AndrewErblak Posted September 26, 2014 Share Posted September 26, 2014 With all the currently released Mega Pokemon and people complaining about the other Pokemon not getting some mega evolutions, then others complaining about some Pokemon getting them *cough cough Megamance Megagross cough cough* I want to know what Pokemon you would wanna see get a Mega Evolution in the future. My Pokemon who I want to get one? Arcanine... the LEGENDARY pokemon via it's dex entry, decent BST at 555 but crippled by a poor variety in its move pool and a lowish speed for the current metagame of 95. If it was to get one I would love for it to have Fire/Dragon with either Moxie or Speed Boost. Moxie would fit well as many other Pokemon who have Intimidate as an ability have Moxie as another ability, examples being Salamence, Krookodile, Gyarados, Mightyena and Scrafty. Speed Boost would work well as it's referenced as a Pokemon who can travel extreme amount of distances in 24 hours. This is just my thoughts, I think this could be something when a Gen 1 3DS remake is made in the near future, anyone else have any ideas about Mega Arc? Or their own hopes for mega Pokemon? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zimvader42 Posted September 26, 2014 Share Posted September 26, 2014 (edited) I already have my girl Audino getting a Madoka Magica mega, so really nothing else that I need to happen (at least from what comes to my mind right now) for the ORAS games. If I was in charge of who gets a mega and who does not, I would never give something like metagross, garchomp or mewtwo a mega. They just don't deserve it IMO. They are incredibly powerful already, have few weaknesses and good moves. And what you do then? You give'em 100 points in stats for free. No. Is not that I even care for competitive purposes because I suck at that but c'mon. Their designs are cool though, +1 for that. Anyways, even though I preffer legit evos over a mega form, I guess I would give one to kecleon. Still keeping color change/protean (and maybe give it multitype? No? alright back to my dark corner....), and it could be a, eh, hmmm, normal/dragon? We have none of those yet so I think it would be an interesting type combo. And maybe one for Flygon too. A lot of people wants it, and the poor thing is overshadowed by garchomp when it comes to ground-dragons. Maybe change levitate for speed boost or something, dunno. And just cuz I just want to hear the screams of agony, give a mega to blissey. Fairy type is not really necessary (but who knows anyways...). Boost her defense and maaaaybe her attack, reduce her speed and give her wonder guard and, hmm, I don't know what abilities could work for a mega blissey. Regenerator? Dunno. And, sigh, if dunsparce's evolution is never going to happen (why gamefreak, WHY!??!!), at least give the poor thing a mega. A normal/dragon, like mega kecleon, or maybe normal/bug, or bug/dragon, or normal/ground, or ground/flying, so many possibilities (that's exactly why this thing needs a legit evo, but oh well...). Edited September 26, 2014 by zimvader42 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nova Posted September 26, 2014 Share Posted September 26, 2014 Mega Yanmega needs to happen. Bug/Dragon with Tinted Lens or something. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cepheus Posted September 26, 2014 Share Posted September 26, 2014 (edited) There is one Pokemon I DON'T want to get a Mega-Evolution -> Pikachu! This little stupid rodent gets so much special stuff it doesn't even deserve (like those costumes in ORAS)... "favorite of many" - yeah right Nintendo... it's just your stupid Pokemon-mascot! I know no one (personally) who actually likes this stupid rat! (I would be fine with Raichu... but not Pikachu!) Who should get a Mega-Evolution? - first every Pokemon who doesn't have a regular evolution! (Mega-Pachirisu, Mega-Plusle and Minun, Mega Farfetchd etc.) there are too many to list individually... - Mega Eeveelutions! - we have Garchomp, Salamance, Tyranitar, Metagross... sooo we still need Mega-Draonite, Mega-Hydreigon and Mega-Goodra! Mega-Dragonite -> Dragon/Flying -> Ability: Filter or Pure Power/Huge Power Mega-Hydreigon -> Dragon/Dark -> either keep Levitate or replace it with Moxie or Pressure Mega-Goodra -> Dragon/Fairy (because it's cute and cuddly) or Dragon/Poison (because it's slimy and stuff...) Ability: improved Gooey (-2 Speed instead of -1) or a "Sticky Web"-ability (-1 speed for all enemy pokemon that are switched in) - Mega-Starters that are missing (Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Meganium / Torterra, Infernape, Empoleon / Serperior, Emboar, Samurott / Chesnaught, Delphox, Greninja) Edited September 26, 2014 by Cepheus Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaunt Posted September 26, 2014 Share Posted September 26, 2014 Well i for one have all the Megas i need being: Gyarados, Metagross and Mewtwo. Those are my favorite Pokemon (in that order) but if one Poke deserves a mega it's Flygon (it should keep Levitate but get more attack and speed) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cornerman Posted September 26, 2014 Share Posted September 26, 2014 I took a look again at all the hoen pokes and most of them seemst just ripe for a mega evolution, so here are my thaughts, also these are not