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1st Play Team


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Hey guys, just hoping people could give a look at the team I've been using on my first run of Pokemon Reborn.

Before you say "OMG those natures and IVs are shit! You're a n00b! lol fag" I have decided to play the game without soft resetting and using Pokemon that a lot of people haven't used mush in their games. So I'm just looking for some comments on maybe some better move sets and ideas for Pokemon I should be looking to catch and work on before the next update>

Current team as of 11:45PM UTC +10 22/09/2014: http://tinyurl.com/NeithRebornTeam

Thanks guys.

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Btw Hihi Neith, yes it's Arthur from Based Sora.

That said, get a Ability Capsule from 7th Street, change Emolga to Motor Drive imo, coz I don't really see how Emolga lives Physical hits and can get static, and ya got Nuzzle Anyways.

Have you considered Electro Ball? Idk about how viable it is over discharge though........but it looks fun, what with Para reducing the speed and all.

Similarly, Houndoom from Early Bird > Flash Fire unless you really really really hate sleep

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Let's see:

Pyroar- I would say Hyper Voice over Strength, but Careful nature... might just want to leave that be. Noble Roar is an odd choice for this late in the game but I guess debuffs can still come in handy. No better suggestion for the slot.

Torterra- Wood Hammer over Razor Leaf. Otherwise, good.

Floatzel- Ice Fang over Rock Smash and Crunch over Pursuit, I'd say.

Arcanine- I'd take Thunder Fang over Retaliate... actually, I didn't know it got Retaliate.

Emolga- Cut is no good- go with something else. I'll admit that I'm not sure what, though. I like Light Screen for team support, myself, but I don't know if you really care.

Bronzong- Gyro Ball is likely a better idea than Heavy Slam. I don't really dig Heal Block either, but I can't see anything it gets via level up that I'd trade it for...

Scrafty- Head Smash for the fourth? Not accounting for egg moves since I'm doubting you care to breed.

Houndoom- I don't see the need for three Dark moves- swap either Beat Up or Foul Play for Thunder Fang, or you can swap another one for Nasty Plot as well, if you'd like.

Sigilyph- I am really not comfortable giving you move suggestions for this thing seeing as how I've never used one... but I'd say Gravity is detrimental to it and you should pick something else.

Claydol- No idea why Hyper Beam is there. A Psychic move instead? Psychic itself, I guess? Is it that obvious I haven't really used Claydol either

Lileep/Cradily- From level up I would say: Energy Ball, Ancientpower, Stockpile/Amnesia and... something else? Confuse Ray? Ingrain, if you don't mind that locking you in?

Vulpix/Ninetales- Flamethrower, Will-o-Wisp, Extrasensory and Hex is the set I run. Probably the best you'll get from level up, unless you'd like to swap Extrasensory/Hex for Nasty Plot.

Venomoth- Psychic over Psybeam, but I figure you're probably doing that already. Gust is not all that great but I am hesitant to suggest Sleep Powder in its place because unreliable...

Shinx/Luxio/Luxray- Wild Charge, Crunch, and two more moves... The elemental fangs are something Luxray could use all of by level up, geez. Baby Doll Eyes could be kinda fun in tandem with Intimidate, but that's probably just me.

Oh yes, and I'd switch Rivalry out for that, by the way. Rivalry is really detrimental if you happen to get unlucky and fight the opposite gender often.

Vaporeon- Pretty good. No suggestions here.

I could suggest egg moves, but if you don't want to breed for anything, this is about the best advice I can offer.

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Looks like I'm late to the party, but it's still not too late for me to do my thing:

Pyroar is an early-game Pokemon. Really, there's plenty of other Pokemon you can use, most notably Arcanine, which is better in all regards (including movepool) except for a little bit of Speed. But if you want to keep Pyroar, make it Specially offensive, Moxie is kinda wasted on it with those stats. A set of Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Hyper Voice, Fire Spin (buffed in gen 6/E13) and/or some Hidden Power would be best for it.

Wood Hammer is waaaay better than Razor Leaf, the recoil doesn't matter much. You could also breed it with a Druddigon for Superpower and a Cubone/Sunflora/Aron/Bergmite for Body Slam (30% paralysis chance).

There are better Water types, with either more attacking power, or similar power and the ability to actually take a hit or two.

Huge Power gives Azumarill basically 150 base attack. I'd recommend Superpower, Play Rough, Aqua Jet (via Floatzel would be easiest for you) and Belly Drum (via Poliwag/whirl).

Swampert is incredibly bulky and has an attack stat almost the same as Floatzel's. I'd recommend Earthquake, Dive/Waterfall, Hammer Arm and Avalanche (via Bergmite)

Kingdra can get it's best moves if you go back to E12 or earlier to breed. Panpour>Psyduck/Floatzel>Remoraid>Horsea gets it Scald, Ice Beam and Signal Beam.

