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So yeah im in Charlotte right now and she is kicking my butt pretty hard....Her Typhlosion's Eruption oneshots every single of my pokes if she uses it, even Delphox :D

I did read a thread about a fellow player having troubles with Charlotte too but i don't know if i have the patience to level new pokemon up to 65+. They won't even have the correct IV's or natures anyway. I do have Rain Dance by the way.

My team:

Delphox : Light Screen, Will'o , Flamethrower and Psychic

Simipour: Scald, Surf, Crunch, Acrobatics

Gallade: Night Slash, CC, Swords Dance, Psycho Cut

Dustox: Quiver Dance, Toxic, Moonlight, Bug Buzz

Flygon: Earth Power, Dragon Claw, Crunch, Dragon Tail

Magnezone: Thunder Wave, Discharge, Magnet rise, Flash Cannon

I did try putting rain dance on delphox or Simipour but i failed on both cases. Simipour insta dies to her double grass moves (even after Light screen), and my Flygon dies fast coz of no Light Screen if i set Rain with Delphox. They're all around lvl 65ish....Any suggestions??

Thanks in advance bros :P

Edit: The furthest i did was kill 4 of her pokemons and then i saw the 2nd Ninetales and i said to myself ok f** it....

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levels will help also giving us any backups you might have would help as well i got her with double dragon flygon which you have the other being noivern tho it dosent need to be noivern just somthing thats imune to ground moves so you could spam buldoze withut loosing your team mate and get rock slide as it hits bother of her pokes and its the best thing for volcrona if yor still in the 60's go look up the ev training guide and train in some sp.def as for your curent set up id say your best bet is to swich out dustox and magnazone.

as for rockslide get rid of crunch or dragon tail

cant say more without more info im afraid

Edited by sandy
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Flygon with Earthquake reks Char but you have Earth Power... All of her pokemon are specially defensive and can eat up earth power from a physically attacking pokemon. As sandy said get rock slide from the move tutor(There is another one in the Agate circus). Trapinch gets Earthquake at 55, may take awhile but considering where you are in the game it shouldn't be too hard if you are willing to go back to reborn city and breed one.

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Flygon with Earthquake reks Char but you have Earth Power... All of her pokemon are specially defensive and can eat up earth power from a physically attacking pokemon. As sandy said get rock slide from the move tutor(There is another one in the Agate circus). Trapinch gets Earthquake at 55, may take awhile but considering where you are in the game it shouldn't be too hard if you are willing to go back to reborn city and breed one.

erm are you saying i can move toutor EQ to my flygon or can it only learn that as a trapinch?

Edited by sandy
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Dustox works if it sets up with Quiver Dance, its Bold nature with def and hp investments. But it won't work against Charlotte of course. I plan to lvl an Umbreon and a Florges in the future for more wall choices. Back to Charlotte now...i think i'll just lvl up my Flygon, give it rock slide and pray (he's mixed attacker by the way)

Another question, how can i even go back to Reborn City, isn't the city of sleeps still locked?

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Another question, how can i even go back to Reborn City, isn't the city of sleeps still locked?

If you need to go back to the city and do some other things besides relearning moves, just go back to Episode 12. Just make sure that you are in Agate Circus or Route 2 when you do. Otherwise your game will crash.

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