full one builds for pokes: 1. Mega clamperl lines (gorebyss/huntail) one for each version just because we get 2 games both in increase in their best stats and speed or health 2. Mega walrein not that much needed but everyone loves/uses him and could become either bulkier(defence), or faster to make him a tank 3. Mega Milotic (because feebass atrocity) would seem pretty cool and is also used by the last gymleader 4. Mega snorunt line (Glalie/Frostlass) just one but he seems pretty cool to have a mega with more special attack and inbuild hail 5. Mega castform, this way he would be more used and also a ability which lets him change weather every turn random or whenever someone uses a weather move it changes to something random 6. Mega wailord (release the kracken) this would be well suited with the regi pussles because come on a normal wailord could have trashed the place years ago but no 7. Mega Exploud just make it even more powerfull + ability makes sound moves 1.5/2 times stronger 8. Mega Breloom change to like something not 4x weak + everyone captures this so wy not 9. Mega Swellow because everyone would like it Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KnightZhroud Posted September 26, 2014 Share Posted September 26, 2014 On 9/26/2014 at 4:21 PM, zimvader42 said: ....I would never give something... mewtwo a mega.... I look this up since I don't know much about mega stuff. It got 2? those stats are completely ridiculous 780??? You may has well use the Mega Pokemon that have the better stats and wreck.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Amethyst Posted September 27, 2014 Administrators Share Posted September 27, 2014 none. i dont want to have to sprite them q-q Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nova Posted September 27, 2014 Share Posted September 27, 2014 On 9/27/2014 at 6:53 AM, Amethyst said: none. i dont want to have to sprite them q-q do you have to do all the sprititng yourself? aren't there any mega sprites on the internet or something? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The unintelligent GamerGal Posted September 27, 2014 Share Posted September 27, 2014 Uhhh...Maybe a mega Liligant and Whimsicott? Oooh. Mega Whimsicott would be so OP! As of gen 6, no other Pokemon have the same type combination as Whimsicott and it's pre-evolution. What was it called? Cottonee, or something? Anyways, Whimsicott is the fastest fairy type Pokemon- So it could get a HUGE boost with that! Mega Liligant though. Liligant on its own is already OP. With Own-Tempo and such. But Mega Liligant? Oh yes~ GameFreak! Make this happen! :^D Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndrewErblak Posted September 27, 2014 Author Share Posted September 27, 2014 On 9/27/2014 at 6:53 AM, Amethyst said: none. i dont want to have to sprite them q-q Lol, I wasn't meaning for Reborn, I would be cool, but you do enough for us, so you can do what you want. PULSE Pokemon are fine, just possible megas for the *hopefully* near future. If you want then I'm sure people here could make sprites for you, if... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chase Posted September 27, 2014 Share Posted September 27, 2014 I am not really a fan of mega-evolution myself. It causes pokemon to lose their ability to hold unique battle items, and in some cases (Mega Slowbro) doesn't even really improve the Pokemon. I would assume though, that if you can call it a "Starter" Pokemon, that it's day will eventually come. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Amethyst Posted September 27, 2014 Administrators Share Posted September 27, 2014 On 9/27/2014 at 8:16 AM, Nova said: do you have to do all the sprititng yourself? aren't there any mega sprites on the internet or something? There are some front sprites available, usually, but they aren't always up to quality. Unfortunately, most sprite artists aren't interested in making back sprites; those are the real problem. To tell you the truth, the Mega back sprites we do have were made courtesy of a generous user named Julian who was interested in helping the game out, but she hasn't been around lately (she was also responsible for that beauty we know as the PULSE Tangrowth). I only did quality touch-ups on all of that, but to tell the truth I'm still pretty burnt out after spriting the 6th gen Pokemon, since I did make a number of those sprites from scratch. I'll get over it. On 9/27/2014 at 12:59 PM, Neith said: Lol, I wasn't meaning for Reborn, I would be cool, but you do enough for us, so you can do what you want. PULSE Pokemon are fine, just possible megas for the *hopefully* near future. If you want then I'm sure people here could make sprites for you, if... Any canon Megas should be included in Reborn. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cornerman Posted September 27, 2014 Share Posted September 27, 2014 On 9/27/2014 at 1:34 PM, Amethyst said: There are some front sprites available, usually, but they aren't always up to quality. Unfortunately, most sprite artists aren't interested in making back sprites; those are the real problem. To tell you the truth, the Mega back sprites we do have were made courtesy of a generous user named Julian who was interested in helping the game out, but she hasn't been around lately (she was also responsible for that beauty we know as the PULSE Tangrowth). I only did quality touch-ups on all of that, but to tell the truth I'm still pretty burnt out after spriting the 6th gen Pokemon, since I did make a number of those sprites from scratch. Ame wy don't you just make a topic for spriters who can help you make those sprites, even if they still only make the front, you only have to do the back, so half work ^-^ Or do you just like to do it alone? