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A pokemon that carries your team through battles


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I just wanted to ask , does anyone else that plays this game have someone that carries you through a gym ?

A perfect example for me is my vaporeon during charlottes gym battle , on my second playthough .

Every other pokemon of mine was getting demolished expect scrafty , who helped me with Head Smash , setting up Rain Dance and kept surfing was the way to go for me .

Another example is gyarados from my 1st playthough , this guy is in a higher degree though , he clutched it for me a LOT .

Share your experiences with me :)

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didnt have that on my first playthrough but with my second playthrough it seems to be luck more than a team member i lucked by shelly,shade, serra and noel. i wont be suprised if my team lucks its way through luna and samson either

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  On 9/27/2014 at 4:38 PM, sandy said:

didnt have that on my first playthrough but with my second playthrough it seems to be luck more than a team member i lucked by shelly,shade, serra and noel. i wont be suprised if my team lucks its way through luna and samson either

The crits are indeed game changing :)

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  On 9/27/2014 at 4:40 PM, ViperDoesIt said:

The crits are indeed game changing :)

nope it wasnt crits, in the case of noel it was the 5 tail attacks from minchenno not flinching my flygon and some bad move choices from the leaders that made it happen i have been unlucky wiht crits when i need them

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  On 9/27/2014 at 4:41 PM, drakonpaul said:

Same here. It was mostly luck that carried me through most of those monster gym leaders except for Samson. Delphox carried me there (Stole Hariyama's rocky helmet and QQ samsoooooon).

I think I cursed up with Torterra on that battle and EQ everything

  On 9/27/2014 at 4:43 PM, sandy said:

nope it wasnt crits, in the case of noel it was the 5 tail attacks from minchenno not flinching my flygon and some bad move choices from the leaders that made it happen i have been unlucky wiht crits when i need them

oh I see

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Hey there, I started a new playthrough in Ep 13 because I wanted to explore the new features and everything. I went out of my way to obtain Drought Vulpix and it's been surprisingly helpful. I wouldn't say it's carried me through everything; that would be a hyperbole, nothing can carry you through everything. But it's been far more useful than I expected. It greatly weakened Plusles by destroying grass field with Flame Burst. It also destroyed Corey's corrosive mist (OK, got KO'd in the process, but still). Weakened Shelly's lead Masquerain and obviously dealt great damage to her team. As a Ninetales, negated Hail in the Ice gym, which is almost a necessity. Also, Will-o-Wisps everywhere... and Drought-boosted Flamethrowers, obviously. It's one of my favorite team members now. And I've literally never used Ninetales before.

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  On 9/27/2014 at 5:11 PM, Amber132 said:

Hey there, I started a new playthrough in Ep 13 because I wanted to explore the new features and everything. I went out of my way to obtain Drought Vulpix and it's been surprisingly helpful. I wouldn't say it's carried me through everything; that would be a hyperbole, nothing can carry you through everything. But it's been far more useful than I expected. It greatly weakened Plusles by destroying grass field with Flame Burst. It also destroyed Corey's corrosive mist (OK, got KO'd in the process, but still). Weakened Shelly's lead Masquerain and obviously dealt great damage to her team. As a Ninetales, negated Hail in the Ice gym, which is almost a necessity. Also, Will-o-Wisps everywhere... and Drought-boosted Flamethrowers, obviously. It's one of my favorite team members now. And I've literally never used Ninetales before.

Was going to use a vulpix but unlucky me got a vulpix without Drought , I did not have ability capsules so I had to get another fire type .

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Well my team has had a lot of changes and rearranges. Playthrough one I had Charizard, Gyrados and Machamp. Literally all 60+ and the rest of the team was 45 and lower. Charizard or Machamp would lead and depending on the situation Gyrados would come in and ruin lives. His only downside was a double weak to electric but I gave him a cell battery (not sure if it actually did anything) and he survived plenty of electric attacks most memorable being a fight with Dr. Butt. On this playthrough I turned up the difficulty by not getting a fire starter and getting Geninja who is also a tad broken but this time Emolga. I think we can all say emolga can cripple anything and if you are lucky with paralyzing a slow or weaker poke then you can double team to +6 evade and then they can run a few matches like mine did. It's how I beat Corey.

Just noticed luck is helping out a lot of people even the Gyrados followers.

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  On 9/27/2014 at 5:33 PM, Damage said:

Well my team has had a lot of changes and rearranges. Playthrough one I had Charizard, Gyrados and Machamp. Literally all 60+ and the rest of the team was 45 and lower. Charizard or Machamp would lead and depending on the situation Gyrados would come in and ruin lives. His only downside was a double weak to electric but I gave him a cell battery (not sure if it actually did anything) and he survived plenty of electric attacks most memorable being a fight with Dr. Butt. On this playthrough I turned up the difficulty by not getting a fire starter and getting Geninja who is also a tad broken but this time Emolga. I think we can all say emolga can cripple anything and if you are lucky with paralyzing a slow or weaker poke then you can double team to +6 evade and then they can run a few matches like mine did. It's how I beat Corey.

Just noticed luck is helping out a lot of people even the Gyrados followers.

I saw many people saying that Emolga is amazing , I used it a little bit on my second playthough and I must admit it did save me during the double battle with Taka and Zel . Wanted to mention that I started my 2nd playthrough after episode 13 was released to experience something new , Corey s gym was a timer bomb for me , I basically had to beat him before I died by poison , it was quite intense .

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  On 9/27/2014 at 5:53 PM, Damage said:

Corey's new gym is the only gym I find unfair. If Skrelp dropped Poison spikes I just quit. It does too much damage each turn and nothing is strong enough to ohko at that level.

i didnt find it unfair altho i dont know if you found all the policemen at the time as i didnt, skerlap cough me off gaurd as i didnt know it was a poison water i got rid of that pest wiht emolga

Edited by sandy
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While i do praise Gyarados a lot in my playthrough, i have to be fair: Infernape got me through lots of gyms actually. It was the first starter that worked when i first started. I lost to Julia a lot of times until i decided to pick Chimchar as my starter. Don't know what happened, but Monferno destroyed her gym, and lots of others together with Gyarados.

That was my core for a good part of Reborn actually... Infernape + Gyarados

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Children the best friend of Big Azery here is Ampharos

This thing Somehow 6-0'd Noel in a run i did 2 weeks ago

I set up will o wisp and Curse with Dusclops then switched to Ampharos

Set up a Cotton Guard and Healed

Then used Confuse Ray

THen Discharge Away

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