Feroces, and Corona, gurgling something or other at the other Pokemon. I'm glad they all seem to be getting along. And having Ryan here is nice. Takes the pressure off me a little, he thought to himself, glad for the interruption. He pressed the release button on Chalchi's ball, causing her to appear in a flash of light. The young man sat on her shell, sighing in relief as he got off his feet after the intense battle.

"Lap?" Chalchi said inquisitively. Her Trainer simply sighed and leaned against her neck, not wanting to talk for the time being. Then, he noticed the Murkrow. Avis had nudged Danielle and given her a wink, then looked toward him.

Oh, crap, I've been made.... he thought, groaning inwardly. That Murkrow was trying to tell Danielle the one thing Jacob didn't want her to know. However, she seemed to be distracted by Ryan's Pokemon. He saved the day again, Jacob thought, relieved that he wouldn't have to fully confront his feelings for Danielle just yet. He gave the Murkrow a knowing look and made a pleading gesture with his hands, inwardly begging the bird Pokemon not to tell Danielle.

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"Oh bonjour monsieur. Many thanks for the compliment. I must ask monsieur, may I have the pleasure of knowing your name? And perhaps any pokemon you may have with you as well?" If Ryan was truly trying to out-gay himself, he would have leaned in to kiss the boy's hand, but he had those intentions for someone else. As he asked the questions, he studied the faces of almost everyone, hoping for decent reactions. He chuckled a little at Murkrow's nudge and wink to Danielle, and he realized that the giggle could be seen as flirtatious in a way. Well that would help my super gay case right now. Then he scanned Jacob's face. He seemed to be happy and relieved at the same time. Not sure whether that's due to my awkward introduction to ease the tension or just knowing that Danielle was alright after that situation. Ryan looked at all the pokemon enjoying each other's company. Awwww, that's adorable. Ryan returned his gaze towards the boy, prepared to receive his introduction.

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Oh this guy was adorable, Claude knew he'd be keeping an eye on Ryan.

"Well, as I introduced myself to the fair maiden, I am Claude the Extraordinaire, Hailing from the Beautiful Lumiose city. And these-" Claude summoned Lance out of his pokeball, who immediately jumped up onto Claudes head whilst Doux circled Claudes head. "-Is Doux, my fabulous bundle of Joy, and Lancelot, my Knight in Shell Armor"

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"Oh how fantastic! Glacien here is my petit playful glutton and Feroces is my savage lion who I had no struggle in taming. Lumiose City you said? How fabulous! I've always wanted to visit there. I've heard it's so large and magnificent, what with the gorgeous gym and it's many cafés. I however, hail from the tropical island of Mossdeep City in the Hoenn Region." You've truly outgayed yourself now, Ryan. Ryan mentally rolled his eyes and stared back into Claude's.

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Seeing the battle had ended,James walked over to Danielle seeing her talking to Claude and was that Ryan?Wanting to make some small talk,he went up to them and said"Heyo People "

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"Oh my, the Hoenn region? And Mossdeep you say, why, I've always wanted to go see the Space center and gaze at the magnificent constructions they have there, see the rocket as it sails into a sea of stars" Claude began to daydream at this point, sighing, but snapped out of it. "Wow, that was quite rude of me. Anyways, can I ask what program you are in? You seem to be quite the interesting person" Claude took this moment to look Ryan up and down, not bothering to hide his eyes path over Ryan.

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Avis looked at Jacob with a disappointed face. Seriously, why can't humans just tell it like it is? With her kind, the males were so direct that anybody could tell from a mile away. Maybe he just needs a little push... She flew over to Jacob and began nudging him forward from his back.

"Avis what--" Danielle stopped midway as her Murkrow flew off before she even had a chance toask what that wink was for. Thinking that it wasn't important, she turned back to Claude and Ryan's conversation. While Lancelot is a sight to behold for his unique coloration, she was more entertained at Claude's obvious flirting. Danielle couldn't help but giggle over the exchange that is taking place. It was clear that her first friend is gay now, which is very amusing. Just then, James came over to greet them.

"Hello James!" She pulled him away from the duo to give them some alone time. "Sorry," she said softly to him, "I didn't want to ruin it for Claude there~ So how are you?"

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Ryan tried to hide his blushing at the obvious trail that Claude's eyes were following, but didn't mind being flattered so much. "It may come as a surprise to you but I am actually in the trainer program. However, judging by your fabulous sense of style and fantastic pokemon choice, I can only assume you're here to become a miraculous coordinator!" Ryan leaned and whispered into Claude's ears. "And I'll be rooting for you the whole way. Danielle's got a pretty grand fan club of her own anyway. I'm not one to blend to everyone's expectations anyway." Ryan pulled away and swiveled his head at a sudden greeting. Ryan panicked for a split second. How could he possibly handle approaching James with his ever so flamboyant approach and expect him not to be inquisitive. Attempting to be as suave as possible while still maintaining his accent, Ryan greeted James. "Ah bonjour James, what brings you here?"

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The first day just flew by. Students were split up according to their own roster, except for gym class. Tyron had a special obstacle course prepared that proved to be more challenging than students thought. It was specially made to stimulate teamwork, but some Pokémon disagreed. Alvin’s Combee just flew over everything and did what she wanted to do; while a gutsy Timburr named Roy did everything in the opposite direction and frustrated his trainer. Everything considered it was a pretty interesting day, which had a bit of a sour end for some students.


In the Kitchen

Henry, Alvin and Kenny made their way to the dish room. They had to be there at 6.30 according to Devin’s instructions. When they entered the kitchen one of the chefs pointed them in the right direction with a bit of a weird smile like he wasn’t sure if he wanted to laugh at them or felt sorry. The dishes were piled up. Everything plate used at the barbeque, every fork, spoon and knife, every glass were waiting for them to be cleaned. Outside were tables with dishes from this day waiting to be cleaned.

