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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1b: Recruits [IC]


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As Brian wanted to look for an opponent, one of the new recruits stood before him. A big dude, although most of his body mass was fat rather than muscles. He had short black hair and little eyes that looked right in Brian's.

"Hey kid, aren't you that show-off from the first day?"

Brian stared coldly back. "So what if I am?" The man grinned. "You may be a big shot with the weaker ones here now, but you don't impress me." He raised his two Poke Balls. "So, show-off, you ready to face me?" Brian sighed. "Actually, the name's Brian, but I guess you don't care about that. You're up."

He called out to one of the supervisors. "A battle's going to start here." Brian let out Zoah and Tangela. "I knew those two would be up again." The man tossed his two Poke Balls, revealing a Sawk and a Fletchling. Grrr...those will be more powerful than my previous opponents.

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"Hey, so any of you interested in watching?" Ezekiel hollered to the group of supervisors, then turned to his opponent. It was only now that he noticed this guy's features-- thin, sly-looking, almost rat-like, like the guy Brian scrabbled with earlier... Basically a stereotypical depiction of the mastermind in a brain-and-brawn criminal duo in a kid's show. Zeke almost snorted.

"Okay, okay. So I'm Zeke, and this is-- whoa, there," he cried out, dodging a blow from the Meowth, backpedaling as it continued to swipe at him.

Sleazy-sounding chuckle."I hear you been gettin' comf'table wid da 'igher-ups, eh?"

"I don't-- godda-- what-- sunnofa--"

"Dat blondie chick wid da pon'tail? Ya listen, brat. Dese here wenches, they gon' answer to me and me only, got dat?"

At this, Zeke burst out laughing. This startled the angry-looking Meowth, looking at his trainer, confused at its target's reaction.

"You.. Really, wow, you. Wait, wait--"-- he started laughing again-- "Okay. Ooookay. Okay. Whew. Okay. I'm good, I'm goo--" He faked a punch at the Meowth, which leapt at him, claws poised, only to be slammed by Pixel headfirst seemingly out of nowhere. Upon landing, Pixel bit at the fluffy scruff of her fur before pouncing furiously to slam into the Meowth in retaliation.

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Already a drop out huh? That's interesting. And they have been watching us too? Even more interesting. She silently wished her bunkmates luck, but she had a feeling they wouldn't need it.

As Aurelia was scanning the room for someone who looked relatively approachable to battle, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she noticed another lady who was about ten years older than herself with short brown hair and light blue eyes. There was a very smug expression on her face that was broken for a moment with a good look at Lia face on.

"Looking for a battle kid?" A slight micro-expression of disgust flickered through Lia's face before she busted into a smile, but the lady seemed not to notice. She had seen people like this before, she had seen them enough to know at a glance that she was being heavily underestimated due to her appearance. She was going to have fun with this one.

"OOHH! My name is Lia," the blonde immediately took hold of her challenger's hand and shook it. So much fun. "I was looking for a person to battle, I guess I found one. Nice to meet you, what's your name?"

"Clair," the older lady said, faintly surprised by the reaction she got, but the smirk had returned. Before she could say anything else, Lia already had a hand around Clair's wrist and she was dragging her out so that the two of them could be seen more clearly by the supervisors.

"Hey! We need someone to overlook our battle," Lia said, waving at them.

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"Heh. Let's go. Lee, Focus Energy! Fletcher, Agility!" The Sawk stood still, eyes closed, focusing, while the Fletchling quickly moved around to increase its speed. That wasn't really necessary, since both of them roughly outsped Zoah and Tangela anyway. "Tangela, aim your Vine Whip at the Sawk. Zoah, Psywave at the same opponent." Both of the attacks were aimed together at the Sawk, who still stood silently.

"Ha! Fletcher, protect Lee from those attacks!" With blinding speed, the Fletchling flew in front of the Sawk, taking the impact of both attacks, and was knocked backwards. "So...that's what the Agility was for," Brian said, a bit impressed. "Well then, time for another assault. Tangela, Leech Seed on Sawk. Meanwhile you use Tackle at the Fletchling to keep it away from Sawk, Zoah." The Tangela spit a small seed at the Sawk, while Zoah went for the Fletchling, which evaded the attack quite easily, just as Brian thought. However, it kept it away from Sawk, and that was Brian's intent.

"Heh. That's not going to work. Lee, Karate Chop. Fletcher, Roost." The Fletchling flew to the ground with incredible speed, and landed to recover its strength. Meanwhile, the Sawk opened its eyes, and destroyed the seed Tangela had spitted at it with a quick strike. Damn, they're fast... "Time to get serious. Zoah, Confuse Ray at the Sawk, and meanwhile you use Vine Whip at the Fletchling while it lost its Flying type, Tangela." Zoah's eyes glew in different colors while looking at the Sawk's eyes, and Tangela's vines quickly reached Fletchling.

