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Question about some things... idk


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Uhhh... Hi...

2 Questions;

1. What the hell is the Ill-fated doll used for? i mean i found it and was like... neat. but i'm super cereal guys (insert Al Gore joke here).


2. I'm looking to find a decent member for the troope of moi (hue) and Chysolia forest is full of GLOOMy Pokemon (Pokemon puns).

My team:



Sharpedo<----- training rn


Emolga (dun judge is gud pokeman)

i'm looking to get rid of clafairy as it has fainted more times than it has 'killed' an opponents Pokemon....

so yeah, any suggestions plz.

also if Ame reads this (highly doubt it) but in Shelly's gym you can clip the walls in her room and the 'foyer area'. also i'm getting some lag here and there

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If you haven't beaten Noel yet then I would recommend you get a magneton (catch as a magnemite in Shade's power plant) as your team doesn't look like it will fair well with his team, namely the swellow but my evaluation could be wrong.

Edited by Carzone11
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Gallade helped me immensely throughout the game, Noels battle especially, although you already have a fighting type. Gardevoir is also an option although you already have a psychic and it has the fairy typing to help replace clefairy. You can get ralts through a sidequest started by finding the corrupted poke ball in the railnet and taking it to the ball shop in Obsidia.

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Can't really recommend anything without knowing more about your team. Why don't you make a topic in the Team Showcase Section? It could help your team overall, you might be missing out on something like, say, Waterfall for that there Sharpedo.
Also, if Noel is trouble, Cofagrigus, Escavalier and Durant (with Hustle) work very well against him

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