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Charlotte and new start...


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So, I talked with Charlotte in her gym, I also met Fern in her city... But I am stuck now. I was hanging around route 4, talked to kids in their house, hanging out in a mountain and I don't know if is it a bug or something... But what do do?

But to the main topic! I am completely amazed by this game, I am sure I will play one more (or even more...). And I was wandering about some kind of easy Monotype, or just some funny plays. Maybe "who let the dogs out" playthrough, with Chikorita as starter and only dog looking pokemons... If You have any ideas, feel free to tell. But don't be to harsh, I am not so good in poke games. (:

And I didn't know in what forum place it, so... Don't be mad. ^.^

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The next step in the story is to talk to Saphira in front of the barrier a second time. If that doesn't work then your game is likely glitched.

Also, this probably belongs in reborn city as long as your game isn't glitched. I'll move it over there.

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a weird style I want to try is type lock, once you beat the gym you cant use the pokemon of that type,

example the first gym is electric so you wont be able to use electric, I only counting the first type, as in Lanturn is a water type mainly, secoundary electric so he is okay,

You are allowed to use any pokemon after the final gym, for normal games you can also deny pokemon the elite four use...

since you already played the game you have a rough thought on who you should train

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