"Fletcher, dodge! Lee, you too!" Both of the Pokemon started moving, but the Fletchling was too slow and was hit by Tangela's Vine Whip before it could fly up. Sawk succesfully dodged the attack. "Good job, both of you! Now, use Tackle on the Tangela, Fletcher!" As the Fletchling quickly approached Tangela, Brian yelled: "Tangela, dodge and use Leech Seed!" The Tangela quickly jumped up and spitted a seed on the feathers of the Fletchling, but apparently, Brian's opponent was waiting for that.

He grinned. "Lee, Double Kick!" The Sawk quickly jumped at the Tangela, which was still in mid-air, and hit him with two kicks, which both hit a weak spot, and threw Tangela harshly to the ground. "Heh. Fletcher, Peck!" "Tangela, dodge!" The Tangela tried, but reacted too slow. The Fletchling hit it with its Peck, and Tangela was thrown back. Unable to battle.

Brian recalled his Grass type. "This wasn't a good show. I strongly advise you to do better next time, or else..." The Fletchling had lost a bit of its health because of the Leech Seed, but was still flying pretty well. The Sawk was unharmed so far. It was 2vs1 now. "Alright, Zoah, everything depends on us now..."

Edited by Pineapple
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Pixel hit the ground tail first, sweeping up the dirt particles on the floor as well as the dirt that the shoes of the people in the room had brought in, sweeping it into the Meowth's eyes. It yelped and scratched at its eyes, earning it a reprimand from its Trainer. "Geddit t'gether, you! Scratch dat pest!" In retaliation the cat continued waving its claws blindly, the particles having gotten caught in its eyes, with even more coming its way as the Eevee swept her fluffy tail multiple times before sort of side-stepping when her opponent would come close. For an initially shy Eevee, Pixel herself seemed to be enjoying making a fool of the Meowth that swiped aimlessly in the air. This angered the old sleaze even more. "Yer screwin' it up! I can't 'ave dat woman at dis rate!"

Here, Zeke made a face. "Really. You're here just to meet and impress girls. Or to gain power so that you can control women? That's just sad, dude. I feel really bad for that Meowth... so, finish it off, Pix!" Responding to her trainer with a nod, Pixel moved to barrel into the essentially blinded Meowth... only to be deflected by a whirl of fur that hit hard... Whirl? Wall? That was what it felt like to Pixel, who now shook her head, trying to pull herself together from the impact upon meeting the Herdier. Zeke frowned, here, realizing that the man had sent out his second Pokemon-- which was twice Pixel's current level of power-- to substitute for the Meowth. "Ya pushin' me, boy, I gots ta admit. But does dat lil' rat 'ave da guts to take on me dog?" laughed the Rat Man Number Two.

"Pixel. Is not. A. Rat." Zeke gritted his teeth. If anybody said anything mean about his beloved partner, it was almost enough to get him off of his more amiable mood. There was barely anymore dust left on the floor to throw into the big almost scary-looking dog's eyes. "Keep at it, Pix! Distract it with your cuteness (damn, he couldn't believe he said that)!" Heeding her Trainer's command, she fluffed up her tail and waggled it in an attempt to look like less of a threat to get it off-guard. In response the Herdier almost looked reluctant to hit the adorable Eevee. "Oi! Now don't ya fuck it up too! Snap its little head off!" yelled RatManDos to snap his Pokemon back to reality. Snarling ferociously, it did so, chomping down on Pixel with much force, making her yelp. Zeke scowled at this; it'd take more than distracting Two-Legged Rodent II to beat the Herdier and Meowth team, should he decide to call the cat out as well. Whatever; he remembered seeing Pixel tuck away a little blue berry she'd stolen from the Meowth earlier when she'd "tackled" it. "Hold on, Pixel! Use the Oran you nabbed!" Said Berry glowed blue, slowly changing into a shade of purple and shrinking into a sort of poisonous-looking energy ball that Pixel absorbed before slamming into the Herdier in retaliation.

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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"So, kid, you done? Want to give in yet?" Brian breathed heavily. The guy was doing the same thing as he did to Ratface before: taunt him. An angry person would make rash decisions, mostly bad ones. The only way to effectively battle this strategy, was by staying calm. "Give in? No clue what you're talking about. Zoah has been in worse situations." The man's smile became a little less arrogant. "Let's keep at it then! Fletcher, Roost!" "Bad decision. Zoah, Confusion. Throw it in at the wall." Zoah's eyes turned blue, as the Fletchling began to behave strangely. They it was thrown backwards to a wall.

