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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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"Mareek," Mareek asnwered, mentally taking note of the blush and how Lana shifted just now. He tended to analyze people without even meaning to sometimes. He gave her a quick intro to his own partners With a gesture over to the Scyther and Porygon panting on the ground nearby "And those two are Erce and Java." Java looked up at the girl for a minute, then immdeiately went back to resting, seeing no interest in her. Erce on the other hand seemed to be eyeing her...well, more like glaring really.

"Cut it out, Erce," he said. Reluctantly, she looked away... but still watched out of the corner of her eye.

"Sorry about that," he said. "She tends to be a little over protective sometimes. I'm from the Trainer program by the way." as he spoke though, there was something his mind kept coming back to. The whole forest business from last night... He hadn't actually asked Slade about anything that had happened, or anyone else he knew for a fact had been out there.

"Um...if you don't mind..." he started, hoping he didn't scare her off before he could ask. She seemed rather shy compared to most. "Could you tell me a little about what happened out in that forest last night? I've been wondering about it but haven't really gotten a chance to ask anyone yet..."

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"Oh no! Don't taunt me you two!" Danielle sighed as Avis and Corona used their respective recovery moves to regain their energy from the workout. Her Pokemon then gave a loud cheer as they surround their master; then they proceeded to give each other what appears to be a high five. Danielle shook her head in amusement. Here are her Pokemon taunting her while she was sitting on a bench feeling like a rock with sweat laced on her forehead. She was more of a runner than a workout person, and she is not even that great at running! Despite her exhaustion, however, she felt pretty satisfied with the outcome. Her two Pokemon are more comfortable with one another than they were before, even going so far as to tease her as they are doing now. Danielle, herself, was also able to see their respective strengths and weaknesses than she could before entering the academy.

The one thing that still haunts her, though, is how she will react when she tells her story to Jacob. Would he find her childish or crazy? And would she loose her self control again, like before? She leaned her body back against the wall, the cold touching her back soothed her somewhat, but her concern still showed on her face. Avis saw that and hopped onto her lap, giving a soft "krow" and a look of expectation. She knew Danielle wasn't over that day, but she never thought it was that bad. It certainly worried the Murkrow to see her this way. Hopefully, Jacob and their other friends can help mend that hole better than she can. Corona doesn't know about their past, but she did notice a change in her master's demeanor again. Not knowing what else she could do, she put her two front legs on Danielle's thigh and gave a chirp. Danielle looked down and smiled at her two partners; she knew they would support her no matter what, and she is grateful to have them. But, it's still not the same, as much as she hates to admit it.

"I know, you two," she said softly to them, stroking Avis' wing and petting Corona's head. "I'm probably being stupid, but I still feel that way, somewhat..."

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Kage was exhausted after the day's events. The obstacle course hadn't been a huge issue for him, especially since one of his pokemon was capable of floating above the ground and the other was small and light. However, he had woken up far too early, and as a result he quickly made his way back to the dorms and collapsed on the couch. Unbeknownst to him, he hadn't made his way into his own room, but Ryan's.

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Ryan got excited as he approached his room. Food, yes. Gimme. He looked at Claude with friendly eyes and got out his key. He tried unlocking the door three times before realizing that it was already unlocked. Ryan froze. Someone's in my room. "Erm, Claude, would you mind staying out here for just a minute?"

Ryan slowly crept into the dorm, holding his fists up prepared to throw punches at any intruders. Upon entering further, Ryan saw a familiar body sleeping on his couch. Ryan sighed and then chuckled quietly. Aww he looks so cute like that! I don't want to wake him up. But I have to, can't just leave Claude hanging can I? Ryan stepped toward Kage, nudging him on his shoulder a bit. With a joking voice, Ryan spoke. "Wake up sleepy-head, you're in the wrong room."

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Kage let a wide yawn out before responding to Ryan's nudging. "Huh, I didn't think I'd be waking up in the same room as you THIS quickly," he said sleepily, but with a smile. He stretched his body out before standing up. "I must have wandered into the wrong dorm, I'm tired as hell. You sure I can't just stay here?"

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"Huh, I didn't think I'd be waking up in the same room as you THIS quickly,"

"I must have wandered into the wrong dorm, I'm tired as hell. You sure I can't just stay here?"

Ryan blushed once again at Kage's response. Good thing he's blind or I'd be screwed. "Sure, why not. Stay here as long as you need. I have a friend who's here so just letting you know. We're gonna eat some of my leftover food, you want some?" Damn it Kage, stop making me melt you adorable bastard.

