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Is Kingdra worth raising?


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I was looking for a Horsea so I can use it to breed a Charmander that knows Dragon Dance. I found one - and it happened to have a Dragon Scale (and I'm guessing I was extremely lucky because it was my first Horsea!)

Hence I'm wondering, if it is worth training a Kingdra? I've never used one before ever in the official Pokemon game - so I really don't know how good it is.

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The short answer is yes but to be really good you should get one with Sniper (Ability) Focus Energy (Move) and Scope Lens (Item) it should land Critical Hits 100% of the time

Note that in Reborn it lands them only like 70% of the time (due to old mechanics i think) but it should be 100% in the next episode

Edited by Gaunt
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I JUST finished EV-training my Kingdra a couple days ago, so it's kinda funny that this topic should be posted now.

I firmly believe that Kingdra is a wonderful Pokémon. It has very appealing stats and wonderful typing (being weak to only Dragon and Fairy), with double resistances to both Water and Fire. I only wish that I had trained Kingdra before facing Charlotte.

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1000000% good. Very good Typing, and crit x2.25 damage from Hydro Pump or Dragon Pulse will take out every-single-dragon or fairy (bar max sp.def Sylveon) dare to come out after one Focus energy. So the "must have moveset" for Kingdra will be:

1,Focus energy (actually in epi 13 only 50% crit because Ame didn't know that Focus Energy got buff to 2 level crit in gen VI)/

2, Dragon Pulse (stab)

3, Hydro Pump or Surf (i think Surf is enough, and 100% hit is something better)

4, and only one moveslot left for Ice Beam or Signal Beam for some specific situation (actually i can say that Signal Beam is useless, because Hydro Pump hit will be more power than super eff. from Signal beam except for poor thing Malamar). Or you can choose Rain dance here too if you want to play Swift Swim + Rain Dance + Hydro Pump buff (but i think Sniper + Scope Lens still got more power). Or Agility too (but 2 turns setting up is too much)

EDIT: and i see someone use Dragon dance moveset??? really??? the only reason to use Dragon Dance is IF ONLY you can get Outrage and Waterfall for him. Please don't use Dragon Dance in a moveset with Surf or Dragon Pulse or...Brine (@@)

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Everyone seems to have positive responses... so I'll raise one (once I completely EV train my Pokemon... which is going to take a while :(....)

Might go with Focus Energy / Surf / Dragon Pulse / Ice Beam. Sounds okay to me :)

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I say yes, if you need a good water pokemon, and it is dragon so you have that going for you. Also surf is in, meaning you get a solid STAB move. Personally I would get surf over Hydropump because of accuracy, but it down to preference. Once some more TMs get in, I'm sure he will more than pay off.

I prefer Swift Swim over Sniper, seeing how it rains a lot in Reborn, once the gen 6 mechanics get fully in Sniper will be more effective.

Also a physical set with Dragon Dance is viable, you can breed outrage on it thanks to Druddigon, but you can't get waterfall yet.

Edited by Magus
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