"Not bad. Lee, Karate Chop!" Brian grinned slightly. "Zoah. Iron Defense." "No! Lee, go faster!" The Sawk responded by dashing forward and knocking Zoah to the ground with Karate Chop before she could use Iron Defense. "Heh. You fell for it. Confuse Ray." The Bronzor's eyes changed into different colors, blue, red, purple, as it looked in Sawk's eyes. "Lee, get outta there!" Instead, the Sawk started to strangely. It punched himself in the face. "Looks like you were too late. Zoah, Psywave."

"You think? Fletcher, protect!" The Fletchling flew between Zoah and the Sawk, and got hit full force by Psywave. "Did you by any chance forget? Your Fletchling is weak. Tackle." Zoah moved closer to the falling Fletchling and hit it with her body. The Fletchling fell down to the ground, ko'd.

"Not bad," the man said as he recalled his Fletchling. "But we're not finished yet." Brian noticed that the Sawk got itself under control again, and that it was aching for battle. "Alright. We'll continue 1vs1."

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The Herdier wasn't too badly hurt although Pixel had managed to dislodge herself from the big furry mutt. "Pixel, you got this, girl! Charm him again!" Zeke was rooting for his partner; the stupid dog and RatMan II had nothing on her. Once she was through with the Herdier, it'd be the rookie's time to shine. Mister Rat-the-Second's Herdier looked at Pixel in bewilderment again as she put on an adorable facade again. "Rrrrrrh! Ya filthy mutt! Destroy that Eevee! Take Down!" Regaining its ferocious front, it bared its fangs and charged towards the smaller Pokemon. "Pix, get out of the way!" The Eevee barely managed to dodge, quite weakened by the heavy blows from her opponent.

"Nehehehe! Yer lil' pesky pet, she gettin' weak! Herdier, go gobble 'er up for lunch!" Again it bore its fangs and closed them down; notably, at this point, more reluctantly than before, as it seemed to falter whenever close to Pixel. Dust flew as the Eevee still tried to scramble away from the grasp of the dog Pokemon. "Guh... Pix, there! Now sweep the dirt into his eyes too!" She did so with her tail, making the Herdier cry out in irritation as the dirt flew into his eyes. Pixel managed to escape, panting at this point. "Pix, you can do this! I'll treat you to something tasty when we win this!" her Trainer said. That did it, lifting up the little gal's spirits; she was a sucker for the treats that Zeke constantly carried around. Standing on all fours (a bit shakily, but that was nothing) with a determined look in her brown eyes, Pixel got ready for the next round.

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Clair yanked her arm away from Lia's grasp with a somewhat annoyed look on her face and she backed up to make room for the battle.

“Would a two on two battle work?” Aurelia asked, reaching for Trix’s pokeball. Clair gave a half nod/ half shrug and she too seemed to be reaching on her belt for a ball.

“Fine with me.”

"Good luck then, yeah?" she said, still smiling. The somewhat burly lady who was Lia's competitor gave a half snort/ chuckle kind of sound.

"Yeah, sure," the older, somewhat burly woman retorted, tossing out her ball to show a Fenniken. Lia said nothing to the comment and instead examined the fire type. Despite her experience with pokemon, this was still her first time seeing a Fennekin and it was actually cuter than how it looked the books. Right then. She tossed out Trix, who came out in the form of Cirus, which is to say a ralts--

"Fenne!” Clair called abruptly, ordering the initially vague command so that the dark type hardly even touched the ground before an attack was launched at it. The fenniken complied, rearing back and launching weak flames at Trix, who tried to spin around to avoid taking damage, but was still hit hard. The figure of the Ralts distorted and spun in a pink ball before it revealed the Zorua, which sufficiently confused its fire type foe.

“A Zorua?” Clair asked, raising an eyebrow as the illusion wore off.

"Use pursuit, Trix!" Lia called out, trying to use the moment of confusion that the opposing fox pokemon was experiencing. It apparently had never seen a pokemon change appearance before. A slight frown was on Aurelia's face though, it was evident that she was taking this more seriously and either she didn't notice or care about Clair's comment regarding her choice of pokemon. The Zorua chased after the Pokemon that attacked first and tackled it down, who was not fast enough to out speed him. There was a scuffle of orange and grey fur and the Fennekin gave out a sharp cry from the attack

“Pin it down and use ember again.”

"Fury swipes; don’t let it attack!”

There were various cries from the two pokemon as the two struggled to come out on top, Fenne struggled to pin down Trix as his claws were flying furiously towards the muzzle of the fire type, not allowing for enough time to launch the attack and landing maybe two or three good hits on it.