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"His name is Claude the Extraordinaire." Ryan chuckled. "He's fabulous, flamboyant, gay as it gets. He's a coordinator. Told him to stay outside for a minute because I was certain there was an intruder in the dorm after seeing the door was unlocked. But it only happened to be my favorite couch crasher." With that, Ryan turned and walked back to the door to let Claude in.

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Jacob leaned against the wall, breathing lightly as he recovered from the workout. It was nothing that he wasn't used to, as he liked to make a habit of going to the gym every day anyway. It was something he could control; something that made him feel good about himself, as though he were conquering something new every day. Chalchi and Teo were out next to him. They'd done a bit of a different course that included some aquatic obstacles for the Water-types in the class, as it would have been a pretty huge oversight to not allow them to train alongside their classmates. "You guys did awesome!" Jacob said proudly, resulting in a smile and a happy cry from both Teo and Chalchi.

The Trainer-in-Training then looked across the room, spotting Danielle. Well, this is as good a time as any, he reasoned. He took out his Poke Balls, which he had spent some time decorating the previous night with the Ball Capsules he'd packed from home. He laughed looking at them, remembering how mad his dad had gotten when he found out the then-13-year old Jacob had used his credit card to get six of the devices, but had relented upon realizing how serious his son was about becoming a Pokemon Trainer. The seals were meticulously arranged. Even though he wasn't a Coordinator, Jacob knew that having style was an important aspect of battling. He eventually stopped marveling at the Capsules and hit Chlachi' return button, causing her to disappear in a flash of light.

Jacob walked over to Danielle, followed closely by Teo, and greeted her cheerfully. "Hey, Danielle. You ready to head off for dinner yet?"

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Commander and K_H

Alvin gave a short laugh. "If you've been called worst things before then maybe you should learn how to take a hint. You also just admitted you consider yourself cruel. Talk about needing a grip on reality." He now turned fully away from Henry and continued working on the mess of used utensils in front of the three. He kept his composure for the most part, but if one watched him a bit closely they could see the stiff, jerky movements he used as he sifted through the dishes. "I can't believe they let someone as stupid as yourself into this academy," he scoffed.

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"I can't believe they let someone as stupid as yourself into this academy."

Henry couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. "Can't say I really disagree with any of that. I was so strung up on not being a trainer that I joined the coordinator program without even knowing lick squat about it. Probably should've listened to my parents and joined the trainer program. All you can really do is just laugh at yourself in the end." Henry eventually stopped the laughing and felt quite relieved for some reason. He then pulled out some earplugs and placed them in his ear. "I don't think a boy losing to a cute little Cleffa has any room to talk though."

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Commander and K_H

“He got lucky, that’s all. If that Metronome didn’t turn into Flash I would’ve won. Same for that Rock Blast hitting my Combee,” Alvin said annoyed. “And you are in no position to say anything; you lost two to one against a Riolu that was burned. Clearly you’re all talk and no skill so stop bothering me, you’re wasting my time.”


Lana stared at her hand resting on her Nidoran. “Danielle, my roommate, ran into the forest after her Murkrow. Claude and I followed her because we were worried,” she said quietly. Mareek had to do his best to listen carefully if he wanted to hear the story. “We found Professor Cadmus and a boy with a Growlithe fighting Trevenant. Professor Cadmus told us to get Alvin, who was panicking, and get out of the forest… That’s all I know,” she finished. The entire time she focused on Queen and avoiding eye contact with Mareek.

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You do realize you just insulted yourself with that comment. I don't even have to bother with it. Despite the earplugs, Henry was still able to just barely hear Alvin's voice. "I'm surprised my pitiful performance of a battle even caught your attention. It definitely looked as if I had the upper hand when that Riolu was left. Maybe it'd be better if Kenny over explained how he was able to pull through with the odds against him."

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Danielle gave a wave; her heart was beating rapidly from the nervousness she was feeling, or maybe it's because it's Jacob? She kept a cool front though, hoping that it won't show. "Yes, I am. I'm starving from that workout. I hope they have something good there!" As soon as Avis and Corona got up to walk alongside Teo, she also stood up and began heading to the cafeteria. "How was the workout for you and your Pokemon?"

At their feet, Avis was telling Corona and Teo about whether they should play matchmaker with their masters.

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"Tal?" Shiro asked back, nervously picking at his fries. He couldn't let it out now... She might go berserk again... But what should he do then? Lie? No, he didn't want to lie anymore... Maybe he should just tell the truth. "You know..." He began slowly. He scratched the back of his head as he spoke. "... she doesn't like... want me. I'm afraid of letting her out now... Last time I did that, she became all crazy and hostile, and Shun had to defeat her so we could return her to her ball..."

He put Shun down on the floor next to Kiai. She first curiously examined the RIolu before giving it a weak slap as payback for the battle. But she didn't mean it in a bad way and she smiled at him, before taking a bit of the food.

