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Possible Mega Evolutions?


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  On 9/29/2014 at 10:59 PM, Eagleby18 said:

Um, have you SEEN that thing's attack stat? It's plenty well off with the mega it has.

It's not about the stats, though I'm not a huge fan of the slow and bulky route they took with it. It's about the aesthetics and the ability. Mega Heracross is quite literally (in my opinion) the ugliest mega in existence, which is surprising seeing as it was spawned from (in my opinion) the coolest looking pokemon.

In 5th gen, Heracross was infamously known for one thing in particular, hitting fast and hard with a choice scarf, while maintaining reasonable bulk. Does mega Heracross follow that same style at all? No. Instead it hits like a truck, but struggles to out speed much while being really bulky. Additionally, before 6th gen Heracross' only multi hitting move was fury attack, but they give mega Heracross skill link and a plethora of moves to abuse it with.

In the end, all this feels like is gamefreak thinking "we need a skill link mega, I know lets use Heracross" rather than actually thinking about the role that Heracross has played for years and building off that. As a result, mega Heracross doesn't feel like mega Heracross, it feels like a completely different pokemon all together. A pokemon that I don't particularly like, and the worst part is that there's no second chance for him.

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The two Hoenn Megas I'd LOVE to see are Mega Mightyena and Mega Delcatty. I mean, it kind of works with the whole two sides of the coin deal. One for OR, other for AS, like if we got Mega Lunatone and Mega Solrock

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Mightyena is so underwhelming, and I would love to see some of the Pokemon that can't come close to the meta get some spotlight. Skitty and Delcatty are two not-so-secret loves of mine when I finally beat Explorers of Darkness as a Skitty, after my Torchic/Mudkip combo had failed in three different files, so there might be a little bias.

Would still be cool, though.

The non-Hoenn Megas I want to see, even more than any other Pokemon, are Mega Weavile and Mega Luxray. I mean, no logic is needed, the sheer amount of bad ass would be enough. Make it happen.

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I thought about this one, just for the hypothetical fun, and my opinion has been changed...slightly.

1. Mega Scrafty.

- Scrafty doesn't need much help stat-wise. It's a bruiser, and can take a few hits. It doesn't need to jump up in usage, and it's a pokemon that I feel doesn't need a secondary evolution. I would just -probably- use Megas more if there were any for pokemon I -actually- like. An ability it can get is No-Guard, if it's supposed to "improve" the pokemon when it megevolves.

2. Mega Jellicent.

- Jellicent used to be a VERY good pokemon in the 5th Gen meta, when I started messing around with competitive battling. It's major enemy in this meta is Knock-Off, a Physical Dark-type move that is currently on everything's move-set. It doesn't help that the Jelly is a Special wall, but what would make it nice to use in competitive play again, for me, is an ability like Heatproof, that works with Dark Type moves. "IMO"....this Pokemon deserves to be OU for the rest of it's days.

3. Mega Snorlax

- Snorlax is a straight-up boss. No new ability needed here. Just make every MegaLax get Thick Fat.......If you wanna be super-lulsy, give it Harvest.

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  On 9/30/2014 at 3:48 AM, Sheep said:

It's not about the stats, though I'm not a huge fan of the slow and bulky route they took with it. It's about the aesthetics and the ability. Mega Heracross is quite literally (in my opinion) the ugliest mega in existence, which is surprising seeing as it was spawned from (in my opinion) the coolest looking pokemon.

In 5th gen, Heracross was infamously known for one thing in particular, hitting fast and hard with a choice scarf, while maintaining reasonable bulk. Does mega Heracross follow that same style at all? No. Instead it hits like a truck, but struggles to out speed much while being really bulky. Additionally, before 6th gen Heracross' only multi hitting move was fury attack, but they give mega Heracross skill link and a plethora of moves to abuse it with.

In the end, all this feels like is gamefreak thinking "we need a skill link mega, I know lets use Heracross" rather than actually thinking about the role that Heracross has played for years and building off that. As a result, mega Heracross doesn't feel like mega Heracross, it feels like a completely different pokemon all together. A pokemon that I don't particularly like, and the worst part is that there's no second chance for him.

I agree completely Heracross is cool but the Mega is meh...actually like 50% of the Megas are bad looking imo (or at least they look worse than the "original")

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  On 9/27/2014 at 10:06 PM, Lost Lore said:

Also yes Dragonitite is a silly name for a Mega stone and that is a good thing.

I read that as "dragontits"... Yep, i'm half-asleep

  On 9/30/2014 at 6:00 AM, Gaunt said:

actually like 50% of the Megas are bad looking imo (or at least they look worse than the "original")

"beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

No, but seriously: The only Mega that i don't like, it's my favorite mega for now. Mega Shrimp Gyarados doesn't look more intimidating when it mega evolves :/

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YYeah, manectric and amphy just got the Loreal treatment and it just looks so silly.

Personally, I'd really love a mega-torkoal. Bias, plus it would be nice if they did something to repair or offset it's terrible spcdef. How many true fire typed tanks are there out tthere?

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  On 10/2/2014 at 1:05 AM, Maelstrom said:

YYeah, manectric and amphy just got the Loreal treatment and it just looks so silly.

They're still better than a lot of others though. Look at the most recent ones, Gallade got a cape and thicker arm-blade-thingies and Sharpedo just got some yellow lines and a pointier nose, Camerupt merged with Magcargo.

As far as I'm concerned, of all currently known Megas, only Alakazam, Gengar, Gyarados, Chary-x, Scizor, Tyranitar, Aggron, Banette, Manectric, Sceptile and Diancie look like some decent amount of effort was put into their designs. 11 out of 43.

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  On 10/2/2014 at 1:31 AM, Etesian said:

As far as I'm concerned, of all currently known Megas, only Alakazam, Gengar, Gyarados, Chary-x, Scizor, Tyranitar, Aggron, Banette, Manectric, Sceptile and Diancie look like some decent amount of effort was put into their designs. 11 out of 43.

You forgot Gardevoir, Swampert, and Rayquaza. And undoutably Milotic if it gets confirmed.

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Mega Jirachi.

I want him to open his eye like he's friggen Alucard releasing restrictions.

I can see it now...

"Jirachi released restraints to level 0..."

"Jirachi chose Doom Desire as your Destiny."

"Be bathed in the light of damnation."

"It's a one hit KO!"

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