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Henry looked and saw the massive pile of dishes. He certainly underestimated the amount of work they had to do. I feel like Devin has a cruel sense of humor. If this is them taking it lightly, I don't want to know what the normal punishment is. Honestly, a day in Orre's prison would be better than this. Wait, I take that back. Henry gave a quick shudder at the thought of his home region's cruel jail system. May as well start now to get this over with.

"Alright ladies, we all know why we're in here and you better not slack off. The more dishes I have to do, the more miserable I'll make the rest of you." Henry then turned to Alvin. "I don't honestly know why you're here, and I don't care. You really need to stop fishing for people out of your league. Isn't Claude good enough for you?" Henry paused for a moment. "Nevermind about that. Now, get scrubbing." Henry then turned to Kenny, "Be a good boy and scrape all the scraps into the trash can. Alvin and I will handle the rinsing and drying." I hated doing this back in Orre. This is 6 times worse though.

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Ryan slid down against the wall of the gymnasium. He was sweating a lot more than he had appreciated and would probably have to do some heavy laundry on the soaked shirt. His muscles ached from the exercises. However, he was content with his performance in the obstacle course. Nothing proved to be too challenging per say, but not exactly the easiest thing he had experienced. He was very happy with how Feroces had performed as well, always obedient. Ryan scanned the gym for friends, his eyes catching Claude. Ryan stood up, rubbing his ass, as the gym floor wasn't the most comfortable. He made a small jog towards Claude, careful not to overexert himself. "Bonjour Claude, how was the obstacle course for you?"

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"Well, that was an intense drill that they put us through. Good thing me and Kiai were ready for it. Voltage though..." He turned around to see the Elekid was still breathing hard from the exercise. Robert had TRIED to return Voltage for some rest, but it seemed Voltage was a little to prideful to take that. It was even weirder, since Kenny had left Ryu and Zorro with him to keep them from having to wait for him to finish. Robert basically just let them follow in tow, since they knew why Kenny was busy. "Well, guess Kenny and Henry are in their 'detention.' What exactly should I do now?" He asked himself, openly accepting anything as an option.

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((I'll be controlling my Pokemon, even though Kenny is busy in the Kitchen. Pokemon are quite intelligent, after all.))


Kenny looked at Henry, and nodded.

"Fine. You know, this is a good time for me to do this, seeing as something very stinky shut down my nose earlier today. I wonder what it could've been? If you know, tell me once we're done here."

Kenny then grabbed one of the dirty Utensils and a Plate, and started scraping off the Scraps into the trash, before placing the scraped Plate next to the sink and getting another plate from the Pile, dealing with the Barbecue Dishes first.


Zorro spoke to Robert through use of Illusion.

"How about we go find Shiro?"

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((This is after dinner right?))

Claude was happy to see Ryan, interested in his fellow boy. "Well, It certainly makes me appreciate the pleasure of relief. I can say that. How about you?" Doux had been resting against Claude helping his master with his cool weight. Lancelot had loved the exercise, a chance to vent his frantic energy.

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(Aw that sucks they didn't get to describe Danielle and James' dinner date. chimthecockblocker)

"Well, to be honest, it was rather exhilarating. Nothing too challenging though. Exercising on the daily helps me in these situations I must say." Ryan flexed a little bit. "Damn, I really am hungry though. Good thing my friend Kage and I snuck out earlier so I could cook some food. If you're hungry too, would you want to head back to my dorm for a bite to eat?" Ryan grinned a little at the thought of the food.

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Commander and K_H

Alvin glared at Henry for his comment about Claude. “Oh I see, you’re friends with that crying girl right? I should’ve know you have the same sense of none existing humor and would be a bully just like her.”

((@Posts above on the previous page xD: you can pick when you go eat. It's only after classes and the cafetaria is open till 8PM))

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"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea! Thank- wait, who was that?" Robert turned around to see that it was Zorro." Oh yeah, Zorua's Illusion ability. Well, anyway. Kiai, mind making finding Shiro easier and taking point?"

"Ru riu," as a basic yes, and Kiai headed them to wherever Shiro was.

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Kenny spoke to Alvin as he continued working.

"I see that you're not the only one who dislikes Henry. He and i don't get along all that well, mainly because he's so stuck-up."


Ryu replied in the same way as Kiai, and both Ryu and Zorro followed Robert.

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Claude couldn't help but chuckle. He was sure of it, this guy wasn't interested. He was trying way to hard, and he knew full well that if there were any romantic connotations to this, he'd be much more embarrassed about it.

"My oh my, aren't you forward? Sure, I could eat." The two began to walk towards the boys dorm. "So, what do you think of it all?" Doux and Lancelot were now following along, playing, with Lance trying to catch Doux as he floated just oout of reach.

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Shiro waddled aimlessly through the hallways of the dorm with Shun following his every step. They decided to go for a stroll when they got bored from being alone in the apartment. Where was Henry anyways?

Shiro was thinking about stuff that had happened today. It was all rather stresfull... the battles and then some sort of exercise thingy during classes. He wasnt a fan of such things, not since that day...

Shiro shrugged the thought away, and continued forward to the front gates. Although he wouldnt say it, he was hoping to find someone he knew among all the students he passed by on his way. He met nobody, until he opened the door and stepped outside.

There, walking towards the dorms with two Riolu and a Zorua walking by his side. Where did they come from? Wasnt the other Riolu from that other boy?

"Oh, hi Robert." Shiro began the conversation, pulling Shun up on his shoulder. "Do you know maybe what happened to Henry? I cant seem to find him anywhere so... "

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