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Jacob laughed lightly as he walked alongside Danielle, happy to spend time with her. "Well, the workout wasn't too bad. Teo and I work out every day, so we're in pretty good shape," he said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "How was it for you guys? Corona and Avis look fine, but you look like you just ran a marathon!" he teased, smiling at her.

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Having come out of class,James was remembered he hadn't actually explored the forest.Wanting to remedy that he started walking over to the entrance of the forest having in mind only 1 objective.

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"Oh. Guess that explains what happened when I was off with Kenny after their battle." After which, he nodded to Zorro's thanks. "Well anyways, we'll just save It's share for later. Throwing a fit or not, it'll get hungry sometime, and we can't rightly starve it into submission."

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((I return from the abyss of [power cuts and school!))

Claude smiled when Ryan held the door open for him "Why thank you, quite the gentle-" Then Claude noticed Kage. "Ooooooooh, well hello there, Is this the fine gentleman you talked about Ryan?" He resisited the urge to wink, never to know of the wasted opportunity to embarress Ryan. "Well, hello Mr man, my name is Calude, and this is Doux" Claude gestured to the floating Cottonee "and Lancelot" he said as Lance crawled in, tired of chasing Doux.

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Shiro stopped in the middle of a bite to think about it. "I know... I just rather wouldn't let her out in a place like this. Maybe in the dorms where she can't run away." He put the half eaten burger back on the plate. He'd have thrown it away already if he hadn't been so hungry... Apparently, balancing out food and time on his own wasn't as easy as he had imagined...

'I should have eaten some more in the morning...'

"Oh, and what's up with this Zorua? I mean... how can it talk?" He asked, his empty stomach forcing him to take another bite from the despicable sandwich.

Edited by Bfroger6
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"Well... from what Kenny said, it's speaking through it's Illusion ability. Can't really say I understand how that works, but I'd get even more confused trying to understand. Anyway, if Kenny and Henry don't finish their punishment before you decide to let it eat 'safely,' I'll be more than happy to be back-up for you. Heck, it may even just want some hits in on me after the battle. Normally I wouldn't really set myself up for an attack, but if it's serious enough that it's disobeying you... well, I'll take hit for a good friend."

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Kage smiled as Claude came in, introducing himself and his Pokemon. Feeling a need to reply to the introduction in a similar manner to that which it was presented in, he performed a deep, flowery bow, nearly duplicating Ryan's stunt earlier. "Tsukihashi Kageharu, at your service good sir." He pulled the Pokeballs out of his pocket in a less than graceful way, almost like he digging out a wedgie, and released his two Pokemonso they could meet Claude's. "This is Lucas and al'Thor," he said, gesturing at each of them.

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Commander and K_H

“I don’t care. Of course you would’ve some pathetic excuse ready,” Alvin said not aware he did the same thing. “Just stop talking and finish these dishes already!” He turned his back to Henry while doing his part of the work. It almost seemed like he thought Henry wouldn’t talk back that way.

((It takes a little longer before you’re finished. Devin doesn’t expect you to finish those dishes because it would take you an entire week at this rate xD))


Right after Evan found that letter the elevator started working again. It made his punishment a lot lighter and faster. He just piled the laptops in the elevator, partly because he hoped someone would steal them, and unloaded them at the lab. He finished the last load of laptops and handed the keys to Rebecca with a fake smile. It was a relieve the hallways were completely empty. Most students were eating or heading back to the dorms. And if someone would check on his work they would find the classrooms completely empty. There was no sign the letter or water stone were ever there.

After a short walk he entered the cafeteria, ordered some food and found himself an empty table. He released Cleffa and Eevee. “There’s no way back now,” he muttered while taking the water stone out of his pocket. He twirled it around for a bit and put it back before anyone could notice.

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"ooh, two psychic types... you must know the perfect" Claude verbally purred " thing to say in a conversation. Oh, and have you been teaching Ryan some theatrics, or was that spur of the moment?" Claude didn't know what to think of this guy, but then again, Claude never claimed to be the best People reader, he could just tell when there was another of his kind in the room.

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"Oh, now you're teasing me too, huh?" Danielle smirked. "Two can play at that game."

"If only it was a marathon! I wouldn't be in this bad of a shape if weren't for those weights! And don't let them fool you, Jacob. They were also down and out too before they used Roost and Morning Sun. Sneaky little Pokemon of mine~" Danielle complemented her partners offhandedly. They didn't seem to notice though. "Sooo~ You workout everyday already, huh? Trying hard to impress the girls with your physique? I see what you're doing~" she giggled. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me~ I'll make sure to introduce you to any girl friends that I have back at home. They loooove guys with muscle~"

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