“Gah,” Clair said, irritated, she cast a brief glance at Lia. “Get out of there,” she ordered. Fenne the Fennekin did so, rolling out to it's side and kicking away Trix, who immediately jumped back a few feet. The two pokemon had about an equal level of damage, although Trix did his best to hide it, puffing out his chest and standing tall as he watched his opponent carefully.


(Don't know what pursuit really looks like so xD And this was so rushed, you don't even know- so rushed Clair has a Fennekin named Fenne. Yeah.)

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Brian’s fight

The supervisor, a tall man with dark beard and moustache, showed his teeth in a creepy grin when it turned out to be 1vs1. He started to write on his papers again.

Recruit number 21 vs recruit number 37:
Pokémon used: Bronzor + Tangela vs Sawk + Fletchling.

21 has a clear disadvantage, but managed to turn to tables. Both recruits showed to have some potential. They know how to taunt their opponent, 21 didn’t take the bait. Expected outcome: both pass, 21 wins battle.

Zeke’s fight

The bald man who was keeping an eye on the battle wrote down a similar summary.

Recruit 29 vs recruit 48:
Meowth + Herdier vs Eevee and ??

Recruit 29 is too aggressive, can’t beat 1 Pokémon while using both of his, fails to keep a calm mind. Expected outcome: 48 wins and passes, 29 fails.

Aurelia’s fight

A woman with short dark hair walked over. She examined both recruits and recognized them as number 12 and number 17.

Recruit 12 vs recruit 17:
Fennekin + ?? vs Zorua + ??

She looked up from her paper to keep a close eye on the just starting battle, ready to take some notes.

((There are 48 recruits left, after each test some people will fail and 'drop out'. It's not easy to join the ranks))

Edited by Chimchain
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Both men stared at each other. Their Pokemon followed their example. "Lee, attack quickly with Double Kick!" The Sawk sprinted forward. "Zoah, use-" Then the Sawk landed his kick. Then another one. Zoah got knocked to the ground. "So, a fast guy, huh? Zoah, counter with Psywave." The Sawk tried to dodge, but the psychic waves of Zoah still hit him hard. "Lee, another Double Kick!" "Too late. Zoah, send him flying with Confusion." The Sawk went incredibly close in a short amount of time, but Confusion stopped him in his tracks. "Slam him down." Zoah responded by making the Sawk crash onto the ground. It didn't move anymore. Lionel grinned. "Looks I like win this."

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"TAKE! IT! DOWN!" The almost pitiful RatTheS-- screw it, let's just call him old man, this is getting to be tiring-- screamed at the Herdier. Zeke rolled his eyes. "Pixel, use... You know what, never mind, I think you know what to do." As the big dog charged forward, Pixel dodged to the side and tackled the Herdier, knocking it off balance. It was a trick the Eevee learned from Zeke; a trick that contributed in his coming out of fights with bullies unscathed for almost all the time. Watching the Herdier get back on its feet and already seeing that the man was about to diss the poor Pokemon again, Zeke groaned and said, "Ref, sorry. I know I called this battle, but... Can we like, forget it? Based on what I've seen so far, this guy's just gonna keep charging and charging for his testosterone's worth. It's way too predictable and sad to watch; it's outright a boring battle."

"P-predictable?! SAD?" A huge vein started pulsing on the man's forehead. "G'DDAMNIT I'LL SHOW YOU SAD!" Like Zeke predicted, the Herdier came charging for another Take Down, for the nth time. Not towards Pixel, but towards him. Putting a palm to his face, he just murmured, "Pix." Again the Eevee tackled the Herdier, harder this time; its momentum combined with the force of Pixel made it skid a few feet away. It seemed to have a hard time getting up.

"Finish it off."

While the opposing old man yelled for the Herdier to get up, Pixel rushed in to knock it out with Tackle; it didn't get up anymore, fatigued from all its running and charging, apparently. And recoil. The Eevee trotted back to her Trainer, climbing up onto his shoulder. "All right, all right, you deserved it--" he hand-fed her with a treat-- "and, old man, if you're still up for it, I haven't really gotten a chance to test out Ignition." He didn't respond; he seemed to to breathing hard, harshly, even, staring at the fainted Herdier.

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Brian’s fight

The supervisor interfered as soon as the battle was over. “You both pass this round. Get your Pokémon and get them healed up. Go to the door on the right and wait there.”

Zeke’s fight

“No, I’ve seen enough,” the bald man said. “This battle is over! You; go to the right door,” he said pointing to Zeke. “And you take the left one,”

Aurelia’s fight

((Still in progress))


Door on the right

The room behind this door was literally nothing more than a waiting room. There were some chairs and a table in the boring looking room. Apparently it was only used from time to time by guards taking a break. The only thing that stood out like it didn’t belong there was the Healing Machine. Three others recruits were waiting to use it while 15-20 others were either leaning against the wall or were able to find themselves a seat.


