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Idea for a side quest


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So I thought of a cool idea for a lengthy side quest for a 1-time-only useful item..

Basically there would be this guy that shows up in 7th street with a crazy idea and needs your help! He asks for crystals that can only be found several locations such as:

Rodochrine Jungle - Green Crystal

Beneath the grand stairway - Orange Crystal

Pyrous Mountain - Red Crystal

Byxbysion Wasteland - Violet Crystal

Iolia Valley - Yellow Crystal

Ametrine Mountain - Blue Crystal

You can collect those items only after speaking to the guy, and when you come back and hand them over he grinds them up and makes the item "Shiny Dust"

Using Shiny Dust on a Pokemon makes them shiny.

Like I said, it would be the only time you can get that item so if you waste it, there's no getting another. I think it would be a nice thing to add for anyone that wants their signature Pokemon to be a shiny

Anyone like this idea?

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Considering shinies already have an increased chance, I don't see Ame implementing an item like this. The side quest however, may be able to be used for something else if she likes the idea.

Edit: Ninja'd

Edited by Phlytosion
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It would be interesting. I think there should be 7 crystals though, like a rainbow. Indigo might be too similar to either blue or purple, so you could make the 7th crystal pink if you'd prefer. I think you should also be able to use it on a shiny pokemon to de-shinfy them though (not that most people would actually do that, just that it'd be kind of funny).

Edited by Marissa
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Very interesting, I don't really see the issue with this as it only changes the looks. Would there be a special crystal to revert it back to the original sprite if it was needed?

Edited by ~Derpy Simon
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  On 9/28/2014 at 1:08 AM, Xiri said:

Sounds neat, but the chances of shiny encounters in Reborn are already quite high enough anyway... so I don't think there is really much point

the point was more to give the player 1 free effortless (Kinda) shiny. Chances are still less than 1%, and some might want to have a shiny signature Pokemon or something, and this would also let you make sure their IV's were good

It could probably change to the 4 reborn crystals, but should all be during different weather effects maybe, so its a little harder to get them all quickly

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I think a (shop) could open up and shiny (dye the pokemon). Make it cost semi reasonable because shinnies don't affect the game much... this could give options to have more than one shiny for each pokemon, the choices would be normal pokemon color, normal shiny, or reborn shiny. they could call it Sparkle Salon, and have a shiny Maractus as its mascot. maybe each time you use the salon they could add a point on your salon card and after seven you can either get a free treatment, or a egg (not sure what to throw in here)

Also want a place to change my rotom, he wants to be a washing machine

Edited by derekwst3
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  On 9/28/2014 at 2:44 AM, derekwst3 said:

I think a (shop) could open up and shiny (dye the pokemon). Make it cost semi reasonable because shinnies don't affect the game much... this could give options to have more than one shiny for each pokemon, the choices would be normal pokemon color, normal shiny, or reborn shiny. they could call it Sparkle Salon, and have a shiny Maractus as its mascot. maybe each time you use the salon they could add a point on your salon card and after seven you can either get a free treatment, or a egg (not sure what to throw in here)

Also want a place to change my rotom, he wants to be a washing machine

It would be cool to buy shiny dye, but the whole concept of shiny Pokemon was for them to be rare. Yeah it's nothing more than a nice cosmetic difference, but I think and endless supply would really bring down the value or satisfaction of getting a shiny.

That's why I didn't think it should be a repeatable quest. One time per save file I think is reasonable, it makes you really think about what Pokemon you want to use it on, cause if you want to breed a stronger one later, you may want to save the shiny dust

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The shiny item

Would be nice for event pokes who cant become shiny (i'm prob's talking bullshit)

lvl cap +2 item

Seems alright but only until you have received a new badge because others it

will make the game easier which we dont want around here because its supposed to be hard

w8 could you go over lvl100 in pokemon reborn if the +lvl5 per badge would keep applying

because others we will be stuck on some lvl's for 2 badges because

11th badge lvl75-16th badge lvl100

Oh w8 only 2 badges so nvm

Edited by Cornerman
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