Empoleon is similar to Kingdra, E12 is where it's at. Panpour>Floatzel>Remoraid>Empoleon gets Empoleon Agility, Ice Beam and Scald.

Walrein is also pretty good. Get Signal Beam via Mareep/Remoraid.

Arcanine gets Close Combat from Primeape. Other than that, Flare Blitz or Heat Wave, Outrage and Extreme Speed/Agility are great for it. I'm also not sure whether Retaliate works properly, I know it didn't in E11, maybe E12, thus maybe E13.

Emolga is also better of early on, not too great later, but if anything, I'd recommend swapping Acrobatics for Air Slash (S/Woobat or Farfetch'd), it's weaker but ahs a 30% flinch chance and you could actually use some items.

It also lacks the bulk to actually utilize Static properly. You're much better of giving it Motor Drive.

Bronzong is better of with Levitate than with Heatproof. Instead of turning one weakness into a neutrality, it's better to turn another into an immunity. Ground attacks are also much more frequent.

Gyro Ball is pretty much the best move in Bronzong's arsenal. Heal Block is kinda pointless, seeing as it doesn't prevent the usage of items

Beside Gyro Ball and Extrasensory, in descending order, I'd recommend Payback, Iron Defense, Metal Sound and/or Confuse Ray.

Scrafty can get Dragon Dance from Altaria/Horsea, the Elemental punches if you breed Hitmonchan>Buneary>Scrafty and or Zen Headbutt from Tauros/Psyduck/Spoink.

Nasty Plot Houndoom is best Houndoom. Seriously, just go for Nasty Plot, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse and some Hidden Power. Flash Fire would also be way better. I'd also say Thunder Fang wouldn't do too well on it. Against Flying types, maybe, but you're unlikely to one-shot Water types with it, at that point it's better to just switch in something else entirely.

Sigilyph is pretty good at setting up dual screens (Light Screen and Reflect). In which case, you should give it some Light Clay.

Claydol's Sandstorm really doesn't help anyone on your team as far as I can see. Earth Power and Extrasensory are obvious STAB choices. Rock Tomb is better than Ancient Power. Hyper Beam is a very bad move. Claydol and Shuckle are actually the worlds(?) only viable users of Power Split, though you still won't get too much out of it (I think), due to Claydol's 70 base power. Well, not like it gets any other viable moves anyways (Rapid Spin? Explosion? Mud Slap?), so you might as well roll with that.

You really seem to like the slow bulky type Energy Ball and Wring Out are definitely moves you should go for. We do have the Sludge Wave and Infestation's TMs. Stockpile's also pretty good. Hidden Power is useful and you could also go back to E12 and nick Rock Polish from Binacle.

Although I'd say Heat Wave>Flamethrower, you can't get it if you go back to E12, but that way (and back then) you could get yourself Energy Ball instead (Deerling/Sawsbuck). Hidden Power, Extrasensory and Dark Pulse are all moves worth looking at as well, maybe even Nasty Plot. It's physical and special stats are sorta similar, so you could even go for Flare Blitz.

Psychic, Bug Buzz, Quiver Dance and Giga Drain (Paras/Shelmet/Beautifly) oughta do it.

Electric types aren't too good in Reborn, really. If you do want to stick with it, Intimidate would be better. Wild Charge, Crunch and some of the Fangs (breeding would be good for it. At the end of E13, there's a glitch with Ice sliding and Strength Rocks you can use to get a Toxic Orb, in which case you should go for Guts and Facade (game corner's TMs).

Nnnnnnope. Eeveelutions except for Sylveon really aren't all that good in Reborn, sorry 'bout that.

Welp, that's that. Do feel free to send me a PM or two should you want or need some breeding advice/details on breeding.

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  • Veterans

Pretty much what Etesian said

He's the expert on team helping round these parts

Also if you haven't picked up the Gothita from episode 12 i recommend picking up the new espurr in there

Highly usefull if it's male with Own tempo because Male Meowstic has Prankster

Dual Screens and other Support moves has your team's survivability heightened to the point where only super pokemon (Pulse's and Overleveled bosses) can beat you

that or your pokemon is both 4x weak to the move and has shitty defenses

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Next time i'll say, but the top lot, the 1st 6 are my main, the Pyroar has been working very well, utilising a chess move in strength and crippling down Pokémon with Noble roar, Moxie was commonly used for the 11th gym, the fire one, thus heatproof from Bronz, the Vaporeon is for rain, pairing with Bronz, the houndoom was more of the same, built for the 8th gym, the psychic one, a lot of them have been made for the gym leader I was facing/about to face, I will make sure to change up the emolga. Thanks for the advice and keep it coming.

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