Behind the windows

“And yet another one fails… seriously where does the scouting department finds those imbeciles?” a muscular blond man said. He appeared to be in his mid-twenties and everyone around him showed respect. “How many did fail so far? Five?” he asked to no one in specific. His blue eyes were focused on Zeke’s opponent as the man left the room.

The other men and women present were smart enough not to answer that question.


Door on the left

Zeke’s opponent closed the door behind him and was greeted by three RoG agents. “What do y’ lot want?” he spat out.

“We were ordered to give you some new Pokémon. You showed tremendous skill but your Pokémon aren’t up to that level. We will give you some real powerhouses that suit your style more,” one of the agents said.

“Ehehehe give ‘em to me!” the man ordered. The two other agents looked at each other dumbfounded. How the hell could someone be that stupid?

The first agent spoke up again. “Certainly, here you go,” he said handing over two Pokéballs. “Can I have your old ones, sir?”

He didn’t have to ask twice. Recruit number 29 threw away his old partners and opened up his new ones, only to find out the Pokéballs were empty.

“WHA-“ was all he could spat out before one of the agents behind him used a stun gun.

“Take him to the hole with the others. Lady Mist expects them in 3 days, the boat leaves within 36 hours.”

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Zeke maintained his composure inside the waiting room, heading to the healing machine to have Pixel patched up. While this went on, he promised mentally that the next time, he'd let Ignition have a go. Though the boredom was starting to eat and tear at the 16 year old's soul and being, he silently rooted for his roommates to pass.

It felt awkward with the other recruits inside who seemed to stare each other down, but he swallowed down the joke he thought of making.

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There were a few moments of silence as the two trainers had a mini staring contest. Clair was clearly waiting for Lia to give a command and Lia seemed to be in a similar position. Fenne kept making glances to it's trainer as it waited for instruction but Trix seemed to be expecting something.

"A Fennekin..." Lia's voice trailed off. Lia put a slight change of tone as she named the Pokemon. Trix seemed to have noticed this, his ears perking up but gave no other sign that anything was different and remained glaring at Fenne. Lia had discovered some time ago that it really helped being subtle about communicating a plan of action between trainer and Pokemon. Clair apparently dismissed the remark before Lia continued. "Yeah, I guess that suits you..." The blue eyes of Clair narrowed to slits trying to figure out the point of what was being said, but rather than replying she issued an attack.

"Flame charge!" The fire type almost seemed to have spontaneously combusted and it charged towards Trix with more speed than it had displayed earlier.

"Fury swipes!" The zorua readied himself and just before the attack hit, he leaped up and shifted to look exactly like Fenne, who was completely confused after bringing it's fiery charge to a stop and turning to face Trix again. Albeit, not for very long, as Trix was charging after, his fennekin claws were holding the same glow as when he used fury swipes before. Within the moment of hesitation that the confusion brought, Trix had landed 4 good blows to his opponent before the Fennekin recovered and landed a ember attack in close range right onto Trix, sending him flying back. The illusion had worn off and Trix was now a Zorua again and he stood, catching his breath and Fenne seemed to be doing the same.

"Use ember again," There was a slight note of uncertainly as Clair spoke, but the fire type was compliant and it reared up to launch the attack. Trix dodged said attack with a high leap into the air and he landed nimbly not long after.

"You're going great buddy," Lia praised, Trix replied with a "Zoru!' shout, as if to say 'obviously'. Aurelia cracked a small genuine smile, enjoying the battle. "Don't let him hit you, use pursuit!" The Zorua raced towards his target.

"Flame charge." Clair seemed to be growing impatient at this point, or at least, there was a change of tone that resembled impatience. Fenne did what he did earlier, cloaking himself in flames and charging forward, even faster this time.

"Trix" Lia shouted vaguely, but it seemed that the Zorua had an idea of what it was being told to do. As the two pokemon ended up rushing towards each other, Trix turned away while there was still some distance between the two, now apparently focused on avoiding the attack. With the Fennekin gaining on him, he stopped and created a illusion to make himself look like the largest pokemon he had ever seen, which was a Hariyama. At this point, Fenne was used to the fact that his opponent could change his appearance by will and kept on charging. Trix, just as the Fennekin had his course set shifted once more into a... Flabebe? From the apparent size change, he was hard to locate initially, but could be seen landing onto the ground and shifting back into his normal form. Before the fennekin was able to relocate his opponent, Trix charged full force into Fenne from behind. Fenne, it seemed, was unable to battle.


1) Fury swipes

2) Critical hit

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Aurelia's fight

The short haired supervisor stopped the battle as she had seen enough. “You both pass, although you passed barely,” she said to Clair before going to the next match.


