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Explosms' quit smoking journal


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So yeah, I've let it be known that I've finally quit smoking. It's taken its toll and I still get a strong craving from time to time. But I'm handling it and I'm just trying to find a means to keep myself busy so I can keep that craving out of my thoughts and just keep busy with something, I thought that a day to day journal would probably be a great idea. Also gives me something to look back on in the future if I ever considered smoking again, which is unlikely but still possible.

So yeah, I've been smoking on and off since I was sixteen, and at the time when I'm writing this I'm eighteen. I started smoking due to peer pressure, the fact I was the only one in my social group who didn't smoke and stress. Lots and lots of stress. I was suffering from depression, though it was not diagnosed at the time, my best friend had committed suicide and his girlfriend had been blaming me for his death. I was a mess, and smoking at the time was just a release for it all, with occasional bouts of self-harming here and there.

As well of this was the typical pressure from exams and demanding parents who threatened to disinherit me if I didn't get straight C's, of which I got straight B's so go me. But after all the exams went away I calmed down from smoking between 6 - 10 a day I toned down into being a social smoker. One or two here and there, never really quitting.

My decision to quit was a pretty easy one in all honesty though. I can't afford to keep it up any more, being a reason. Being a type one diabetic is also another. My main reason was mainly because I just didn't want to disappoint my friends any more and just keep the habit. Two years has past, more or less, since I took up the habit and in that time my social group has grown. It's no longer the three or four people I hung out with, but now it's a full group of about twenty-four people, of which only six are still smokers.

So on Monday, the 29th of September 2014, I quit smoking, I feel like crap but I'm pulling through, pretty well for someone who has gone completely cold turkey. Five days later I've touched no cigarettes, e-cigarettes, nicotine patches or gum and am still going cold turkey. Go me, right?

But yeah, I'll be using this thread as a reminder to myself and a means to keep all of you guys posted on what's going on. But yeah, five days later and I'm still going strong. Just going to take the days as they come.

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well i began smoking when i was 13 and stopped when i was 16 but i gained so much weight due eating

so i started again when i was 17 but limited myself for 2-3 a day so that i woulden't eat much

now i only smoke 1 when i wake up and 1 before im going to sleep

next step quiting

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Journal update, day ten.

Cravings are getting worse more than better but I've found a good substitute to kill the craving: Jelly Beans! It gives me my sweet fix for my sweet tooth and it kills any desire I have to smoke, which is great.

Gained another reason to continue to stop smoking: people are proud of me for doing so. In particular the girl I'm trying to get with. Ever since I've quit smoking me and her have been getting a lot closer, the only thing she doesn't know is how much she's now driving me to get rid of this habit all together. Honestly? I'm in love with her, and the more she admits how much she's proud of me and the more we kiss and cuddle and all that other bullshit, the more it drives me. She may never fully know how much she's helping me, cause I'm shy as fuck when it comes to talking to women I like (amongst other things, believe it or not I'm a very quiet person off of the internet). Even if she never finds out I guess I can just immortalize it here: thanks Steph. We may never be together, we might but split up or we may have a happy ever after, but no matter how the future turns out you've helped me get this far and I would have succumbed to temptation if it wasn't for you.

A kinda soppy as fuck entry, but hell. Even I have a soft side.

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Soppy nothing! Emotions are part of what make us human! And... [stops self from preaching mode]

Congrats on quitting smoking. Celebrate everyday that you don't smoke. For everyday is a victory in itself. I hope that you no longer feel the need to self harm [it doesn't sound it but still].

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