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need help with beryl pulse double battle


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i decided to make a second playthrough to see what had changed and for somthing else to do and to see how challanging the game is without using charmander, after getting lucky with the pulse in jasper im struggling with the beryl pulse.

my team at the moment consists of

noibat level 29

marshtomp level 28

trapinch level 30 and

emolga 28 (if i didnt get this guy id still be bashing my head against the jasper pulse)

i need a fire badly and yes i have an extreme weekness to their glaceon i lack 1 policeman for growlithe which seems to only be accessable after taking down the pulse

as for pansear i have checked the wether for every week till the start of january each week is clear skys with a few windy days in there and i need it to rain for this guy to appear.

i dont have anything usefull really in my pc just a mareep,cacnea and a hapiny, any suggestions on that i can get to help would be awsome.

Edited by sandy
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Ekans is your friend here. It evolves early enough and gets Glare, Wrap, Acid Spray and Screech.

Venomoth can also wreck them if you have the patience to get it to level 31 to evolve it. It'll destroy Zel's Umbreon and Espeon as well as Taka's Lileep with Bug attacks and Tangrowth with Psychic attacks.

Also, Whimsur's evolutionary line with Soundproof takes away Chatot's most annoying move.

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If you have the time to grind it up Meowstic M with Prankster won the battle for me in my most recent save thats not mono bug

Light Screen Keeps most attacks of you and remember to keep you pokemon healthy with Super Potions

Keep on attacking zel's side and keep the lileep for later Ganging up on Take with 2 vs 1 seems to be the best idea

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Just saying, all the Police officers can be found before the double battle.

It's how you get the secret storyline...

Anyway, your main problem is that you're using Pokemon who fall under the category of "absolutely suck until they evolve and become awesome". I suggest getting some Pokemon that are in the "pretty good in the early game but suck later on" group.

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Just saying, all the Police officers can be found before the double battle.

It's how you get the secret storyline...

Anyway, your main problem is that you're using Pokemon who fall under the category of "absolutely suck until they evolve and become awesome". I suggest getting some Pokemon that are in the "pretty good in the early game but suck later on" group.

"Secret storyline" ?

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"Secret storyline" ?

Well, maybe it's common knowledge, but I always thought it was a secret since it requires going out of your way to do something before a certain point in the game that most people don't do until after said point. Plus, I never hear anyone talking about it, whenever they talk about this part of the game they always refer to the normal story.

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Corey's dialogue post-gym-battle changes if you find all police officers before you get to the Taka and Zel double-battle.

Pre-gym battle too. As a matter of fact, a lot more than the dialouge is different pre-battle, including some trainer battles that don't happen in the normal story.

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erm just so you know even after i beat zel+taka i still couldnt find the way into the dead policeman as that was the one i was missing anway i managed to get passed it with litleo and i just used what i could find as i wasnt having any luck wiht weather events. now shelly is giving me trouble so im grinding to a vibrava for her also i didnt know bidoof evolved at 15 i thought it was 20

yeh the only way for me to win and this included the jasper pulse was to force taka to use both super potions on lileep otherwise it was impossible before i knew about litleo for the jasper one

from what i could gather from nikaboo's video is that the entrance was a side door to the beryl libery which is blocked by trees

Edited by sandy
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It's not a side entrance anymore, it's one of the ones inside the library itself. Pretty sure it's the one on the right.

You're unfortunately going to have a really hard time with Corey now that you've got to contend with the Corrosive Field rather than the Corrosive Mist one, though...

Edited by Lost Lore
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erm just so you know even after i beat zel+taka i still couldnt find the way into the dead policeman as that was the one i was missing anway i managed to get passed it with litleo and i just used what i could find as i wasnt having any luck wiht weather events. now shelly is giving me trouble so im grinding to a vibrava for her also i didnt know bidoof evolved at 15 i thought it was 20

yeh the only way for me to win and this included the jasper pulse was to force taka to use both super potions on lileep otherwise it was impossible before i knew about litleo for the jasper one

from what i could gather from nikaboo's video is that the entrance was a side door to the beryl libery which is blocked by trees

The Beryl Library wasn't even there at the time he made that video. It's still in that building, just a different place.

Also, it's too late for you to get the secret story anyway...

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It's not a side entrance anymore, it's one of the ones inside the library itself. Pretty sure it's the one on the right.

You're unfortunately going to have a really hard time with Corey now that you've got to contend with the Corrosive Field rather than the Corrosive Mist one, though...

nah cory was cake compared to both pulses but when i first went to fight him i wasnt expecting a water poison and i lead of qiht trapinch

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