Two weeks later all the recruits were called into what they called the ‘conference room’. It was decorated like the rest of the rooms (completely blank) but this one had a big screen and projector. “After two weeks of rigorous training your body, your battling skills and your teamwork, I can finally say you all passed,” Teach said. “49 at the start, only 18 remain. Come over here to get your member card. We all use this to identify we’re allies when meeting up for the first time. Don’t ever lose it because it contains a tracking device so we know where you are at all times. This is important in case we need to send some reinforcements on a mission.” Teach handed each RoG agent in front of them an ID-card. Only their face, rank and division was mentioned.

“Speaking about missions; we’re going to start with an easy one. As you all know, or not if your IQ is below 60, an organization like RoG needs money to function. We have a lot of resources to get money and one of them is to test new recruits in the field. This also shows us how well you can keep a calm head when it matters the most.

He waved his hand in a summoning motion and an agent in the back started to projector. “This is our target. Well, to be more precise his mansion since he’s a rich bastard. He lives on southern coast, located on a big cliff. He practically owns the entire town their and decided to build his mansion outside, which means not many people pass by. The only things to worry about are the guard dogs; two Growlithe, two Herdier and two Houndour. The mission is simple; infiltrate and bring back the most precious thing you can find. The higher the value, the more we want it. Got it? I think so! Prepare to leave in one hour at the docks. Mission starts at 9 PM.”


At 9 PM exactly the new agents gathered around the house. They all had to go in, grab something of value, and meet back at the meeting point at 10 PM. It sounded easy enough, but reality proved to be more difficult. The terrain was massive. A big fence surrounded everything and was too high to climb. Those that did want to try it would receive an unwelcome feeling from the spikes on top. The massive electronic gates were closed and a heavy lock kept unwelcoming visitors out. In between the fence and the gate was a huge garden with a fountain, bushes, trees and some flower perks. The Pokémon on guard weren’t visible for now, but according to the information they barely left their playground.

To top everything off all the windows seemed to be closed and the front door was sure to be locked. The owner clearly was a paranoid man.

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While the cadets were struggling to find a way inside a big black all-terrain vehicle arrived out of their sight. The bald man at the wheel took out his binoculars. “It looks like they are still struggling to find a way inside,” Teach said.

“Well yeah that happens every time, but I’m sure Cutie will find a way in,” Melody answered uninterested while going through some documents on her lap.

Teach snorted. “Do you seriously have to do this every single time?”

“Yeah it’s fun, you should try it sometime!”

“Whatever. But I agree. There are some with great potential, I just hope they won’t fail,” Teach mused.

“What if they fail? Who are you going to pick for the mission?” Melody asked. For the first time since they left she took her nose out of the documents.

“I have a plan B. I must admit those guys are more experienced but for this kind of mission I believe it would be interesting to see this lot succeed,” Teach answered. “Fortunately we do have some time to get them in shape and give them some experience.” He looked in his back mirror at the person behind him. “By the way, are those the documents we received earlier regarding that mission?”


Backflash: September 4.

Teach was keeping an eye on the recruits teamwork. He just noted a name to fail when Melody came over. “What’s up?” he asked.

“We got word from our contact in the Academy. The report says that our spy made contact with a student three days ago,” Melody read from the documents she was handling.

“Already?!” Teach said surprised. “Damn, I knew our spy was good, but I never expected it to be so soon. What else does the report say?”

“The student is willing to participate. As soon as our agents infiltrate he will help them out with information and alibis and the sort.”

Teach thought for a moment. “Name?”

“Evan Reeves. Here’s his backstory.” Melody handed the documents over.

“Interesting; basically this one holds a serious grudge and wants revenge. What are the terms we agreed on?” Teach asked while giving the documents back.

“We agreed to give him his person of interest. I’ve already sent out some scouts. This guy shouldn’t be hard to locate. But what are you going to do about our part? Who are you going to send?”

“I have a few people in mind,” Teach replied while looking with more interest at Brian’s team.


Current time:

“Yes, these are the documents. It’s the full background check we did regarding the staff and students. The intel department compared them with the names of our potential agents and this is the result,” Melody said. “You’ll be interested to see this particular student.”

Teach grabbed the document, looked at it for a moment and then stared in his mirror again. “Galen, you’ll want to see this,” he said before turning to the man and giving him a paper with the data about his younger brother.

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"Well...what do we have here?" Galen said as he took the paper from teach and looked it over. The very first thing he noticed... was the name... and then the photo. "Look's like He's grown up a little... then again, he had only just turned 8 when I last saw him." he scanned his eyes down the paper, reading the rest of the personal information. He couldn't help but have a flash of memory when he went over the Relative section. No... he thought to himself. Stop...get back where you belong. and just like that, he forced the memory back down. Good to see that nothing had happened to mother though... after all those years following Silph Co. he hadn't heard or seen anything from them; though, this was honestly his own fault. he could've gotten in touch if he wanted to... but the authorities have the tendency to exploit criminal's correspondences with their families in order to track them down and corner them. And that was definitely something Galen wasn't going to let happen... a Wrap sheet as long as his? over the span of the last ten years? hell, he'd never see daylight again.

