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Aya team help


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My team Is donphan lvl 43, ampharous lvl 45, charizard lvl 43, floatzel level 40, meowstic lvl 43 and fearow level 41. I feel like this team should be able to beat her but I can't get past her dragalage nidoquen combo. Does anyone have any suggestions for help with my team? Or is there anywhere I can get something better than a super potion? Thank you

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ok your only opener here seems to be meowstic and flotzel as dragalage has hydro pump at the least while having very low accuarcy it can ko 2 of your team also nidoqueeen has icywind while it may be week it lowers speed which is also dangerous for your team get rid of it asap before you bring donphan in.

thats all i can suggest untill i know move sets

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ok movesets are donphan- assurance, flail, take down, rollout. Charizard- flame burst, fire fang, wing attack, slash. Ampharous- power gem, discharge, thunder punch, confuse ray. Fearow- assurance, pursuit, arieal ace, fury attack. Meowstic- psychic, psyshock, shadowball, extrasensory. Floatzel- aqua jet, rock smash, pursuit, double hit. Sorry for not posting them before

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Use a heart scale on Donphan for Magnitude or level it up to learn EQ and use common candies after.

Charizard I think is ok, Ampha too, IRDK about Fearow, Meowstic good Floatzel maybe u need something better than Rock smash

And maybe some support items. And try to use diferent pokemon to take down some of hers, use some potions, Candies etc. I think you are great

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I'd get Ice Fang back on Floatzel, probably over Double Hit. Aqua Jet really isn't quite strong enough on its own to deal damage, but I don't know if you feel like grinding it up to level 46 to get Aqua Tail... Also Crunch > Pursuit.

Definitely get a Ground move on Donphan as well- it'll give you a much easier time here.

Also I don't see the need for three Psychic moves on Meowstic- go get her something nicer from the move relearner over Extrasensory. I'd go with Signal Beam, personally. She also gets Light Screen if you'd like to buffer some damage from Sludge Waves, and there's always Safeguard to stave off Confuse Ray/the occasional poisoning.

Finally, I'd say you're beyond the point where Fearow can help you, so I'd look into swapping that for something else. Not sure what, if I'm honest.

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ok so i beat Aya with my team i had listed above. Now for spectral Kiki and her lvl 65 medicham. Is it possible for me to beat her with mid 40s pokemon or should i just wait until later on in the game?

I did it with a team around 50's so maybe with a little of effort u will be okey

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