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A True Baller more powerful than Gyarados


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Its an interesting idea to be sure but a lot of other pshycic type pokemon would be more effective for this strategy. Clefable simply doesn't have the damages if anything it should be considered a wall but even then its stats are pretty average and I have both a physical wall and a special wall on my current team so it has no real use for me. Espeon would wipe the competition, Meowstic would destroy with this strategy if you can cap out the stored power plus it gets stab on it which is nice. Hell if anything just get a malamar with contrary and super power everything to death until your attack and defense is so high nothing can kill you...unless you get hit by a special move, then you die instantly. Or hell, sylveon with pixilate and a pixie plat and then use misty terrain and moonblast the next turn. I wrecked samson doing that, 6-0'd his team.

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wow it's almost like there's more than one way to beat the game and that two pokemon can have similar movesets my mind is blown.

I mean it's not like there was a very recent topic for someone destroying Charlotte with a Rainbow Field Boomburst and Gengar, and it's not like Inuki ruined Julia's day with a Protean Lick or a more recent battle where he used Nature Power Roserade to sweep with a field-boosted GEAR GRIND.

Okay, so, disregarding the fact that he tried to call this a replacement for Gyarados since he's already realised his mistake there, his entire point is that Gyarados is not in the game anymore and he offered another very effective Pokemon (that can be obtained much earlier, yes) to try instead. Obviously Gyarados is stronger and if Espeon were used the same way it would be too but the thing that seperates Clefable and Espeon is Cosmic Power. Clefable is more defensive than Espeon is because of Magic Guard and the fact that it boosts both defenses as opposed to one and an offensive stat. The Fairy typing (and STAB) is also appreciated. Short of a crit or opposing setup, Clefable isn't going anywhere when it sets up. I've used it in my second file and it singlehandedly swept several leaders when shade wasn't hell bent on parafusion-ing me to death and I'm not sure who's serious and who's not so on to the next thing

You guys are playing an unfinished game, and yes Gyarados will be back in eventually, but for now it isn't and shouldn't be treated like it is by everyone that might still have it from a previous file, or god forbid went back to a previous version to get it (that personally really annoys me js). Ideally with the finished product neither of the above will be possible so good luck with that. Ame seems content with everyone playing the game the way they want to though, so whatever.

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