"I see he kept the Scyther though..." he said, browsing over the partner data for his brother. he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "Good thing too... Giovanni damn near had my ass for stealing it from the game corner like that." ah yes, It was june 23, seven years ago or so. He had gotten up early that morning and hacked his way past the electronic lock on the door to the Game Corner storage room in the base. No thought had gone into what he had grabbed, so long as it was a pokeball with something in it, it would do as a gift. Now, luckily, no one had been around to stop him, he hadn't been held up from visiting the kid... but that evening when he got back from Saffron, He was greeted by two heavily armed grunts who had been sent to escort him to Giovanni... though, they couldn't actually give a direct order for him to follow them, all they were allowed was a request due to the gap in rank between him and them. What he found at the end of this little trip into the base's lower levels was a not very happy Mafioso, stroking his purloin as it sat curled in his lap, eyeing Galen with those crimson pupils the entire time. Giovanni had only one question to ask him.

"Why did you steal from our little family?" And Galen had said only one thing in answer.

"It's my little brother's birthday and my father is a neglectful workaholic," he had said. "If I hadn't stolen from my fellow Rockets today, he wouldn't have had a present this year." and just like that, Giovanni had ordered the Armed Guards to step aside and let him leave. There had been no punishment... though Galen had no doubt if he had answered any differently, then he would've been shot dead that very second.

"Anyway," he said, looking up from the document, seeing the cadets still struggling to find a way past the fence. "Teach, please don't tell me you're gonna hand me a few newbs to baby sit. If they can't even get over a fence like that with as much time as they've had..."

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Snapping his fingers, Zeke pointed at the iron gates. "All right, I've got it. I'll have Ignition take care of the gate-- trust me, I know how this thing works. There were lots of these back home. Fancy rich people and whatnot," he said, shrugging, "and Pixel'll get inside and... I dunno, assist him if ever he needs it."

With that, he made the first move and placed Ignition's and Pixel's Pokeballs through the gates, but not before peeking cautiously to see if the guard dogs were running around there at that moment. Materializing from the white lights were an Eevee and a haughty-looking Charmeleon. "Look for the switches, or a little generator, okay bud? Just like we practiced!" he told Ignition, who nodded with a smug smirk. It would be a snap. And those stupid dogs? Ha! They didn't stand a chance. "Pix, help him out all right? If you have to, run around and hide in bushes and make noises to distract the mutts or something." The Eevee responded with a soft "vee", primed for the mission-- although, she wasn't entirely sure what to do. But whatever it was, she'd do it to the best of her ability. "Firstly, though, melt this chain!"

With a blast of heat, the iron was reduced to nothing but a heap of molten slag. Good; that was step one of Phase One down. While the flaming lizard had burned the chain, Pixel had taken to looking out for any possible guards from the shadows.

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“I was thinking about it. As it turned out there are some recruits that would be perfect for this mission. I got a plan B but those guys… just say they got some issues that might endanger the entire operation,” Teach answered. He looked back at the gate and saw some movement. “Well, they finally started moving. Once they get out I’ll let you lose on them. Once you get a picture of them, that’s if they pass, I want you to guide them through some easy missions first. They could use some experience, but before all that I got only one question for you. Would it endanger the mission that your little brother is attending the Academy? Because at this point I’m either have to reassign you or give you some form of disguise so he won’t recognize you…”

Team super burglars

Ezekiel’s plan worked perfectly. The lock fell on the ground and some small sparks and hisses could be heard. The electronics were down and the gate unlocked.

“Finally, let’s go rob this old geezer,” one of the new agents said. He was wearing a black mask that only showed his eyes and mouth. Others followed his example as he pushed the gate open. One by one the burglars entered the domain ready to steal something and finish their first mission.


The guard dogs were stationed at the mansion. They never had much to do so two of them were sleeping at the front door; a Houndour and a Growlithe. The other four were close by; the two Herdier were fighting playfully over a stick while the remaining Growlithe was sniffing some plants. The sixth guard dog, the remaining Houndoom was nowhere to be seen.

When the gate opened and gave a small squeak the sniffing Growlithe immediately turned his head in the direction of the gate. He started snarling and the two Herdier immediately stopped playing around. Both of them ran towards the gate to see what the commotion was.

