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Welcome! Someone's about to drop the standard intro on you, so I'll cover the usually-forgotten bits.

  • If you're into RolePlaying, we have an RP section. Contact Hukuna if you're curious.
  • The Team Showcase section is my home the place to go if you want to hear opinions on your in-game tea. Just make a topic and watch the magic happen.

Hope you enjoy your stay.

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Welcome to reborn Zinzinbadio.

If you want to really get to know the people that make up this community the best way to do it is to head on over to the reborn server on Pokemon Online. You can also get there by hitting the reborn chat button up on the top left of the screen. That place is where we go to just chill and talk about stuff.

If you're into competitive battling then drop on by the hall of champions section. We've got pokenations, PRCL, and the up and coming zero alliance on offer, and you can find more information about each one there.

If you're into roleplaying then I'd advise going to have a chat with Hukuna. He's the resident RP forum mod, and can help you get started there. Even if you're not into creating the stories they're still a blast to read.

If you come across any problems with the reborn game while you're playing it, make sure to drop an error report by the bug reporting section, each one (that hasn't already been reported) is appreciated. If you get stuck somewhere then you can post your save file in the troubleshooting section, and one of many talented people will help you out.

If you want some team advice for your in game team, or a competitive team, then the team showcase and the rate my team sections are respectively the places to go with those sorts of questions.

Finally if you have any general questions that could do with answering, or anything I've outlined here is unclear then there are a whole host of people to ask for help. Notable names are any of the forum mods/admins/owners (including myself), Hilda, Vinny, or Mockingbird.

Most importantly though, make sure to enjoy yourself.
(Is it bad that I'm just copy pasting this places?)
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Oh Sheep. At least include a pun in the end like Hilda does.
Welcome to our community new member! Make sure to bother those who welcomed you with questions about everything.
Except if you have a problem with math, don't ask iowayshay

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I guess I kinda use my introductions as advice columns, because my puns are notoriously unappreciated. I do like puns though.

Anyways, I suppose after getting such praise, I should say Hello too. Welcome to Reborn, Zinzinbadio.

Eat soup, because it makes you feel soup-er.

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