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Steam Curator - Our Recommended Games

Eternal Edge

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So Steam has this really neat new Curator system that allows groups to add games they recommend to a list and it shows them to the people who follow that group. A few years back I made a steam group for Reborn, and I think we should take advantage of the fact that this system exists now since we are trying to move more towards being a general gaming community. This thread is for people to recommend things for me to add to said list. For each game you're allowed to add a 152 character blurb for each game, so if you have one that you'd like to add then feel free to add it to the recommendation here. I'll post them tot he group and if there isn't a blurb I'll make one for it since I've played a good number of games if for even a small amount of time. I'll be adding my own recommendations as well since I'm the leader of the group as well, but I'm not against people having different opinions on games and I'll take a middle-man sort of stance on each to give it a balanced as possible blurb if the need arises.

Anyways, look through your steam library and tell me things you all recommend!

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Alright, I'll put into this.

Borderlands 2

TESV: Skyrim

Mass Effect

Mass Effect 2


Portal 2

Tomb Raider (2013)

X-Com Enemy Unknown (2012)


Let me know if there are any you want me to write a blurb for, due to personal inexperience.

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I recommend adding Civ 5 if you got the friends and the cash, it is a pretty fun kinda like a boardgame that you can play over the internet basically.

I will also recommend Payday 2, with the caveat of needing friends and being a tad bit paywally, but otherwise good.

The Banner Saga, good SRPG, while it is a bit more simple than things like Fire Emblem, it is still a very good system, that is simple to learn but is a bit complicated. Your units health is also how much damage they do, and if they had lower strength than a monsters current armor they can't damage it...or something like that. It makes the combat pretty interesting as you have to find a way to damage guys without taking too much yourself. ((archers can be a bit op, especially if you level their armour breaking, as it makes tanks easily blast through guys.))

Risk of Rain. A very good Rogue-lite. It has Rogue-like elements in that there is perma-death and random drops, and it combines them with an action platformer. The longer the time runs, the harder the enemies become. Unlike some other Rogue-lites it is a bit harder to be totally screwed by the rng on most characters. It is very skill based and if you are good it can be played in a way that the items don't matter as much. You also learn what items to look for on certain characters as some scale super well with some, and others they don't do good with. ((like getting a knock-back chance on a melee character, as it hurts your ability to keep them near you and makes it harder to "juggle" them.)) also, the multi-player is a pain in the ass to get working, as you have to create your own server to play on, as it has no dedicated ones. Another Black-mark is the keyboard controls are a tad touchy. It is best played with a controller. ((though almost all action platformers are.))

Awesomenauts: Starstorm, or as I refer to it sometimes as casual League/DoTA. That isn't a blackmark against it, as that is what makes it good. games are quick as rather than a full blown MOBA((still hate that acronym...it is so bad...thanks Riot...)) it is mixed with an action platformer. Items are also done away with, and characters have loadouts of upgrades that boost their stats and make their abilities more potent, or have cool effects. There are not a huge roster of characters to learn, only around 14-15 I think, so it is a lot less overwhelming at first. Luckily one of the terrible maps was removed from matchmaking recently as well, since it was so bad it literally brought the game down a bit. ((it had a single lane at first, and it lead to an all out push fest....and who ever won it, pretty much won the game right there and then.)). This game however does have a community on the smaller side however, so games can be hard to get sometimes. It is improving of late due to the expansion adding a lot of good features, and rebalancing the game in a way that it is easier to tell what is going on. However, it is still best in a 3 stack. ((max number of players on a side)), as you can communicate with your pals and pull off much better maneuvers.

That is all for now, might drop by with some more some time.

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Checking in from work on progress.

Could you please do one for Dishonored, Tomb Raider, X-Com and Bioshock please. Haven't had a chance to play those.

PS, do you watch TB by any chance, to my knowledge he coined (or at least helped spread) that rouge-lite term instead of continuing calling everything a rouge-like xD

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Also, as the list goes public it allows to link to reviews of games. I plan on linking to ones here. Anything I have a lot of experience with I'll cover but I may need help with games I haven't played. We'll handle those as we get to them though. If Ame approves I may make a sub forum for us to discuss specific game reviews before we add them to the public forum.

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I watch a lot of TB, but Rogue-lite is a good term for describing those type of games since they take elements of Rogue-likes, but they aren't really like them. Rogue-lites are rarely truely turn-based and are usually more action orientated than a true Rogue-like. ((a True Rogue-like is like the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series.)) I could possibly do one on Dishonored, the others ones I haven't really played myself and while I could muddle through it, it wouldn't be right to do it. ((and which Bioshock? Cause I have played the first, not so much the others.))

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