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Brian stood right behind Zeke. "You solved that quite well..." He entered, and then he heard footsteps, no, pawsteps, quickly approaching. "...except you attracted all attention now. I guess it can't be helped." He released Tangela out of his Poke Ball. "Pokemon are approaching. Tangela, blow Sleep Powder in that direction," he said as he pointed in the direction the sound came from. "It's alright guys, if that Sleep Powder hits them, they'll be out for at least 20 minutes!" Then he grabbed Zeke and Lia, and whispered: "We have two minutes, five at best. If we all want to pass this, I'd suggest we move."

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"Great job, Ignition! You're totally getting two later," Zeke praised the smug Charmeleon, returning him to his Pokeball for the time being. "Yup. Don't wanna get caught up with all these guys," Zeke whispered. The other grunts had started moving in- gradually, yes, but it was becoming quite crowded. "Is there a back door, even?" he wondered. Where's Pixel? Hope she finds something.

Meanwhile Pixel had managed to wander around- somehow, unnoticed by any of the guard dogs that were distracted up front. Creeping about and sniffing the air for danger, she looked for any other ways to enter the house.

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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"On my end, The mission would only be endangered if I was required to inflict physical harm on him," Galen said, watching as the Cadets finally figured out a way to get past a damn fence that he could've blown through in under a minute if he had too. "That's the only deal breaker I have. As for whether he'll recognize me... well, that kid never forgets a face, even if he only catches a glimpse of it for a minute or two. Even after all these seven years, I'm sure that he'd be able to pick me out from a crowd in an instant." He leaned forward in the back seat a little, watching as a few guard dogs came from around the back of the property towards the disturbance the Cadets had caused.

"Though, that's nothing a simple mask can't solve in the end."

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“Don’t worry, you’re little brother won’t be harmed. If the mission goes as planned he’ll never know you’re there until it’s over. What you do after it is none of my business,” Teach said. He kept his eyes on the recruits. “Well it’s time you move out. I suspect that in a few minutes the first recruits will try and get out of there with something worthless because they are panicking. Arrest them so we can start the real fun.” ((Galen is already wearing a police uniform btw))

Team Super Burglars

The sleep powder hit its mark and one of the Herdiers fell asleep (Sleep Clause Activated). The other one focused on the recruits that entered first; it gained speed and a white flash followed in its trail before the Herdier crashed in the group and took down two enemies. A loud crack could be heard upon impact followed by a scream. “AAAAH!! Fucking bitch snapped my leg!!!” It was the same guy that moved the moment Ignition unlocked the gate.

The agonizing scream could be heard all over the domain. Lights flashed on behind the windows and staff started moving in the house. The two guard dogs that were sleeping woke up in confusion and only moved when the Growlithe started barking in an aggressive way. Its eye fell on the recruits that escaped the attacking Herdier and started to snarl. All three dogs moved almost simultaneously and went after the dark silhouettes.

All of this unfolded before the eyes of Pixel. If the little Eevee could avoid the fighting guard dogs, it may reach its trainer in time to warn him.

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Zeke looked disapprovingly at the guy who screamed. What an idiot. Now everyone was awake. He resisted the urge to facepalm, turning this way and that at first before remembering to keep away from the screaming guy. One of the dogs charged towards him; reflexively he leapt out of the way, causing it to slam into the recruit behind him and separating him from Lia and Brian momentarily. "See you guys later?" He said-- jokingly on the outside, though honestly he hadn't really done anything like this before. Well, there WAS that time that he crept around school at night for the hell of it... But the school campus was larger in comparison to the rich man's lot. He figured that the best thing to do was to wait for the guard dogs to run out-- to attack all the other fifteen recruits. Three were here, one was temporarily decommissioned; he was certain that the other two were on their way. At most the present guard dogs could only tousle with six, or eight or so. No question about it; it was best to get inside-- humans were easier to sneak past. Dodging and ducking to the best of his ability he moved towards the house-- but where WAS Pixel?

The Eevee in question dashed quickly, darting from bush to bush almost like a blur, seeing the chaos unfold as she saw the guard dogs attacking the scrambling recruits. When she had the chance, she hid in a bush closer to the gardens, recognizing her Trainer's friends-- but where WAS Ezekiel?

There he was-- moving towards the front door. When the Herdier, Houndour and Growlithe crossed to leap at the others, she made a mad dash for Zeke and tugged at his pants. Ah, Zeke recognized her and watched her ears waggle-- it was a nifty trick he taught her before, sort of like Morse Code. One ear twitched twice; the other ticked to the right twice afterwards. He nodded to show he understood-- she meant that reinforcements were coming. They had to move fast; Pixel stuck to him in order to protect him if necessary. Ezekiel wildly motioned at Brian and Lia from where he was, now crouching at some bushes by the fountain, planning to inch towards the front door.

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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