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You can read the labels on the PULSEs now. EPIC SPECULATION TIME!


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Actually, it's level 76. It grew one level. :3

Yeah I agree as well.

Ameria is in no shape to battle the player atm. So I think the gym order will be this

Titania/Adrienn -----> Saphira/Hardy/Ameria

Titania/Adrienn depends on when we go to the desert.

We need to solve the Labadorra & Agate crisis to fight Saphira and Hardy.

Edited by ShadowStar77
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A pulse Dugtrio with all that speed and attack would be terrifying (especially if it had the ability Mold Breaker [i think that's the one that ignores abilities like Levitate]I would cry) although a Pulse Excadrill could be really problematic, especially in a sandstorm good lord the horror.

As for the agate crisis, my thoughts are it could be Pulse Parasect, Musharna, Drowzee or Hypno (musharna would be quite bulky and Magic Bounce would definitely make it a tough one if we cant status it).

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I don't think that we'll fight Titania in episode 16. The plot to be included is confirmed to be potentially shorter than E15, so most likely it will be a fight in Devon and pulse #1 and then a battle with Adrienn. The sidequests that will apparently take forever are most likely in the city as a result of Adrienn's fixing it up.

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I don't think that we'll fight Titania in episode 16. The plot to be included is confirmed to be potentially shorter than E15, so most likely it will be a fight in Devon and pulse #1 and then a battle with Adrienn. The sidequests that will apparently take forever are most likely in the city as a result of Adrienn's fixing it up.

This is what I thought as well. Titania will definitely be caught sometime during Episode 16 or 17 Adrienn makes more sense to be fought next episode with what we know.

Edited by ShadowStar77
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I don't think that we'll fight Titania in episode 16. The plot to be included is confirmed to be potentially shorter than E15, so most likely it will be a fight in Devon and pulse #1 and then a battle with Adrienn. The sidequests that will apparently take forever are most likely in the city as a result of Adrienn's fixing it up.

Yeah, this makes total sense. If we're going to finally return to a Reborn City that's being fixed up by Adrienn, then what better time would there be to challenge the last remaining Gym Leader within the city walls?

Furthermore, the doors to Tourmaline Desert are being kept shut due to the train station being out of commission. Adrienn's renovation projects would certainly include fixing the train station, which would result in access to the Desert.

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I'm still expecting the next leader to be Hardy (even though it makes no sense yet!) because I'm speculating that the next gym battle is going to be a double battle. The 4th (Shelly), 7th (Aya), 10th (Radomus), 13th (Charlotte) leaders were all faced in double battles... so guess what format the 16th gym battle might be?

The reason why I'm thinking that Hardy will face us in a double battle is because his aces are Lunatone and Solrock, and the fact that Rock Slide is a pain to deal with in double battles.

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That's a good point. Then maybe we find a way into labradorra city from the desert.

That means we would have to find a way through the Ametrine mountain, which separates both places, and since that mountain is full of caves...


I'm still expecting the next leader to be Hardy (even though it makes no sense yet!) because I'm speculating that the next gym battle is going to be a double battle. The 4th (Shelly), 7th (Aya), 10th (Radomus), 13th (Charlotte) leaders were all faced in double battles... so guess what format the 16th gym battle might be?

The reason why I'm thinking that Hardy will face us in a double battle is because his aces are Lunatone and Solrock, and the fact that Rock Slide is a pain to deal with in double battles.

I like your theory a lot, but where would we face him?

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That means we would have to find a way through the Ametrine mountain, which separates both places, and since that mountain is full of caves...


I like your theory a lot, but where would we face him?

Has there been any mention of us getting access to Agate City in the near future? That's where his gym is located.

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No but the order I think we will be facing the leaders is:

Adrienn/Titania ----> Ameria/Saphiria/Hardy

-Titania depends on when we go to the desert. Adrienn is likely first.

-Ameria is in no shape to battle us. She needs to recover first. This does not mean regain her memory.

-And yeah, we need to solve Labadorra/Agate to fight Hardy and Saphiria.

Also, Fly works in and only inside of Reborn city. Little tidbit for you guys.

Edited by ShadowStar77
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Actually looking at the Reborn map makes me realize something. There is an area near Route 1 called Chrysolia Cave. We can't currently get there can we? So what is it? If we look it leads to Route 1 so is it something that will be added later or is it just a scraped idea? Anyway if you look we can get to the Glass Workstation by either A. Going up the ferris wheel. Or B. Rock Climbing from Route 4. This could be where the PULSE is that puts people to sleep. And if we are to believe this, this area must be near agate, and if Team Meteor has seized it, we will be entering from one area. Just look at this pic:

If you look closely you'd notice the waterfall in the top right leads out of the map, to say Route 4! However you might be saying, Well Pyrrhon that just leads to a dead end. Ah ha! to that I say no! If you look closely again, you'll see a dive spot and an unreachable dive spot on the left side. We will move from that one on the right to the one on the left, climb that waterfall, Walk across the mountainside and climb down the middle waterfall to land in Agate next to the tree. Holy crap nice amirite? I could be wrong and this could just lead to a hidden item in the future. NOICE.

Edit: I'm dumb. Obviously Chrysolia Cave is how we got to route 1 in the first place by exiting Tanzan mountain xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a theory.

I was always very sceptical that PULSE #1 caused the earthquakes. My main reason being if they have a PULSE like that then why are they running around setting up all these other pulses and not using it. It worked so well last time. But what if it's somewhere they can't get to?

According to Adrienn the Grand Hall is a new establishment. And seems to be one of the few areas untouched by earthquake damage. Could the PULSE1 be held there. And be under league protection so meteor can't get to it?

Maybe that is why reborns heart will fall next episode. Lin will take down the grand hall to get pulse 1 back and destroy it

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I'd like to point out that the Avalugg that blocks the path is PULSE-02.

(PS: Can someone tell me how to put images into posts directly from my computer? The button isn't working, no matter how many times I enter the URL)

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I'm wondering how new players are going to put this together, without using the forums? Without any mention of the missing pulse nrs, new players wouldn't be able to puzzle this together. Would the game be more proper, without involving the need to look this up?

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Well there could be a version of the original pulse behind each of those X doors in each of the area's which could expalin why everything happened so far and why it spread so quickly

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That's an interesting idea, but there are far more x doors than pulses, and it seems pretty likely that you need all 4 keys to open those doors, so Team Meteor probably doesn't have access to them either.

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