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Reborn Gameplay


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So, I'm new here and I'm playing Pokémon Reborn (Really? I didn't know this) and I'm saying here my play. Any help or suggestions will be cool. :) And I wanna know how to put spoilers.

Beginning 'til Julia.

I began my game, chose Chespin and called it Chest (I suck at naming). He haves Overgrow, and I know Bulletproof is better but he have goodi IVs and a not-so-bad nature. Battled Cain and Victoria and Chest went to level 7. Caught a Bidoof to be HM Slave and a Meowth to pickup things. Trained a little, and picked the Espurr. Named she Stic. Trained more and found a Ability Capsule, yay! Used it on Chest and now he have Bulletproof. I were training a little at the garden and found a Shiny Ledyba! ^^ Named it Shiny Bug. Put it on the box because Ledian is a shit battling. After, battled Fern the shitguy. I just OHKO everyone and he called me loser. I went to the gym but I just had to do something at some factory first. I just teamed up with Fern the shitguy who makes nothing in battles. At least the Budew takes hits. Stic kicked everyone asses at the factory. And also Chest evolved into Quilladin. (He were so cute. Now it's a terrible killer ball.) Stic also learned Psybeam so now she kicks more asses. So I battled Aster and Eclipse and Stic kicked they to China. Now before I get into the gym I want know two things: What fire-type should I use: Litleo, Vulpix or Growlithe? And: Can someone give me a Togepi? Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase.

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Whoa this post was all over the place. Slow down there, friend!

1. I don't know what episode of the game your playing, but I think your only option would be Litleo at this point.

2. Haha. Togepi. Heh....Sorry friend, no-can-do there.

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1) Litleo requires a bibarel to trade and since you just cleared out all the trainers you going to find it a little difficult to grind, growlithe requires a lot of babysitting for its best moves you need to at least level it to 39 for flamethrower or 45 for flare blitz but if you do its a beast mine rarely lets me down, Vulpix is available right after Julia in the next town however your going have to beat a lvl 50 boss to get it. If you want an earlier fire type go with Vulpix if you are confident in beating the boss, if you can't go for litleo but your going to have to grind quite a bit, if you are patient and are willing to babysit a pokemon for a while go for growlithe.

2) Actually if you go back to ep 7 or something theres a man in coral ward apartment, if you answer all his queston correctly he gives you a togepei egg.

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1) Litleo requires a bibarel to trade and since you just cleared out all the trainers you going to find it a little difficult to grind

actually no i found the grind from 2-15 quite easy using the wild pokemon from jasper so it dosent take that long to get a bibarel to im not usre if hes at that point yet

edit: i just reread the op and indeed since hes at the first gym the grind till be long

Edited by sandy
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Update 2: Julia and Obsidia

Beating Julia was very easy, Stic just OHKO'ed everyone but Electrode. I went to Obsidia Ward where I trained a Bidoof and later trained it by Litleo, called Braveheart. She is very strong and let the PULSE Tangrowth with only a few HP, fainting by a Acid Spray. Stic completed the job (wow, she is REALLY powerful). So I went some episodes back and picked Magikarp and Togepi. I wanna breed they, but the Ditto event don't happens to me, anyone knows why? Anyways, going to Onyx Ward now.

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Ditto isn't available at that point in the game, but you can somewhat start the event. Go to the daycare next to the Pokemon center in Obsidia Ward and keep talking to the couple back and forth there. Once you battle them, they talk about a key which is in the house in the area where the Pulse Tangrowth forest is. This key will unlock 2 of the storage areas in Coral Ward. One contains the real daycare couple. The other contains a Meteor shipping Pokemon somewhere. Do that and Ditto will be available later on.

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If you randomly decide to do the quiz, the answer to the last question is 32 (technically it's 34 now). I know Nickaboo did a video on it as well (you won't be able to answer the questions without it or just randomly guessing).

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