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Quattro Staravia

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I have heard many a legend of how Aya, the Tsundere sister of Cain, is perhaps one of the toughest (if not THE toughest) gym challenge in Reborn. So, after facing her twice and getting bodied, I would like some team advice.


Tsubaki the Zangoose (40)

Adamant, Immunity

False Swipe, Detect, X-Scissor, Taunt

Kitty Pryde the Female Meowstic (38)

Modest, Keen Eye

Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Covet, Extrasensory

Emeraldas the Fearow (41)

Hasty, Sniper

Peck, Aerial Ace, Roost, Fury Attack

Haruto the Blaiken (43)

Adamant, Speed Boost

High Jump Kick, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Ember

Makoto the Diggersby (26)

Gentle, Huge Power

Mud Slap, Takedown, Mud Shot, Double Kick

Zanzibar the Phanphy (22)

Naive, Sand Veil

Flail, Takedown, Rollout, Natural Gift

Obviously I'm training the Diggersby and Phanphy.


Whismur (5) Budew (5) Skitty (15) 2 Poochyenas (9, 15) Pachirisu (3) Littleo (16) Hoppip (10) Ekans (12) Happiny (10) Mareep (10) Driftloon (20) Kricketune (21) Ponyta (25) Geodude (22) Scraggy (15) Porygon (20) Chingling (23) Heatmor (40) Phanpy (26) Krabby (33) Houndor (20) Swinub (32) Koffing (15) Pansear (5) Vulpix (31) Azumarill (40) Growlithe (1) Zoroark (38) 3 Plussles (15) Zigzagoon (15) 2 Minnun (15) Trubbish (16) Diggersby (36) Skorupi (31) Lillipup (15) Pancham (22) Croagunk (32) Cacturne (34) Sharpedo (42) Persian (37) Granbull (28) Murkrow (40) 2 Golducks (33, 38) Ditto (27) 2 Marills (46, 18) Manectric (39) Doduo (24) Diglett (25)

The Digglett Mentioned in the On Deck section has Low Attack IVs and Sand Veil, so I am thinking of catching another one. Also, the Diggersby on deck is Modest.

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  • Veterans
  • I reccomend training up the Mareep along with a Ground type,for me Discharge + Ground Type taking no damage from Electric attacks completely anihilated Aya
  • I see your quite low leveled so i reccomend training up your team some more,i reccomend the Volcano in Apophyll.
  • A Camerupt might be usefull aswell if you get rid of tentacruel.
  • Your movesets are rather lacking aswell so i reccomend going to the move relearner for Fearow or Breeding some moves on Him
  • I see the Swinub would be usefull as Mamoswine gets Earthquake at 46

That's it with reccomendations,I'd wait for Etesian if you want more but Breeding is a huge help

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Everyone says she is the toughest, but I didn't have that much trouble with her. I suggest getting a steel type of your choice, I used Magneton and she couldn't do much. All Aya does is spam sludge wave, and seeing how the battle is doubles, you can potentially negate damage in one slot, and heal up with potions when needed. I see that you have two good ground type mons too, and when they get up to level 40, you shouldn't have trouble, with her, just watch out for her Dragalge and Tentacruel.

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as magus said Dragalge is dangerous for grounds as it has hydro pump and tentacruel has muddy water id suggest raising those 2 fast i found klink to be handy on my 2nd playthrough and magneton on my 1st so either woks well here also if you have a better move on you get rid of blazikens enber as it dose nothing at that point in the game

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Hmm... I'm going to try one of those interesting "long term" suggestions that might not be necessary for the immediate task at hand, but could be helpful in the long run.

You PC features not one, but TWO Golducks. Golduck gets the move 'Aqua Jet' from the Move Re-learner in exchange for a Heart Scale.

You also have an Azumarill -who I assume -was- in your party prior to you putting Diggersby and Phanpy there, but tis only any an assumption- Azumarill can have the move 'Aqua Jet' bred onto it.

-If- possible, you might consider breeding your Azumarill with a Golduck after it has learned AJ to allow Azumarill to have a priority move that gets a nice Huge Power boost. Huge Powered Aqua Jet could at least get rid of Aya's Nidoqueen, Unfortunately, Sludge Wave -does- hurt a LOT, but like I said, long term food for thought.

In the short term, Get Diggersby Bulldoze from the relearner if you can, and get Magneton or Klingklang for some nice immunity.

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Hmm... I'm going to try one of those interesting "long term" suggestions that might not be necessary for the immediate task at hand, but could be helpful in the long run.

You PC features not one, but TWO Golducks. Golduck gets the move 'Aqua Jet' from the Move Re-learner in exchange for a Heart Scale.

You also have an Azumarill -who I assume -was- in your party prior to you putting Diggersby and Phanpy there, but tis only any an assumption- Azumarill can have the move 'Aqua Jet' bred onto it.

-If- possible, you might consider breeding your Azumarill with a Golduck after it has learned AJ to allow Azumarill to have a priority move that gets a nice Huge Power boost. Huge Powered Aqua Jet could at least get rid of Aya's Nidoqueen, Unfortunately, Sludge Wave -does- hurt a LOT, but like I said, long term food for thought.

In the short term, Get Diggersby Bulldoze from the relearner if you can, and get Magneton or Klingklang for some nice immunity.

Been there done that with the Aqua Jet Situation. I had planned for Zuzu (the traded Azurill) to breed with the Golduck Duckman, but Zuzu became Male, So, after a few other breedings I got a Huge Power Aqua Jet Marill. (The Reason why one of my Marills is 46, is because I wondered if Play Rough could be passed on, it couldn't.)

I think I mined all where I can mine at this point, so does anyone know where there is any blast powder? (For Heart Scales)

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