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vinny Posted September 27, 2014 Share Posted September 27, 2014 Can i get a Mega Weavile with an ability that gives it priority regardless of the moves the opponent is using? ._. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaunt Posted September 27, 2014 Share Posted September 27, 2014 On 9/27/2014 at 2:42 PM, Vinny said: Can i get a Mega Weavile with an ability that gives it priority regardless of the moves the opponent is using? ._. Weavile OP! but really a Mega (or even better an evolution) for Weavile would be cool Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raviel the Phantom Posted September 27, 2014 Share Posted September 27, 2014 I think Mega Bisharp would be cool. Maybe make him look more kingly like the chess piece. More blades! Torkoal should get a mega too. Make it a Fire/Steel type with a boost in SpDef and SpATK. A fire version of blastoise Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandy Posted September 27, 2014 Share Posted September 27, 2014 On 9/27/2014 at 2:42 PM, Vinny said: Can i get a Mega Weavile with an ability that gives it priority regardless of the moves the opponent is using? ._. no mega wevile for you vinny! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cornerman Posted September 27, 2014 Share Posted September 27, 2014 On 9/27/2014 at 2:42 PM, Vinny said: Can i get a Mega Weavile with an ability that gives it priority regardless of the moves the opponent is using? ._. Bad vinny....nooo, that's to OP Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zimvader42 Posted September 27, 2014 Share Posted September 27, 2014 (edited) On 9/27/2014 at 2:42 PM, Vinny said: Can i get a Mega Weavile with an ability that gives it priority regardless of the moves the opponent is using? ._. Hmm, what if, instead of any move, why not priority +1 only whenever mega-weavile uses dark or ice type moves? Like in, weavile uses crunch, priority; it uses ice beam, priority; it uses quick attack, still priority (but not from the ability though). It could be called, uh, "sneaky" or something like that, the name is not that important anyways. Also, from reading the thread again, there're a lot of things that I forgot deserve a mega: whimsicott, breloom, milotic, etc. It would be cool to see these guys getting one (even though, nothing's better than a real evo). Edited September 27, 2014 by zimvader42 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost Lore Posted September 27, 2014 Share Posted September 27, 2014 The only Mega evolution I want more than any other is Dragonite. I don't care that it doesn't need one, that it's plenty good already, I just want it to have one. Ideally it'd retain Multiscale and get a decent buff to its bulk as well as its Attack. I don't know how I'd feel about it taking some cues from Dragonair like every fan-made one I've seen seems to do but I guess I'd live with it. Also yes Dragonitite is a silly name for a Mega stone and that is a good thing. You can probably guess that I wouldn't argue with a Mega Meowstic either, with different designs/stats for each gender Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted September 28, 2014 Share Posted September 28, 2014 Mega Skarmory would be pretty cool. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sheep Posted September 28, 2014 Share Posted September 28, 2014 ***Sheep sobs in dismay*** The only mega I truly want is a redone mega Heracross. The hype followed by the disappointment, you can't even begin to imagine it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArthurZH Posted September 28, 2014 Share Posted September 28, 2014 Mega Kabutops would be nice, and so would Mega Ludicolo. Then Mega Politoed with Desolate Rain or wtv it's called. Then Mega Tentacruel. Then Mega Rotom-Wash or Mega Rotom. Yes, I'm a water fan :S Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CURIE Posted September 29, 2014 Share Posted September 29, 2014 (edited) On 9/28/2014 at 2:25 AM, Sheep said: ***Sheep sobs in dismay*** The only mega I truly want is a redone mega Heracross. The hype followed by the disappointment, you can't even begin to imagine it. Um, have you SEEN that thing's attack stat? It's plenty well off with the mega it has. Anyway, I always have wanted only one Mega Evolution, but honestly I'd be surprised if she DIDN'T get one in OR/AS, since her counterpart did (so far, she and Slowking are the only counterpart Pokemon whose rivals have known megas and they don't), her generation is the one being remade, she appeared in Super Smash Bros., and she's appeared in the trailers showcasing other new megas (75% of the Pokemon used as targets in those kind of trailers already had their own megas announced at some point earlier or later). Edited September 29, 2014 by Eagleby18 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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