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Banned for being way too slow at banning people.

How long is your vacation anyway? You're on too much here. Here's your secondary ban for being online too much.

Vacation? We have no vacations here, bub. I have a college course to handle as well as a professional qualification as a CA. I've cleared the intermediate phase of the CA exams I've been slaving all year for, and am currently in the brief limbo between the end of one phase of study and the beginning of the other. Come February, I'll be working as a student accountant again, and the time I spend here will only be that much lesser. Of course, my college is independent of this, so I suppose that until January-February I have only one course to do instead of two at the same time. Still, I have a couple of orientation programmes and a compulsory course in IT-based accounting software to complete before then, so I daresay that my increased presence will last much more than a week or two from now.

TL;DR: Banned for necessitating this long a post in order to correct your sweeping usage of the word 'vacation'. I haven't had a vacation in years.

And @KH I'm passing the ban onto Tartar. You good, my man, you good.

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Banned for having a too narrow view of what a vacation is and overstating your amount of work (considering you still have time to hang out on this forum and in the chatroom). A vacation is merely any point in time where you don't work, or have time off.

I still find it weird how you say you have so little time off, and when you do, you decide to spend it here.

Edit: That update came a minute before I posted O_o I'm passing the ban to Viridescent.

Edited by Tartar
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I don't overstate the amount of work I have. When I do and did have to study and work, I was barely here, popping in whenever I could get a minute (a literal one) to come here, especially here on the Onyx Arcade, to play games on these threads, because I found it a form of instant-relief, and because I liked the people here. That's especially true for this place, because one can just post and then pop out again. Likewise, more often that not, I simply kept the Showdown tab open all day on my system while I was working, to make it easier for me to participate in chat when I got a moment between projects or tickets.

Going by your liberally broad definition, then, I'm on vacation each time I look up from my laptop or hop onto another tab. I'm on vacation when I have coffee, when I shower, eat, or attend to my ablutions. And I'm on vacation when I'm here now and playing a forum game with random strangers. In fact, I'm on vacation if I'm a human being.

I decide to spend my time here because I like it, and it's one of the only ways I have to bring some variety into my day, let alone relaxation. Anyway, I do not think I need to further expend this 'vacation' of mine by justifying myself to you anymore, especially since you've apparently taken it upon yourself to be judge, jury as well as prosecutor.

Banned, because I'm done with this.

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Alright, seriously guys? Quit going at each other's throats. It's a damn forum game. Both of you are doing nothing to help the situation and just antagonizing each other further; all you're doing is hurting each other and turning what should be fun and lighthearted threads, needlessly hostile and tense. I know both of you are more mature than this, so just knock it off. Please.

Banned because I say so.

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@Viridescent. It is your life, and you can do with it whatever you want to. Your previous expression of not finding these forum games a worthwhile use of your time was probably a jest I took too seriously. Please continue to have as much here as you can. I wish you the best in your studies.

Banned because you for some reason have Bone Rush on that Lucario. And seriously, BOTH Moonblat and Hyper Voice on Sylveon? What were you thinking.

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Banned because damn it, I had 42 Reputation points and I was going to spend a bit of time making Hitchikers of the galaxy jokes, but somebody just had to give me another point apparently.


Edited by Cronos5010
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